TeXhax Digest   Friday, August 26, 1988   Volume 88 : Issue 77

Moderator: Malcolm Brown

Today's Topics:

                    Minor insect in DVI2LN3 V13.0
             DVI (with tpic specials) drivers -- Summary
                   Danish letters in LaTeX headings
                      Re: TeXhax Digest V88 #72
                       LETTER.STY and MERGE.STY
                              Re: TeXhax
          LaTeX Style for Arizona State Univ. Thesis Wanted
                           date in letters
                 Hercules Driver Using Beebe's Stuff?
                   Wanted (alive): Gary McClelland
                      GFtoPK change file for VMS


Date: Sun 21 Aug 88 18:01:17-PDT
Subject: Minor insect in DVI2LN3 V13.0

	This is to inform everyone of a minor bug in  DVI2LN3 V13.0.
	The  bug is  simple to fix  and does not  require  any other
	alteration.  The line to be fixed is in  DVI2LN3PK.C  and is
	in the line  which  issues the  Bad  PK File  error  message
	(printf("\n%DVI2LN3-I-BDPKFL...).  I  erroneously  refer  to
	the variable  pkf  in the line...that is wrong. The variable
	referred  to in  should  be  font_name[txfno].  If you  make
	this substitution, there should be no problem.  No update in
	version number or date is required.  Anyone who received the
	new driver  after  August 17 (1988) has the correct version.
	Thanks to UCC2JDC@NAUVM  (no name given)  for  pointing this
	error out to me.

					Ed Bell
					Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
					The University of Kansas


Date: Mon, 22 Aug 88 11:10:03 PDT
From: kwok@iris.ucdavis.edu (Conrad Kwok)
Subject: DVI (with tpic specials) drivers -- Summary

First, thanks to all who have responsed to my question. It seems
to me that not many DVI drivers currently support tpic
specials but a number of people are planning to support tpic
specials in their new DVI drivers. Here is the summary.

1) "iptex" written by Chris Torek --- This is for imagen printer. 
It is included in the UNIX TeX distribution.  It is also
available for anonymous ftp from a.cs.uiuc.edu in the file

2) "texx" written by Dirk Grunwald --- DVI previewers for X11. 
It supports most of the tpic specials but not all. It is part of
the iptex package. See 1) above.

3) "texsun" written by Dirk Grunwald --- DVI previewers for
Sunview window system. It supports most of the tpic specials. It
is also part of the iptex package. See 1) above.

4) "dvips" written by Tomas Rokicki and tpic special codes are
added by Dorab Patel --- A DVI to Postscript translator. It is
available for anonymous ftp from labrea.stanford.edu.

5) L. Michael Gray in the University of New Hamsphire said he has
modified dln01 (for DEC LN01S), dvi2ps and xdvi (for X10.4) to
handle tpic specials. He may be reached at lmg%unhcs@RELAY.CS.NET.

6) "dviis" previewers for Integrated Solutions. I think it is
available on june.cs.washington.edu.

7) DVI previewers written by Randy Buckland for VMS vaxstations.
The program is written in Ada. The executable is available for
anonymous ftp from argon.rti.org [].

8) There are a number of DVI drivers in science.utah.edu but I
don't know which one support tpic specials and who one don't.

Some of the information here come at second hand. Correct me if
any of these are wrong. If you know any DVI drivers that support
tpic specials but they are not list here. Please send me a
message so that I can keep this list up-to-date.


internet: kwok@iris.ucdavis.edu
csnet: kwok@ucd.csnet 
csnet: kwok%iris.ucdavis.edu@csnet.relay
uucp: {ucbvax, uunet, ... }!ucdavis!iris!kwok


Date: Mon, 22 Aug 88 00:02 MET
From: Depart. of Economics <ecomail%vms2.uni-c.dk@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Danish letters in LaTeX headings

Hello networkers!

When LaTeX makes headings, it converts the titles of the \section s
into caps as default.
  This works well until Danish characters are used. To solve the
problem, we tried the following TeX-commands:

\uccode`\~~Z=`\~~] % \ae
\uccode`\~~]=`\~~] % \AE
\uccode`\~~\=`\~~_ % \o
\uccode`\~~_=`\~~_ % \O

but it did not give any result! - And there were no error
messages. Surprisingly, the last Scandinavian character \AA  \aa did
not give any problems!

Can anyone help?
Thanx in advance!

Per N. D. Bukh
Gustav Jeppesen
University of Aarhus


Date: Sat, 20 Aug 88 11:48:37 mes
From: Michael Haberler <mcvax!hpuviea!mah@uunet.UU.NET>
Subject: Re: TeXhax Digest V88 #72

TeXhax@Score.Stanford.EDU (TeXhax Digest):
> Where can i get (FTP is ok) a DVI postprocessor that will support HP

Try neumann@awiwuw11.bitnet (Dr. Gustaf Neumann).

Michael Haberler			mah@hpuviea.UUCP 
Hewlett-Packard Austria GmbH, 		...mcvax!tuvie!hpuviea!mah
A-1220 Vienna, Austria			...hplabs!hpfcla!hpbbse!hpuviea!mah
(0043) (222) 2500 x412 (9-18 CET) 	michl@awiwuw11.bitnet


Date:         Tue, 23 Aug 88 13:17:33 MEZ
From: Erich Neuwirth <A4422DAB%AWIUNI11.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject:      LETTER.STY and MERGE.STY

I have a problem with letter.sty (well, with a modified version, but
the same problem appears with letter.sty, I have tested that).

I want to use MERGE.STY by Graeme McKinstry as published in
TUGBoat 8/1 to do form letters.

In principle this works, but with one exception.
I am using multiline-addresses and I want to use the recipients
name, i.e. the first line of the address, in the header of page 2
an later.

LETTER.STY by Leslie Lamport provides a mechanism for that.
The \sendingaddress is split in two parts, namely \toname
and \toaddress.
As long as I use
in the letter directly everything is ok.

MERGE.STY works by using
in a macro where \sendadress is defined via
\global\read\addrfile to\sendaddress
in another macro.

Somehow by all this calls the \processto macro which does the
separation into \toname and \toaddress seems not to be able
to handle the \\ which is read into \sendaddress correctly,
\toname also contains secondaddressline if the lines read in
from the addressfile contained a two line address.

I there an easy cure for my problem?

I enclose a copy of MERGE.STY and of a letter
showing my problem

-------------------------------  cut here ----------------------------
% merge.sty
\typeout{Merge substyle-release 6 October 1986 by Graeme McKinstry}

\long\def\contents{\global\setbox\store=\vbox\bgroup} % store the contents
\long\def\endcontents{\egroup}                        % of the letter


\newread\addrfile                               % allocate an input stream

\def\@openfile{\openin\addrfile=\mergef@le     % open the address file
\ifeof\addrfile                             % i. e., didn't open successfully
                \immediate\write16{Could not open file \mergefi@le}
                \closein\addrfile                % close the input stream
                \read16 to \mergef@le            % get another filename
                \openin\addrfile=\mergef@le      % open up input stream
        \repeat       % repeat until successfully opened

\def\merge#1{\def\mergef@le{#1 }\@openfile\readfile \contents}

\def\readfile{\global\read\addrfile to\sendaddress % get the address
                   \global\read\addrfile to \openingtext % get the
                                                         % opening line

\def\endmerge{\iffirsttime\endcontents\global\firsttimefalse\fi %
                                      % end contents if it is the first time
              \setbox\l@tterbox=\copy\store % copy the contents
                                            % of the letter
                \message{End of file}
                \readfile     % loop round yet again

-------------------------------  cut here ----------------------------
%  testlet.tex

\address{Erich Neuwirth}
\signature{Erich Neuwirth}




This is a Test

And this is the second page
\closing{das wars}



-------------------------------  cut here ----------------------------
% adfile.tex, but REMOVE THIS LINE before using the file.
{Konrad Neuwirth \\ Fernkorngasse 44/2/4}
{Dear Konrad}
{Gabriele Neuwirth \\ Fernkorngasse 44/2/4}
{Dear Gabi}
-------------------------------  cut here ----------------------------
The last file also MUST NOT contain empty lines at the end

A4422DAB  at  AWIUNI11   in   BITNET
Intitute for Statistics and Computer Science
University of Vienna
Universitaetsstr. 5/9
A-1010 VIENNA, Austria


Subject:      Re: TeXhax

  I am writing a manual with more than 99 subsections in a section whose
number is above 9, and this leads to overwriting in the table of
  Here follows a minimal TeX file which illustrates the problem. You will
notice that I tried to solve it (dottedtocline lines), but to no avail.
  Thank you very much for your help.






\chapter{Alphabetical Reference List1}
\chapter{Alphabetical Reference List2}
\chapter{Alphabetical Reference List3}
\chapter{Alphabetical Reference List4}
\chapter{Alphabetical Reference List5}
\chapter{Alphabetical Reference List6}
\chapter{Alphabetical Reference List7}
\chapter{Alphabetical Reference List8}
\chapter{Alphabetical Reference List9}
\chapter{Alphabetical Reference List10}
\section{BUMPST. Steps pointers}
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Date:    Tue, 23 Aug 88 12:31:04 PDT
From:     forrest@Csa3.LBL.Gov
Subject: LaTeX Style for Arizona State Univ. Thesis Wanted

Does anyone either know of or have anything to say about a style file
that is acceptable for a Master's Thesis at Arizona State University
(in the Anthropology Dept. if it matters). I'm already aware of Yap's
collection but didn't see one for ASU.


Jon Forrest


Date: Tue, 23 Aug 88 15:39:11 EDT
From: toms@ncifcrf.gov
Subject: date in letters

When I use the LaTeX letter environment I automatically have a date supplied.
But the date given is always today, not the day that I wrote and sent
the letter, so if I print out a copy of the letter later I get the
wrong date.  I cannot locate anyplace in the manual that says how
to over ride this (under date or letter or today or whatever), or even
how to prevent the date from showing (so that I can insert
my own).  So: how do I prevent dates or over ride the default?
\date{mydate} doesn't work.   Tom Schneider toms@ncifcrf.gov


Date:    Tue, 23 Aug 88 12:36:37 PDT
From:     forrest@Csa3.LBL.Gov
Subject: Hercules Driver Using Beebe's Stuff?

I've been thinking about using Beebe's stuff to make a Hercules driver.
Has anyone already done so or have anything to say about this?

I've started messing with Beebe's code and found that the makefile for 
Microsoft C seems to require too much memory for the Make program that
comes with MSC 5.1. Borland's Make seems to do a better job. Also, I noted
that Quick C seems to initially only support the medium memory model. I'll
have to look deeper in the documentation to see if there are any ways around
this. Does anyone have anything to say about using Turbo C with Beebe's stuff?

Jon Forrest


Date: Tue, 23 Aug 88 18:05:53 PDT
From: lamport@src.dec.com (Leslie Lamport)
Subject: Wanted (alive): Gary McClelland 

Would the person whose return address on a message to V88 #75 was
listed as "Gary McClelland, x8122, Psych CB 345" please send me his
real net address--or a more complete phone number.


Leslie Lamport (lamport@src.dec.com)


Date: Tue, 23 Aug 88 22:11:40 EDT
From: ingr!b11!guy@uunet.UU.NET
Subject: GFtoPK change file for VMS

 I have seen several people asking for a VAX/VMS change file for GFtoPK.
I have one I finessed :-) from another change file.  It works for me.

Guy Streeter
...uunet!ingr!b11!guy		(UUCP)
ingr!b11!guy@uunet.uu.net	(ARPANET)
GFtoPK change file for VAX/VMS
Hacked blindly from the GFtoPXL change file
Guy Streeter, 18 Apr 88

\pageno=\contentspagenumber \advance\pageno by 1
\pageno=\contentspagenumber \advance\pageno by 1
\def\title{GFtoPK changes for Vax/VMS}

@d banner=='This is GFtoPK, Version 1.2' {printed when the program starts}
@d banner=='This is GFtoPK, Vax/VMS Version 1.2'

@d othercases == others: {default for cases not listed explicitly}
@d endcases == @+end {follows the default case in an extended |case| statement}
@d othercases == otherwise {Vax/VMS default for cases not listed explicitly}
@d endcases == @+end {follows the default case in an extended |case| statement}

@p program GFtoPK(@!gf_file,@!pxl_file,@!output);
program GF_to_PK(@!gf_file,@!pk_file,@!input,@!output);
   var i:integer;

procedure initialize; {this procedure gets things started properly}
  var i:integer; {loop index for initializations}
  begin print_ln(banner);@/
@<Procedures for initialization@>@\
procedure initialize; {this procedure gets things started properly}
  var i:integer; {loop index for initializations}
    @<Preset initial values@>@\

@!byte_file=packed file of eight_bits; {files that contain binary data}
{later we'll define files that contain binary date}

@!gf_file:byte_file; {the stuff we are \.{GFtoPK}ing}
@!pk_file:byte_file; {the stuff we have \.{GFtoPK}ed}
@!gf_file:packed file of byte_block; {the stuff we are \.{GFtoPK}ing}
@!pk_file:packed file of byte_block; {the stuff we have \.{GFtoPK}ed}
@!gf_count:integer; {number of bytes read from current block of |gf_file|}
@!pk_count:integer; {number of bytes written to current block of |pk_file|}
@!gf_blocks:integer; {number of blocks in |gf_file|}

begin reset(gf_file);
begin reset(gf_file);

begin rewrite(pk_file);
begin rewrite(pk_file);

@p function gf_byte:integer; {returns the next byte, unsigned}
var b:eight_bits;
begin if eof(gf_file) then bad_gf('Unexpected end of file!')
else  begin read(gf_file,b); gf_byte:=b;
function gf_signed_quad:integer; {returns the next four bytes, signed}
var a,@!b,@!c,@!d:eight_bits;
begin read(gf_file,a); read(gf_file,b); read(gf_file,c); read(gf_file,d);
if a<128 then gf_signed_quad:=((a*256+b)*256+c)*256+d
else gf_signed_quad:=(((a-256)*256+b)*256+c)*256+d;
gf_loc := gf_loc + 4 ;
@d read_gf_file(#)==begin
	if gf_count=VAX_block_length then begin
		get(gf_file,@=error:=continue@>); gf_count:=0;

@p function gf_byte:integer; {returns the next byte, unsigned}
var b:eight_bits;
begin if eof(gf_file) then bad_gf('Unexpected end of file!')
else  begin read_gf_file(b); incr(gf_loc); gf_byte:=b;
function gf_signed_quad:integer; {returns the next four bytes, signed}
var a,@!b,@!c,@!d:eight_bits;
begin read_gf_file(a); read_gf_file(b); read_gf_file(c); read_gf_file(d);
if a<128 then gf_signed_quad:=((a*256+b)*256+c)*256+d
else gf_signed_quad:=(((a-256)*256+b)*256+c)*256+d;

      write(pk_file, a) ;
      if pk_count=VAX_block_length then begin
         put(pk_file,@=error:=continue@>); pk_count:=0; end;

   write(pk_file, a div 256) ;
   write(pk_file, a mod 256) ;
   pk_loc := pk_loc + 2 ;
   pk_byte( a div 256 ) ;
   pk_byte( a mod 256 ) ;

   write(pk_file, a div 65536 mod 256) ;
   write(pk_file, a div 256 mod 256) ;
   write(pk_file, a mod 256) ;
   pk_loc := pk_loc + 3 ;
   pk_byte ( a div 65536 mod 256 ) ;
   pk_byte ( a div 256 mod 256 ) ;
   pk_byte ( a mod 256 ) ;

      write(pk_file, b) ;
      write(pk_file, a div 65536 mod 256) ;
      write(pk_file, a div 256 mod 256) ;
      write(pk_file, a mod 256) ;
      pk_loc := pk_loc + 4 ;
      pk_byte ( b ) ;
      pk_byte ( a div 65536 mod 256 ) ;
      pk_byte ( a div 256 mod 256 ) ;
      pk_byte ( a mod 256 ) ;

   set_pos(gf_file, -1) ; gf_len := cur_pos(gf_file) ;

   set_pos(gf_file, n); gf_loc := n ;
var @!blk,@!byt:integer; {block and byte number}
begin gf_loc:=n;
   blk:=n div VAX_block_length;
  @=find@>(gf_file,blk+1); {VMS starts counting block numbers at 1}

values.  The |status| array contains
values.  The |chstat| array contains

@!status: array[0..255] of virgin..sent; {character status}
@!chstat: array[0..255] of virgin..sent; {character status}

@ Here we initialize all of the character |status| values to |virgin|.
@ Here we initialize all of the character |chstat| values to |virgin|.

   status[i] := virgin ;
   chstat[i] := virgin ;

  if status[gf_ch_mod_256] = virgin then begin
  if chstat[gf_ch_mod_256] = virgin then begin

  status[gf_ch_mod_256] := sent ;
  chstat[gf_ch_mod_256] := sent ;

  if status[gf_ch] <> virgin then
  if chstat[gf_ch] <> virgin then

  status[gf_ch] := located ;
  chstat[gf_ch] := located ;

   if status[i] = located then
   if chstat[i] = located then

final_end : end .
while pk_count>0 do pk_byte(0);
final_end : end .

This section should be replaced, if necessary, by changes to the program
that are necessary to make \.{GFtoPK} work at a particular installation.
It is usually best to design your change file so that all changes to
previous sections preserve the section numbering; then everybody's version
will be consistent with the printed program. More extensive changes,
which introduce new sections, can be inserted here; then only the index
itself will get a new section number.
Here are the remaining changes to the program
that are necessary to make \.{GFtoPXL} work on Vax/VMS.


@ @<Types...@>==
@!byte_block=packed array [0..VAX_block_length-1] of 0..255;

@ On Vax/VMS we need the following special definitions, types, variables
and procedures to be able to get the file name from the command line,
or to prompt for them.

@d VAX_direct==@=direct@>
@d VAX_fixed==@=fixed@>
@d VAX_volatile==@=volatile@>
@d VAX_immed==@=%immed @>
@d VAX_external==@=external@>
@d VAX_stdescr==@=%stdescr @>
@d VAX_lib_get_foreign==@= lib$get_foreign@>
@d VAX_length==@=length @>
@d VAX_fab_type==@= FAB$TYPE @>
@d VAX_rab_type==@= RAB$TYPE @>
@d VAX_xab_type==@= XAB$TYPE @>
@d VAX_fab_xab==@= FAB$L_XAB @>
@d VAX_xab_nxt==@= XAB$L_NXT @>
@d VAX_xab_cod==@= XAB$B_COD @>
@d VAX_xab_fhc==@= XAB$C_FHC @>
@d VAX_xab_ebk==@= XAB$L_EBK @>
@d VAX_xab_ffb==@= XAB$W_FFB @>

@ @<Types...@>=
@!sixteen_bits= 0..65535;

@ @<Glob...@>==
@!command_line:packed array[1..300] of char;
@!file_name,@!def_file_name:varying [300] of char;
@!ask,@!got_file_name: boolean;

@ @<Preset init...@>=
open(output,'SYS$OUTPUT',@=error:=continue@>); {FIX ME! JUNK FOR RUN-TIME BUG}

cmd_i:=1; while (cmd_i<=cmd_len) and (command_line[cmd_i]=' ') do incr(cmd_i);
if got_file_name then

if got_file_name then begin
	if ask then write_ln('Couldn''t open ',file_name);
else ask:=true;
while ask do begin
	write('GF file: ');
	if eof then goto 9999;
	if ask then write_ln('Couldn''t open ',file_name);

if got_file_name then begin
	for cmd_len:=1 to def_file_name.VAX_length do
		if (def_file_name[cmd_len]=']')
		or (def_file_name[cmd_len]=':')
		then cmd_i:=cmd_len+1;
	if cmd_i<=def_file_name.VAX_length then
	if ask then write_ln('Couldn''t open ',file_name);
else ask:=true;
while ask do begin
	write('PK file: ');
	if eof then goto 9999;
	if file_name.VAX_length=0 then file_name:='SYS$OUTPUT';
	if ask then write_ln('Couldn''t open ',file_name);

@ Here is the library procedure that gets the user's command line.

@<Procedures for ...@>=
[VAX_external] function VAX_lib_get_foreign(
  VAX_stdescr cmdlin:[VAX_volatile] packed array [$l1..$u1:integer] of char
	:= VAX_immed 0;
  VAX_stdescr prompt:[VAX_volatile] packed array [$l2..$u2:integer] of char
	:= VAX_immed 0;
  var len : [VAX_volatile] sixteen_bits := VAX_immed 0;
  var flag : [VAX_volatile] integer := VAX_immed 0)
    :integer; extern;

@ Here is how we intervene to find out the length of the |gf_file|.

@<Procedures for ...@>=
function gf_open(var fab:VAX_fab_type; var rab:VAX_rab_type):integer;
	type XAB_ptr = ^VAX_xab_type;
	var	user_status:integer;
	user_status:=@= $OPEN@>(fab);
	if odd(user_status) then @= $CONNECT@>(rab);
	while (xab<>nil) and (fhc=nil) do
		if xab^.VAX_xab_cod=VAX_xab_fhc then fhc:=xab
		else xab:=xab^.VAX_xab_nxt::XAB_ptr;
	if fhc<>nil then
           if fhc^.VAX_xab_ffb=0 then
              gf_blocks:=int(fhc^.VAX_xab_ebk) - 1
	else gf_blocks:=0;



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End of TeXhax Digest