TeXhax Digest   Tuesday, October 18, 1988   Volume 88 : Issue 92

Moderator: Malcolm Brown

Today's Topics:

                   .MF files (or perhaps .PK, .TFM)
               Re: TeXhax Digest V88 #89 (LaTeX notes)
                        Re: epic/eepic trouble
          No Numbers in LaTeX Commands, thanks for the help.
                          BiBTeX for IBM PC?
                      fig-like drawing aid for X
           Re: footnote numbering per page (TeXhax #85,#89)
                     TeX and LaTeX on the Mac II
                      Question about page breaks
                 checksum errors between tfm/pk files
                             Bitnet Blues
                          IPA phonetic font?
                   LaTeX theorem-like environments
                FTPing TeX from Score (TeXhax V88 #89)
                  FTPing from Score: here is Europe!
                      Maple to TeX conversion...
                 Line numbers and critical apparatus
        VAXstation 2000 previewer/ Atari laser printer driver
                  RE: Alignment in plain (question)
                 AMS font METAFONT sources wanted...
                  Re: TeX digest No. 82 (TeXhax #88)


Date: Tue, 11 Oct 88 12:26:58 MST
From: Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem <JMS@mis.arizona.edu>
Subject: .MF files (or perhaps .PK, .TFM)

I realize this is a Metafont flavored question (sort of),
but it seems most applicable here.

Our users love (naturally) TeX, but some of them who came from
less advanced typesetting environments question the severe lack of
fonts for TeX.  As a major proponent of TeX, this unavailability
leaves me mumbling in the corner about ahem and uh-huh and why
in the world we changed from troff with the tremendous Berkeley catalog
to TeX with just Computer Modern.

I have perused the recent issue of TUGboat which describes work
on fonts, and have even tried to contact some of the vendors

But I wonder "where are all the fonts for mainframe TeX?"  

Is there a hidden depository of .MF files which I cannot find?  Or
are there really just very few TeX-compatible fonts available, either
public domain/shareware/freely distributable or for purchase?

-- Joel M Snyder, Univ of Arizona Dep't of MIS, Tucson, AZ, 85721  --
--    BITNET: jms@arizmis  Internet: jms@mis.arizona.edu           --
--    Phone: 602.621.2748 Best Ice Cream: Toscanini's Chocolate #3 --


Date: Tue, 11 Oct 88 12:11:26 PDT
From: lamport@src.dec.com (Leslie Lamport)
Subject: Re: TeXhax Digest V88 #89 (LaTeX notes)

RHLHELP@Tamvenus asks why \dotfill doesn't work as expected in a 
tabbing environment.  The short answer is  "because".  The long
answer is that \dotfill puts in a piece of "rubber" to stretch
things out to fill the enclosing box, but in a tabbing environment,
the width of the enclosing box always equals the natural width of
the text, so \dotfill is a no-op, just as it would be in
\mbox{a \dotfill b}.  The only way to get dots is to put
the \dotfill inside a box-making command like \makebox[...].

Tom Schneider asks why he can't use cross-referencing commands in a
letter.  The letter style uses the .aux file to save the letter
addresses for making mailing labels.  It would complicate matters to
put other stuff in the .aux file as well, though it could be done.  The
style would have to redefine the \document command so that the
label-making commands are a no-op when the .aux file is read.  Since
few of us write such scholarly letters that require citations, this
didn't seem to be worth the bother.

Leslie Lamport


Date: Tue, 11 Oct 88 16:31:12 BST
From: bowen%prg.oxford.ac.uk@NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK
Subject: ref2bib

Here is a new version of *my* "ref2bib" program with corrections
of bugs found by Peter King of Heriot-Watt University. Please
update your archives with this new version. (No need to include
this message in the TeXhax mailing list, unless you think it would
be useful.)

Jonathan Bowen
Oxford University Computing Laboratory
Programming Research Group
JANET:	bowen@uk.ac.oxford.prg
ARPA:	bowen%prg.oxford.ac.uk@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk
UUCP:	bowen@ox-prg.uucp (...!uunet!mcvax!ukc!ox-prg!bowen)

%%% Jonathan's submission is too large (circa 20K) for digest distribution.
%%% For those with internet access, it can be FTPed from the machine
%%% "score.stanford.edu" by GETting the file
%%%     <tex.texhax>bowen.txh
%%% A copy has also been sent to TEX-L for BITNET distribution
%%% Malcolm


Date: Tue, 11 Oct 88 18:01:31 PDT
From: kwok@iris.ucdavis.edu (Conrad Kwok)
Subject: Re: epic/eepic trouble

Hideki ISOZAKI <isozaki%expert-sun.ntt.jp@RELAY.CS.NET> in texhax issue #89

>         I appreciate epic and eepic, but I wonder why their style files
> end with `\makeatother'.  I suppose following style files are misinterpreted
> by this command.

The reason to include \makeatother is to allow one to \input the
style file instead of including it in the documentstyle option.
For example, in the transfig package, all the macro files are
\input including epic, eepic.


internet: kwok@iris.ucdavis.edu
csnet: kwok@ucd.csnet 
csnet: kwok%iris.ucdavis.edu@csnet.relay
uunet: kwok%iris.ucdavis.edu@uunet.UU.NET
uucp: {ucbvax, uunet, ... }!ucdavis!iris!kwok


Date:     Wed, 12 Oct 88 10:03 N
From:     <STEMERDI%HWALHW50.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject:  No Numbers in LaTeX Commands, thanks for the help.

No numbers in LaTeX command-names.

Some days ago I asked where in the manual I could find any reference
to the fact that no numbers are allowed in LaTeX command names.

Several answers were received, all pointing to the top of page 16.
Thanks to all who responded so quickly.

Dr. Lamport guessed that this was a problem typical to non-native
speakers of the English language, but in my opinion it is caused
by the excellent quality of both the software and the manual!!

Just because of this ease of use, there is no direct need for a
thorough study of the manual. And while time is very very scarce
at Dutch Universities nowadays, I simply can't afford a detailed
reading if I can get the thing running with only some skipping
through the manual. I know this is ridiculous, but who could
convince our beloved government that their short-time policy is
basically wrong??

Beware, this is no plea for a more complicated manual....

G.J. Stemerdink
Computing Centre Agricultural University
Dreijenplein 2         / 6703 BC  Wageningen  / The Netherlands

PHONE: (+31)8370 84388 / FAX: (+31)8370 84731 / TELEX: 45015 BLHWG NL

PSI/X25:      (0204)18370060638::STEMERDINK


Date: Wed, 12 Oct 88 08:28 EDT
From: "Eliot Moss, GRC A351B, x5-4206  12-Oct-1988 0823" <MOSS@cs.umass.EDU>
Subject: BiBTeX for IBM PC?

Does anyone have the latest BiBTeX running on IBM PC or compatible? The one
I got from Personal TeX is v98 and the one we have at work, on Vaxes, where
my big .BIB files and appropriate .BST files are, is the latest (99). I am
just hoping I missed any mail about it and won't have to go into WEB2C,
etc., to get BiBTeX 99 up on my AT clone. Thanks for any advice you can
offer!					Eliot Moss
					Asst Prof
					Dept of Comp and Info Sci
					Univ of Mass
					Amherst, MA 01003


From:     Clark Adrian <alien%ESE.ESSEX.AC.UK@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Date:     Wed, 12 Oct 88 13:59:11 GMT
Subject:  fig-like drawing aid for X

I've used `fig' on SUNs (under SunWindows) to prepare figures for TeX
documents, but am converting to X-windows.  Is there a version of fig
(or something similar) for X-windows?  I want the output to go into a
LaTeX document, but would be happy if the program generated

   Adrian F. Clark
   JANET:  alien@uk.ac.essex.ese
   ARPA:   alien%uk.ac.essex.ese@cs.ucl.ac.uk
   BITNET: alien%uk.ac.essex.ese@ac.uk
   Smail:  Dept. of Electronic Systems Engineering, Essex University,
           Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex C04 3SQ, U. K.
   Phone:  (+44) 206-872432 (direct)


Date: Wed, 12 Oct 88 15:25:32 BST
From: CET1%phoenix.cambridge.ac.uk@NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK
Subject: Re: footnote numbering per page (TeXhax #85,#89)

In Texhax #89, Joachim Schrod says
> I have posted such macros to TeXhax a while ago
> (after issue 60, vol87). To my knowledge
> this contribution is still available as SCHROD.TXH from the
> usual servers (Score.Stanford or LISTSERV@TAMVM1).

In fact it was in issue 66: the macros themselves were not included in
the digest, but replaced by a reference to the file above. As not all of
us can access such file servers, could someone post a brief description
of the techniques used to achieve the effect (which, offhand, I would
unwisely have claimed to be impossible).

Chris Thompson
JANET: cet1@uk.ac.cam.phx
ARPA:  cet1%phx.cam.ac.uk@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk


Date: Wed, 12 Oct 88 13:37 CDT
Subject: TeX and LaTeX on the Mac II

Does anyone have opinions on the various options for TeX on the Mac II

One possibility is TeXtures.  Any comments?

If the machine is running A/UX (Apple's Unix), what are the options?

Are there other options of which I am not aware?

We are physicists and anticipate submitting articles to Physical Review
as author-prepared manuscripts.  We definitely want previewing capabilities.
The machine will have an Apple Laserwriter connected to it.

Incidentally, I think we have ordered the new extended Mac II which boasts
the 68030/68882 chip set.

Please reply directly to both the Internet and bitnet addresses below;
we are at the "End of the Net" here.  Thanks in advance!

Scott McCullough
Dept. of Physics                             u2591aa@vms.ucc.okstate.edu
Oklahoma State University                    u2591aa@uccvms.bitnet
Stillwater, OK  74078-0444


Date: Wed, 12 Oct 88 17:57:43 PDT
From: Darrell Long <darrell@midgard.ucsc.edu>
Subject: Question about page breaks

I am writing a paper using plain and finding that it likes very much to break
pages.  I get many pages just over half full, even though they are all text.
I am using \beginsection to divide up the sections, and I am thinking that
perhaps the \penalty associated with it is too high, but then again I am
wondering why it would be done like this.

Any general comments, other than "empty pages are good for you," will be
appreciated.  This is one of the things I have the most trouble with in
TeX and I would like to find a satisfactory solution.

Thanks, DL

Prof. Darrell D.E. Long
UC Santa Cruz


Date: Thu, 13 Oct 88 11:32:42 EDT
From: David F. Kotz <dfk@cs.duke.edu>
Subject: checksum errors between tfm/pk files

Does anyone know what would cause the checksum recorded by tex from
the tfm file to be different from that in the associated pk file? My
imagen1 driver reports that they are different.  I did not generate
the tfm/pk files myself; they came from the tfm and gf files on the UW
distribution tape. It appears to happen only in the line*10,
circle*10, and lasy* fonts.  The output appears fine, but the warning
messages are quite disconcerting. 

All the fonts were obtained by transferring a tar file with ftp (in
binary mode) or rcp; could this have affected it? 

Is there any way to directly examine the checksums in the files, so I
could rule out tex, or imagen1, as the culprit, and verify that the
checksum differs? Then I could do the same on the originating system
(where the files were copied from) to see if the transfer was the

David Kotz
Department of Computer Science, Duke University, Durham, NC 27706
ARPA:	dfk@cs.duke.edu
CSNET:	dfk@duke        
UUCP:	decvax!duke!dfk


Date: Thu, 13 Oct 88 11:56:09 ECT
Subject: Bitnet Blues

(*** FLAME ON ***)

I just ordered the latest TEXHAX FILELIST from LISTSERV AT TAMVM1.
And you know what?  The TeXhax archive for Bitnet users has not been
updated since June 9, 1988!  That's right, not an update in over FOUR
months!  What kind of performance is this in this elctronic day and
age?  A LISTSERV is supposed to be a fairly automated animal, capable
of performing updates quite automagically as long as files are sent
to it by authorized users - or so I thought.

Frankly, there is no excuse for this appalling slowness.

(*** FLAME OFF ***)

Malcolm, would you please send a friendly reminder to whoever is
supposed to maintain the archives at TAMVM1?  Or alternatively,
could you give us the address of the appropriate person to send
flames to so we don't ever have to send them to TeXhax again?

Many thanx,
- Harald Hanche-Olsen   Div. of Mathematical Sciences
                        The Norwegian Institute of Technology

%%% TEX-L was begun voluntarily by Glenn Vandenburg.  I realize that
%%% the server's holdings are incomplete, and I sent a note to Glenn.
%%% Here is Glenn's response.

  From: Glenn Vanderburg <X230GV%TAMVM1.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
  Subject:      State of Bitnet TeX repository at Texas A&M.

  The TeX repository at Texas A&M has been in a half-finished state for some
  time; actually, not even half-finished.  It is correct that it should
  be either supported adequately or dropped.  I have worried a lot over this,
  and I believe that all will soon be better (although probably not ideal).

  The limiting factor has not been disk space (although that is tight); it has
  been time.  Time for "ftp journeys", for organizing the collection, for
  the amazing amount of effort that such a thing requires (at least in the Bit-
  net environment).  I have committed myself to finishing some current projects
  within two months and then spending a couple of weeks working intensively on
  the repository.  After that, it will be much more complete, and much more
  up-to-date.  But I won't be able to support it on a continuing basis, only
  sporadically.  If we ever get someone around here who gets paid to do TeX
  support (and this campus really needs it), then they can help, too.

  All I can say right now is this: there will be a significant update at Texas
  A&M soon, and I continue to ponder the problem of *keeping* the repository
  up-to-date.  Bitnet really needs something like this, so I am reluctant to
  just let it drop.  Now I just need to make it useful.

  Regards (and apologies),
  Glenn Vanderburg


Date:     13-OCT-1988 10:25:41
From:     MALCOLM%STOAT.PCL.AC.UK@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU
Subject: IPA phonetic font?

  Does anybody have, or know of, an IPA phonetic font
 for use with TeX ?
  Our school of languages here would be very interested
 in such a thing.

         Malcolm Taylor

    Polytechnic of Central London

or  malcolm%uk.ac.pcl.mole@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk


Subject: LaTeX theorem-like environments
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 88 20:58:48 +1000
From: Rodney Topor <munnari!munmurra.mu.oz.au!rwt@uunet.UU.NET>

In LaTeX, how is it possible to to define different theorem-like
environments, some of which use Italic fonts (e.g. for theorems) and
others of which use Roman fonts (e.g. for definitions and examples),
and all of which are automatically numbered?

Rodney Topor
University of Melbourne


Date:		14-OCT-1988 08:33:58 GMT
From:		ABBOTTP%aston.ac.uk@NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK
Subject: FTPing TeX from Score (TeXhax V88 #89)

Hans Kerkhoff (TeXhax V88 #89) asks about listserv or mail from score.

There is a mail server at Aston University in the UK available to anyone 
who can send mail to


(please note that the address is in UK big endian format). JANET (to which 
Aston is connected) has gateways to EARN EAN UUCP etc and the only real 
problem is working out the return address to use when asking for material.
The mail server is looked after by Adrian Clarke at Essex University but 
either he or I would be willing to supply the correct form of return 
address if you have no success. Try sending for the help file to 
texserver@uk.ac.aston.spock and include the following 3 lines in the mail 
message starting at column 1

(return address in form name%address@earn-relay for example)

The archive contains most of the material from score and discussions are 
currently taking place to determine the best nethod of keeping the two 
archives in step. Aston and Clarkson already are kept in step by a regular 
exchange of mail.

Details of the Aston Archive and the Mail server plus PSPRINT (3.0) and 
DVITOVDU (3.0) will appear in the next TUGboat


Computing Service     JANET	abbottp@uk.ac.aston
Aston University      ARPA	pabbott@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk
Aston Triangle	            or  abbottp%uk.ac.aston@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk
Birmingham B4 7ET     UUCP	...!ukc!aston!abbottp
U.K.		      BITNET	abbottp%uk.ac.aston@ac.uk
Tel (+44) 21 359 5492					     


Date: Fri, 14 OCT 88 09:59 N
Subject: FTPing from Score: here is Europe!

This is to {\bf strongly} support the suggestion of Hans-Georg Kerkhoff
in the last TeXHAX: it is in fact quite frustrating here to see that
there are so many TeX goodies over there and cannot be reached from over

A depository of TeX, Latex etc. goodies for vax/vms is available on span.
It is in two vaxes in Italy. For information contact:

Max Calvani


Date:     14-OCT-1988 11:23:18 GMT
From:     KNEIJ%VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU
To:       texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU
Subject:  Maple to TeX conversion...

Well, the Macsyma and SMP gangs have asked, so why shouldn't we Maple
users get in on the act: does anyone have a routine for converting Maple
files/output to TeX?

Ivo Kneij
Clarendon Laboratory,



Date: Thu, 13 Oct 88 13:32:55 PDT
From: gwp@tybalt.caltech.edu (G. W. Pigman)
Subject: Line numbers and critical apparatus

For an edition of a sixteenth-century author I'm looking for macros to
print output line numbers in the outside margin of the page and to
produce a critical apparatus, i.e., a paragraph of footnotes keyed by
line number to the text.  I'd like to be able to type:

This is a silly\app{a silly] the silliest A} example of text and
apparatus\app{and apparatus] om. B}.

and get output (pretending that this would produce five lines of text) like:

	This is a 
	silly example
   5    and apparatus.

	1-2 a silly] the silliest A   5 and apparatus] om. B

This example is prose, for which line numbers usually begin anew
on each page, but for verse, the line numbers usually refer to the line
number of the poem instead of the line number on the page.

Has anyone ever tried this or part of this?  I'd be grateful for any

-Mac Pigman


Date:  Fri, 14 Oct 88 15:49:36 +0100
From:  Francis Borceux <FBORCEUX%BUCLLN11.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: question

     The preprints of our department are produced in the following way.
 Each page has a typing size 10cm x 16cm, which fits nicely on one half
of an A4 page. Using scissors and glue, we position two pages of text on
one A4 page put horizontally. Then we Xerox the result in recto-verso,
fold the pack of pages in its middle and staple it along that middle line.
The result is thus something like a small book.
     To print an eleven pages preprint, just three A4 pages are thus
necessary and the six corresponding faces contain the following left-right
disposition of the pages of the manuscript:
blank-1     2-11     10-3     4-9     8-5     6-7
The corresponding rule is fairly obvious, especially since odd numbered
pages must always be on the right side.
     We are running TeX, LaTeX and AMSTeX on MACINTOSH and produce our
documents on an APPLE Laser printer. This allows us to print the documents
in both the horizontal and the vertical direction. So there is no technical
problem at all to print an A4 face with on each half, one page of text. But
is there any way to tell TeX to do this automatically?


Date:     Fri, 14 Oct 88 09:08 PDT
From:     <ZAPANTIS%UVPHYS.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject:  VAXstation 2000 previewer/ Atari laser printer driver

I am looking for a previewer, commercial or PD, for the VAXstation 2000.
I am also looking for a DVI driver for the ATARI laser printer (GDOS).
Any information on the above would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance...

Nik Zapantis
UVIC,Physics and Astronomy
V8W 2Y2

42321::zapantis   (HEPnet/SPAN)
zapantis@uvphys.uvic.ca ( INET SMTP mail --


Date:         Fri, 14 Oct 1988 15:12 EDT
From:         Jim Walker <N410109%univscvm.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject:      RE: Alignment in plain (question)

In TeXHax V88 #89, Darrell Long asks about an alignment problem in a
letterhead macro.  The reason for his problem is the common error of
spurious spaces.  The key fact is this: THE END OF THE LINE COUNTS AS A
SPACE.  In vertical mode, spaces are ignored, but in horizontal mode
they aren't.  For instance if you type
Some stuff.}
then the hbox contains a leading space.  I counted 5 such spurious
spaces in Long's macro.
 --James W. Walker, Dept. of Math., Univ. of S. Carolina at Columbia


Date: Sat, 15 Oct 88 11:25:14 EDT
From: ganymede!tmb@wheaties.ai.mit.edu
Subject: AMS font METAFONT sources wanted...

Are the METAFONT sources for the fonts that come with AMS TeX available
somewhere? We only seem to have various bitmap formats.

Also, is AMS TeX available for anonymous ftp somewhere?

Please reply directly to me, since I'm not on the texhax mailing list.

					Thanks, Thomas.


Date: Wed, 12 Oct 88 15:24:12 BST
From: CET1%phoenix.cambridge.ac.uk@NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK
Subject: Re: TeX digest No. 82 (TeXhax #88)

We also received a version of digest #82 which had the line

            TeX Repository at Texas A&M (LISTSERV@TAMVM1)

in the "Today's Topics" section (between "MF definitions and IdxTeX/
GloTeX for Pc" and "Kampuchean Fonts"), but no corresponding entry
in the body of digest.

%%% Yes, my apologies.  That was a slip on the moderator's part. Malcolm

Chris Thompson
Cambridge University Computing Service
JANET: cet1@uk.ac.cam.phx
ARPA:  cet1%phx.cam.ac.uk@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk


%%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing:
%%%     BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@TAMVM1.BITNET:
%%%         SUBSCRIBE TEX-L <your name>    % to subscribe
%%%     All others: send mail to
%%%           texhax-request@score.stanford.edu
%%%     please send a valid arpanet address!!
%%% All submissions to: texhax@score.stanford.edu
%%% Back issues available for FTPing as:
%%%          machine:      directory:  filename:
%%%      nn = issue number
%%%      yy = last two digits of current year


End of TeXhax Digest