TeXhax Digest Thursday, February 21, 1991 Volume 91 : Issue 008 Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay %%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%% %%% in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the %%% %%% University of Washington %%% Today's Topics: [svb: TeX In Practice / A Short Note.] SliTeX font files Plotting with METAFONT / Graphics in TeX / MFplot F8HYPH.TEX: which character is which? TeXHAX submission (correction) Postscript driver for CMS APA bibliography/citation style Symbol for Real Numbers Tables Greek typesetting Who wrote the SBTeX? A response to perl hackers TeX bug: optional spaces are mandatory Metafont source for Georgian? (Ricoh mode_def) TeXhax Digest V91 #004 TeX hyphenation (TeXhax Digest V91 #005) exercise macros --------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 14 Feb 91 22:14:25 -0500 From: svb@cs.purdue.edu (Stephan Bechtolsheim) Subject: [svb: TeX In Practice / A Short Note.] Keywords: TeX in Practice, SVB A short note to you who wait for the completion of "TeX in Practice" 1. I am still not done. 2. The book is now 1683 pages long, this count includes all preliminaries, and the index (as far as the index is already done). In the end you will probably look at around 1750 pages. 3. Missing is: - about 30 pages on math. - one output routine which doesn't quite work, and that's quite a tricky beast - Index of volumes 2, 3, 4 - A FINAL READING OF EVERYTHING by me, remember: 1683 pages where I need to look for widows and orphans, fix things here and there about page breaks, look over every summary and introduction, add index terms, etc. - editing some of the chapters and a FINAL READING by the editor. The last three items on the above list are the time consuming items, obviously. 4. I currently teach two courses here at Purdue, one I never taught before. Lots of work. 5. I finally came to the conclusion that during the semester I don't really get work done. There is so much other stuff to take care of. And a book of this size is something I can work on only concentrated on, like at least three days in a row. At least MY BRAIN works that way. To work on my book for two hours here and two hours there does ABSOLUTELY nothing to the book. Again, MY BRAIN works that way. Now, the math stuff and the output routine stuff I will squeeze into the semester. No problem, but the final reading of it I will not. 6. There is one other consideration (which was valid for all the time I have tried to finish it): at no point it was clear to me, how many copies I would sell. So I never could justify going to the bank and taking out a loan to pay myself a salery while I finish it. And, I am NOT a tenured faculty member who can afford things like writing a book. 7. Anyway, my decision is as follows: When the semester is over (May 2, 1991) I will take six to eight weeks where I do nothing else BUT the book. Why don't we use eight weeks right now as an estimate, which means it's done end of June 1991. I will certainly shoot for MUCH less, may be four weeks do it. 8. One implication is, of course, that the copies will not be available for the TUG meeting for sale. But the final copy will be there, so you can look at it. 9. The book should be available in September of 1991 therefore. Sorry for that. Stephan v. Bechtolsheim Computer Sciences Department svb@cs.purdue.edu Computer Science Building (317) 494 7802 Purdue University FAX: (317) 494 0739 West Lafayette, IN 47907 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 14 Feb 91 12:54:29 EST From: FDIZ%SUVM@UWAVM.U.WASHINGTON.EDU Subject: SliTeX font files Keywords: SliTeX, fonts I would appreciate it if someone can tell me where I can get the font files for SLITEX. Thanks. Fernando Diz Asst. Professor of Finance Syracuse University FDIZ@SUVM.BITNET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Feb 91 15:30:15 CET From: 115358%DOLUNI1.BITNET@forsythe.Stanford.EDU Subject: Plotting with METAFONT / Graphics in TeX / MFplot Keywords: METAFONT, TeX, MFPlot After my announcement in issue #6 I have received some queries to send the program. I have done so in the most cases; people who did not receive it despite asking for should send me another message (because it seems that I have problems with the mail system and CROSSNET). UO04@DDAGSI3.BITNET Friedrich Kammer 115358@DOLUNI1.BITNET ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 12 Feb 91 16:39:50 EST From: Steve_Tinney@um.cc.umich.edu Subject: F8HYPH.TEX: which character is which? Keywords: French, f8hyph.tex I just ftp'd f8hyph.tex from ymir.claremont.edu and it appears to give hyphenation patterns for accented French letters as well as unaccented ones. Does anyone know what the S/Z/{/} etc., stand for in terms of a+acute, a+grave and so on? I suspect fplain.tex would answer my question, but I couldn't find that in either babel or plain-contrib at ymir. Thanks, Steve Tinney -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 12 Feb 1991 15:07:30 CST From: NABTEXM@RIGEL.TAMU.EDU (Neil Burleson - ACS TeX Maintenance) Subject: TeXHAX submission (correction) Keywords: TeX 3.0, plain.tex, hyphenation >> Is there a difference in the hyphenation rules for TeX 3.0? >> >> Thomas Petsche >> petsche@leaning.siemens.com > >I had the same problem, and either Joachim Lammarsch or Peter Breitenlohner >(I can't remember who gets the credit) pointed out that I needed to change >.plain.tex too. Add > > \lefthyphenmin=2 \righthyphenmin=3 % disallow x- or -xx breaks > >Just prior to: > > \input hyphen > >and that ought to take care of the problem. -- Dean Yes but this does NOT sufficiently upgrade PLAIN.TEX for use with TEX 3.0. A NEW VERSION of PLAIN.TEX is in order here!! Neil Burleson BITNet: NABTEXM@TAMSUMMA (soon: TAMACS) TeX Team Leader Internet: nabtexm@summa.tamu.edu Academic Computing Services THEnet: ACS::NABTEXM Texas A&M University U.S. mail: 3902 College Main #508 ph: 845-8415, 845-5951 Bryan, TX 77801 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 Feb 91 09:05:38 +0200 From: Malki Cymbalista <VUMALKI%WEIZMANN@UWAVM.U.WASHINGTON.EDU> Subject: Postscript driver for CMS Keywords: CMS, PostScript Does anyone have a DVI driver for postscript printers that runs under CMS and allows one to include postscript pictures. The version I have of DVIALW does not support the \special command. Is there a later version? Thanks for any info. Malki Bitnet: vumalki@weizmann Internet: vumalk@weizmann.weizmann.ac.il --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 1 Feb 91 10:51 -0800 From: Darrell Wick <wick@instr.camosun.bc.ca> Subject: APA bibliography/citation style Keywords: APA, bibliography, citation style Where can we obtain a LaTeX style or option for citations and bibliographies based on the Style Guide of the American Psychological Association (APA)? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 8 Feb 1991 18:28 MST From: Mark Cronshaw Econ/CU-Boulder <CRONSHAW_M@CUBLDR.Colorado.EDU> Subject: Symbol for Real Numbers Keywords: LaTeX, real number symbol Does anyone know whether I can print the symbol for the set of real numbers (like IR ) using Latex? I have been using {\cal R} instead, but this is not at all close. Many thanks. - Mark Cronshaw ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 08 Feb 91 12:29:36 PDT From: REGANZ%UCLASSCF@UWAVM.U.WASHINGTON.EDU (Michael Lee Ganz) Subject: Tables Keywords: TeX, tables, macros Does anybody out there know of a collection of macros for producing various type of cross-classification tables used in biostatistics and epidemiology? If you could reply directly to me I would appreciate it very much, and I will, of course, send a copy of the list to the TexHax list. Thanks, Michael Ganz ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 2 Feb 91 00:28 GMT From: "Peter Flynn, UCC" <CBTS8001%IRUCCVAX.UCC.IE@UWAVM.U.WASHINGTON.EDU> Subject: Greek typesetting Keywords: fonts, macros, Greek A user here wants to do real Greek, and I know there are fonts or macros to do this (Silvio Levy?) but where are they? There seems to be no mention in the lists at Aston or Heidelberg. ///Peter ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Feb 91 19:20:25 JST From: <9102071020.AA11957@mani.kaist.ac.kr> Subject: Who wrote the SBTeX? Keywords: SBTeX Hello? Does anybody know who wrote the SBTeX? And what version is the latest SBTeX, 3.4 is the latest? I am involved in the Korean TeX project, and I want to port Korean TeX to MS-DOS based IBM-PC's. Are there public domain sources of TeX 3.0 ported to MS-DOS? Thanks in advance. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 7 Feb 91 12:20:50 -0500 From: amgreene@ATHENA.MIT.EDU Subject: A response to perl hackers Keywords: perl \let~\catcode~`?`\ \let?\the~`#?~`~~`]?~`~\let]\let~`\.?~`~~`,?~`~~`\%?~`~~`=?~`~]=\def ],\expandafter~`[?~`~][{=%{\message[}~`\$?~`~=${\uccode`'.\uppercase {,=,%,{%'}}}~`*?~`~=*{\advance.by}]#\number~`/?~`~=/{*-1}\newcount. =\-{*-}~`-?~`~]-\-~`^?~`~=^{*1}~`\ ?~`~= {.`\ $}~`@?~`~=@{,.,"#`@^$} .`#*`'$.?~`~0-?~`~$//$^$ .``^$*?~`~$^$.?~`~0-?~`~/$-?~`~^$@*?~`~$ * ?~`~*?~`~*?~`~*?~`~$@-?~`~$ .?~`~0-?~`~-?~`~$.``^$^^$.`<-?~`~*`<$@* ?~`~$*?~`~-`(-`+$%}\batchmode ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 8 Feb 91 15:33:18 +0100 From: nath@cernvax.cern.ch (Alfred Nathaniel) Subject: TeX bug: optional spaces are mandatory Keywords: TeX, bug, optional spaces I discovered a bug in TeX3.0. It also shows up in TeX2.9. Going through the change records I couldn't find any reference to it. So I suppose that it has been there for much longer. In sequences ...\counter=<constant>\ifnum\counter... and ...\counter=<constant>\fi \ifnum\counter... the \ifnum test fails if <constant> is not followed by a space. The problem is in this part of scan_int: @<Accumulate the constant...@>= loop@+ begin if (cur_tok<zero_token+radix)and(cur_tok>=zero_token)and (cur_tok<=zero_token+9) then d:=cur_tok-zero_token else if radix=16 then if (cur_tok<=A_token+5)and(cur_tok>=A_token) then d:=cur_tok-A_token+10 else if (cur_tok<=other_A_token+5)and(cur_tok>=other_A_token) then d:=cur_tok-other_A_token+10 else goto done else goto done; vacuous:=false; if (cur_val>=m)and((cur_val>m)or(d>7)or(radix<>10)) then begin if OK_so_far then begin print_err("Number too big"); @.Number too big@> help2("I can only go up to 2147483647='17777777777=""7FFFFFFF,")@/ ("so I'm using that number instead of yours."); error; cur_val:=infinity; OK_so_far:=false; end; end else cur_val:=cur_val*radix+d; get_x_token; end; done: To look for another digit belonging to <constant> get_x_token is called. But if the next token is \ifnum the condition is evaluated before scan_int did realize that <constant> is complete and has to be stored in \counter. Here is an example where the bug occurs: \tracingcommands=2 % \count255=0 \count255=999\ifnum \count255=0 \message{[BOGUS: \the\count255<>0]} \fi % \count255=0 \ifnum 0=0 \count255=888\fi \ifnum \count255=0 \message{[BOGUS: \the\count255<>0]} \fi % \end This is TeX, C Version 3.0 (format=plain 91.1.28) 7 FEB 1991 16:23 **ifnumbug (ifnumbug.tex {vertical mode: \count} {\count} {\ifnum} {true} {\message} [BOGUS: 999<>0] {blank space } {\fi} {\count} {\ifnum} {true} {\count} {\fi} {\ifnum} {true} {\message} [BOGUS: 888<>0] {blank space } {\fi} {\end} ) No pages of output. Simply replacing get_x_token by get_token fixes this bug but the trip test falls flat on its face. I would classify it as category S according to "The Errors of TeX". A nasty feature is that it is a Heisenbug. If you look at it it goes away. Computing the absolute value of a macro argument: \counter=#1\ifnum\counter<0\counter=-\counter\fi may fail depending on the initial value of \counter while: \counter=#1\showthe\counter\ifnum\counter<0\counter=-\counter\fi always gives the correct result as does: \counter=#1 \ifnum\counter<0\counter=-\counter\fi The lesson I learned from this that when writing TeX macros optional spaces are sometimes mandatory. Is this the right channel for bug reports? If not could somebody who knows forward it or let me know where to send it to. Best regards, Alfred Nathaniel Internet: nath@cernvax.cern.ch = nathanie@dxlmun.cern.ch = Bitnet: nathanie@cernvm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 8 Feb 1991 3:23:14 PST From: Andras Kornai <kornai@csli.stanford.edu> Subject: Metafont source for Georgian? Keywords: Meatfont, Georgian Is there such a thing? If there is, is it public domain? Thanks for the help, Andras Kornai (kornai@csli.stanford.edu, kornai@suwatson.bitnet) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 7 Feb 91 15:28:01 -0800 From: mackay@cs.washington.edu (Pierre MacKay) Subject: (Ricoh mode_def) TeXhax Digest V91 #004 Keywords: write-white mode_def Here is a write-white mode_def. If you use any of the screen displays such as xdvi which display with reduced 300dpi fonts, you should also use this font for those. It makes a profound difference in readability. I shall send the full U_Wash.mf in a separate message, and also the white_setup.mf file. % Ricoh 4080: for the TI Omnilaser (Stan Osborne's values TUGboat 8,2,134) mode_def RicohFourZeroEightZero = let font_setup=white_setup; % use the write-white font_setup proofing:=0; % no, we're not making proofs fontmaking:=1; % yes, we are making a font tracingtitles:=0; % no, don't show titles at all pixels_per_inch:=300; % Ricoh write-white engine. blacker:=.2; % Don't overblack the small fonts fillin:=-.2; % reverse compensation for diagonal fillin o_correction:=.5; % but don't overshoot as much enddef; Even with this adjustment, write-white is never as satisfactory as write-black in font expression. Email concerned with UnixTeX distribution software should be sent primarily to: elisabet@max.u.washington.edu Elizabeth Tachikawa otherwise to: mackay@cs.washington.edu Pierre A. MacKay Smail: Northwest Computing Support Center TUG Site Coordinator for Thomson Hall, Mail Stop DR-10 Unix-flavored TeX University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 (206) 543-6259 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 7 Feb 91 16:25:31 -0800 From: mackay@cs.washington.edu (Pierre MacKay) Subject: TeX hyphenation (TeXhax Digest V91 #005) Keywords: TeX 3.0, plain.tex, hyphenation > For our TeX, C Version 3.0 > *\showhyphens{state} > Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) detected at line 0 > [] \tenrm s-tate THis is a wonderful opportunity to issue a general warning. DO NOT RUN TeX Version 3.0 with an out-of-date plain.tex file. There are two new internal values, \lefthyphenmin and \righthyphenmin which must be initialized (and are in the new plain.tex). If you leave them uninitialized they think that there is no minimum number of characters at either end of the word. I guess you probably got s-tuc-k rather early in your experience of TeX 3.X (Same goes for lplain and splain, of course.) Email concerned with UnixTeX distribution software should be sent primarily to: elisabet@max.u.washington.edu Elizabeth Tachikawa otherwise to: mackay@cs.washington.edu Pierre A. MacKay Smail: Northwest Computing Support Center TUG Site Coordinator for Thomson Hall, Mail Stop DR-10 Unix-flavored TeX University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 (206) 543-6259 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 12 Feb 91 09:20:58 MST From: Alan R. Rogers <rogers@anthro.utah.edu> Subject: exercise macros Keywords: LaTeX, problem sets, mar{cros In response to the following query: > Has anyone written a LaTeX style file for writing >problems sets. For example, a file that gives a LaTeX >version of Knuth's exercise macros (from TeXbook) or >that plain TeX example in the latest TUGboat? > A desirable file might allow automatic question >numbering and allow answers to be handled like endnotes. I offer following macros: % These macros are modified versions of the \exercise and \answer macros % on p. 422 of the TeXbook. The modifications are to make them work under % LaTeX. % Usage: % \documentstyle [12pt,twoside]{report} % \input exercise % \begin{document} % \chapter{Text} % \exercise In what season of the year did George Washington spend the % winter in Valley forge? % \answer 1776 % % \exercise In what year did George Washington spend the winter there? % \answer Winter % % \chapter{Answers} % \listanswers % The answers are inserted here. % \end{document} % BUG: The blank lines after the \answer macros are *mandatory*. If you leave % them out TeX will exhaust the file looking for them. % Alan R. Rogers (rogers@anthro.utah.edu), U. of Utah, 10/23/88 \newcounter{exno}[chapter] %\newenvironment{exercise}{\begin{list}{\small\llap{$\bullet$\kern.15em}% % {\footnotesize EXERCISE \bf\thechapter.\theexno}}{ % \usecounter{exno}\small % \setlength{\labelwidth}{5em} \setlength{\labelsep}{1em} % \setlength{\leftmargin}{6em} % \setlength{\itemsep}{0em} \setlength{\topsep}{\parsep}}} % {\end{list}\normalsize} \outer\def\exercise{\addtocounter{exno}{1} \par\small\noindent\llap{$\bullet$\kern.15em}% bullet in margin {\footnotesize EXERCISE \bf\thechapter.\theexno}\par\nopagebreak\noindent} \def\ansno#1.#2:{\par\noindent \hbox to\parindent{\bf\hss#1.#2.\enspace}\ignorespaces} \chardef\other=12 \newwrite\ans \immediate\openout\ans=answers \outer\def\answer{\normalsize\par \immediate\write\ans{} \immediate\write\ans{\string\ansno\thechapter.\theexno:} \copytoblankline} \def\copytoblankline{\begingroup\setupcopy\copyans} \def\setupcopy{\def\do##1{\catcode`##1=\other}\dospecials \catcode`\|=\other \obeylines} {\obeylines \gdef\copyans#1 {\def\next{#1}% \ifx\next\empty\let\next=\endgroup % \else\immediate\write\ans{\next} \let\next=\copyans\fi\next}} \def\listanswers{\immediate\closeout\ans\input answers} ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Further information about the TeXhax Digest, the TeX %%% Users Group, and the latest software versions is available %%% in every tenth issue of the TeXhax Digest. %%% %%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing: %%% %%% BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@xxx %%% SUBSCRIBE TEX-L <your name> % to subscribe %%% or UNSUBSCRIBE TEX-L %%% %%% Internet: send a similar one line mail message to %%% TeXhax-request@cs.washington.edu %%% JANET users may choose to use %%% texhax-request@uk.ac.nsf %%% All submissions to: TeXhax@cs.washington.edu %%% %%% Back issues available for FTPing as: %%% machine: directory: filename: %%% JUNE.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU TeXhax/TeXhaxyy.nnn %%% yy = last two digits of current year %%% nnn = issue number %%% %%%\bye %%% End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------