TeXhax Digest Tuesday, October 11, 1988 Volume 88 : Issue 89 Moderator: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: Re: footnote numbering per page (TeXhax #85) circle and line fonts for TeX - help me find them WEB2C works on IBM RT/PC running AOS 4.3 Alignment in in plain (question) \dotfill in tabular mode in LaTeX epic/eepic trouble TeX on ATARI ST Re: footnote numbering per page DVIEW HP DeskJet Re: MACSYMA -> TeX bibliography in letters FTPing TEX from Score / LISTSERV macros for poems? Rochester LaTeX archives Utility for conversion from SMP format to TeX/LaTeX wanted. Modifying the \answer macro (neophyte needs help) figure inserts, and tables MERGE.STY and LETTER.STY again ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue Oct 4 15:57:35 MET 1988 From: XITIJSCH%DDATHD21.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU Subject: Re: footnote numbering per page (TeXhax #85) In TeXhax #85 Max Hailperin has asked for ``make LaTeX number footnotes starting afresh on each page.'' I have posted such macros to TeXhax a while ago (after issue 60, vol87). To my knowledge this contribution is still available as SCHROD.TXH from the usual servers (Score.Stanford or LISTSERV@TAMVM1). Any comments or suggestions are still welcome. Joachim TH Darmstadt Institut f\"ur Theoretische Informatik Joachim Schrod Alexanderstr. 24 Bitnet: XITIJSCH@DDATHD21 (Please try again if I don't answer --- D-6100 Darmstadt our Bitnet connection is very instable...) West Germany ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Oct 88 11:17:57 EDT From: David F. Kotz <dfk@cs.duke.edu> Subject: circle and line fonts for TeX - help me find them I need a few fonts to fill out my collection. I need the complete 118 dpi and 300 dpi series font files in pk format, plus the .tfm files, for the fonts circle10, circlew10, line10, and linew10. If there is a site out there willing to allow me to ftp them, please send me e-mail. David Kotz Department of Computer Science, Duke University, Durham, NC 27706 ARPA: dfk@cs.duke.edu CSNET: dfk@duke UUCP: decvax!duke!dfk ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Oct 88 14:03:03 EDT From: John T Kohl <jtkohl@ATHENA.MIT.EDU> Subject: WEB2C works on IBM RT/PC running AOS 4.3 There is no address listed in the README file produced from the WEB2C distribution from ICS.UCI.EDU, so I figure TeXHaX is the next best place to report. I picked up WEB2C and compiled MetaFont 1.5 and TeX 2.93 on an IBM RT/PC running AOS 4.3 (formerly ACIS 4.3), a 4.3BSD port. The BIGTEX version compiles fine with the HC compiler, when schar is typedef'ed to signed char. Both MF and TeX pass the trap/trip test. Good job, guys! John Kohl MIT Student Information Processing Board ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Oct 88 14:11:28 PDT From: Darrell long <darrell@midgard.ucsc.edu> Subject: Alignment in in plain (question) I'm attempting to create a letterhead using plain, and I am mostly successful except I can't seem to get the left (right) hand sides of things to align just right. The macro follows. The problem is basically this: The "U" in the first line is further to the left than the other lines, and the "O" in "SAN FRANCISCO" and the "Z" in "SANTA CRUZ" in the third line are further to the left than the right end of the \hrule above and below them. I've had a similar problem before with \halign, and BB tried the same macro and found no problem (so we concluded it might be my fonts or driver). Any help you can lend will be appreciated. DL -- \font\twelve=cmr12 \font\five=cmr5 \def\letterhead{{\baselineskip=0 pt \vbox{\vskip -1 true cm \hbox{\hskip -1 true cm \vbox{ \hbox to 18 true cm {{\twelve UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA CRUZ\hss}} \vskip 0.8 true cm \hbox to 18 true cm { \hbox to 11.5 true cm {\hrulefill}\hss\hbox to 4.5 true cm {\hrulefill}} \vskip 4 pt \hbox to 18 true cm { \hbox to 11.5 true cm {{\five BERKELEY \hss $\cdot$ \hss DAVIS \hss $\cdot$ \hss IRVINE \hss $\cdot$ \hss LOS ANGELES \hss $\cdot$ \hss RIVERSIDE \hss $\cdot$ \hss SAN DIEGO \hss $\cdot$ \hss SAN FRANCISCO }}\hss\hbox to 4.5 true cm {{\five SANTA BARBARA \hss $\cdot$ \hss SANTA CRUZ }}} \vskip 4 pt \hbox to 18 true cm { \hbox to 11.5 true cm {\hrulefill}\hss\hbox to 4.5 true cm {\hrulefill}} }} \vskip 0.5 true cm \vbox to 0 pt {\hbox to 18 true cm {\hskip 11.5 true cm \special{ucseal}\hss}} ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 4 Oct 88 10:03 CDT From: <RHLHELP%TAMVENUS.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> Subject: \dotfill in tabular mode in LaTeX I am working on a directory of names titles and numbers. The names and titles are staggard so I used the tabbing mode in LaTeX. Between the names and titles and the phone numbers I need dotfill yet all I get is a blank. Dotfill works fine for me outside of the tabbing, but does anyone know how to make it work inside the tabbing? I have tried many different things with no sucess. Here is an example of what I am trying to do: \documentstyle{article} \begin{document} \begin{tabbing} A big long place here. \= Another big long place. \= A short place. \= \\ I need a name here.\dotfill \> \dotfill \>\dotfill \> A no. here. \\ \> sometimes a name here. \dotfill \> \dotfill \> \& a no. here.\\ \end{tabbing} Yet I get \dotfill dotfills here! \end{document} Thanks in advance, Robert RHLHELP@Tamvenus ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Oct 88 18:37:01 JST From: Hideki ISOZAKI <isozaki%expert-sun.ntt.jp@RELAY.CS.NET> Subject: epic/eepic trouble I appreciate epic and eepic, but I wonder why their style files end with `\makeatother'. I suppose following style files are misinterpreted by this command. - Hideki ISOZAKI NTT Software Reserach Labs. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. isozaki%ntt-20.ntt.jp@relay.cs.net ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Oct 88 10:38:21 ADT From: Dave Dermott <DERMOTT@XX.DREA.DND.CA> Subject: TeX on ATARI ST TeX (C version ) on ATARI ST I sent my port of TeX-C ( done with MEGAMAX-C) for ATARI ST to cleo.math.lsa.umich.edu []. The files are in ARC form and available by anonymous FTP on directory atari. The files are: texst.arc (281Kbyte) executables for TEX and INITEX plus TEX.POOL texsrc.arc (205k) Megamax-c sources texfmt.arc (320k) PLAIN.FMT and LPLAIN.FMT if you can't generate your own texfonts.arc (97k) most common PK fonts used by DVIST previewer DVIST (with C sources) is available at several other sites (ssyx.ucsc.edu and lakesys!netlib ) It is quite easy to modify DVIST to preview on other systems since most of the code is device independent. It's written by Avy Moise and Tyler Ivanco from York University. Tex needs almost 1 megabyte to run. It is possible to run Latex on a single 720k floppy with disk swapping, but a hard disk is much nicer. A large RAM disk would even be nicer. By the way TeX-C compiled very easily on an IRIS-UNIX workstation. It wasn't too difficult to modify DVIST to preview on the IRIS. David Dermott XX.DREA.DND.CA DREA Dartmouth NS ------------------------------ From: Wujastyk <UCGADKW%EUCLID.UCL.AC.UK@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> Date: Wed, 5 Oct 88 11:52 Subject: Re: footnote numbering per page In TeXhax 1988.85, Max Hailperin enquires about making LaTeX footnotes start their automatic numbering afresh on each page. Lines 6670 onwards of the file LATEX.TEX read as follow: % \thefootnote : In usual LaTeX style, produces the footnote number. % If footnotes are to be numbered within pages, then the % document style file must include an \@addtoreset command % to cause the footnote counter to be reset when the page % counter is stepped. This is not a good idea, though, % because the counter will not always be reset in time % to ensure that the first footnote on a page is footnote % number one. This should help--and warn--with the problem of resetting the footnote counter on each page. If you get this working, Max, let TeXhax know about how effective it is, and how exactly you implemented it. Dominik Wujastyk Janet: wujastyk@uk.ac.ucl.euclid Bitnet/EARN/EAN/UUCP: wujastyk@euclid.ucl.ac.uk Internet/Arpa/CSNet: dow@wjh12.harvard.edu ------------------------------ Date: 5 Oct 88 12:53:00 EST From: "Michael J. Porter" <mike@vax.oit.udel.edu> Subject: DVIEW I recently got a copy of DVIEW from SIMTEL20, and really liked it. However, we already have software that needs GF format files and PK format files, I would rather not have to support PXL as well. Is there a version that supports PK files? Does anyone have the source so that it can be modified to support PK format? How abort Steve Wards address? Thanks, Mike Porter mike@vax.oit.udel.edu ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Oct 88 10:43:55 PDT From: Tomas G. Rokicki <rokicki@polya.Stanford.EDU> Subject: HP DeskJet The HP DeskJet does indeed work fine as a TeX output device for low-volume (i.e. personal) printing. Typical page throughput is from 2.5 to 6 minutes a page, so it's not quick. The quality is as close to a laser as you can get, though, and the printer is whisper quiet, so you can leave it unattended for long periods of time. (That old Epson could be heard across the street!) Just using an old LaserJet driver won't give you the maximum possible speed; it's pretty easy to tune the LaserJet driver for the DeskJet though. Please note that the extra RAM cartridges help not at all. If HP would make a simple firmware change, the printer could easily be sped up by a factor of at least two. The main problem with the printer is it only uses about twelve pins in graphics mode, rather than the fifty pins available, as it only allocates 4K or so to graphics input buffering. It allocates the rest of its 16K to data input buffering. If that could be switched from 4/12 to 12/4, perhaps with a DIP switch, print speed for TeX should improve at least by a factor of two. If the firmware could use the cartridge RAM similarly, pages should come out as fast as the printer can print them. Which is pretty quick. The printer was designed to print its native fonts quickly, and little consideration was given to graphics. C'mon, HP, let's get on the ball here. In summary, if you really don't want a laser printer because of the cost or size, and you want to do TeX, I'd really recommend the DeskJet providing you don't need a very fast printer. Finally, if anyone wants information on DeskJet soft fonts, send me your physical mail address and I'll mail you the data. -tom ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Oct 88 11:48:02 PDT From: landers%cardinal.Berkeley.EDU@berkeley.edu (Joe Landers) Subject: Re: MACSYMA -> TeX Prof. Richard Fateman (fateman@renoir.berkeley.edu) has written a package called MacTeX that generates TeX output from MACSYMA. The system works in a manner very similar to the troff-based PHOTOT code. A description of MacTeX is available in the SIGSAM Bulletin (the ACM special interest group on Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation), Volume 21, Number 4, pages 1-5 under the title "TeX Output from MACSYMA-like Systems." Joe Landers Department of Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Oct 88 14:43:13 EDT From: toms@ncifcrf.gov Subject: bibliography in letters I put some citations into a letter I was writing using the LaTeX letter environment (along with the usual information to tell LaTeX about my database) and I found it didn't work. LaTeX refused to generate an aux file. When I removed the letter environment it worked fine (but now I have to hack up the article to look like a letter...) Is there some subtle logical reason that one can't do this? Tom Schneider National Cancer Institute Laboratory of Mathematical Biology Frederick, Maryland toms@ncifcrf.gov (** WHAT? you mean it's not proper to put references in a letter?!! :-) ------------------------------ From: Hans-Georg Kerkhoff <kerkhoff%exp.bessy.dbp.de@RELAY.CS.NET> Subject: FTPing TEX from Score / LISTSERV Hello Eric, as you may know, there is a big community in Europe using TEX,LATEX, etc. You may also know that anonymous FTP is not available in Europe. All files at the different repositories in US cannot be accessed from Europe. Files sent to LISTSERV@TAMVM1 don't show up. Is it possible to install some MAILER DAEMON or a LISTSERV similar procedure at score.stanford which will accept commands by mail to help all people in Europe? I am thinking of something similar to the archive server at Rochester or Clarkson. ...Hans G. Kerkhoff ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Oct 88 20:25:57 edt From: smithda@cpsvax.cps.msu.edu (Daniel Smith) Subject: macros for poems? Does anyone have a good set of macros for TeX poems? What I am looking for is a way to center the text of the poem on a page like this: A Title that is longer (or shorter) than the text Line one, This is line two, And line three. Line four Here is line five, End with line six. I got something like to following TeX code to do the job, but its not very pretty. It also is rather difficult to use macros, becasue of the way /par is redefined. \hfil\hbox{ \vbox{\begingroup \let\par=\cr \obeylines % \halign{#\hfil Line one, This is line two, And line three. \noalign{\medskip}% space between verses Line four, Here is line five, End with line six. }\endgroup }}\hfil\par It would be nice if the input file could look something like the following: \beginpoetry % turn on poetry mode Line one, This is line two, % or perhaps \quad This is line two, And line three. \endofverse % the end of a verse, stanza, etc. Line four, Here is line five, End with line six. % \endofverse if necessary, otherwise just \endpoetry Thanks in advance for any and all help. ============================================================================== J. Daniel Smith smithda@cpsvax.cps.msu.edu Michigan State University ------------------------------ Subject: Rochester LaTeX archives Date: Thu, 06 Oct 88 00:27:10 -0400 From: Ken Yap <ken@cs.rochester.edu> As Michael DeCorte has announced, the Rochester archives have been succeeded by the Clarkson archives. By the way there is only one p in Yap. Or the first p (but not the second) is silent, if you prefer. :-) I shall keep the current archive available via ftp and mail as long as convenient, but the contents will be in stasis. Here is the official policy announcement, also in the 00readme file: ===== Rochester is no longer the principal archive site for LaTeX-style. It now resides at Clarkson University. Please fetch the file 00newarchive for a description of the server there. The files here will be kept available via ftp and mail server for as long as practical. No new submissions will be accepted here. They should be sent to the archive keeper at Clarkson, Michael DeCorte (mrd@sun.soe.clarkson.edu). Please note that no guarantee is made that the files here are up to date. What is here is provided as is. Please also note that the mail server commands for Clarkson are DIFFERENT. ===== If there are any people out there reading this who sent me paper mail asking about how to get tapes or Mac diskettes or what not, I'm sorry if I didn't reply to you. I have never offered distribution on physical media. I hope you can use the floppy distribution run by other volunteers or find somebody who can help you get the files on some useable medium. Thank you for your support in the past. Ken 6th October 1988 ------------------------------ Date: 6-OCT-1988 09:56:24 GMT +01:00 From: MACALLSTR%vax1.physics.oxford.ac.uk@NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK Subject: Utility for conversion from SMP format to TeX/LaTeX wanted. Does anyone have a utility for converting mathemtaical material from SMP ( Symbolic Manipulation Program ) format to TeX or LaTeX ( or other related ) format? John ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 6 Oct 88 18:16:06 PDT From: ries@trwrb.trw.com (Marc Ries) Subject: Modifying the \answer macro (neophyte needs help) I need to extract some (ascii) information from a LaTeX document. Ideally, I need the current section number, the title of the section, and the first paragraph in that section. I also need a field separator (FS). So, if in the LaTeX document, I had something like this: \level=1 \mymac{This Is It} Some lines of text. And more text... my output would look like: 1(FS)This Is It(FS)Some lines of text. And more text.... Unfortunately, the best I have gotten so far is: 1(FS) This Is It Some lines of text. And more text... How do I get rid of the linefeeds and the space after every argument? Any helpful hints would be appreciated. The following is my current hacked, stand-alone, tex input: %---------------------------------------------- \newcount\level %---------------------------------------------- % \answer macro: Appendix E: Example Formats [The TeX Book] pg. 422 \chardef\other=12 % shorthand for catagory 12 \newwrite\ans % create new file \immediate\openout\ans=\jobname.ans % open file for answers to exercises \outer\def\answer#1{\par\medbreak \immediate\write\ans{\the\level& #1}% \copytoblankline} \def\copytoblankline{\begingroup\setupcopy\copyans} \def\setupcopy{\def\do##1{\catcode`##1=\other}\dospecials \catcode`\|=\other \obeylines} {\obeylines \gdef\copyans#1 {\def\next{#1}% \ifx\next\empty\let\next=\endgroup % \else\immediate\write\ans{\next} \let\next=\copyans\fi\next}} %---------------------------------------------- \level=1 \answer {How time Flies} Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of there country men. \immediate\closeout\ans %---------------------------------------------- \end % Thanks. Marc Ries ries@trwrb.arpa ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 06 Oct 88 16:39:50 BST From: CMI011%IBM.SOUTHAMPTON.AC.UK@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU Subject: figure inserts, and tables I applaud the plea for better floating figures; but it seemed to me that the problem was uniformly difficult. All the stuff about precisely laid out captions is easy, isn't it? I don't mean it doesn't mean some careful hacking but I assume it is fairly routine. I'm more interesting in a general solution to the problem of floating figures not coming out where one would want. But thats by the by: what I am writing about is tables. a) I just received INRSTeX tables from TUG. Dear me, they still use AMR fonts! Is this 1988, TUG, or what? b) Can someone who has used all three tell me whether LaTeX 'tabular' users like myself should bother to get into INRS tables or T2D4? Can someone quote a reasonable example of a facility LaTeX tables are lacking (apart from multi-paging) c) unless I am being dumb, I cannot see how, in LaTeX tables, I can make (say) the 3rd column come out in italic throughout. Can anyone suggestion a good method of achieving this? Sebastian Rahtz Computer Science Southampton UK ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 06 Oct 88 13:09:42 MEZ From: Erich Neuwirth <A4422DAB%AWIUNI11.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> Subject: MERGE.STY and LETTER.STY again Graeme McKinstry really worked quickly with sending an inproved version of MERGE.STY BUT the new version also does not work correctly. \toname and \toaddress are not separated corrrectly. In one of the last TEXHAXs somebody made a suggestion for correcting. This correction works, so I also enclose a new version of MERGE.STY which at least works with my test files. Can you tell me what is wrong? Here are my test files ------------------------- testbug.tex starts here --------------- % testlet.tex \documentstyle%merge!{letter} \address{Erich Neuwirth} \signature{Erich Neuwirth} \pagestyle{headings} \begin{document} \begin{merge}{adfile} This is a Test \newpage And this is the second page \closing{das wars} \end{merge} \end{document} ------------------------- adfile.tex starts here ----------------- {Konrad Neuwirth \\ Fernkorngasse 44/2/4} Dear Konrad {Gabriele Neuwirth \\ Fernkorngasse 44/2/4} Dear Gabi --------------------------- New MERGE.STY starts here ------------ \typeout{Merge substyle-release 6 October 1986 by Graeme McKinstry} \newbox\store \long\def\contents{\global\setbox\store=\vbox\bgroup} % store the contents \long\def\endcontents{\egroup} % of the letter \def\sendaddress{test} \def\openingtext{test} \newif\iffirsttime \firsttimetrue \newread\addrfile % allocate an input stream \def\@openfile{\openin\addrfile=\mergef@le % open the address file \ifeof\addrfile % i. e., didn't open successfully \loop \immediate\write16{Could not open file \mergefi@le} \closein\addrfile % close the input stream \read16 to \mergef@le % get another filename \openin\addrfile=\mergef@le % open up input stream \ifeof\addrfile \repeat % repeat until successfully opened \fi } \def\merge#1{\def\mergef@le{#1 }\@openfile\readfile \contents} % % The next four lines are unashamedly stolen from letter.sty and are % used to split the address line read from the merge address file into % two parts, the name (before the first \\) and the address (the rest) % \@@processto is used after reading to \sendaddress to split it into % \@toname and \@toaddress which are then used when \begin{letter} is % invoked (see below) % \long\def\@@processto#1{\@@xproc #1\\@@@\ifx\@toaddress\@empty \else \@@yproc #1@@@\fi} \long\def\@@xproc #1\\#2@@@{\def\@toname{#1}\def\@toaddress{#2}} \long\def\@@yproc #1\\#2@@@{\def\@toaddress{#2}} \def\readfile{\global\read\addrfile to\sendaddress % get the address \expandafter\@@processto\sendaddress \ifeof\addrfile \else \global\read\addrfile to \openingtext % get the % opening line \iffirsttime \else \endmerge \fi \fi} \newbox\l@tterbox \def\endmerge{\iffirsttime\endcontents\global\firsttimefalse\fi % % end contents if it is the first time \begin{letter}{\@toname\\\@toaddress} \opening{\openingtext\vskip2\parskip} \setbox\l@tterbox=\copy\store % copy the contents % of the letter \unvbox\l@tterbox \end{letter} \ifeof\addrfile \message{End of file} \else \readfile % loop round yet again \fi} ERICH NEUWIRTH A4422DAB at AWIUNI11 in BITNET Intitute for Statistics and Computer Science University of Vienna Universitaetsstr. 5/9 A-1010 VIENNA, Austria ------------------------------ %%% %%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing: %%% BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@TAMVM1.BITNET: %%% SUBSCRIBE TEX-L <your name> % to subscribe %%% %%% All others: send mail to %%% texhax-request@score.stanford.edu %%% please send a valid arpanet address!! %%% %%% %%% All submissions to: texhax@score.stanford.edu %%% %%% Back issues available for FTPing as: %%% machine: directory: filename: %%% [SCORE.STANFORD.EDU]<TEX.TEXHAX>TEXHAXnn.yy %%% nn = issue number %%% yy = last two digits of current year %%%\bye %%% ------------------------------ End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------