TeXhax Digest Sunday, January 27, 1991 Volume 91 : Issue 4 Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay %%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%% %%% in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the %%% %%% University of Washington %%% Today's Topics: MetaFont parameters small bug in equations.sty TeX on a DECStation 5000 Anyone? What are virtual fonts... Looking for address of Textset Inc. WEB2C for pc's Doublespacing macros and new font selection scheme equations Springer-Verlag Macro Package a new 7-bit encoding scheme Tree drawing macros Transfig & Fig 2.1.1 ymir.claremont.edu and dhosek mode_defs (TeXhax Digest V91 #001) AMSLaTeX pf environment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Wed, 16 Jan 1991 14:45:56 GMT+1 From: tex@ait.physik.uni-tuebingen.de Subject: MetaFont parameters Keywords: MetaFont, Postscript, Ricoh We (at the Astronomical Institute, Tuebingen (Germany)) have a font problem with our DEC LN03R laser printer (which is a Ricoh machine): All our DVIPS printouts look rather ugly. I presume it is because the PK fonts are much too thin. Therefore, it is definitely impossible to send out TeX documents via FAX. And we cannot switch to DVIL3P since we use the PSFIG macro package a lot. Yesterday, I found out that this problem is caused by the wrong parameters in WAITS.MF. Does anybody out there know the right parameters? Please e-mail to me directly since I have not been added to this list yet. Thank you very much in advance, Volkmar Kuhnle TeX Manager tex@aitxu2.ait.physik.uni-tuebingen.de psjeka1@zmcon2.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 14 Jan 91 16:24:54 EST From: guy@phy.duke.edu (Guy Metcalfe) Subject: small bug in equations.sty Keywords: bug, equations.sty There is a small bug in equations.sty. The \lefteqn command is ignored. Without using equations.sty, the following example prints as I would expect from p. 50 of the latex manual: the first line is shoved over to the left while the second is centered. However, with equations the R_c is aligned with -19.9---as if \lefteqn were not there at all. I would appreciate any fixes or hints for this problem. Thanks. Equations.sty implements several useful equation making environments. This is the only bug I've found in a very good package. \documentstyle[11pt,equations]{article} \begin{document} \begin{eqnarray} \label{eqn:F2nd} \lefteqn{R_c \approx R_{c\circ} + 24.6(\epsilon_1 \epsilon_2) + 10.2(\epsilon_1 - \epsilon_2)^2} \\ & & - 19.9\epsilon_2(\epsilon_1 \rho/\rho_s - \epsilon_3) \nonumber \end{eqnarray} \end{document} Guy Metcalfe Duke University Dept. of Physics guy@phy.duke.edu & Center for Nonlinear Studies guy@physics.phy.duke.edu Durham, N.C. 27706 guy%phy.duke.edu@cs.duke.edu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 14 Jan 91 17:20:36 GMT From: Peter King <pjbk@cs.heriot-watt.ac.uk> Subject: TeX on a DECStation 5000 Anyone? Keywords: TeX, DECstation 5000 We have just acquired a DEC Station 5000/200 RISC machine and I am trying to port TeX to it. We are running Ultrix V4.0 (RISC) and have the source for version 2.93 of TeX. web2C etc all run without error, although the C compiler generates an error message about unreached code (is that normal?) [has anyone linted the web2c version of TeX??]. The resulting code fails the trip test fairly convincingly. The trip test log file indicates 16 pages of output instead of 13 and there are numerous differences in the dvitype output. Has anyone any experience with this combination of hardware and software?? All hints greatfully received. -- Peter King, Computer Science Department JANET: pjbk@uk.ac.hw.cs Heriot-Watt University ARPA: pjbk@cs.hw.ac.uk 79 Grassmarket, Edinburgh EH1 2HJ or pjbk%cs.hw.ac.uk@ucl-cs Phone: (+44) 31 225 6465 Ext. 555 UUCP: ..!ukc!cs.hw.ac.uk!pjbk --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 14 Jan 1991 08:17 EST From: Norman Walsh <NORM%IONAACAD@UWAVM.U.WASHINGTON.EDU> Subject: What are virtual fonts... Keywords: TeX 3.0, virtual fonts, fonts TeX version 3.0 has support for ``virtual fonts''. Could someone explain exactly what this means to me? Can I, at least theoretically, use the virtual font support as a mechanism to allow TeX to use the scaleable typefaces available in my HP III Laser Printer? Or does it have some other purpose? Thanks, in advance, ndw --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 13 Jan 91 12:28:03 IST From: reuven@genius.tau.ac.il (Reuven Weiss) Subject: Looking for address of Textset Inc. Keywords: Textset address I am looking for the address of Textset Inc., makers of drivers for TeX. Mail to them was returned. I had the following address: 416 Fourth Street,P.O.Box 7993, Ann Arbor, MI 48107. If somebody has their latest address, please write to me. Fax number or e-mail address of this company will also suffice. Thanks, Reuven Weiss Faculty of Engineering Tel - Aviv University ISRAEL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 12 Jan 91 09:21:52 EST From: Alan Hoenig <AJHJJ%CUNYVM@UWAVM.U.WASHINGTON.EDU> Subject: WEB2C for pc's Keywords: WEB2C, PC I know WEB2C is part of the standard unix tex distribution. does anyone know of an implementation of this program for PC's? Many thanks in advance. Reach me on bitnet at AJHJJ@cunyvm, or by phone at (516) 385-0736. :-) Alan ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 11 Jan 91 11:30:51 EST From: Tom Prusa <TPRUSA@SBCCVM> Subject: Doublespacing macros and new font selection scheme Keywords: AmSTeX, LaTeX, doublespacing macro Hello, Has anyone modified the doublespacing macros to work correctly with the new font selection scheme of Mittelbach and Schopf? I would like to start using AmS-LaTeX but the old version of the doublespacing macros do not work correctly. If anyone has made the modifications (or would be willing to do the modifications) would they post (or send directly to me) the new style file. thanks in advance, tom prusa --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 9 Jan 1991 12:12 CST From: DONNA@swri.space.swri.edu Subject: equations Keywords: TeX, equations Is there any way to adjust the location of the equation number? I have an equation that is two lines long, and the equation number is placed on the line below the equation. I would like this number put on the same line as the second line of the equation. Donna Staglik Southwest Research Institute ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 10 Jan 1991 21:49:37 EST From: Allan Adler <ghot@ms.uky.edu> Subject: Springer-Verlag Macro Package Keywords: macro, Springer-Verlag Macro Package I am aware that Springer-Verlag makes distributes a Plain-\TeX\ Layout Macro Package on floppy disks. I don't know whether they charge for it. In any case, I would be interested in obtaining a free copy faster than I could do so by mail. If anyone has this package and is willing to send it to me or knows where I could obtain it by anonymous ftp, please let me know. I have just subscribed to this mailing list and may not be receiving texhax right away. So please reply to me at the address below. Thank you. Allan Adler ghot@ms.uky.edu ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Fri, 11 Jan 91 07:39:22 EST From: jrv@sdimax2.mitre.org Subject: a new 7-bit encoding scheme Keywords: encoding, 7-bit Niel Kempson's proposed VVcode supports > **TODO** > > modes: binary, text > file formats: stream (Unix, MS-DOS, TOPS) > fixed length records (VAX/VMS, VM/CMS) > variable length records (VAX/VMS, VM/CMS ?) How about the Macintosh? I am a Unix/MS-DOS user myself, but I believe that a Mac data file has several "forks", one of which is a reference to the relevant program. When I send a TeX file from my PC to a Mac across the LocalTalk network, I would like it to be automatically recognized as, for example, an OzTeX file. Could some Macintosh guru suggest suitable extensions? - Jim Van Zandt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 10 Jan 91 15:07:32 CST From: Ed Reingold <reingold@cs.uiuc.edu> Subject: Tree drawing macros Keywords: macros, tree I'm interested in tree drawing macros for TeX or LaTeX. I have a set that uses PiCTeX, but would like to know who has done what. I know about Bruggemann-Klein/Wood's work. Please respond by email to reingold@cs.uiuc.edu Thanks! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 9 Jan 91 19:37:14 -0500 From: beck@cs.cornell.edu (Micah Beck) Subject: Transfig & Fig 2.1.1 Keywords: Transfig & Fig 2.1.1 Version 2.1.1 of TransFig and Fig are now available for anonymous FTP from svax.cs.cornell.edu or sun.soe.clarkson.edu in directory ~ftp/pub/transfig. The new versions should be completely compatible with 2.1.0. There are some bug fixes, and some improvements to the LaTeX and PiCTeX drivers which extend the flexibility of those translations. For example, variable width lines and shaded boxes are now implemented in the PiCTeX translation. Keep in mind that the current version of XFig is 2.0, and so cannot read files written by Fig 2.1. Please send any comments regarding TransFig to me at the address below. Comments about Fig should be addressed to Dr. Baron Grey, grey@usc.edu. Micah Beck beck@cs.cornell.edu Department of Computer Science Cornell University ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 24 Jan 91 06:12:00 PDT From: "JohnM" <johnm@afsc-bmo.af.mil> Subject: ymir.claremont.edu and dhosek Keywords: files, access, help i am having an inordinate amount of trouble getting files from ymir.claremont (directories not found, etc). i can't seem to get through to dhosek via email. any pointers would be appreciated. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 10 Jan 91 16:45:02 -0800 From: mackay@cs.washington.edu (Pierre MacKay) Subject: mode_defs (TeXhax Digest V91 #001) Keywords: mode_def Since I have just recently been experimenting with all sorts of mode_defs for a study of the problems involved with switching between write-black and write-white printers, I find the approach in R. Bernstein's message very promising indeed. Many of the adjustments used for write-white, particularly negative values for fillin turn out to be real sledgehammers, especially when combined with other adjustments, and the possibility of switching them off font by font looks like a solution to several of the problems I have run into. It is interesting that R. B's perception is that the full overshoot value can be accepted. That may arise from the very fact that a 240 dpi font is dealing with such a low count of pixels per em. Leave the full overshoot in at 300dpi and you are raising not just a pixel or so, but an entire straight line of 6 pixels on the lower case o in cmr10. There is the reason for the more restrained value at a higher resolution. The full o-correction is supposed to appear only at the center of the curve, but the rasterization spreads it out rather far to each side. The general impression I get is that when you get to 300 dpi and above, the best setting for o-correction is one that will produce a detectable effect in the bitmap on any character rendered at 80 pixels per em or higher. That is basically what happens in the standard CanonCX write-black mode-def with its 0.5 setting. (41 pixels per em for 10-point design-size.) Email concerned with UnixTeX distribution software should be sent primarily to: elisabet@max.u.washington.edu Elizabeth Tachikawa otherwise to: mackay@cs.washington.edu Pierre A. MacKay Smail: Northwest Computing Support Center TUG Site Coordinator for Thomson Hall, Mail Stop DR-10 Unix-flavored TeX University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 (206) 543-6259 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 16 Jan 91 10:21:01 From: Mike Piff <PM1MJP@primea.sheffield.ac.uk> Subject: AMSLaTeX pf environment Keywords: AMSTeX, LaTeX I am puzzled by the AMSLaTeX document style AMSART. This defined the environment pf (Proof) essentially to be a \newenvironment with {\bf Proof} at one end and \qed at the other. Having experienced some problems myself with this kind of environment in LaTeX, I was surprised at the simplicity of this definition. However, it just doesn't work, for at least two reasons. (a) It will not interact correctly with LaTeX list environments, such as enumerate, in a proof of a theorem with two parts say: \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First part \item Second part \end{enumerate} \end{pf} looks a mess. I cannot imagine any journal accepting that. It really needs to be defined as a trivlist or list with a single \item{\bf Proof} at its head. (b) The \qed is not locked onto the end of the proof. There are ways of getting it to float to the end of the current line, or to the next line it there is not room on the current one, as in The TeXbook p106. These will also ensure that the \qed will not float onto the next page in the latter case. However, they will not prevent that from happening if the proof ends with a list environment, say, such as ... provided \begin{enumerate} \item $x>0$ and \item $0<y<1$. \end{enumerate} \end{pf} Stopping such poor breaks automatically is quite tricky, and involves a complete examination of all the features of LaTeX and TeX which might interact in this way with pf. A sample poor break is provided. Mike Piff \documentstyle{amsart} \begin{document} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \begin{pf} \begin{enumerate} \item First \item Second \end{enumerate} \end{pf} \end{document} From Dr M. J. Piff, Department of Pure Mathematics, PO Box 597, Hicks Noisy Building Site, Hounsfield Road, SHEFFIELD S10 2UN, England. Tel. SHEFFIELD(0742) 768555 Extension 4431. JANET MPiff@UK.AC.SHEF.PA or MPiff@UK.AC.SHEF.IBM ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Further information about the TeXhax Digest, the TeX %%% Users Group, and the latest software versions is available %%% in every tenth issue of the TeXhax Digest. %%% %%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing: %%% %%% BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@xxx %%% SUBSCRIBE TEX-L <your name> % to subscribe %%% or UNSUBSCRIBE TEX-L %%% %%% Internet: send a similar one line mail message to %%% TeXhax-request@cs.washington.edu %%% JANET users may choose to use %%% texhax-request@uk.ac.nsf %%% All submissions to: TeXhax@cs.washington.edu %%% %%% Back issues available for FTPing as: %%% machine: directory: filename: %%% JUNE.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU TeXhax/TeXhaxyy.nnn %%% yy = last two digits of current year %%% nnn = issue number %%% %%%\bye %%% End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------