TeXhax Digest Thursday, December 15, 1988 Volume 88 : Issue 108 Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay %%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%% %%% in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the %%% %%% University of Washington %%% Today's Topics: Out of contact with <ccc032u%aucc1@relay.cs.net> Mode_def's -- where are they? dvi2ps Source Code a simple class of \specials Needed: WEB source for TeX and Pascal source for Tangle Re: WEB differences -> change-file ? Difficulties with the \lr switch Needed: LaTeX style file/macros to give manual page output Change Bars in LaTeX Plain TeX: avoiding avoidable page breaks in sections of text Re: \hbox causes a break (TeXhax #104) Combining ... METAFONT and Postscript (TeXhax #104) Re: Combining the functions of METAFONT and Postscript Typesetting queries (Texhax #104) Fancy capitals (TeXhax #104) Problem with rho in Levy's Greek fonts Re: Structured TeX Macro Programming LaTeX style like AmSTeX PiCTeX bug ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 8 Dec 88 09:46 GMT From: Peter Flynn UCC <CBTS8001%IRUCCVAX.UCC.IE@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> Subject: Out of contact with <ccc032u%aucc1@relay.cs.net> Keywords: LaTeX I have been unable to mail <ccc032u%aucc1@relay.cs.net> (my mail gets returned saying no such site exists). This user was asking me about the SGML to LaTeX converter. Several people have asked, so here is the info once again: Product is called DAPHNE, from the DFN (Deutsche Forschungsnetz --- German Research Network), Berlin. Contact Gerrit Henken for more details at <henken@zpl.dfn.dbp.de>. The system is available (this is from memory) for VM and VMS plus some other o/s's Could <ccc032u%aucc1@relay.cs.net> contact me again with a reachable address so I can reply to his/her other queries. ...Peter Flynn ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: 03 Dec 88 23:40:10 gmt From: mcvax!ed.ac.uk!G.Toal@uunet.UU.NET Subject: Mode_def's -- where are they? Keywords mode_def I'm currently looking for a mode_def for an AST Turbolaser, which -- from the output -- I suspect is a write-white engine. The salesman suggested it was a diabolo engine !??? [I didn't know they made lasers?] Anyway, while searching the UK Aston archive for ANY mode defs, I realised that there doesn't appear to be a single reference collection. If there is, could someone tell me (and the net) where to look? If there isn't, I'll take on the job of collecting them by mail and passing on the unique ones to Peter Abbott at Aston. US readers could slave a copy from there once done. [Peter, could you create a [PUBLIC.MFFILES.MODEDEFS] please?] Graham. (gtoal@uk.ac.ed -- see your mail guru for a routing, but try REPLY first) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 7 Dec 88 07:36:47 EST From: russ%yummy@gateway.mitre.org Subject: dvi2ps Source Code Keywords: dviware I'm in search of dvi2ps source code. Our version of dvi2ps cannot print in landscape mode and we only have executables. If anyone can either mail me a copy or point me toward an anonymous ftp site I would very much appreciate it. Thanks, Russ. ARPA: russ%yummy@gateway.mitre.org Russell Leighton MITRE Signal Processing Lab 7525 Colshire Dr. McLean, Va. 22102 USA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 7 Dec 88 17:17:16 PST From: mackay (Pierre MacKay) Subject: a simple class of \specials Keywords: dviware Over the past few years there have been several attempts to unify the approach to specials, but a quick review of the DVIware on the Unix TeX distribution indicates that they tend still to be essentially printer-dependent, with some more generalized graphics formats which are not, unfortunately, shared across many different examples of DVIware. Here is a very simple style which I have found it valuable to put into a new driver being written in WEB (announcement deferred for the present). It depends on the general observation that an increasing number of operating systems offer the possibility of capturing the content of a command line, and processing options which can be recognized by some sort of flag character ( - in Unix, / in VMS, to mention the ones I can think of). I have found that a number of features which are appropriate for the beginning of a file may also be reset at the beginning of a page, and the most efficient way of resetting those features is to use the same subroutine for both the command-line option and the special. I thought at first of using exactly the form of the command-line option, but that imposes an unnecessary system-dependency. How about this? Let # stand for the flag character (including the case of no flag character at all). Then, if the operating system permits dvi2whatsit #someswitch #someattribute=somevalue #someother=vx,yetmore=vy the specials read {option=someswitch} {option=someattribute=somevalue} {option=someother=vx,yetmore=vy} The string "option=" replaces the flag character or the null character, depending on the requirements of the operating system. I realize that not all systems permit command-line options, and some that do make it very difficult to capture the text of the command line and process it explicitly within the program, but I suspect that in the future this sort of command line will become more, rather than less common. There is, in fact, no reason to avoid this style in cases where command-line options are impossible. It can be a surrogate for command-line options. I have the feeling that someone has probably done this already, but it does not seem to be a feature of any of the drivers that are immediately accessible to me. It is not a mechanism that one wants to overload with choices, any more than one wants to overload the command line with options. 1024 character command lines are very hard to type accurately. The mechanism certainly fits my own environment, and will definitely become a part of the current driver WEB. It seems to be possible to make it a general habit. I would appreciate comments or suggestions. Email: mackay@june.cs.washington.edu Pierre A. MacKay Smail: Northwest Computer Support Center TUG Site Coordinator for Lewis Hall, Mail Stop DW10 Unix-flavored TeX University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 (206) 543-6259 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 8 Dec 88 20:12 EST From: <DVTUG%VUVAXCOM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> Subject: Needed: WEB source for TeX and Pascal source for Tangle Keywords: TeX What is the correct procedure for obtaining the WEB source for TeX and the Pascal source for Tangle? I need these to port to a Cyber 930 running NOS/VE. Is there anybody out there doing TeX on such a system? David Walls\ Widener University\ 17th & Melrose Sts.\ Chester, PA 19013 (215)499-1045 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 3 Dec 88 17:47:52 EST From: nr@Princeton.EDU (Norman Ramsey) Subject: Re: WEB differences -> change-file ? Keywords: utilities I think that Charlie Mills at Odyssey Research has a utility that, given two versions of a WEB file, will produce the appropriate change file. His email address is fred%oravax.uucp@cu-arpa.cs.cornell.edu, or just fred@oravax.uucp Norman Ramsey nr@princeton.edu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 3-DEC-1988 15:41:40 GMT From: STEPHEN@VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK Subject: Difficulties with the \lr switch Keywords: TeX Dear TeXies, I'm trying to make use of the \lr switch described in The TeXBook (p.257) using the following code: \newdimen\fullhsize \fullhsize=6.5in \hsize=3.2in \def\fullline{\hbox to \fullhsize} \def\makeheadline {\vbox to 0pt{\vskip-22.5pt \fullline{\vbox to8.5pt{}\the\headline}\vss} \nointerlineskip} \def\makefootline {\baselineskip=24pt \fullline{\the\footline}} \let\lr=L \newbox\leftcolumn \output={\if L\lr \global\setbox\leftcolumn=\columnbox \global\let\lr=R \else \doubleformat \global\let\lr=L\fi \ifnum\outputpenalty>-20000 \else\dosupereject\fi} \def\doubleformat{\shipout\vbox{\makeheadline \fullline{\box\leftcolumn\hfil\columnbox} \makefootline} \advancepageno} \def\columnbox{\leftline{\pagebody}} \supereject \if R\lr \null\vfill\eject\fi It runs okay *but* in my output a capital L appears at the start of the text. (I've copied the code down onto a Mac and used TeXtures and had the same result.) What's going wrong? stephen miller oxford university computing service stephen@uk.ac.oxford.vax (janet) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 8 Dec 88 05:25 EDT From: Paul Davis <davis%mauve.sdr.slb.com@RELAY.CS.NET> Subject: Needed: LaTeX style file/macros to give manual page output Keywords: LaTeX, macros Does anyone have a LaTeX style file or group of macros to give Unix manual page output ? I know its not difficult to do, but there's no point reinventing the wheel ... thanks Paul Reply-To: davis%blue@sdr.slb.com Organization: Schlumberger Cambridge Research Snail: PO Box 153, Cambridge CB3 0HG, England Phone: [+44] (0) 223 325282 Memo: To shatter tradition makes us *feel* free... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Dec 88 07:59:12 EST From: Mark W. Eichin <eichin@ATHENA.MIT.EDU> Subject: Change Bars in LaTeX Keywords: LaTeX Does anyone have a way of doing change bars in LaTeX? By change bars, I mean some pair of commands (\cbon, \cboff) which mark the beginning and ending of a changed region. The typeset result would be a black bar in the outer margin encompassing the range of lines that are changed. Problems I see as ``difficult'': -- How to avoid changing the typesetting (paragraph breaking, specifically) with the marker commands. Doing this in a way that makes each changed region a paragraph is easy, and not what I want. -- handling overlap (where a change ends and another begins on the same line. nesting is not necessary.) -- handling page breaks (though this isn't as important) -- keeping this portable (a \special is inappropriate.) Mark Eichin <eichin@athena.mit.edu> SIPB Member & Project Athena ``Watchmaker'' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 8-DEC-1988 17:29:45 GMT From: CHAA006%vaxb.rhbnc.ac.uk@NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK Subject: Plain TeX: avoiding avoidable page breaks in sections of text. Keywords: TeX There are many occasions when one has a section of text which it would be highly desirable to avoid splitting between pages --- itemised lists, for example; however, such lists can obviously exceed the height of a page, and in those circumstances would have to be split. What I am looking for is a pair of macros --- \beginunit and \endunit, for example --- which would convey to TeX the following idea: IF the enclosed text (between the \beginunit and \endunit) will fit in the space remaining on the current page (preferably allowing for insertions), THEN place it on the current page; ELSE IF it is less than one page in height, place it on the next page, leaving the remainder of this page blank, (but preferably putting in any outstanding insertions that will fit) ELSE (i.e. it exceeds one page in height) start it on this page, break it at or near the bottom [1], and place the remainder on subsequent pages as appropriate. FI Notes: [1] In the case of a list, it is desirable that TeX should take essential page breaks between list items, rather than within an item, but in essence this is a recursive application of the above, since a single item could potentially exceed a single page; a recursive solution is therefore extremely desirable. I have a solution which {\it appears} to work for text set \raggedbottom (and which contains no insertions --- it may well work with insertions, but I haven't tried it), but which produces bad page-breaks when set without \raggedbottom; the definitions are: \beginunit -> \par \vfil \penalty -200 \vfilneg % =\filbreak \endunit -> \par \vfil \penalty 0 \vfilneg I would be extremely grateful for any more robust (and elegant ?) solutions. ** Phil. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Mon Dec 5 17:23:45 MET 1988 From: XITIJSCH%DDATHD21.BITNET@uwavm.acs.washington.edu Subject: Re: \hbox causes a break (TeXhax #104) Keywords: TeX Peter asks in TeXhax #104 why his macro \def\x #1: {\par\hbox to1in{{\bf #1:}\hfil}\quad} causes a break at the \hbox. The answer is that this macro {\it doesn't\/} cause a break. After the \par TeX is in vertical mode, it will put the hbox to the current vertical list and start a new paragraph with the \quad. The solution is to insert \leavevmode before the \hbox. But don't panic: WEBMAC.TEX (of Don Knuth) has a dozen of such minor bugs, e.g., every paragraph which is started with an identifier (`|id|') will result in a similar behaviour because identifiers are set as \hbox'es. Greetings -- Joachim TH Darmstadt Institut f\"ur Theoretische Informatik Joachim Schrod Alexanderstr. 10 Bitnet: XITIJSCH@DDATHD21 (Please try again if I don't answer --- D-6100 Darmstadt our Bitnet connection is very instable...) West Germany --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 9 Dec 88 00:20:14 PST From: mackay (Pierre MacKay) Subject: Combining ... METAFONT and Postscript (TeXhax #104) Keywords: METAFONT, PostScript It may actually be done fairly soon (no--not by me, and not here) and there are some aspects of the idea that sound attractive. It would not be necessary to reduce one's set of Postscript descriptions to a single unsized CMR, one could make up separate CMR5 and CMR10, and for things like drop initials it might be nice to have the freedom to scale to arbitrary sizes. (you can now, of course, but only at the price of some hassle.) Over a limited range, I would cheerfully use such outlines in the way I now use magnifications. Especially for global magnifications to values like 1.315 for subsequent reduction. But there is yet another caution to be added to those suggested by David Rogers. At some point even an outline has to decide on which side of a resolution pixel it is going to fall. Take a look at the upright of the lower case h in Computer Modern Roman (Volume E). It takes a very high resolution to get the fine adjustment that differentiates the stem-width above and below the attachment of the curve. Above a certain resolution it is possible to maintain that distinction; below that threshold it is necessarily lost. It will be interesting to see at what resolution a postscript outline is to be taken, and whether this sort of fine detail can be preserved. An outline that is aimed at storage efficiency for a 300dpi device will not be able to restore such features at 1200+dpi. I wait with considerable interest to see how well any marrying of PostScript outlines to METAFONT output deals with these details, and other interesting last minute rasterization adjustments like ink traps. Email: mackay@june.cs.washington.edu Pierre A. MacKay Smail: Northwest Computer Support Center TUG Site Coordinator for Lewis Hall, Mail Stop DW10 Unix-flavored TeX University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 (206) 543-6259 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 9 Dec 88 12:38:16 CST From: William LeFebvre <phil@rice.edu> Subject: Re: Combining the functions of METAFONT and Postscript > PostScript uses linear scaling. Proper fonts DO NOT scale linearly -- > they scale nonlinearly. Linear scaling is one of the reasons PostScript > fonts are ugly at certain sizes. As far as I know no one has discovered > the correct (or any for that matter) nonlinear font scaling equations. BUT WAIT! TeX fonts are {\it also} scaled linearly. You can take any font and magnify it any amount. This is a {\it linear} magnification (that is, scaling). What is not linear is different sized fonts within the same style. That is, 10 point cmr is not 5 point cmr magnified by 2. But these can be (and are) viewed as different fonts: cmr10 and cmr5. If you make this distinction at the postscript level as well, then the problems you mention go away. Even METAFONT treats these as different fonts: they are based on the same description, but they have different parameters. For that matter, the entire computer modern family (roman, sans serif and typewriter) uses essentially the same description . It's just the parameters that are different. This is the "joy of METAFONT". Building different magnifications of cmr5 is just a matter of using "mag=X" when running METAFONT. But building cmr10 is not just building cmr5 with "mag=2". It means including a different set of parameters. I'm not saying that integrating METAFONT and Postscript is easy. There are other problems. METAFONT uses a well defined algorithm for generating the glyphs. I say "well defined" because the program that defines it is in the public domain, and is widely available even in book form. You can't say the same thing about postscript font rasterization. A well written METAFONT font includes a great deal of detail to get around problems that arise when generating fonts at low (or even medium) resolutions. A METAFONT font source is {\it not just a simple mathematical description of an outline!} There are many subtleties involved, many parameters used whose values depend largely on the resolution of the target device. These are parameters in the METAFONT description, but they are given actual values when METAFONT is used to build raster images. This is what I see as the largest problem facing those who want METAFONT to produce scalable postscript fonts. Can all the information embedded in a MF description be translated into a postscript font? I don't know enough about postscript to answer that question. For those who want to understand these problems in more detail (and understand how MF helps you solve these problems), read chapter 24 in "The METAFONTBook" (entitled "Discreteness and Discretion"). I agree with the rest of your message. William LeFebvre Sun-Spots moderator Department of Computer Science Rice University <phil@Rice.edu> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 6 Dec 88 10:12 +1300 From: GRAEME@otago.ac.nz Subject: Typesetting queries (Texhax #104) Keywords: TeX Ian Gibson in TeXhax 104 asks 3 questions. I will try and answer all of them in order: * Mathematical symbols below baseline. Looking at some output I find that the symbols (>, <, +, etc.) are centred relative to lowercase letters (the x-height). This means that the bottom of these symbols is just below the baseline and consequently looks `low' when adjacent to large characters like numerals. One can assume that Knuth knows about mathematical typesetting and so this must be right (excuse the blind faith)! Using old style numerals is a solution if this is thought to be particularly distasteful. * Thin, thick, or full space between numeral and dimension? The winner is: thin space. So `45.7' and `kg' should be separated by \, (LaTeX's thin space), e.g., `45.7\,kg'. Thin space is preferable to thick or full space because it still separates the number from the dimension but the spacing is slight enough to suggest that they `belong together'. My reference: The New Zealand Government Style Book. Typesetting is *reasonably* standard the world over. * Upright or italic \mu in \mu{}g (microgram) Upright is preferable as it is a dimension not a mathematical variable. You do not write: `$45.7\,k$g', i.e., the `k' (for kilo) in italics and neither should you write `$45.7\,\mu$g' where \mu stands for micro. If you are using PostScript fonts you will be able to get an upright \mu from the Symbol font. Regards, Graeme McKinstry, Computing Services Centre, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. E-mail: graeme%otago.ac.nz@relay.cs.net ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Dec 88 12:46 EST From: "Jerry Leichter (LEICHTER-JERRY@CS.YALE.EDU)" Subject: Fancy capitals (TeXhax #104) Keywords: LaTeX In TeXhax V88 #104, Rich Wales asks for a LaTeX \caps macro which will use small caps (\sc) when the current font is Roman, otherwise will force its argument to upper case and use the current font. There's no completely general way to do this, since there is no completely general way to answer the question "is the current font, of in fact any particular font, Roman"? However, there is a good approximation: LaTeX, and Plain as well, conventionally place Roman (\rm) in family 0. This can be tested for, resulting in the following macro: \def\caps#1{\ifnum\fam=0 {\sc #1}% \else \uppercase{#1}\fi} While "conceptually" incorrect, it'll work fine. -- Jerry --------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 9 Dec 88 10:00:24 GMT From: Julian Bradfield <jcb%lfcs.edinburgh.ac.uk@NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK> Subject: Problem with rho in Levy's Greek fonts Keywords: fonts I've recently been making fonts for an Agfa P3400 printer, using the following mode: mode_def agfa = % agfa mode: for the agfa proofing:=0; % no, we're not making proofs fontmaking:=1; % yes, we are making a font tracingtitles:=0; % no, don't show titles in the log pixels_per_inch:=400; blacker:=0; % (this value not yet tested) fillin:=0.3; % (ditto) o_correction:=0.5; % enddef; and there seems to be a problem with the letter rho in Silvio Levy's font grreg10. At magsteps 0 and 2, it's fine, but at magstep 1, most of the handle disappears, leaving only a blob at the bottom of the handle. Has anybody else come across this problem, and is there a fix? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Dienstag, 6. Dezember 1988, 13.33 Uhr und 55 Sekunden MET From: XITIJSCH%DDATHD21.BITNET@uwavm.acs.washington.edu Subject: Re: Structured TeX Macro Programming Keywords: Keywords: TeX, macros In TeXhax 88, #102/103, J.E.Pittman has presented a set of macros which are developed with the claim of ``structured design.'' In my opinion it is absolutely necessary that more people regard TeX macro development as a process of software design and apply all the stuff which was worked out by the software engineering people. But why shall we stop at demanding structured macros? What we need are {\it Literate Macros} in the same way as we do not only want structured programs -- programs should be made for humans, they should be literate. If you don't know the term {\it Literate Programming}, go ahead and read the famous article of Don Knuth in the Computer Journal (1985, #1). I want to paraphrase it as ``don't describe to computers what they should do, instead describe to your human readers what you suppose the computer will do and why you want him to do that.'' That means especially that an ALGOL-like reformulation of macros is not a satisfying documentation -- it is perhaps more readable, ok, but it doesn't give any hint for the design decisions and so on. To support this idea a little bit more I have written a small documentation tool called MAKEPROG. With this tool I just write a TeX input file (named the documentation file) which is built up of sections. A main group of sections will be started by a control sequence \chap, otherwise sections are started with \sect. Every section can contain a program part which is started with \beginprog and ended with \endprog. The documentation tool consists of two parts: 1. The TeX macro file PROGDOC defines these macros so that the documentation file can be printed. All text between \beginprog and \endprog is typeset verbatim. The overall layout looks like WEB. Of course, PROGDOC is documented by itself. (Perhaps PROGDOC is interesting by its own because it defines a verbatim mode which does work with tabs, i.e. replaces a tab with 1 to 8 blanks. I have needed it for PC's and VAXens...) In the moment it is Plain TeX, but the adaption to LaTeX can be done easily. 2. The small WEB program MAKEPROG copies all text between \beginprog and \endprog to the program file. This file can be used by TeX as a macro file or can be fed into a compiler or ... Like in WEB the definite source file is still the documentation file, the program file must not be altered. MAKEPROG is derived from TANGLE, therefore it accepts change files. Of course, MAKEPROG is no WEB: it does no rearrangement of code, it doesn't produce an index, etc. But you can make better documented macros or programs with it. (In fact, I have written it for the documentation of my YACC and LEX sources.) Are you interested? Then stop -- I'm about to leave for a week. When I'm back (on Tuesday, 13 Dec) I'll send a copy to the Listserver at Heidelberg (LISTSERV@DHDURZ1.BITNET) -- give Joachim Lammarsch in Heidelberg another week to incorporate it in the TEXTOOLS filelist. Furthermore I will send it to Pierre MacKay; hopefully he can incorporate it in the UNIX TeX tape and can make it available for the ftp folks. Please ask me only if you can't get it from the Listserver in Heidelberg or if Pierre MacKay has refused to store MAKEPROG in Washington. I don't want to have to mail it individually. Best regards Joachim TH Darmstadt Institut f\"ur Theoretische Informatik Joachim Schrod Alexanderstr. 10 Bitnet: XITIJSCH@DDATHD21 (Please try again if I don't answer --- D-6100 Darmstadt our Bitnet connection is very instable...) West Germany ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Sat, 3 Dec 88 11:12:27 PST From: lind@perron.ms.washington.edu (Doug Lind) Subject: LaTeX style like AmSTeX Keywords: LaTeX, AMSTeX I'm a steady user of AmSTeX to prepare mathematical preprints, using the amsppt.sty file. However, I would also like to use the convenient aspects of LaTeX. Has someone written a LaTeX style file that imitates the functions of amstex.tex + amsppt.sty, at least so far as possible? Doug Lind Mathematics Department University of Washington lind@perron.ms.washington.edu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 9 Dec 88 10:26:19 AST From: zsd@pig.drea.dnd.ca (Jim Diamond) Subject: PiCTeX bug Keywords: PiCTeX Using C Version 2.9 of TeX, version 2.3 of plain, PicTeX 1.1 (9/21/87), I get undesired behaviour when I use \accountingoff. In the example below, I draw a ractangle and put a labelled axis inside it. If accounting is on, the labels are drawn correctly. If accounting is turned off after the rectangle is drawn, the axis is OK but the labels are in the wrong place. My quick reading of the PiCTeX manual doesn't indicate that this is a feature. Is it in fact a bug? Does anyone have a fix? Jim Diamond zsd@pig.drea.dnd.ca %----------------------------------------------------------- \input pictex % Good example \beginpicture \setcoordinatesystem units <1in,1in> \putrectangle corners at 0 0 and 4 2 \setplotarea x from .5 to 3.99, y from .5 to 1.99 \axis left ticks withvalues 1 2 3 / quantity 3 / \endpicture % Bad example \beginpicture \setcoordinatesystem units <1in,1in> \putrectangle corners at 0 0 and 4 2 \accountingoff \setplotarea x from .5 to 3.99, y from .5 to 1.99 \axis left ticks withvalues 1 2 3 / quantity 3 / \endpicture \end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%% in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the %%% University of Washington %%% %%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing: %%% BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@UWAVM.ACS.WASHINGTON.EDU %%% SUBSCRIBE TEXHAX <your name> % to subscribe %%% or UNSUBSCRIBE TEXHAX <your name> %%% %%% All others: send a similar one line mail message to %%% TeXhax-request@cs.washington.edu %%% Please be sure you send a valid internet address!! %%% in the form name@domain or name%routing@domain %%% and use the style of the Bitnet one-line message, so that %%% we can find your subscription request easily. %%% %%% All submissions to: TeXhax@cs.washington.edu %%% %%% Back issues available for FTPing as: %%% machine: directory: filename: %%% JUNE.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU TeXhax/TeXhaxyy.nn %%% yy = last two digits of current year %%% nn = issue number %%% %%% Current versions now in general distribution: %%% TeX 2.93 metafont 1.5 %%% plain.tex 2.92 plain.mf 1.0 %%% LaTeX 2.09 (10/26/88) cmbase.mf see cm85.bug %%% SliTeX 2.09 gftodvi 1.7 %%% tangle 2.8 gftopk 1.4 %%% weave 2.9 gftype 2.2 %%% dvitype 2.9 pktype 2.2 %%% pltotf 2.3 pktogf 1.0 %%% tftopl 2.5 mft 0.3 %%% BibTeX 0.99c %%%\bye %%% End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------