TeXhax Digest   Wednesday, April 13, 1988   Volume 88 : Issue 35

Editor: Malcolm Brown

Today's Topics:

                           immoderate notes
           Some answers to Peter Flynn's recent questions.
                      BibTeX Chem Journal Style
               LaTeX Notes (Re: TeXhax Digest V88 #31)
                  makeindex (TeXhax Digest V88 #31)
                Japanese Kanji input problem--a review
                    changes to mssymb.tex at score
                  survey of PostScript fonts in TeX
           Re: Chapter # - Page # numbering for book style
            line numbering tex output - a partial solution
                          Font in Math Mode
           DD Form 1473, 84 MAR: Report Documentation Page
                            TeX on the 3B1
                  Screen Driver for TeX for VAX 8530
                          Tex Ascii Output.
                              Re: easter
                           Vol 88 Number 32
                      Re: TeXhax Digest V88 #32
             TeX users on Apollo (TeXhax Digest V88 #33)
          Microsoft Rich Text Format (TeXhax Digest V88 #33)
                         Spanish hyphenation


Date: 13-Apr-88
From: Malcolm
Subject: immoderate notes

%%% With this issue, TeXhax is rolling once again.  By the way,
%%% my apologies to those of you who tried to fetch the file
%%% oostrum.txh.  That was my mistake, as in the rush to get
%%% ready to leave I neglected to place it on Score. It's there
%%% now, as "<tex.texhax>oostrum.txh".


Date:		30-MAR-1988 18:42:11 GMT
From:		CHAA006%vaxb.rhbnc.ac.uk@NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK
Subject:	Some answers to Peter Flynn's recent questions.

>>> I have tried \if\the\font=\tentt\char'042\else [etc] \fi but although it
>>> reacts if I stick in a \message{\the\font} and displays \tentt correctly,
>>> I still get two single-open-quotes and two single-close-quotes in the
>>> output. Why does it not take my \if\the\font=\tentt as .true. when the
>>> user is in \tt ? Or have I misunderstood the nature of \if ? I tried it
>>> with \ifx and got the same result.
I think the problem lies primarily in the `=' operator: \if and \ifx assume `='
and if you explicitly specify it, will compare the first token with `=' !

I tried 


where \true and \false were suitably predefined, and got the correct results.
There's probably a more elegant way, though.

>>> Subject: Wanted: Tektronix 41xx Preview for VAX/VMS
>>> Has anyone got or heard of such a beastie? Would it mean another 32000
>>> VAX blocks of disk for font files? Or is there any chance it would do a
>>> nasty piece of interpolation and run with my 300dpi LN03 font files?
I think that Andrew Trevorrow's DVITOVDU is what you are looking for.  I 
hacked an earlier version to produce our local Tektronix previewer, but
I believe that the V2 implementation looks after Tektronices already.
It uses existing fonts, and interpolates.  It's available from the Aston
archive, as are all good things ....

					** Phil.


Date: Wed, 30 Mar 88 15:30 EST
From: "Yates, John H." <YATES@a.chem.upenn.edu>
Subject: BibTeX Chem Journal Style

Since nobody volunteered a clean solution other than look here,
look there, try this, try that, and watch out for BibTeX 0.99,
I invented it. That was easier. It works for BibTeX 0.98 .
I made unsrtjhy.bst from unsrt.bst and it gives
a reasonable style that should be adequate for JACS and JCP.
Even makes the title field in article optional- no more blasted
warnings :-)
John H. Yates , Ph.D.
Director of the Chemistry Computer Facility
Department of Chemistry
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104
yates%a.chem.upenn.edu@relay.upenn.edu (INTERNET)


Date: Wed, 30 Mar 88 13:47:47 PST
From: lamport@src.dec.com (Leslie Lamport)
Subject: LaTeX Notes (Re: TeXhax Digest V88 #31)

Gil Neiger writes

   I want to enumerate a list using parenthesized roman numerals
   (lower case).  I would like these to be left-justified.  I
   have tried the following redefinitions of "labelenumi":
   All of these leave the enumeration labels right-justified.
   Does any one have any suggestions here?

Neiger has the common urge to write something like `foo\hfill' and
expect TeX to move the `foo' to where he'd like it to be.  However,
rubber just lengths just push things to the limit of their enclosing
box, and the \hfill in \mbox{foo\hfill} does nothing.

The obvious approach is to redefine \labelenumi to something like

Cynthia Quinn writes

   This might sound like a very stupid question, and probably is, but I have
   not been able to correct mistakes in either TeX or LateX using the
   'I' after a '?' prompt.

As far as I can recall, the only time the LaTeX manual suggests trying
to correct a mistake by inserting new text is in response to a TeX
`Undefined control sequence' error caused by a misspelled command name.
With most other errors, TeX is likely to have stopped with a bunch of
half-digested stuff in its small intestine that only a master surgeon
can remove.  The best you can do is keep hitting "return", hoping that
all this stuff will pass through without killing the patient.

Leslie Lamport


Date: Wed, 30 Mar 88 22:02:20 PST
From: mackay@june.cs.washington.edu (Pierre MacKay)
Subject: makeindex (TeXhax Digest V88 #31)

This is just to confirm that as Pehong Chen has said, makeindex is from
now on part of the UnixTeX distribution, in the directory

If you want to get it immediately, please use the ftp sources mentioned
in Pehong Chen's message to TeXhax mentioned above.  

Many thanks to everyone involved in Berkeley for the work on developing
this, and for the decision to make it available in this way

Email:  mackay@june.cs.washington.edu		Pierre A. MacKay
Smail:  Northwest Computing Support Group	TUG Site Coordinator for
	Lewis Hall, Mail Stop DW10		Unix-flavored TeX
	University of Washington
	Seattle, WA 98195
	(206) 543-6259


Date: Wed, 30 Mar 88 22:23:17 PST
From: mackay@june.cs.washington.edu (Pierre MacKay)
Subject: Japanese Kanji input problem--a review

I once had the good fortune to meet Unger, who is quite fascinating
about this subject.  The problem is not, if I understand what I heard
from him, quite what is posed in the last paragraph of Nelson Beebe's

Japanese is an aggutinative, polysyllabic language by nature, and
even when it uses a Chinese ideograph for a concept, it refers to
that concept in normal japanese polysyllabic terms (I think that is
correct---I hope so [Ancient Persian adopted Aramaic script on much the
same principle to produce Pahlavi.  The wrote the Aramaic syllable
ma' for water, but pronounced it "vedu"]).  Japanese have told me that
any ideograph *could* be written in the katakana syllabary, but it would
take four or five katakana characters to express what one kanji character

It is Chinese that has the phonetic ambiguity problem.  Ideally, each
ideograph is represented phonetically by a single phonetic outburst, and
even with the Chinese tone system, there aren't enough syllables to go
round.  "tsi" with a given tone might mean any one of half a dozen things.
Chinese arguments about complex questions often involve drawing the
relevant character on the palm of one hand with the index finger of the other.
I have seen even North American students of Chinese do that.  In a
complex discussion, there is no other way of deciding which of the
17 or so meanings of "tsi" is intended.  It works with names too.  
Not all Wangs are the same Wang.  You need to know how the Wang is
written. It is a fascinating challenge.

Pierre MacKay


Date: Thu 31 Mar 88 01:52:42-PST
From: Barbara Beeton <BEETON@Score.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: changes to mssymb.tex at score

the file <tex.amsfonts>mssymb.tex provides macros for use of the ams
extra symbol and other fonts.  a couple of errors, recently brought to
our attention, prevented the use of the euler fraktur font; these errors
have now been corrected in the copy at score.  for users unable to ftp,
the change consists of inserting in this file the definitions of
\relaxnext@ and \noaccents@ from amstex.tex.  apologies for any problems
caused by the error.
					-- barbara beeton


Date:       Thu, 31 Mar 88 13:31:25 GMT
From: CMI011%IBM.SOUTHAMPTON.AC.UK@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: survey of PostScript fonts in TeX

As many TeXxers will know, Dominik Wujastyk has written an excellent
survey of the state of Metafont fonts now on the 'market', particularly
those for non-English alphabets. He does not, however, survey the
state of PostScript fonts for those who use PS output devices. I would
like to put together a companion piece to Dominik's work, but before
I start a laborious process, could I ask fellow PS-TeXxies to mail
me if
  a) they already have such a survey (published or unpublished)
  b) they have obscure information on PS fonts
  c) they have opinions on the afm2tfm conversion process. I know
     there are a number of such programs around (we have one) - maybe
     you could send me yours just in case it is different.

What I do NOT want to get into is dvi2ps programs or the ^special
issues. Those already choke the airwaves enough (is there someone
out there who wants to actually check all the versions of dvi2ps
he or she can lay their hands on, and produce a giant composite
one? I'm not volunteering!)

You will gather that I suspect there is a LOT of information
out there on the use of PS fonts in TeX. What is needed is a
a survey of PS fonts that can be had by the casual punter,
not an explanation of how to use them.

If someone says this has already been done, I'll be quite pleased...

Sebastian Rahtz, Computer Science, Southampton



Date: Thu, 31 Mar 88 10:31:09 -0800
From: Paul Higgins <PHIGGINS%UCI@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Re: Chapter # - Page # numbering for book style

When we produced our local VMS User's Guide, we realized that we wanted to
have page numbers like "6-15" to represent the 15th page of Chapter 6.
Here's how we did it:

We started with the "report" document style.  We took the relevant lines
in report.sty and changed them, putting the result in myreport.sty which
looks like this:

   \def\@oddfoot{}\def\@evenfoot{}%       No feet.
   \def\@evenhead{\rm \thepage\hfil \sl \leftmark}%        Left heading.
   \def\@oddhead{\hbox{}\sl \rightmark \hfil \rm\thepage}% Right heading.
   \def\chaptermark##1{\markboth {\uppercase{##1}}{}}%
   \def\sectionmark##1{\markright {\uppercase{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\z@
      \thesection \ \fi ##1}}}}

(This also gives us page headings similar to those in the LaTeX book.)
At the beginning of the document, we have a line like:


Whenever we want to start a new chapter, we use the command \mychapter
(as in \mychapter{Getting Started}), which is defined as:


It simply resets the page counter to one at the beginning of each chapter.

Paul Higgins                    phiggins@orion.cf.uci.edu
Computing Facility              phiggins@uci.bitnet
University of California, Irvine


Date: 31 Mar 88 12:41:00 MST
From: <drstrip@sandia-2.arpa>
Subject: line numbering tex output - a partial solution

On several occasions the question has been asked to how to force TeX to number 
output. Here is  a simple macro that works for simple cases.


%The macro takeapart breaks up the current list by grabbing, in sequence,
%the lastbox, the lastskip, (then unskipping to remove it from the list)
%then the lastpenalty (and unpenalty'ing to remove it from the list). The
%parts are then reassembled into a working list, with the line number
%prepended to the box. The unvbox is to keep the pieces at the same level.
%this macro also takes care of decrementing the line number counter.
\hbox{\hbox to \wd17{\hfil\sevenrm\the\count15}\hskip 2em\box16}\unvbox15}
\advance\count15 by -1}

%The operation of this macro is fairly simple if you accept that 
%takeapart works. We format the paragraph, then save its length in 
%lines. Using that as a counter, we loop, calling takeapart to
%move the lines from the original paragraph to the current box. We
%finish by unboxing, so that the paragraph appears on the page list
%as if nothing had been done to it.
\setbox17=\hbox{\sevenrm 99}
\setbox10=\vbox{\hsize 5in #1\par
\loop \takeapart \ifnum \count15 >1 \relax \repeat}

\linenumbers{Many \TeX\ users have requested a capability to number lines in
a paragraph (or some other unit of text). Here is such a macro. It works by
taking apart the vertical list produced by the linebreaking routine, one
line at a time, prepending the line with a number, and stacking the lines
back up again. Because it takes the glue into account, the line numbers stay
correct even for irregularly space lines, such as occur when {\svntnrm LARGE 
FONTS} are used in the middle of a paragraph. Since the macro uses the line
count from $\backslash$prevgraf, a display in the middle of a paragraph will
cause the macro to fail. Since the macro unboxes its contents before adding
them back to the list, \TeX\ can break pages in the middle of a line numbered
paragraph. It would be a relatively small change to have numbers continue
from paragraph to paragraph. I must admit, I'm not sure how to restart
numbers at the top of the page. A change to the output routine, of course,
to reset the counter, but by then numbers have been assigned to lines that
may appear on a page. Perhaps that box will have to be taken apart again,
but I'm not sure how.}


Date:     Thu, 31 Mar 88 13:31 CDT
From: <SNK0047%TAMVENUS.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject:  Font in Math Mode

Iwould like to be able to REDEFINE the font of the 
Eq. no ONLY while writing eq
uations. Example :
$$ x = y + 2 \eqno(2.12) $$ will give me the (2.12) in " math italic " font.
I want to be able redefine that " 2.12 " into another font - say helvetica.
Is there an easy way to do this without defining new \fam etc ?? Also, is
it possible to write the entire equation in a new font in a simple manner ??

Thank you



Subject: DD Form 1473, 84 MAR: Report Documentation Page
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 88 16:03:51 -0800
From: kelem@aerospace.aero.org

Has anyone got LaTeX macros for the DD Form 1473, 84 MAR
Report Documentation Page?  (Either you know what it is,
or you don't have to care.)  I've got the page layout done
in postscript and definitions for the sizes and positions
of all the boxes.  There are two problems:
1.  How do you make a nice interface for the document writer?
    a) fill out a form with 41 spaces for the information?
    b) provide a macro for placing any one piece of information
       and then have the writer use as many of these as desired,
       then finish it off with a print rdp command?
2.  Some of those boxes are pretty tiny and there is a minimum font-size
    requirement (10pt, so it can be read after it's been microfiched).
    I'd like to be able to fit as much of the info into the box on the
    front side of the page and then put the remainder on the back side
    of the page with the box number in front of it.  E.g.
    \rdp{8a}{Association for the Alleviation of Asinine Abbreviations and
	     Absurd Acronyms}
    would probably be typeset with "Association for the Alleviation" in
    box 8a.  One the back side (next page) there would have to be a line like:
    8a. (cont) of Asinine Abbreviations and Absurd Acronyms

    The point is that the size of the formatting boxes is different on the
    front and the back and that what won't fit on the front has to be put
    in the (larger) box on the back.

Any ideas?
Steve Kelem
arpa: kelem@aerospace.aero.org
uucp: ...trwrb!aero!kelem


Date: Thu, 31 Mar 88 08:30 CST
From: Dick Brown <RBROWN%carleton.edu@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: TeX on the 3B1

We have TeX running on 3B1s around here.  It is TeX-to-C, and a 
couple of students brought it up in their spare time.

Dick Brown (rbrown@carleton.edu, ...umn-cs!stolaf!tuba!rbrown)


Date: Fri, 01 Apr 88 09:25:42 EST
Subject: Screen Driver for TeX for VAX 8530

     We now have TeX up and running on a VAX 8530 running under ULTRIX 2.0.
Up until now, I had not had any interest in the UNIX-TeX news, so what I am
about to ask may have already appeared  (though I did not find it in any of
my back issues).  We are now interested in finding a screen previewer program
for our system. The best possible situation would be a previewer for a
DEC VT102 or Tektronics 4010 terminal, for it would be possible for those of
us who use PCs to emulate these types of terminals.  I have not seen any of
these drivers listed in the Screen Driver Filelist that I received from TEX-L,
but I thought that someone may know of the existence of such an animal.

     Any information about the existence or non-existence would be greatly
appreciated. Any information on a Screen Driver for the VAX running ULTRIX
would be appreciated.

     You can tell me about it here in TeXhax, or send me information over


From: cja@crim.eecs.umich.edu (Charles J. Antonelli)
Date:  1 Apr 1988 1904-EST (Friday)
Subject: Re: easter

i couldn't get Theo Jurriens' "easter" program to work, so i rewrote the
part that deals with the columnar output to use the macros given in the
texbook.  it works much better now.  my version is available via anonymous
ftp from crim.eecs.umich.edu:pub/easter.tex.

charles j. antonelli


Date:    Fri,  1 Apr 88 14:16:40 CST
From: Richard G Larson <U09254%UICVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Vol 88 Number 32

It probably says something about the TeXhax community that I got 1/2 way
through Issue 32 before I realized that it was April 1.  The real giveaway
was having a one-page note by Lamport without even a {\it soup\c con} of
sarcasm in it.

%%%  I trust that by now everyone has realized that issue #32 was an
%%%  "april fools" edition!!
%%%    I hoped everybody enjoyed it.  By the way, the notes in #32 from
%%%  David Fuchs are genuine, right out of the texhax archives...  Malcolm


Date: Fri 1 Apr 88 17:32:08-CST
Subject: Re: TeXhax Digest V88 #32

Very good April 1 digest, Malcolm!  Your lead message about 3 copies
of each digest really got me going for a minute or two.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Bob Paver  ---->  paver@mcc.com  OR  sally!im4u!milano!paver

Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corp (MCC)
3500 West Balcones Center Drive
Austin, Texas 78759                  (512) 338-3316


Date: Fri, 1 Apr 88 10:15 EDT
From: "Steven H. Gutfreund" <GUTFREUND@cs-umass.arpa>
Subject: framebox

The LaTeX book details how to use framebox to create boxes that are narrower
that the text they enclose. But how does one make one shorter than
the text they enclose?

      -	gutfreund@cs.umass.edu           (via csnet/phoneNet)
	gutfreund@cs-umass.arpa          (via arpanet/milnet)
	steveg@umass.bitnet		 (via bitnet)
	yechezkal-shimon@benDovid.haLevi (via gabbai)


Date: Sat, 2 Apr 88 12:15:03 PST
From: mackay@june.cs.washington.edu (Pierre MacKay)
Subject: TeX users on Apollo (TeXhax Digest V88 #33)

Since one of the operating system compatibilities now advertised for
Apollo is 4.3BSD, there should be a good chance of bringing up even
the pascal versions of TeX Metafont and *ware from the Unix TeX
distribution.  As soon as the full WEB-to-C package is available,
it should be a "piece o' cake."

Email:  mackay@june.cs.washington.edu		Pierre A. MacKay
Smail:  Northwest Computing Support Group	TUG Site Coordinator for
	Lewis Hall, Mail Stop DW10		Unix-flavored TeX
	University of Washington
	Seattle, WA 98195
	(206) 543-6259


Date: Sat, 2 Apr 88 12:27:54 PST
From: mackay@june.cs.washington.edu (Pierre MacKay)
Subject: Microsoft Rich Text Format (TeXhax Digest V88 #33)

Every once in a while there seems to be a real advantage to living in
Seattle.  I shall call Microsoft on Monday, (a local call) and if I find
out anything to the point, I shall pass it on through TeXhax.  

We were about to embark on a similar project through the Northwest Center
(UnixTeX distributors) to go with the PCwriTeX that we acquired from 
Europe (now on the distribution.  It may still be necessary if the
charge for "Rich Text Format" is out of line, but it is certainly
worth seeing what Microsoft has in mind first.

Email:  mackay@june.cs.washington.edu		Pierre A. MacKay
Smail:  Northwest Computing Support Group	TUG Site Coordinator for
	Lewis Hall, Mail Stop DW10		Unix-flavored TeX
	University of Washington
	Seattle, WA 98195
	(206) 543-6259


Date: Sat, 2 Apr 88 13:23 PST
From: Don Hosek <DHOSEK%YMIR.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Spanish hyphenation

Has anybody developed a hyphenation table for spanish?


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%%%     All others: send mail to
%%%           texhax-request@score.stanford.edu
%%%     please send a valid arpanet address!!
%%% All submissions to: texhax@score.stanford.edu


End of TeXhax Digest