TeXhax Digest Friday, November 11, 1988 Volume 88 : Issue 100 Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay %%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%% %%% in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the %%% %%% University of Washington %%% Note: This issue has been prepared and ready to go for a week, but for several reasons, not all of them associated with the birth of the loathly worm, we could not get it through the mailer. We hope to catch up very soon. Several more issues are already awaiting delivery. Today's Topics: The first Northwest issue of TeXhax Short name macros (with correction) Bug in VMS change files Macintosh illustrations and psfig New PostScript driver Online viewing Waterloo SCRIPT conversion to LaTeX or TeX TeX 2.0 TeX on VM/CMS 11pt. fonts query (TeXhax Digest V88 #95) TUGboat access ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: texhax@cs.washington.edu Subject: The first Northwest issue of TeXhax With this issue, the distribution of TeXhax from the University of Washington begins. Our chief concern in the first couple of issues will be to come back up to the standard set by Malcolm Brown over the past years. We have not much experience with this sort of thing yet, and we ask your indulgence. As we gain that experience, we will try to add some features to the editing of TeXhax. One will appear in this first issue. Wherever the subject is clear enough, we intend to introduce a line containing keywords, in the form: %%Keywords: LaTeX, footnotes, macros, etc. We will let the range of keywords grow naturally at first, until we feel that it covers all likely subjects, and then we will try to stop adding new ones and stabilize the set. If anyone would care to help us out with a simple indexer which will cross-reference these keywords with appropriate parts of the message header, we will be very appreciative. At very least, we believe that such an indexer should retrieve the From: line and the Subject: line from each message, together with the TeXhax issue number. If you can suggest any other (manageable) addition to this system of cross-reference, please let us know. In addition, we intend to develop a library of macro texts, extracted from the TeXhax submissions, and to make this available in whatever forms we can to TeX users. These new efforts are made possible by the decision of the TeX Users Group to give direct support to the TeXhax Digest. From now on, the TeXhax Digest will be even more closely associated with the activities of the TeX Users Group. If you are unfamiliar with the TeX Users Group, you will find a form at the end of this digest on which you can request further information. We are open to suggestions, and will carry them out to the best of our ability We owe especial thanks to Malcolm Brown for his maintenance of this digest up till now, and particularly for his patience over the past in keeping the digest going while we got some of the essential features in place. Your new moderators are: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay (To eliminate any doubts right at the start---the two ii are correct) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 05 Nov 88 23:42:21 ECT From: HANCHE%NORUNIT.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Subject: A small idea for short name macros (with correction) %%Keywords: macros I got the following idea from looking at the file GERMAN.STY. In German Tex, this file, a number constructs of the type "', "`, "< and so on are used. This is implemented by letting " be an active character, whose macro expansion is then defined by a giant \if ... \else \if ... construct, ending with a practically uncountable \fi\fi\fi... string. ``Surely'', I thought, ``this must be doable in a more elegant manner?''. vAnd so it was. I made up a way to define "' and the like to be macros in their own right, so the following line in german.sty \else\if\string#1|\discretionary{-}{}{\kern.03em}% could then be replaced with \sdef"|{|\discretionary{-}{}{\kern.03em}} Solving this problem also produced the additional benefit of providing a multitude of new, short macro names. I teach a class in mathematical logic this term, and for my classroom notes I often need symbols like \vdash and \models. In order to make these easier to type and to make the manuscript look more like the real formulas, I made | active, and included the following definitions, so I can say |- and |= instead. \sprefix| \sdef|-{\vdash} \sdef|={\models} The macros work by making a (hopefully!) untypable control sequence so that |-, for example is expanded into \csname!|-\endcsname. The ! is thrown in for good measure, since you might want to do this with @ and then there is the potential for conflicting with plain's ``private'' control sequences. Definitions follow: %%% Moderator's note: To avoid confusion, we have consolidated a %%% correction with the original submission. Here is the note %%% that accompanied the correction. % Ooops - in my eagerness I performed one last polishing on my macros % before I posted them. Unfortunately I did not test the result well % enough - as a matter of fact, the macros as they stand will redefine % \csname.... Here are the correct macros: \def\sprefix#1{\def#1##1{\csname!\string#1\string##1\endcsname}} \def\sdef#1#2{\expandafter\def\csname!\string#1\string#2\endcsname} \def\slet#1#2{\expandafter\let\csname!\string#1\string#2\endcsname} Yes, that's all... If the greatness of an idea is inversely proportional to its simplicity, this must be a great idea indeed :-) - Harald Hanche-Olsen Division of Mathematical Sciences Hanche@norunit.bitnet The Norwegian Institute of Technology ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Fri, 04 Nov 88 15:44:30 GMT From: CET1%phoenix.cambridge.ac.uk@NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK Subject: VMS(+others) TeX(+others) bug (was: 256-char TeX) %%Keywords: VMS, TeX, bug In Texhax #97, Dr R.M. Damerell writes > Please may I draw your attention to a bug in the VMS change files. > (Every VMS change file I have seen contains this). Array xord is > defined as > > xord: array [char] of ascii-code ; > > and therefore it has 256 elements, but only the first 128 of them get > initialised. I think Dr Damerell has uncovered a can of worms. The bug is not in the declaration, which is, prima facie, correct: it comes from the original WEB @!xord: array [text_char] of ASCII_code; by the (usually correct) mapping |text_char| -> |char|. It lies in the fact that the VMS change files (at least the ones I have seen) do not alter the values of |first_text_char| and |last_text_char| from their distribution defaults of 0 and 127 respectively. These usually *do* need altering, *even* for ASCII-based systems: as the comments say, they are supposed to represent the minimum and maximum value of the |ord| of a |text_char|. A |text_char| is anything that might be read from an |alpha_file|, thus usually a |char|. For VMS Pascal, these limits should certainly be 0 and 255. The effect of failing to alter |last_text_char| is that characters in input files from the "extended character set" will be translated unpredictably into |ASCII_code| values in |input_ln|. (With the correction, they will translate to |invalid_code| (i.e. 127). In due course, this generates a "Text line contains an invalid character" error. Usually, anyway. At least predictably.) Cursory inspection of change files for Unix systems as well as VMS ones seem to reveal that this oversight is very common, and applies not only to TeX, but to METAFONT, and other programs that have borrowed TeX's "character set" section (BibTeX, for example). Some of these systems may used signed characters, and need the range -128..127 rather than 0..255. I suppose that for some systems it may even be correct to set up the two halves of |xord| identically, so as to ignore the "parity bit". But it's never correct to have a range of only 128, *unless* a |text_char|, as delivered by |read| (or whatever you have replaced it by in |input_ln|) is so restricted. Chris Thompson JANET: cet1@uk.ac.cam.phx ARPA: cet1%phx.cam.ac.uk@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 4 Nov 88 17:31:18 PST From: munson@renoir.Berkeley.EDU (Ethan V. Munson) Subject: Macintosh illustrations and psfig %%Keywords: Macintosh, macros, PostScript I am trying to create documents which include figures generated by drawing programs on a Macintosh. I have the psfig macros and am able to use them successfully with hand generated PostScript and with PostScript generated by a program called "PS from Mac". The latter solution is the most useful, but the PostScript files created by "PS from Mac" do not have a perfect correspondence with the normal Mac output. I would like to do better. I have tried Ed Moy's prepfix, but while it permits me to print the MacDraw files using the UNIX lpr command, it doesn't solve the problem with psfig. I have also tried Encapsulated PostScript files generated by Cricket Draw. I can't get these to print anything other than a blank page. Has anyone had more success than this? I think the secret has something to do with the bounding box comment. There are no PostScript errors generated, but the figure is always blank. I have tried a number of creative values for the bounding box, because I know that the Mac places the origin at the upper left corner of the page, but nothing seems to work. Ethan Munson munson@renoir.Berkeley.EDU ...!ucbvax!renoir!edu munson@UCBRENOI (this is supposed to work for BITNET) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 4 Nov 88 12:39:20 GMT From: jclark!jjc@uunet.UU.NET (James Clark) Subject: A new PostScript driver %%Keywords: PostScript, dviware Over the last year or so I've written a new PostScript driver, somewhat unimaginatively called dvitops, which I have placed in the public domain. There are quite a few PostScript drivers already available but most of them have been adapted from drivers for other printers and thus fail to take advantage of the unique features of PostScript. Dvitops has been developed from scratch especially for PostScript. The most important feature of dvitops is that when used with PostScript fonts it produces completely device-independent output. A fairly common misconception about PostScript is that any PostScript program is automatically device-independent. This is no more the case for PostScript than it is for, say, C. One has to work really quite hard if one is completely to avoid device-dependencies: one has to avoid making any assumptions about resolution, fonts, memory or operators that are not part of the language definition. The trickiest area is rounding: most drivers do this themselves; true device-independence requires this to be done in PostScript. Producing rules with the correct dimensions turns out to be quite complicated. Those of you with PostScript printers may have noticed that ruled tables or characters containing rules (such as \overbrace, \underbrace and \sqrt) sometimes don't look quite right. It turns out that when PostScript fills a path, it paints a pixel just in case some part of the pixel lies within the path. Thus a rectangle 1/2 a pixel wide can end up 2 pixels wide on the paper. The solution is to position the corners of rules in the middle of pixels and to subtract one pixel from the height and width of rules. It is possible to do this device-independently in PostScript. Dvitops supports either ordinary PostScript fonts or Metafont generated fonts in pk format; gf and pxl formats are not supported. One problem with PostScript printers is that comparatively little memory is available for downloading fonts. A fundamental design goal of dvitops was to support documents with arbitrarily complex font requirements even on first generation PostScript printers having pathetically little memory. This has been achieved without sacrificing page independence (pages should depend only on the prolog and not on each other), so that it is possible to reorder the document or to print only a subset of it, after it has been composed. Like a number of other drivers dvitops uses a two-pass approach, gathering information about font-usage on the first pass. The output for each page is sorted by font. The output in each font is bracketed by a save/restore pair. Thus dvitops requires only enough memory to hold one font. It can also take advantage of as much memory as you have: it downloads as many fonts as possible in the prolog of the document so that they do not need to be downloaded on each page that they are used. Of course, with pk fonts it only downloads the definitions for those characters that are actually used. Dvitops also allows one to use arbitrarily many downloadable PostScript fonts. It does this by putting an %%IncludeFont comment between at each place that the font is to be included. There is at most one such comment for each font per page (it knows that Optima at 12pt and Optima at 10pt, say, are the same font). For this to work you will need a spooler which understands version 2.0 of the Adobe Document Structuring Conventions, and which can handle font downloading. I have written a filter to do this which can be stuck on the front of a spooler or run separately. If you want to use many downloadable fonts, you will need a lot of patience. A typical Adobe font is over 100k when unpacked. If you have say 100 pages and four fonts that have to be downloaded separately on each page, and you talk to your printer a 9600 baud, it will take you over 9 hours! Dvitops has a few specials including one to import PostScript graphics and an `inline' special to include PostScript code. There is also an interesting set of specials that allows you to apply arbitrary linear transformations to regions of the dvi file in a convenient fashion. Regions of the dvi file are delimited by \special{dvitops: begin region_name} and \special{dvitops: end} commands. You then specify an origin for the transformations to be applied to a region using \special{dvitops: origin region_name}, which sets the origin at the current point. You then apply one or more transformations using \special{dvitops: rotate region_name rotation_amount}, or \special{dvitops: transform region_name a b c d tx ty}, which applies the tranformation represented by the matrix |a b 0| |c d 0| |tx ty 1| to the region. These transformations work correctly with graphics produced by the inline special, as well as with imported graphics. Dvitops works on MS-DOS and Unix machines. It should be easily portable to any machine with a decent C compiler and a reasonable architecture (ASCII and 8-bit bytes are required). It was originally developed on a MS-DOS machine, and some care was to taken to achieve maximum efficiency on a 16-bit architecture, by avoiding the use of 32-bit operations wherever possible. It consequently runs up to 3 times faster than some other PostScript drivers on MS-DOS machines (the relative speed depends on whether you are using floppy, hard or RAM disk; it is relatively much faster on RAM disk). There is much less difference on 32-bit machines. Dvitops is unfortunately too big to fit into one mail message. If anybody in the UK wants to get hold of it they can contact me directly. I will also mail a copy or two per country to anybody who volunteers to make it available for anonymous FTP, or put it on a info-server or archive-server, or otherwise redistribute it. If anybody should volunteer, I'll send details to TeXhax. James Clark jjc%jclark.uucp@ukc.ac.uk 30 Peel Street jjc@jclark.uucp London W8 7PD uunet!mcvax!ukc!pyrltd!slxsys!jclark!jjc England ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 5 Nov 88 10:44:34 EST From: spooky!witr@bu-it.BU.EDU Subject: RE: Producing simple document for online viewing.... %%Keywords: LaTeX, previewer In TeXhax Digest V88 #99 Russell Fulton says: What I need is a program that would take a LaTeX input file and produce a file suitable for viewing on a terminal with an editor. It does not have to reproduce different type sizes, mathematical equations etc. just the basic text and headings. This is a common need for computer oriented documentation, and has been nicely addressed with the TeXInfo documentation system used in the GnuEMACS editor, and other Gnu code. Run a TeXInfo through TeX and you get typeset documents, run it through another processor and you get an Info database accesable online. It is available from all the normal Gnu locations, but if you MUST use LaTeX be prepared to hack and chop it to pieces. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 5 Nov 88 22:41 GMT From: Peter Flynn UCC <CBTS8001%IRUCCVAX.UCC.IE@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> Subject: RE: Waterloo SCRIPT conversion to LATEX or TEX %%Keywords: LaTeX, TeX, SGML Ton de Hann <u639019@hnykun11.bitnet> asks if there is a utility to do this. Yes, the DFN (Deutsche Forschungsnetz = German Research Network) in Berlin have a product called DAPHNE which takes SGML and produces LaTeX. SGML is not quite Waterloo SCRIPT (I should say Script is not quite SGML, because SGML is an ISO standard), so you need some editing. I have tried it, it's quite good, but because I don't do SCRIPT I can't say how much work would be needed. Not much I guess. The product is non-chargeable to academic sites and runs on VAX/VMS IBM/VM and several others. I have an address somewhere (email I mean), I will dig it out for anyone who want to mail me for it. It was someone @zpl.dfn.dbp.de but I can't lay my hands on it this second. ...Peter Flynn ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 4 Nov 1988 15:54:54 PST From: Max Hailperin <mxh@ksl.stanford.edu> Subject: TeX 2.0 -- how outdated is it? %%Keywords: TeX I have a system with TeX 2.0 running on it, for which updating to current version (2.93?) would be nontrivial. My question: how outdated is 2.0? I looked at the change list at the top of 2.93's tex.web, and most of the changes looked quite minor, but there were a few I couldn't be sure of. Does anyone want to express on opinion on whether this is worth worrying about? Thanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 6 Nov 88 06:31:28 EST From: zaccone - 1393 <zaccone%rigel.bucknell.edu@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> Subject: TeX on VM/CMS %%Keywords: LaTeX, TeX, VM/CMS I recently helped a friend print a LaTeX file on VM/CMS. This was a file that I had successfully formated on a VAX running Unix, on a Sun 3, and on a Macintosh running Textures. However, on VM/CMS we got lots of overfull \hbox's and other warning messages. When I looked at the output, it was apparent that the fonts weren't normal computer modern fonts (although they were called that). I asked the people in charge of her computer center, and they claimed that this was "the CMS version of TeX that we get via normal distribution" (whatever that means). They have no TeX expertise and aren't willing to look into the problem. Can someone point me to a version of TeX/LaTeX that runs under CMS, and which behaves in a fashion similar to other TeX implementations? Have others experienced this problem also? Rick Zaccone zaccone@bknlvms.bitnet zaccone@rigel.bucknell.edu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 6 Nov 88 17:49:30 EST From: Greg McGary <gm@cs.duke.edu> Subject: Multi-page tables with column-headings on each page? %%Keywords: tables, headings I would like to make a multi-page table with column-headings appearing at the top of each page. I suspect I have to do something ugly with the output routine, but before I go off and re-invent the wheel, I'd like to know if someone else has done this successfully... Thanx in advance for all clues! -- Greg McGary -- 4201 University Drive #102, Durham, NC 27707 (919) 490-6037 -- {decvax,hplabs,seismo,mcnc}!duke!gm -- gm@cs.duke.edu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Sun, 6 Nov 88 21:07:59 PST From: mackay@cs.washington.edu (Pierre MacKay) Subject: 11pt fonts query (TeXhax Digest V88 #95) %%Keywords: fonts A full sequence based on cm*11, with something like the proportions developed by Sauter's interpolations would certainly work, but it would have to be a set running in parallel with the cm*10 set. Once you introduce the useful halfstep, you break, to some degree from the convenience of consistent integer magsteps. In the days of 200dpi devices, this problem was somewhat masked, because we tended to have a full set developed from a base (in old pxl notation) of 1315, along with the set at 1000. Effectively, that supplied the full series in the halfsteps, and it also filled in some of the gaps at the high end. The real beneficiaries of this were the users of 240dpi devices, who could call on the 1315 series without even being aware that it was meant for an entirely different device (Inking was a bit out of line, since 200dpi Versatec fonts were usually a lot blacker than 240dpi laser printer fonts, but the definition was crude enough to hide the anomaly.) Since the adoption of 300dpi fonts, the interpolated series has disappeared, because there was no specific machine that used them. Maybe they should return. Magnification by 1.315 produced output that could look very creditable after reduction at the 74% level on a copier. A 6 X 9 page would be 7.9 X 11.84 inches, which you couldn't produce on a laserwriter, but could produce on a TI 2115, and it might get around some of the unsatisfactory aspects of the write-white fonts on the TI. (No advertisement, these just happen to be the devices I know best.) It all depends how many fonts you can afford to store. Email: mackay@june.cs.washington.edu Pierre A. MacKay Smail: Northwest Computer Support Center TUG Site Coordinator for Lewis Hall, Mail Stop DW10 Unix-flavored TeX University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 (206) 543-6259 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 7-NOV-1988 13:10:42 GMT From: KNEIJ%VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU Subject: Treachery? %%Keywords: TUGboat Can any kind person out there tell me how to get hold of TUGboat, join the user group and otherwise get in touch with the rest of the TeXing world. Ivo Kneij kneij@uk.ac.oxford.vax PS I still like TeXhax!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: The Moderators Subject: The TeX Users Group How very glad we are that you asked that question. The form request below is provided for your convenience. Alternatively, you can send a request to TUG@Math.AMS.COM, containing the same information about yourself and your site. TeX Users Group Institutional/individual Membership Information request. ----------------cut here---------------- To: The TeX Users Group P. O. Box 9506 Providence, Rhode Island 02940-9506 U.S.A Please send me information concerning [institutional individual] Membership in (cross out whichever is not applicable) The TeX Users Group. Name:___________________________________________________________ Institution:____________________________________________________ Street Address:_________________________________________________ Box or MS address:______________________________________________ City and State/Province:________________________________________ Zip or Mail code:_______________________________________________ Country:________________________________________________________ If you would also like your name to be forwarded to the TUG site-coordinator who distributes TeX for your operating system, fill in the following line. Machine and Operating System:___________________________________ ----------------cut here---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%% in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the %%% University of Washington %%% %%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing: %%% BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@UWAVM.ACS.WASHINGTON.EDU %%% SUBSCRIBE TEXHAX <your name> % to subscribe %%% %%% All others: send mail to %%% TeXhax-request@cs.washington.edu %%% please send a valid internet address!! %%% in the form name@domain or name%routing@domain %%% %%% %%% All submissions to: texhax@june.cs.washington.edu %%% %%% Back issues available for FTPing as: %%% machine: directory: filename: %%% JUNE.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU TeXhax/TeXhaxnn.yy %%% nn = issue number %%% yy = last two digits of current year %%%\bye %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------