TeXhax Digest   Monday, July 18, 1988   Volume 88 : Issue 64

This weeks Editor: Malcolm Brown

Today's Topics:

                          bug in common TeX
       Professor Ward's DVIEW for PCs: CM fonts are available.
        Contents of the LaTeX style collection, July 1st 1988
                  Re: Immoderate Notes (TeXhax #61)
                         Question for TexHax
                           DVIEW and DVIST
              Re: LaTeX figure captions vs. buffer size
                 re: Standardizing on PostScript TFMs
               ?Has anyone compiled gftopk using web2c?
                          Formatting problem
                        TeX/LaTeX on an encore
                     LaTeX table of contents bug?
                              texdraw ?
                        Re: New BiBTeX Styles
         Chemistry TeX:  Request for advice and suggestions.


Date:     Thu, 7 Jul 88 18:53 N
Subject:  \smc?

I would like to find a macro for producing Small Capitals without actually
possessing \smc fonts. This should be designed to work with standard AmS-TeX
macro package.
                        Thanks in advance
                         Enrico Gregorio

Addresses: mail
                Dipartimento di Matematica Pura ed Applicata
                via Belzoni 7
                35137 PADOVA (ITALY)



Date: Fri, 8 Jul 88 00:08:05 CDT
From: grunwald%guitar.cs.uiuc.edu@a.cs.uiuc.edu (Dirk Grunwald)
Subject: bug in common TeX

The following is a context diff to Common TeX, V 2.9. This corrects a problem
that doesn't appear to occur too often; some version of UNIX check the
fopen parameters in a stricter sense than others. The following 'b'
suffixes are (according to Pat Monardo) MSDOS directives for ``binary''
mode. On Ultrix, they're an IO error waiting to happen.

You might want to IFDEF this code or something if you plan on using

Dirk Grunwald
Univ. of Illinois

*** io.c.orig	Sun Jun 26 21:01:05 1988
--- io.c	Sun Jun 26 21:01:42 1988
*** 40,46 ****
  b_open_in ()
      if (test_access(READ_ACCESS, FONT_FILE_PATH))
!         return (fopen(name_of_file, "rb"));
      return NULL;
--- 40,46 ----
  b_open_in ()
      if (test_access(READ_ACCESS, FONT_FILE_PATH))
!         return (fopen(name_of_file, "r"));
      return NULL;
*** 48,54 ****
  b_open_out ()
      if (test_access(WRITE_ACCESS, NO_FILE_PATH))
!         return (fopen(name_of_file, "wb"));
      return NULL;
--- 48,54 ----
  b_open_out ()
      if (test_access(WRITE_ACCESS, NO_FILE_PATH))
!         return (fopen(name_of_file, "w"));
      return NULL;
*** 56,62 ****
  w_open_in ()
      if (test_access(READ_ACCESS, FORMAT_FILE_PATH))
!         return (fopen(name_of_file, "rb"));
      return NULL;
--- 56,62 ----
  w_open_in ()
      if (test_access(READ_ACCESS, FORMAT_FILE_PATH))
!         return (fopen(name_of_file, "r"));
      return NULL;
*** 64,70 ****
  w_open_out ()
      if (test_access(WRITE_ACCESS, NO_FILE_PATH))
!         return (fopen(name_of_file, "wb"));
      return NULL;
--- 64,70 ----
  w_open_out ()
      if (test_access(WRITE_ACCESS, NO_FILE_PATH))
!         return (fopen(name_of_file, "w"));
      return NULL;


Date:         Fri, 08 Jul 88 12:15:23 IST
From: "Jacques J. Goldberg" <PHR00JG%TECHNION.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject:      Professor Ward's DVIEW for PCs: CM fonts are available.

I express full support to convince PC Users to use THAT previewer.
Here is my contribution:

1. DVIEW works with CGA,EGA and the Toshiba graphics cards.
   SIMCGA, available in public domain servers, makes it work with the Hercules
   card as well ( that's how I use it).
   People who have or fear difficulty about getting SIMCGA, write me by e-mail,
I'll send a diskette by airmail ( 7 days delivery to the USA). I expect a later
refund for the diskette and mailer (3$) plus the stamping read on the mailer.

2. I have the PXL and the PK files available for DVIEW's resolution, as follows
74 CM* fonts plus the LASY*, the CIRCL, the LINE, a total of 85 fonts, each at
magstep 0, H, 1,2,3 , that is, 85x5=425 PK files and 425 PXL files.
I will be glad to ship them under the same conditions (expected refund of media
and mail cost, 3$/diskette plus cost of stamps).
I would prefer to ship the PK set ( 7 diskettes) rather than PXL (20).
That would include a batch file to make the PXL files, and of course PKTOPX.
The problem is, PKTOPX[.C] does not work yet on my PC.
If somebody has/knows a Public Domain PKTOPX/PC-DOS, please let me know.
As soon as I get hold of a working, freely distributed, PKTOPX, I'll ship
that only. When the PK-compatible DVIEW comes out, the PK files will be
there; meanwhile, the PXL too.

                                         Jacques Goldberg, Prof. of Physics
                                            ||_____________ zeroes


Subject: Contents of the LaTeX style collection, July 1st 1988
Date: Fri, 08 Jul 88 06:15:42 -0400
From: Ken Yap <ken@cs.rochester.edu>

The LaTeX style collection now contains the files listed below.  You
should retrieve the file 00index first to obtain a brief description of
current directory contents.  The file 00directory contains a reverse
time sorted list of files; this may be helpful in keeping your
collection in sync with LaTeX-style.

More submissions are very welcome.

00directory                00index
00readme                   a4.sty
a4wide.sty                 aaai-instructions.tex
aaai-named.bst             aaai.sty
acm.bst                    agugrl-sample.tex
agugrl.sty                 agujgr-sample.tex
agujgr.sty                 alltt.sty
amssymbols.sty             apalike.bst
apalike.doc                apalike.sty
art10.txt                  art11.txt
art12.txt                  article.txt
biihead.sty                bsf.doc
bsf.sty                    captcont.sty
cyrillic.sty               dayofweek.tex
deproc.sty                 deprocldc.tex
docsty.shar                doublespace.sty
draft.sty                  drafthead.sty
drop.doc                   drop.sty
dvidoc.shar1               dvidoc.shar2
epic.shar1                 epic.shar2
espo.sty                   fixup.doc
format.sty                 fullpage.doc
geophysics.sty             german.sty
ieeetr.bst                 ist21.sty
latex.bug                  latex.dif
layout.readme              layout.tex
lcustom.tex                lfonts_ams.readme
lfonts_ams.tex             lgraph.shar
local-suppl.tex            man10.sty
man11.sty                  man12.sty
manual.readme              manual.sty
memo.sty                   mfr.sty
mitthesis-sample.tex       mitthesis.sty
natsci.bst                 natsci.sty
newalpha.bst               nl.sty
nopagenumbers.doc          remark.sty
resume-sample.tex          resume.sty
rscsencode.shar            sc21-wg1.sty
sc21.sty                   schedule.doc
schedule.sty               sfwmac.sty
shapiro-btxbst-0.98.readme shapiro-btxbst-0.98.doc
shapiro-makebst.sh         showlabels.sty
siam.bib                   siam.bst
siam.sty                   siam.tex
siam10.sty                 siam11.sty
siam12.sty                 slem.doc
spacecites.doc             suthesis.doc
suthesis.sty               svma.sty
svma.tex                   svsa.sty
tabledoc.tex               tables.doc
texindex.shar              texnames.doc
tgrind.sty                 threepart.sty
titlepage.txt              trademark.sty
uct10.diffs                uct10.doc
uct11.diffs                uct11.doc
uct12.diffs                uct12.doc
ucthesis.diffs             ucthesis.doc
ucthesis.readme            uuencode.shar
vdm.doc                    vdm.sty
vdm.tex                    wsltex.shar
xxxcustom.tex              xxxslides.sty

***** Please note that ieeetr, acm, siam and apalike BibTeX styles
require BibTeX 0.99b. The others require an 0.98i or older.

1. For Internet users - how to ftp:

Here is an example session.  Disclaimer: ftp syntax varies from host to
host. Your syntax may be different. The syntax presented here is that
of Unix ftp. Comments in parentheses.

% ftp cayuga.cs.rochester.edu	(a.k.a. cs.rochester.edu, a.k.a.
 ...				(general blurb)
user: anonymous
password: <any non-null string>
ftp> cd public/latex-style	(where the files are)
ftp> ls				(to see what is there)
 ...				(lots of output)
ftp> get 00index
 ...				(more blurb)
ftp> quit

2. Non-Internet users - how to retrieve by mail:

An archive server has been installed. Send a piece of mail to LaTeX-Style
(@cs.rochester.edu, via uucp or your favourite gateway) in the following

Subject line should contain the phrase "@file request".  Body of the
mail should start with a line containing only an @ (at) sign.
The first line following should be a mail address FROM rochester TO
you.  Then follow by the names of the files you want, either one to
each line, or many to each line, separated by spaces.  End with a line
containing only an @ sign.  Case is not significant.

For example, if you are user at site.bitnet, this is what you should send:

Subject: @file request

user%site.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu		(don't forget your address!)

A word to the wise: it is best to fully qualify your mail address. Our
mailer is pretty ignorant of Bitnet, CSnet or UUCP addresses unless they
are in registered domains.  It is best that you supply explicit gateway
routes.  Use the new domainized form or addresses whenever possible.

If the Subject: line looks like:

Subject: @file request uuencode


Subject: @file request rscsencode

then the mail will be encoded with the requested scheme before
sending.  This _might_ help sites that get mail through gateways with
unfriendly EBCDIC/ASCII mappings. You can find sources for the two
types of en/decoders in the collection. You may have to do some porting
of sources.

Be patient as the server is actually a batch program run once a day.
Files will be sent in batches, each not exceeding 100kbytes in size.

3. Distribution for IBM PC and clone users:

There are two sources.

	David W. Hopper
	446 Main Street
	Toronto, Ontario
	Canada M4C 4Y2

has LaTeX style files only.

1. Either one 1.2 MB diskette or three 360KB diskettes, blank and formatted.
2. Indication of the format required,
3. A self-addressed mailer, and
4. A $5.00 donation per set of files, to cover postage and equipment
wear & tear. (If you live outside North America, airmail delivery will
probably require more postage. You should probably contact David for
5. No phone calls or personal visits please.

	Jon Radel
	P.O. Box 2276
	Reston, VA 22090

has LaTeX style files and other goodies.  The style files occupy 4
floppies.  For a list of his comprehensive collection, or other info
send a SASE.

1. 360KB diskettes, blank and formatted.
2. A stamped, self-addressed mailer, and
3. $1.50 per disk. If you live outside North America, skip the stamps
and send additional money or International Reply Coupons.

As a convenience for people who have more money than floppies, Jon will
supply everything for $6.00 per disk to U.S./Canada/Mexico addresses.


Date:     Fri, 8 Jul 88 13:46 N
From: <POPPELIE%HUTRUU51.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> (Nico Poppelier)
Subject:  Re: Immoderate Notes (TeXhax #61)

In TeXhax #61, Malcolm wrote

%%%                                    ... In any case, PLEASE
%%% attempt to FTP them from Score (Internet) or from the LISTSERV@TAMVM1
%%% on BITNET.

I understand that, but the thing is: TeXhax #57 and #58 are not (yet)
available from the TAMVM1 listserver. The BITNET listservers are
very useful for distributing answers to problems and TeXhax back issues,
provided you can get the same stuff from the listserver as other
people can get from Score via FTP.

Nico Poppelier


Date: Fri, 8 Jul 88 09:39 PDT
Subject: Question for TexHax

I am using LaTeX (sometimes with PICTeX) on a VAX to make figures.  TeX
frequently runs out of memory while making the more complicated figures.

One possible way around this might be to break a picture up into "pieces",
each piece on a separate page, printing them one at a time superimposed
one on another.

My question is: Is it possible to instruct LaTeX (TeX) to dump out a page
without issuing a command to the printer to go to the next page?  I suppose
this process might not make much sense on some types of printers, but
I'm using a laser printer (Imagen).


                                         LeRoy Price
                                         Physics Dept., U.C. Irvine
                                 BITENT: LPRICE@UCIVMSA
                               INTERNET: LPRICE@VMSA.CF.UCI.EDU


Date: Fri, 8 Jul 88 15:17:40 ADT
From: Dave Dermott <DERMOTT@DREA-XX.ARPA>
Subject: DVIEW and DVIST

DVIEW and DVIST previewer
   I also got DVIEW from SIMTEL20. Too bad it still uses PXL fonts
Fortunately it uses the same font resolution (96 pxl/in) as DVIST. I
had already Metafonted many fonts for DVIST (in PK format) so I only
had to run PKTOPXL on them.

  I got the version 3.2 of DVIST, a previewer for the ATARI ST line,
with C sources from Lakesys SERVER. It was writen at York Univ. by
A. Moise and T.Ivanco. It looks like it would be easy to convert
to other systems . 
   The package is in 9 UUencoded files named DVIST3_2/part.uua(b,c,...i)
I sent messages to lakesys!netlib@csd1.milw.wisc.edu in form
send volume1/dvist3_2/part.uua from archives.atari

   Included with DVIST was the C source for a file server to be run on
a UNIX host to enable DVIST to read DVI files from the host.  Has
anyone got this working on VAX-VMS? I tried several times, put
debugging statements in the server but no luck. The files get opened
and the VAX sends bytes( it looks like it sends the whole file) but
DVIST doesn't get them. DVIST is checking for the preamble header byte
but doesn't find it and prints out a message like " xxx is not a DVI
file ". If the server was working it would save the step on using
KERMIT to transfer the DVI file. I now have Tex-in-C working on the
ATARI-ST so I can do the Texing on it too.

Dartmouth NS


Date:         Fri, 08 Jul 88 14:25:49 CDT
From: Don Hosek <U33297%UICVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject:      Re: LaTeX figure captions vs. buffer size

This is actually a common problem and when dealing with it let's consider
a few things:
 1) Why does LaTeX write the caption to the AUX file?
         This is done so that LaTeX can use the caption in references
         (e.g. list of figures &c.) and so forth.
 2) Do we really want to have a caption that's one-third of a page long
    in a list of figures or something similar?
         Of course not. That's silly.
 3) So what should we do?
         For starters, read the manual. Then we will discover that \caption
         has an optional argument which allows us to specify a short version
         of a caption for the list of figures and so forth. Thus, if we have
         a really long caption, we should use the optional argument to
         specify an abbreviated caption. (If we aren't planning on using
         the caption outside of the figure or table where it appears we
         can simply type \caption[]{... }

Hope that this sheds some light on a common problem.



Date: Sun, 10 Jul 88 02:46:36 EDT
From: jonradel%icecream.Princeton.EDU@Princeton.EDU (Jon Radel)
Subject: re: Standardizing on PostScript TFMs

from TeXhax60.88:
>Before we declare Elwell's TFMs the definitive TFMs, perhaps we should
>also come up with new names for them as well. While many good operating
>systems allow fairly long names for files, others (in particular, CMS,
>MVS, and MS-DOS) restrict file names to eight characters in length. VMS
>also has a length restriction, although it isn't as drastic. I propose
>that if we're going to declare these TFMs standard, we also come up with
>names that will be unique to 8 characters for these files as well.
If I might make the counter proposal that we use the names that Adobe 
itself has come up with for this situation.  Since they distribute 
all their fonts for MS-DOS machines, they've already got it down to 
eight plus three characters for AFM.
As of September 1987 they were distributing the file MAPPINGS that 
starts as follows:
>Please note: the following filename mappings will not necessarily remain this
>way in the final font products.  The font product will contain a file with
>the actual mapping between font name and file name on the IBM-PC.
>April 10, 1986 Adobe Systems, Inc.  Douglas Sleeter
>Copyright (C) Adobe Systems, Incorporated
>All rights reserved.
>Actual font name			IBM-PC filename
>AmericanTypewriter-Bold.afm		amtypeb.afm
>AmericanTypewriter-Medium.afm		amtypem.afm
>AvantGarde-Book.afm 			avangbk.afm
>AvantGarde-BookOblique.afm 		avangbko.afm
>AvantGarde-Demi.afm 			avangd.afm
>AvantGarde-DemiOblique.afm 		avangdo.afm
>Benguiat-Bold.afm			bengbol.afm
>Benguiat-Book.afm			bengbok.afm
--Jon Radel


Date: Sun, 10 Jul 88 15:14:37 -0400 (EDT)
From: Michael Meyer <mm8s+@andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: ?Has anyone compiled gftopk using web2c?

Has anyone compiled a version of gftopk using the Web2C package?  Is there a
change file (and set of include files) for this and other MetaFont utilities.

--Mike Meyer


Date:         Sun, 10 Jul 88 18:40:48 EDT
From: Peter Galko <PTRPB%UOTTAWA.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject:      Formatting problem

I find that I am not satisfied with the standard ways that figures can be
included in TeX with commands such as \topinsert, \midinsert, etc. I would
to devise a way of telling TeX to include material for a figure of a known size
right after the line on which, say, a reference to a particular figure
occurs (never before the reference) provided space exists on the page;
otherwise the figure material should move to the top of the next page. The
solution should include such refinements as waiting until one more line of
the paragraph has been included if an immediate inclusion of the figure
material would leave only one line of the paragraph after
figure on the same page.  Basically I am looking for something like
\midinsert which acts *almost* immediately, and does not first include all
the current paragraph in \box255.

Are there any wizards out there who may be able to undertake to provide a
reasonably elegant solution to this problem if one exists (or suggest
to me how the problem might be solved)?

Prof. Peter Galko                      E-mail: PTRPB@UOTTAWA.BITNET
Department of Electrical Engineering
Room A-509, Colonel By Hall            Telephone: (613)-564-7097
770 King Edward Avenue
University of Ottawa
OTTAWA, Ontario
K1N 6N5


From: munnari!goanna.oz.au!isaac@uunet.UU.NET (Isaac Balbin)
Subject: TeX/LaTeX on an encore
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 88 10:01:17 +1000

I would like to hear from anyone who has TeX/LaTeX running
on an encore. We are running System V, but BSD will do as well since
there is a binary compatibility mode. Please send replies by mail 
thanks,	Isaac Balbin.  		isaac%goanna.oz@uunet.uu.net


Date: Mon, 11 Jul 88 08:51:45 EDT
From: beck@svax.cs.cornell.edu (Micah Beck)
Subject: LaTeX table of contents bug?

The following use of the \addcontentsline command together with an \include'd
file causes unexpected ordering of lines in the table of contents.

This LaTeX document bug.tex:


	Some text.

	\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Added Line 1}


with this \include'd file p1.tex:

	\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Added Line 2}
	\section{Section Header}

	More text.

produces this table of contents file bug.toc:

	\contentsline {section}{Added Line 2}{2}
	\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1}Section Header}{2}
	\contentsline {section}{Added Line 1}{2}

Note that the entry "Added Line 1" is added BEFORE p1.tex is included, but
shows up in bug.toc AFTER the entries generated by p1.tex.  The problem can
be avoided by placing the first \addcontentsline command inside p1.tex.
Also, it doesn't happen if \input is used rather than \include.

We are running TeX 2.9, and LaTeX 2.09 of 15 Sep 1987.  Is this a bug in LaTeX?

Micah Beck

DISCLAIMER: Yes Dr. L, I looked in the LaTeX manual under entries for
\tableofcontents, \addtocontents,  and \include, and posted an inquiry
to our local TeX newsgroup already, with no luck.


From: boris@ADAM.PIKA.MIT.EDU (Boris N Goldowsky)
Subject: texdraw ?
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 88 11:47:49 EDT

I have a damaged copy of a program called texdraw, and I wonder where
I can find a good copy of it.  The title page looks like this:

**   Copyright (C) 1987 Thomas Taylor
** This file is part of TexDraw
[copyright info deleted]
**         Module:  texdriv.c
**   Program Name:  texdraw
**    Program Use:  Graphics Program for LaTeX Text Formatter
**         Author:  Tom Taylor
**           Date:  August 21, 1987
**          Class:  C Sci 498, Senior Project
**        Sponsor:  Hank Levy
**    This module contains driver functions for the texdraw program.

Any pointers would be appreciated.  (Is Mr. Taylor out there?)


Date: Mon, 11 Jul 88 14:11:16 ]Io
From: James Alexander <alex@eneevax.umd.edu>
Subject: Re: New BiBTeX Styles

Tom Schneider (toms@ncifcrf.gov) recently (Volume 88 :  Issue 59)
discussed setting switches in a LaTeX document to create formats for
bibliographies.  I would like to respond on two levels to his comments.

First there is the general philosophy of LaTeX, of which BibTeX is a
part.  In Texhax, there is a continuing sequence of queries of the
sort, "How can I coerce LaTeX into doing such and such a format?"  and
a continuing sequence of responses, "Don't.  Format is not in the
author's purview."  LaTeX is like a Cadillac automobile, designed to
insulate, so far as possible, the driver from the mechanical details of
driving.  It is somewhat gauche to ask how to install four on the floor
in a Cadillac.  The philosophy of LaTeX is perfectly valid, explicitly
spelled out in the LaTeX book and various other forums (see the most
recent Tugboat), and I think Leslie Lamport's pique at the requests for
help in violating that philosophy is justifiable.  That philosophy does
mean that the designers of LaTeX/BibTeX feel no responsibility to make
it easy for users to design their own formats, and indeed, some
responsibility to discourage such design.

Second, bibliographies in particular are nasty to make format-design
friendly.  There is a program to set bibliographies in {La,AMS,...}TeX,
which is designed to make it straightforward to change formats (mostly
so that the (myriad of) specs of journals could be met).  It turns out
to be virtually impossible to make a set of simple switches (or a menu)
to cover all possibilities.  You think you've covered everything, and
something else comes along.  As an example of a format technicality:
although frenchspacing is a good idea in bibliographies, IEEE wants
periods followed by a double spaces in the middle of bibliographic
entries.  Yet another switch (or do you include TeX format commands
with the switches?).  How does the user specify what to do if a book
has no author -- e.g.  a handbook?  Or if the title is to be in roman
font enclosed in quotes for a journal article, but in italic for a
book?  What are the options if there is supposed to be a title, but
there isn't one in the database?  Etc.  The switch descriptors rapidly
become a format file of their own.  The best way out seems to be to
combine switches with some (one hopes) un-mysterious TeX format files,
explain in the documentation how to change things, and provide
examples.  This is not as friendly as what Schneider requests, but may
be the best possible if the user is to have complete control over


Date: Sun, 10 Jul 88 21:43:26 CDT
From: J E PITTMAN <JEPTEX@venus.tamu>
Subject: Chemistry TeX:  Request for advice and suggestions.

A number of chemists here at Texas A&M have expressed interest in TeX, but are 
rather discouraged by the number of overfull and underfull hbox errors that 
they are receiving as a result of TeX's inability to hyphenate a long, complex 
chemical formula or term.  If anyone has dealt with this problem before, I 
would appreciate any advice and suggestions you can send to:

     JEPTEX@TAMVENUS      (Bitnet)

I will forward a summary to TeXhax.  :-)


Date: Mon, 11 Jul 88 18:40:10 EDT
From: toms@ncifcrf.gov
Subject: bibtex

In regard to Chip Roberson's question about mneumonic keys,
I use the form Smith1988, and so far, with over 100 references
I've had to double up (as SmithBaker1988) only once or twice.
This makes it pretty easy to remember the key.

By the way, I do have a refer->bib converter (called tol, in Pascal), but I
don't know how it compares to the ones you have available.  It uses the key
method I describe above.
  Tom Schneider
  National Cancer Institute
  Laboratory of Mathematical Biology
  Frederick, Maryland


%%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing:
%%%     BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@TAMVM1.BITNET:
%%%         SUBSCRIBE TEX-L <your name>    % to subscribe
%%%     All others: send mail to
%%%           texhax-request@score.stanford.edu
%%%     please send a valid arpanet address!!
%%% All submissions to: texhax@score.stanford.edu
%%% Back issues available for FTPing as:
%%%          machine:      directory:  filename:
%%%      nn = issue number
%%%      yy = last two digits of current year


End of TeXhax Digest