TeXhax Digest Monday, October 3, 1988 Volume 88 : Issue 85 Moderator: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: immoderately noted Instructions for FTPing TeX from Score various questions Contents of the LaTeX style collection, Sep 23 1988 footnote numbering per page TeXware FTP Locations Keeping Extraneous Blanks Out of Macro Definitions LaTeX bug Macros for Printing Words, Lines and Files Verbatim Looking for LaTeX book.sty w/McGraw-Hill specs ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 24 Sept 1988 From: Malcolm Subject: immoderately noted %%% This issue begins with an important contribution from Eric %%% Berg. He has written up instructions for transferring TeX %%% and related files from Score. Anyone with FTP access to Score %%% should probably keep a copy of Eric's instructions handy. ------------------------------ Date: Wed 20 Jul 88 21:37:42-PDT From: Eric M. Berg <A.Eric@GSB-HOW.Stanford.EDU> Subject: Instructions for FTPing TeX from Score I've created a file -REAME-.GETTING-TEX in the <ANONYMOUS> directory on Score. It contains an explanation of the lay-out of the <TEX> directory tree on Score, and some brief instructions on using anonymous FTP, both originally written by Barbara Beeton and updated by me. Anyone interested in FTPing TeX files from Score should be encouraged to retrieve this file first, if they have any questions about what files are where. Since this file is in <ANONYMOUS>, anyone who logs in via "anonymous FTP" can find it without having to change directories. We seem to get a couple of inquiries a month about how to do this, and hopefully this file will make responding to them individually a thing of the past. /Eric FINDING TeX FILES ON SCORE.STANFORD.EDU USING ANONYMOUS FTP Most systems on the Internet (this includes the Arpanet, NSFnet and some others, but not Bitnet or USEnet) support a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) program that enables a user to make a connection to another node on the network and copy or send files between the two connected nodes. If the remote node supports anonymous FTP, it is not necessary for the user to have an account at that node. An FTP session (run on a TOPS-20 system) looks something like this. @ftp score.stanford.edu ... FTP> cd <tex.web> < Please log in first, with USER, PASS and ACCT. LOGIN (user) anonymous Password: anonymous ... FTP> get -chrono-.dir web-chrono.dir [source file] [target file] PS:<TEX.WEB>-CHRONO-.DIR.14 => <BNB>WEB-CHRONO.DIR.1;P777700 !! [OK] FTP> exit ORGANIZATION OF THE TeX DIRECTORIES ON SCORE In the above example, we are retrieving the -CHRONO-.DIR file from the <TEX.WEB> directory, the directory which holds TeX.WEB and its change files, TANGLE and WEAVE, and so forth. Most of the <TEX.*> subdirectories contain chrono files, which list the files in that directory chronologically by date of last modification (most recently modified files first). These chrono files are regenerated automatically every weekend. The subdirectories listed below are the ones that become part of the standard TeX distribution tapes: <TEX.AMSFONTS> .TFM and raster files of 300 dpi AMS fonts <TEX.AMSTEX> AMSTeX.TeX and related macros and documentation <TEX.BIBTEX> the BiBTeX system, for use with LaTeX <TEX.CM> .MF sources of the CM* fonts <TEX.DOC> manuals, bug and errata lists and other documentation <TEX.GF> .GF font files <TEX.INPUTS> various macro files and similar <TEX.LATEX> the LaTeX macros and style files <TEX.LN03> a VMS-based device driver for the DEC LN03 printer <TEX.MF> MF.WEB and change files, ``fontware'' <TEX.TEST> TRIP, TRAP and other test-related files <TEX.TEXHAX> the TeXhax archives <TEX.TUGBOAT> items that have appeared in TUGboat <TEX.WEB> TANGLE and WEB; TeX.WEB and change files Other directories of interest: <TEX.BLACKER-FONTS> what the name implies <TEX.IMAGEN> sources for the DVIIMP program (Imagen device driver) <TEX.LOCAL> local TeX input files SOME ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Please note that the WEB Change files in <TEX.WEB> do not necessarily correspond to the latest versions of the .WEB files. (That is, there is frequently a delay between when a .WEB file is updated and when the corresponding Change files are updated.) This is particularly true for Change files for operating systems other than TOPS-20 (e.g. VMS, CMS, etc.). Also note that there are no Un*x change files included on Score. Finally, for other TOPS-20 sites, the .EXE files for the TeX software are stored in the <TEX> directory. Original version: Barbara Beeton (BEETON@Score.Stanford.EDU) Last updated: Eric Berg (EMB@Score.Stanford.EDU), 7/20/88 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Sep 88 10:39:27 CDT From: "Cliff Bergman" <S2.CHB%ISUMVS.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU> Subject: various questions 1. Can anyone suggest an appropriate mode_def for use with Arbortext's Preview program (at 118DPI) on an IBM-pS/2? I have experimented with a few settings, but I don't really know what I am doing. I tried blacker=fillin=0, o_correction=.2 and got rather peculiar results. All of the letter shapes looked reasonable, but the first two characters of each word were more-or-less overprinted. Can anybody explain that to me? 2. I am looking for an 8pt caps-and-small caps font. Has anybody created such an animal? 3. I have remarkably bad luck with bibliographic entries. I seem to manage at least one overfull box in the bibliography of each paper. Now the TeXbook says that the "right" way to fix overfull boxes is to rewrite the offending paragraph, but one can't very well do that with the title of someone else's paper (although I have occasionally been tempted). Is there an accepted way to handle this problem, besides resetting the \hfuzz? AMS-TeX, which I use (and I would imagine LaTeX as well) has a rather inflexible bibliography style, which I do not know how to modify. Which brings me to my last question... 4. Is there a documented version of AMS-TeX, or at least AMSPPT.STY? (Similar to the .doc files for LaTeX?) I promise not to make drastic changes to AMSTeX and then distribute them all over the world, but It would be nice to be able to create our own styles to go with AMS-TeX, such as a thesis style for our department. Thanks, Cliff Bergman s2.chb@isumvs.bitnet Dept. of Mathematics Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 50010 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Sep 88 15:20:41 EDT From: Mike DeCorte <mrd@sun.soe.clarkson.edu> Subject: Contents of the LaTeX style collection, Sep 23 1988 As many of you know, Ken Yapp has been maintaining the LaTeX Style Collection at Rochester. This collection has been moved to Clarkson_Univsity:sun.soe.clarkson.edu:archive-server and is being maintained by me, Michael DeCorte (mrd@sun.soe.clarkson.edu). The LaTeX style collection now contains the files listed below. You should retrieve the file Description first to obtain a brief description of current directory contents. The file Index contains a reverse time sorted list of files; this may be helpful in keeping your collection in sync with LaTeX-style. The file Readme describes how to retrieve files. More submissions are very welcome. Index man10.sty a4.sty man11.sty a4wide.sty man12.sty a5.sty manual.readme a5comb.sty manual.sty aaai-instructions.tex memo.sty aaai-named-0.98.bst merge.sty aaai-named-0.99.bst mfr.sty aaai-named.bst mitthesis-sample.tex aaai-named.ost mitthesis.sty aaai.sty natsci.bst acm.bst natsci.sty agugrl-sample.tex newalpha.bst agugrl.sty nl.sty agujgr-sample.tex nopagenumbers.sty agujgr.sty pcwritex.shar album.shar pslatex.shar alltt.sty remark.sty amssymbols.sty resume-sample.tex apalike.bst resume.sty apalike.sty romanneg.sty art10.txt rscsencode.shar art11.txt sc21-wg1.sty art12.txt sc21.sty article.txt schedule.sty biihead.sty select.tex boxedminipage.sty semitic.sty bsf.sty sfwmac.sty captcont.sty shapiro-btxbst-0.98.readme cyrillic.sty shapiro-btxbst-0.98.sty dayofweek.tex shapiro-makebst.sh deproc.sty showlabels.sty deprocldc.tex siam-old.sty docsty.shar siam.bib doublespace.sty siam.bst draft.sty siam.sty drafthead.sty siam.tex drop.sty siam10-old.sty dvidoc.shar1 siam10.sty dvidoc.shar2 siam11.sty eepic10.shar siam12.sty epic.shar1 slem.sty epic.shar2 spacecites.sty espo.sty suthesis.sty fig2epic1c.shar svma.sty fixup.sty svma.tex fnpara.tex svsa.sty format.sty tabledoc.tex fullpage.sty tables.sty geophysics.sty texindex.shar german.sty texnames.sty ieeetr.bst tgrind.sty insertplot.readme threepart.sty insertplot.sty titlepage.txt ist21.sty trademark.sty latex.bug uct10.sty latex.dif uct11.sty layout.readme uct12.sty layout.tex ucthesis.readme lcustom.tex ucthesis.sty lfonts_ams.readme uuencode.shar lfonts_ams.tex vdm.sty lgraph.shar vdm.tex local-suppl.tex wsltex.shar xxxcustom.tex xxxslides.sty 1. For Internet users - how to ftp: An example session is shown below. Users should realize that ftp syntax varies from host to host. Your syntax may be different. The syntax presented here is that of Unix ftp. Comments are in parentheses. % ftp sun.soe.clarkson.edu (a.k.a. cs.rochester.edu, a.k.a. ... (general blurb) user: anonymous password: <any non-null string> ftp> cd pub/latex-style (where the files are) ftp> ls (to see what is there) ... (lots of output) ftp> get Index ... (more blurb) ftp> quit 2. Non-Internet users: how to retrieve by mail To retrieve files or help documentation send mail to archiver-server@sun.soe.clarkson.edu with the body of the mail message containing the command help or index or send. The send command must be followed by latex-style and then the files you want. Users who are not in the uucp maps database are strongly encourage to include a path command followed by a path from clarkson to you. If you don't include a path command, your mail may not get to you and will definitely be delayed as Michael will have to mail it by hand. You should realize that Clarkson does not have a uucp connection, therefore you must send it to an internet or bitnet host that does have a uucp connection. For example, host!user@uunet.uu.net should send: Subject: path host!user@uunet.uu.net send latex-style 00readme 00index send latex-style resume.sty 3. Distribution for IBM PC and clone users: There are two sources. David W. Hopper 446 Main Street Toronto, Ontario Canada M4C 4Y2 has LaTeX style files only. 1. Either one 1.2 MB diskette or three 360KB diskettes, blank and formatted. 2. Indication of the format required, 3. A self-addressed mailer, and 4. A $5.00 donation per set of files, to cover postage and equipment wear & tear. (If you live outside North America, airmail delivery will probably require more postage. You should probably contact David for details.) 5. No phone calls or personal visits please. Jon Radel P.O. Box 2276 Reston, VA 22090 has LaTeX style files and other goodies. The style files occupy 4 floppies. For a list of his comprehensive collection, or other info send a SASE. 1. 360KB diskettes, blank and formatted. 2. A stamped, self-addressed mailer, and 3. $1.50 per disk. If you live outside North America, skip the stamps and send additional money or International Reply Coupons. As a convenience for people who have more money than floppies, Jon will supply everything for $6.00 per disk to U.S./Canada/Mexico addresses. Michael DeCorte // (315)268-2292 // P.O. Box 652, Potsdam, NY 13676 Internet mrd@sun.soe.clarkson.edu // Bitnet mrd@clutx.bitnet Clarkson Archiver Server archiver-server@sun.soe.clarkson.edu archive-server%sun.soe.clarkson.edu@omnigate.bitnet dumb1!dumb2!dumb3!smart!sun.soe.clarkson.edu!archive-server ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Sep 88 12:31:43 PDT From: Max Hailperin <HAILPERIN@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU> Subject: footnote numbering per page Does anyone have a hack to make LaTeX number footnotes starting afresh on each page? I understand enough about output routines and when they are called to surmise that this is a non-trivial problem. (Needless to say, this is yet another externally imposed requirement problem; the issue isn't whether this is a good thing to do.) Thanks. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Sep 88 16:01 EDT From: Ted Nieland - SRL <@WPAFB-AAMRL.ARPA:TNIELAND@FALCON> Subject: TeXware FTP Locations A while back someone wanted to know where you can find TeXware via ANONYMOUS FTP on the ARPA Internet. Well, I have been trying to keep track of just such and the following is the current list that I have. Please send any corrections to TNIELAND@WPAFB-AAMRL.ARPA. I will be doing my best to keep the list up-to-date. I plan to post an update twice a year, or if a lot of information changes. TeXWare Item Current Version Author FTP Location ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Common-TeX v2.9 Pat Monardo berkeley.edu MakeIndex v2.4 Pehong Chen ucbarpa.berkeley.edu Utah DVI Driver Nelson H.F. Beebe science.utah.edu Family V10.1 <TEX.DVI> ctrsci.utah.edu PS1:[TEX.DVI] AFtoPL v2.0 Clayton M. Elwell tut.cis.ohio-state.edu Greek Fonts Silvio Levy princeton.edu TeX 2.93 Donald Knuth score.stanford.edu PS:<TEX> METAFONT 1.5 Donald Knuth score.stanford.edu PS:<TEX.MF> LaTeX 2.09 Leslie Lamport score.stanford.edu PS:<TEX.LATEX> CM Font Sources score.stanford.edu PS:<TEX.CM> AMS Fonts score.stanford.edu PS:<TEX.AMSFONTS> WEB score.stanford.edu PS:<TEX.WEB> AMSTeX score.stanford.edu PS:<TEX.AMSTEX> BibTeX v.99c score.stanford.edu PS:<TEX.BIBTEX> Fig 1.4FS svax.cs.cornell.edu ~ftp/pub/fig/fig-fs.tar.Z TransFig 1.4-3 svax.cs.cornell.edu ~ftp/pub/fig/transfig.tar.Z TGRIND Jerry Leichter cs.yale.edu VMS BACKUP Saveset TGRIND.A also get FIXREC.EXE TEXTYL John Renner cs.yale.edu VMS BACKUP Saveset TEXTYL.A also get FIXREC.EXE PicTeX svax.cs.cornell.edu a.cs.uiuc.edu june.cs.washington.edu VAXStation Previewers Preview Randy Buckland argon.rti.org DVIDIS v3.4 Jerry Leichter cs.yale.edu VMS BACKUP Saveset DVIDIS.A also get FIXREC.EXE LaTeX Style Collection cs.rochester.edu IBM PC Previewers DVIVGA Doug McDonald b.scs.uiuc.edu DVIEW simtel20.arpa <MSDOS.TEX> CDVI simtel20.arpa <MSDOS.TEX> Unix Flavored Tex june.cs.washington.edu web2c 2.20 TeX 2.93 METAFONT 1.5 bibtex .99c PicTeX ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Sep 88 15:10 EST From: <KEE%PSUARLC.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> Subject: Keeping Extraneous Blanks Out of Macro Definitions After fighting, and typically losing, the battle of the blanks, I gave up and began using the following commands to reroute blanks in my macro definitions into TeX's twilight zone. That is, the category code of a blank is temporarily changed to be the null character. The same trick can be seen on p.390 of The TeXbook. Unfortunately, a blank may still be needed to form a readable message and so some other character (for example, "*") needs to stand in for the blank as shown in the example below. Kent Eschenberg BITnet Address KEE@PSUARLC Applied Research Laboratory, Penn State University, State College, PA %%%% Begin macro definitions \catcode`\ =9 % Ignore blanks so they don't get into macros \catcode`\*=10 % Use asterisk when really need a blank \endlinechar=-1 % Don't put blank at end of line etc \def\toobig#1{ \ifnum #1 > 1\relax \message{ The*number*is*too*big. } \fi} etc \catcode`\ =10 % Restore blank \catcode`\*=11 % Restore asterisk \endlinechar=`\~~M % Restore automatic blank at end of line %%%% End macro definitions ------------------------------ Date: FRI SEP 23, 1988 20.33.37 From: INHB%MCGILLC.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU Subject: LaTeX bug It seems unbelievable that no one has discovered this LaTeX bug before. I am doing a book in LaTeX, using a modification of the book.sty file. I am using a modification of the headings style (modified only to use lower case italics, instead of Roman caps). This puts the chapter number and name on the left hand header and the section number and name on the right. Well, the inevitable happened and a section ended at the bottom of a right hand page. The header on that page printed the correct name, but the number was that of the next section! I mad an ad hoc fix by copying from latex.tex and modifying as shown: \def\@sect#1#2#3#4#5#6[#7]#8{\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth \def\@svsec{}\else \refstepcounter{#1}\edef\@svsec{\csname the#1\endcsname\hskip.5em }\fi \@tempskipa #5\relax \ifdim \@tempskipa>\z@ \begingroup #6\relax \@hangfrom{\hskip #3\relax\@svsec}{\interlinepenalty \@M #8\par} \endgroup \ifnum#2=1 \sectionmark{\thesection\ #7}\else %line added to fix %bug, but just ad hoc \csname #1mark\endcsname{#7}\fi\addcontentsline%%%% added \fi {toc}{#1}{\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth \else \protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}\fi #7}\else \def\@svsechd{#6\hskip #3\@svsec #8\csname #1mark\endcsname {#7}\addcontentsline {toc}{#1}{\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth \else \protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}\fi #7}}\fi \@xsect{#5}} Does anyone have a real fix? The eagle-eyed reader will have noticed another minor modification. My publisher insisted on only an en-space separating the section number from the name. In LaTeX, this is hard wired, one of the few LaTeX parameters that is, and the length .5em on the third line of the procedure is 1em in the original. It shows that one should never hard-code these dimensions. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Sep 88 14:56 EST From: <KEE%PSUARLC.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> Subject: Macros for Printing Words, Lines and Files Verbatim There's been a bit of discussion on "verbatim" mode where some or all of TeX's control and escape characters are treated as normal characters, and a typewriter font is used. So, perhaps someone might be interested in the following 4 verbatim commands, derived from Dirty Tricks. About 30+ TeX users here have had access to these for about a year with no complaints so I guess that means they've been debugged. To enter a few words verbatim: \vb{SYS$LIBRARY:MY_FILE.DAT} To enter a few lines verbatim: \vbline{ FUNCTION add(a,b) 12345 add = a + b RETURN END} To enter a file verbatim: \vbfile{my_program.for} Ditto but with line numbers: \vbfileno{my_program.for} Spaces are significant: in the \vbline example, the "\" is assumed to be in the first column so that the listing is indented 6 columns. Watch out for that first line if you want it all to line up. Neither the \vb nor \vbline can handle { } as those continue to be used to delimit the argument. The \vbfile command, however, can handle { and }. The \vbfile command throws away any formfeed (control-L) commands. A different font is used for each of these. Since \vb is typically used here to insert all-caps computer terms into CMR12 text, we've found that a 10pt typewriter font looks good. On the other hand, \vbline is typically used to insert a few lines which stand alone and so it stays with a 12pt typewriter font. The \vbfile and \vbfileno commands are used to list files of computer code which run up to 80 columns wide and so to fit within the margins being used (thanks to our graduate school's requirements) these had to drop down to a 9pt typewriter font. There's also some code that temporarily changes the \baselineskip in \vbline and \vbfile. You may wish to adjust some or all of these to suit your needs. None of this has been tested with LaTeX (real men don't use LaTeX). Since life is too short to work with densely packed code, the following macros contain indentations and embedded blanks which might get in to your output; a subsequent note to TeXhax will show a little trick to avoid this. And, as noted earlier in TeXhax, two-part commands such as \vb will fail when used as an argument to other commands; the following seems to work well: \newbox\temporary \setbox\temporary=\hbox{\vb{SYS$LIBRARY.MY_FILE.DAT}} \centerline{\temporary} $$ c = a + b \hbox{\quad see \vb{SYS$LIBRARY:MY_FILE.DAT}}$$ Please send or post comments; I'm sure it could be done better. Enjoy! Kent Eschenberg BITnet Address KEE@PSUARLC Applied Research Laboratory, Penn State University, State College, PA %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Verbatim Macros %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcount\numbering \newbox\vbbox \font\vblargefont=CMTT12 \font\vbmiddlefont=CMTT10 \font\vbsmallfont=CMTT9 %%%%% Set action to be taken at a quote, end of line, and embedded blank. {\catcode`\`=13\relax \gdef\vblquote{\def`{\relax\lq}}} {\catcode`\~~M=13\relax \gdef\vbeol{\def~~M{\leavevmode \endgraf}}} {\catcode`\ =13\relax \gdef\vbsmallsp{\def {\hskip\the\fontdimen2\vbsmallfont\relax}}} {\catcode`\ =13\relax \gdef\vbmiddlesp{\def {\hskip\the\fontdimen2\vbmiddlefont\relax}}} {\catcode`\ =13\relax \gdef\vblargesp{\def {\hskip\the\fontdimen2\vblargefont\relax}}} %%%%% Adjust character categories of all special characters except { and } \def\vbcatcodes{\catcode`\~~M=13\relax \catcode`\\=12\relax \catcode`\ =13\relax \catcode`\$=12\relax \catcode`\`=13\relax \catcode`\&=12\relax \catcode`\~~L=9\relax \catcode`\#=12\relax \catcode`\~=12\relax \catcode`\_=12\relax \catcode`\c=12\relax \catcode`\%=12\relax} %%%%% Adjust character categories of { and } \def\vbbraces{\catcode`\{=12\relax \catcode`\}=12\relax} %%%%% Show a Few Words Verbatim \def\vb{ \begingroup \vbcatcodes \vblquote \vbmiddlesp \vbmiddlefont \vbaction } \def\vbaction#1{ #1 \endgroup } %%%%% Show a Few Lines Verbatim \def\vbline{ \begingroup \vbcatcodes \vblquote \vbeol \vblargesp \vblargefont \baselineskip=3ex \parindent=0in \parskip=0pt \vblineaction } \long\def\vblineaction#1{ \global\setbox\vbbox=\vbox{#1} \endgroup \par \noindent\unvbox\vbbox\relax \par } %%%%% Show a file verbatim without line numbering \def\vbfile#1{ \par \begingroup \vbcatcodes \vbbraces \vblquote \vbeol \vbsmallsp \vbsmallfont \baselineskip=2.5ex \parindent=0in \parskip=0pt \input#1\relax \endgroup \par } %%%%% Show a file verbatim with line numbering \def\vbfileno#1{ \par \begingroup \vbcatcodes \vbbraces \vblquote \vbeol \vbsmallsp \vbsmallfont \baselineskip=2.5ex \parindent=0in \parskip=0pt \everypar{ \advance\numbering by 1 \rlap{\hbox to 3em{\hfil\the\numbering\quad}} \hskip3em } \numbering=0 \input#1\relax \endgroup \par } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End of Verbatim Macros %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 24 Sep 88 11:43 PDT From: DBUERGER%SCU.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU Subject: Looking for LaTeX book.sty w/McGraw-Hill specs Has anyone modified the LaTeX book.sty and bk10.sty document style files to conform to McGraw-Hill Professional & Reference Division's "Type Specifications for Technical and Computer Book Standard Format" requirements? I started making the mods, but thought it might pay to ask :-) David Buerger dbuerger@scu.bitnet ------------------------------ %%% %%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing: %%% BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@TAMVM1.BITNET: %%% SUBSCRIBE TEX-L <your name> % to subscribe %%% %%% All others: send mail to %%% texhax-request@score.stanford.edu %%% please send a valid arpanet address!! %%% %%% %%% All submissions to: texhax@score.stanford.edu %%% %%% Back issues available for FTPing as: %%% machine: directory: filename: %%% [SCORE.STANFORD.EDU]<TEX.TEXHAX>TEXHAXnn.yy %%% nn = issue number %%% yy = last two digits of current year %%%\bye %%% ------------------------------ End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------