TeXhax Digest   Monday, August  1, 1988   Volume 88 : Issue 68

This weeks Editor: Malcolm Brown

Today's Topics:

                   Page # of # pages (TeXhax65.88)
                TeX stuff for PC/MS-DOS (TeXhax63.88)
                         Question on dvi2ln3
    Doing a newsletter in TeX & full page calendar (any samples?)
                PK-reading version of DVI2LN3 (V13.0)
             End-of-line delimited macros in (plain) TeX.
                   Using TT font or Courier PS font
                             Getting TeX
                interaction of \clearpage and fullpage
                              86 digests
                        Summary of Page # of #
                        Unix TeX for the Sun-3
         Re: \Longleftarrow and \Longrightarrow at 12pt fails
  \insertplot graphics macro for ArborText's DVIPS PostScript driver


19-Jul-88 23:08:56-PDT,997;000000000000
Return-Path: <jonradel%icecream.Princeton.EDU@Princeton.EDU>
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 88 02:08:16 EDT
From: jonradel%icecream.Princeton.EDU@Princeton.EDU (Jon Radel)
Subject: Page # of # pages (TeXhax65.88)

%%% My apologies to Jon Radel! In issue 67, the text of his submissions
%%% were mysteriously deleted and I did not notice the deletion.  Jon's
%%% submissions follow.  Malcolm
My understanding is that, on any given pass through TeX, once a page 
is "shipped-out" by your output routine that's it for that page, and 
you obviously can't get the total page count till you format the 
whole document.  "Not possible" is, however, strong language.  A few 
\special's and a seriously hacked DVI driver could probably solve the 
problem.  :-)
--Jon Radel


19-Jul-88 23:08:57-PDT,2569;000000000000
Return-Path: <jonradel%icecream.Princeton.EDU@Princeton.EDU>
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 88 02:07:56 EDT
From: jonradel%icecream.Princeton.EDU@Princeton.EDU (Jon Radel)
Subject: TeX stuff for PC/MS-DOS (TeXhax63.88)
Having felt the desire for better access to TeX materials for use on 
MS-DOS machines myself, I've been doing something about it since 
early this year.  I see, however, it's time for another round of 
publicity.  So to beat my own drum...  :-)
I supply a fair amount of material on 360K PC floppies (720K floppies 
a possibility, though strongly discouraged) by mail.  Wonderful 
computer networks notwithstanding, this is by far the most universal 
distribution method at my disposal.
I have, among various odds and ends, DosTeX, Common-TeX v2.1 with all 
the gory problems that don't pass TRIP, source to Common-TeX v2.9 
which I can't get to run on a PC (and, no, Pat Monardo doesn't answer 
my mail either), the LaTeX-style collection, MakeIndex v2.4, TeXMaG 
back issues, TeXhax back issues, UKTeX back issues, TGRIND, PiCTeX, 
all the TeX and METAFONT source (including, of course, CM source and 
the TRIP and TRAP tests), Beebe's DVI Drivers (though those are 
better gotten from him), CDVI Previewers, TeXView, and CM fonts for 
some of the more popular printers for people who don't have METAFONT.
The collection is new enough that it is a bit disorganized and there 
are a few big gaps, but I'm working on it.
There are various other items that I'm attempting to find the time to 
port to Microsoft or Waterloo C.
There are many other items that I've not had to time to gather.  
(Donations are always welcome!)
Unfortunately, not being independently wealthy, I have to charge a 
copying fee to help cover my postage and floppy bills.
Further details on all of the above can be obtained in exchange for a 
self-addressed #10 envelope (one of those long, business ones) with 
45 cents postage or, if outside the U.S., two or four International 
Reply Coupons, depending on whether you want it by air.
Jon Radel
P.O. Box 2276
Reston, VA  22090
--Jon Radel


Date: Tue, 12 Jul 88 17:40:05 edt
From: art%buengc.bu.edu@bu-it.BU.EDU (A. R. Thompson)
Subject: Question on dvi2ln3

Please post the following to texhax.

Thank you, A.R. Thompson

We are using a DEC LN03 plus with a standard rom containing five
frequently used fonts.  We have been trying to modify dvi2ln3 so that when
these fonts are specified it will inform the printer and not try to load
the fonts themselves.  We have made some progress but we still cannot seem
to get it quite right.  Does anybody have a modified copy of dvi2ln3 (or
ln03dvi) with the appropriate changes, or know what the changes should be?

If we figure it out on our own we'll make it generally available.


Date: Thu, 21 Jul 88 10:33:35 EDT
From: csrobe@icase.arpa (Charles S. Roberson)
Subject: Doing a newsletter in TeX & full page calendar (any samples?)

We (the CS graduate students @ William and Mary) are going to start
publication of a newsletter in our department and would like to see
some samples of how other people have done this.  We would like to
use LaTeX, but TeX is also possible.  We are looking at rougly four
pages front and back.  If anybody has any style files or macros that
would help in this kind of layout, we would greatly appreciate your
generosity.  Also any words of wisdom will also be welcomed!

On the last page of the newletter we would like to display a calendar
for the month.  Something like those block structured calendars they
used to put on the back of elementary school PTA newsletters telling
the parents what the cafe was serving for lunch....  Any clues on
building one of these would be *extremely* helpful (would one use
a minipage environment for each day?)!  Of course, if someone has a
nicer calendar format, we aren't bound to our PTA format. :-)

Thanks for listening,
 <signature goes here>
Chip Roberson -- Secretary pro tem
William and Mary Computer Science Graduate Student Association

|Chip Roberson                ARPANET:  csrobe@icase.arpa                 |
|1105 London Company Way      BITNET:   $csrobe@wmmvs.bitnet              |
|Williamsburg, VA 23185       UUCP:     ...!uunet!pyrdc!gmu90x!wmcs!csrobe|
|                         JUST OPENED:  csrobe@[] (cs.wm.edu) |

      "One world is enough, for all of us..."         - The Police.


Date: Thu 21 Jul 88 07:45:09-PDT
Subject: PK-reading version of DVI2LN3 (V13.0)

                       Changes made to DVI2LN3 (V13.0)

                                E. V. Bell, II
                     Department of Physics and Astronomy
                             University of Kansas

	As of early June, we have been using a version of DVI2LN3
	which reads PK files. This is my enhanced version of V12 of
	the TeX driver for LN03/LN03+ printers originally written by
	Flavio Rose of Digital Equipment Corporation and modified by
	me to look more like a VMS routine. Although I have tried to
	restrict those changes which are specific to VMS, it is possible
	that some of the modifications I have made to the code will make
	UNIX users unable to use the driver.

	I have made the following alterations:

	    (1)	Restructured the directory search for the PXL files.
		The program used to look for files named
		TEX$PXLDIR:fontname.nnnnPXL, where  nnnn  is the
		magnification of font  "fontname".  It now looks
		for  files  named  TEX$PXLDIR:[nnnn]fontname.PXL.
		This necessitates the logical name change from

		    $ define/system/exec TeX$PXLDIR TeX$DISK:[TeX82.PXL]

		(for example) to

		    $ define/system/exec TeX$PXLDIR TeX$DISK:[TeX82.PXL.]

		(notice the additional period before the closing
		bracket). This means you can no longer SET DEFAULT
		to TEX$PXLDIR at DCL,  but still allows directories
		and file access (a minor inconvenience).

	    (2)	Implemented the CLI routines (for VMS) so that
		DVI2LN3 may be "installed" as a DCL command.
		This requires several things to be done, but
		allows easy modification of the parameters (such
		as horizontal and vertical offsets) depending on
		what your situation requires.

	    (3) Restructured the downloaded names of the fonts.
		Flavio's scheme was to call the fonts UTEXFNT
		when the program is started and then substitute
		00, 01, 02, ..., as necessary for the NT. This
		has the disadvantage of requiring each downloaded
		font to be separately deleted (a process which
		takes the LN03 some time to do). I call ALL of
		the fonts UTeXFNT (notice the lower-case e) and
		use  two "comment"  characters in the full font
		name  to distinguish them.  This enables ALL of
		the fonts to be deleted with the "Delete entire
		font family" sequence for the LN03 (although the
		driver itself never issues this command). In the
		following, the carets (arrows) indicate Flavio's
		"numbering" distinctions for the fonts and the
		vertical bars indicate mine.

			     ^^ ||

		(Aren't DEC's font names ugly?)

	    (4) Finally fixed the problem associated with round-off
		problems in the calculation of PXL magnifications.

	    (5)	Eliminated all leading and trailing form feeds.
		There are no more blank pages! (As it turned out,
		they were merely wasteful).

	    (6)	Modified the display of page numbers so that
		the first ten of TeX's internal counters (\count0
		through \count9) are displayed. Like TeX, only the
		numbers through the last non-zero one for that page
		are listed. This modification also allowed me to
		prevent unnecessary wrapping of lines when the next
		page number was too long. This differs from Flavio's
		version in that his only lists the first counter
		(\count0, usually the page number).

	    (7)	Last but not least, DVI2LN3 now reads PK files in
		addition to reading PXL files. If the program cannot
		find the PK file at a given magnification, it attempts
		opening the correct PXL file before giving up. For
		those people still interested in trying to open up
		NFT files, the capability is still there, but I have
		not implemented it in the current version.

	The primary change which I have implemented is the inclusion of
	the VMS CLI (Command Line Interpreter) routines in order to make
	the parsing of command qualifiers for the program look like any
	other VMS command. The qualifiers which are currently supported
	by version 13.0 of DVI2LN3 are:

	    (1) /number=n	Print n pages of document (default=all)
	    (2)	/start=n(.n...)	Start printing at page n(.n...)
	    (3) /hoffset(/voffset)=<decimal number><dimension>
				Horizontal and vertical offsets to add to
				those already in the DVI file. The default
				values are set via the CLD (Command Language
				Definition) file. These will now not only
				accept pixel units, but inches, centimeters,
				and all of the units known to TeX. An example
				would be /hoff=1.0in
	    (4)	/landscape	Print document in landscape mode. The
				/portrait command is no longer specifically
				supported, although /nolandscape results
				in this and is the default.
	    (5) /a4		Print document in European A4 format.
				This allows the printer to use all of
				the printable area for all you people
				who use A4 paper. Flavio's qualifier
				would have translated into /european,
				but I felt /a4 was more mnemonic.
	    (6)	/copies=n	Print n copies (default=1)
	    (7)	/magnification=n
				Print document at an additional
				magnification. As usual, n is the
				magnification x 1000, so if the
				equivalent of \magstep1 is desired,
				/magnification=1200 is used.
	    (8) /pkdir(/pxldir,/fontdir)=<directory_name>
				Directory specification for location
				of PK, PXL, and TFM files, respectively.

	I have still not had the time to implement the following changes:

	    (1) Addition of the /pages=(range1,range2,...). This would
		be easier to use that the /start, /number combination and
		would enable the user to print off several page ranges in
		one pass rather than a pass for each range, but I haven't
		had the time to ponder this one, even though I need it.

	    (2)	The downloaded TeX fonts are not deleted following the job.
		I don't know the circumstances in which some people have
		had trouble with this (unless they have another font-loading
		print job which is non-TeX and conflicts), so this has
		not been a pressure job either. (So far only one person
		has questioned whether or not this was being done.)

	If you are interested, I am willing to send interested parties:

	    (1) Copies of the C source for the driver. This consists of
		three files.
	    (2)	The CLD file necessary to "install" the program on your
	    (3) The HLP file to insert into your VMS help library.
	    (4)	Documentation as to how to get all of this up and running.

	If you are on SPAN, you can retrieve these files without any
	problem. The files are on KUPHSX::TeX_DISK:[TeX82.LN03]. The
	C files called DVI2LN3_NEW.C, DVI2LN3PK.C, and SPECIALS_NEW.C.
	The CLD file is called LNTEX.CLD and the HLP file is called
	LNTEX.HLP. The file AAAREADME.TXT contains some (rather terse)
	instructions as to how to alter you DCL tables to include the
	new command and how to insert the help file into the system help
	library. The method for recompiling the code from scratch
	is outlined in Flavio's LN03.MEM, so I haven't altered that.
	If you do retrieve the file via SPAN, please let me know. I
	would like to keep track of all places which are using my version.

	I am also attempting something new this time. I will assemble all
	requests for a week and send them out (barring unforeseen problems)
	all at once on the weekends. In this manner I hope to keep better
	track of all of the requests. I also wish it to be known that a
	good deal of my time went into implementing the PK-reading ability
	into the program. Although I will send the program at NO cost to
	anyone who requests it, I will not turn down monetary compensation
	either. I am NOT selling the driver, merely asking consideration
	from the community for my time spent. If you can't afford it or
	don't feel it is worth it, that is also fine.

	Finally, this may be a limited time offer. I expect to be finishing
	my degree in the near future (certainly before the end of the year,
	hopefully sooner) and will not be available at my current e-mail
	address, although I hope to still be on SPAN someplace. If this
	does happen, I will send a new e-mail address where I can be

	If you have sent me mail before, you may know I can at times be
	slow to reply. If you don't get a reply to your note, (say within
	two weeks) try again until you do. I apologize to anyone who thinks
	I have neglected them in the past. I often lose track of time.

					Ed Bell
					Dept. of Physics \& Astronomy
					The University of Kansas
					Lawrence, KS   66045-2151

	Reply to (in order of preference for each net):



   European Decnet:	KUPHSX::Bell (7.220)			or


Date: Thu, 21 Jul 88 17:23:53 BST
From: CET1%phoenix.cambridge.ac.uk@NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK

In TeXhax #65, Steve Kelem complains that the \Relbar and \Leftarrow
(or \Rightarrow) of \Longleftarrow (or \Longrightarrow) do not join up
properly "at 12pt". I think we need more information on exactly which
fonts, magnifications, and METAFONT modes he is using. I cannot
reproduce the effect at 1:1 magnification, using either "lowres" or
"imagen" (of waits.mf) mode, and matching any of

    cmr10              (=) vs. cmsy10              (arrows)
    cmr10 scaled 1200  (=) vs. cmsy10 scaled 1200  (arrows)
    cmr12              (=) vs. cmsy10 scaled 1200  (arrows)

(there being no official cmsy12). I could imagine that the last pairing
might give trouble in some circumstances, though.

Chris Thompson
JANET: cet1@uk.ac.cam.phx
ARPA:  cet1%phx.cam.ac.uk@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk


Date:		21-JUL-1988 17:28:25 GMT
From:		CHAA006%vaxb.rhbnc.ac.uk@NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK
Subject:        End-of-line delimited macros in (plain) TeX.

Steve Buyske asked about end-of-line delimited macros in (plain) TeX.
Here is an example of a technique which seems to work :-

\def\next##1^^M{\centerline{\bf ##1}\catcode`\^^M=5 %

\title This is a title
and this is run-on text, separated
only by end-of-line, but not
a [par] or similar.  It wasn't long
enough before, so we've padded it out.

This is a second paragraph.


					** Phil.


Date: Thu, 21 Jul 88 09:38:00 pdt
From: mcdonald@loki.hac.com (louis mcdonald)
Subject: Using TT font or Courier PS font

    I have been trying to use the TT font and Postscript
    Courier font for a government proposal (requirement).

    Using either font does not give me correct alignment on the
    righthand side. Basically, the lines are coming out
    `ragged right'. If I switch to RM font, no problem!?

    Also the use of the TT font or Courier font produces MANY
    overfull boxes. Not being a METAFONT TeXer, what information
    am I missing that would explain this problem?

    Is there something I can do to make the TT font or Courier font
    behave like the RM font? I am using the Arbortext TeX system
    on an Apollo. The TT and RM are CM 12 point fonts. As mentioned
    earlier, the Courier font is Postscript (TFM from arbortext).


Louis McDonald                  | HACNet:  Athena::Exos%"mcdonald@loki"
Hughes Aircraft  213-616-3134   | Arpanet: mcdonald%loki@hac2arpa.hac.com
   / \                          +----------------------------------------
\__|_/                          | Smail:   P.O. Box 902; EO/E53/E270
   |                            |          El Segundo, CA 90245          
 __/     ___         o  _       +----------------------------------------
(_) \___(___)__(__|__|_/_)__/   | These are my opinions and not Hughes'

  When your software is not working; who you gonna call: `Code Buster'


Date: Thu, 21 Jul 88 13:23:06 EDT
From: weltyc@fs3.cs.rpi.edu (Christopher A. Welty)
Subject: Getting TeX

	I am so far behind the current releases of TeX, LaTeX, and
BiBtex that I can't use the updates that are on june.  Is there a way
to ftp the *complete* TeX release (including the latest version of
everything), or do I have to order a new tape?


Christopher Welty  ---  Asst. Director, RPI CS Labs
weltyc@cs.rpi.edu       ...!rutgers!nysernic!weltyc


From: Eric Ole Barber <mcvax!nw.stl.stc.co.uk!sizex@uunet.UU.NET>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 88 13:42:07 BST
Subject: interaction of \clearpage and fullpage

I asked this question some time ago, but haven't seen it in the digest.

I made this observation in TeXhax Digest V88 #43 -

I'm using \clearpage to force all figures in a section into the same section,
and start a new section on a fresh page.  If \clearpage has to force out a page
of floats, then no figures appear on the first page of the next section.

In a private message, Lamport blames this on fullpage. I've tried mailing the
originator of fullpage without any response. Can anyone else help? I enclose
fullpage and a test-file (toggle the documentstyle lines
to see what I mean).

fullpage -

\marginparwidth 0pt
\oddsidemargin  0pt
\evensidemargin  0pt
\marginparsep 0pt
\topmargin   0pt              
\textwidth   6.5in            
\textheight  8.5 in           
test-file -                   
% \documentstyle[fullpage]{article}
\subsection{A system specification}
on (see Figures~\ref{APPsel} to \ref{APPgrown}).
\vspace{   0.80555in}         
\caption[]{Selecting a component}
\vspace{   0.93055in}         
\caption[]{Growing a node (before)}
\vspace{   1.06945in}
\caption[]{Growing a node (after)}
Figure~\ref{APPdbvonr} is presented.
\vspace{   0.91667in}
\caption[]{Turning on operation trans of component APP(a)}
\vspace{   1.02778in}
\caption[]{Specifying data element db\_view\_1}
\vspace{   1.23611in}
\caption[]{Data element review for component APP(a)}
\subsection{Resource usage}
Analyse pull-down menu (see Figure~\ref{pdAnalyse}).
\vspace{   1.61111in}
\caption[]{Calculated work}
The calculated work is shown in Figure~\ref{APPwork}.


Date: 22 Jul 88 03:19:00 EDT
From: "DARREN STALDER" <dstalder@gmuvax.gmu.edu>
Subject: 86 digests

Does anyone know where I can get the the 86 digests (00-15) mentioned in 

I have internet (ftp), bitnet, uucp, and BBS access.  If someone could 
point me to a source, I would appreciate it.

%%% I took them off Score in order to free up some disk space.  The BITNET
%%% list server still has them on-line.  You can get them from me on a MSDOS
%%% or Mac disk iff you send a disk and a self-addressed, stamped disk mailer
%%% for the return.  My address is: AIR/SyD, Sweet Hall 3090, Stanford 
%%% University, Stanford CA 94305-3090 USA
%%% Malcolm
                  Torin/Darren Stalder/Wolf
Blessed         Internet: dstalder@gmuvax2.gmu.edu
  Be!           Bitnet:   dstalder@gmuvax
                ATTnet:   1-703-352-8124
      Hail      uucp:     multiverse!uunet!pyrdc!gmu90x!dstalder
        Eris!   Snail:    PO Box 405/Fairfax, VA 22030/USA
DISCLAIMER: I have enough problems getting credit what I do do for
            work, much less this stuff.


Date: 22 Jul 88 03:26:00 EDT
From: "DARREN STALDER" <dstalder@gmuvax.gmu.edu>
Subject: Summary of Page # of #

Thank you for the responses to my request.  The suggestion I liked 
best was put the number of pages you think will be generated into a 
file.  Have TeX read that and then check at the end to see if you were 
correct.  If you werent it would warn you that your page numbering was 
incorrect.  TeX could even update that file itself.  I wish I could 
attribute this to its source but my mail file got seriously munged.  
(it wasnt my idea --- I wish it was.)
                  Torin/Darren Stalder/Wolf
Blessed         Internet: dstalder@gmuvax2.gmu.edu
  Be!           Bitnet:   dstalder@gmuvax
                ATTnet:   1-703-352-8124
      Hail      uucp:     multiverse!uunet!pyrdc!gmu90x!dstalder
        Eris!   Snail:    PO Box 405/Fairfax, VA 22030/USA
DISCLAIMER: I have enough problems getting credit what I do do for
            work, much less this stuff.


Date: Fri, 22 Jul 88 09:33:26 EDT
From: Ray Hirschfeld <ray@math.mit.edu>
Subject: Unix TeX for the Sun-3

I got version 4.0 of Sun's Unix about a month ago but haven't
installed it yet.  One thing I wanted to make sure of before I did is
that TeX would still work.  Does anybody have any experience running
TeX on a Sun-3 under Sun OS 4.0?  Does it need a new undump?  Starting
with this release, Sun no longer includes pc and f77 but instead
supplies (separately) their own Pascal and FORTRAN compilers.  Are
there problems using their Pascal to compile TeX?  Any information
would be appreciated.



Subject: Re: \Longleftarrow and \Longrightarrow at 12pt fails 
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 88 12:18:33 -0700
From: kelem@aerospace.aero.org

>In TeXhax #65, Steve Kelem complains that the \Relbar and \Leftarrow
>(or \Rightarrow) of \Longleftarrow (or \Longrightarrow) do not join up
>properly "at 12pt". I think we need more information on exactly which
>fonts, magnifications, and METAFONT modes he is using. I cannot
>reproduce the effect at 1:1 magnification, using either "lowres" or
>"imagen" (of waits.mf) mode, and matching any of

>    cmr10              (=) vs. cmsy10              (arrows)
>    cmr10 scaled 1200  (=) vs. cmsy10 scaled 1200  (arrows)
>    cmr12              (=) vs. cmsy10 scaled 1200  (arrows)

>(there being no official cmsy12). I could imagine that the last pairing
>might give trouble in some circumstances, though.

I used the following LaTeX file:

This ends up using:
PXL file fonts/cmsy10/cmsy10.360pk opened.
PXL file fonts/cmr12/cmr12.300pk opened.
[1 - 4 total ch,  2 diff ch,  216 pxl bytes]

Total chars   diff chars   pxl bytes
      #   %        #   %       #   %
------- ---   ------ ---   ----- ---
      2  50        1  50      48  22  cmr12.300
      2  50        1  50     168  78  cmsy10.360

Total number of characters typeset: 4
Number of different characters downloaded: 2

When the fonts were created, I used:
mode_def laserwriter =  % laserwriter mode: for the Imagen 8/300 (Canon engine)
 proofing:=0;      % no, we're not making proofs
 fontmaking:=1;      % yes, we are making a font
 tracingtitles:=0;    % no, don't show titles in the log
 blacker:=0;      % Canon engine is black enough
 fillin:=.2;      % and it tends to fill in diagonals
 o_correction:=.6;    %


Steve Kelem
internet: kelem@aerospace.aero.org
uucp: ...!sdcrdcf!aero!kelem
or:   ...!trwrb!aero!kelem


Date:     Fri, 22 Jul 88 17:04 N
Subject:  \insertplot graphics macro for ArborText's DVIPS PostScript driver

For users of Arbortext's DVIPS PostScript driver, heres a macro to enable
   (1)  the inclusion of straight PostScript files or
   (2)  graphics output from the DI-3000/PICSURE PostScript driver
directly into TeX/LaTeX files. It may be nested within LaTeX floating
bodies, or used directly.
Our DI-3000/PICSURE runs on VMS VAXs. Our lasers are QMS800/PS.

\documentstyle [...,insertplot,....] {any style}
\caption{\label{land}Four landscapes}


 +---------------------+      +---------------------+
 |                     |      |                     |
 |                     |      |                     |
 |      fig1.pst       |      |      fig3.pst       |
 |                     |      |                     |
 |                     |      |                     |
 +---------------------+      +---------------------+

 +---------------------+      +---------------------+
 |                     |      |                     |
 |                     |      |                     |
 |      fig2.pst       |      |      fig4.pst       |
 |                     |      |                     |
 |                     |      |                     |
 +---------------------+      +---------------------+

             Figure 1: Four landscapes

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% cut here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% insertplot.sty
% This macro is to be used with the Arbortext DVIPS PostScript driver.
% 15 July 1988.
%   C. E. Higgs
%   Paul Scherrer Institute
%   CH-5303 Wuerenlingen
%   Switzerland
%   tel: 056 992062 (direct)
%        056 992078 (secretary)
% parameter #1: Offset from left margin
%           #2: PostScript file name
%           #3: Vertical space to leave for figure
%           #4: Scaling factor on X-axis
%           #5: Scaling factor on Y-axis
%           #6: Orientation of original figure
%               0 = landscape
    \hskip #1
     \vbox to #3{
          0 SPB
          /figsave save def
          /showpage {} def
          /initgraphics {} def                   % redefine 3 commands from
          /erasepage {} def                      % the DI-3000 output to be
          /a4 {} def                             % null operations.
          /slide{#6 0 eq                         % translate the origin
            {-100 #4 mul 600 #5 mul translate    % and rotate if the
             270.0 rotate}if                     % original figure is
                   } def                         % landscape
          Xpos Ypos translate
          #4 #5 scale}
       \special{ps: plotfile #2 asis}
          figsave restore
          0 SPE}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% cut here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


End of TeXhax Digest