TeXhax Digest    Tuesday,  March 5, 1991  Volume 91 : Issue 009
Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay
%%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%%
%%%       in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the       %%%
%%%                      University of Washington                           %%%
Today's Topics:         
                              23 Pin Driver
                     TeX/LaTeX/SBTeX/INITeX puzzle
                         DVI to HP Laserjet III
                     Panasonic KX-P1124 and SBTeX3.0
                        Re: TeXhax Digest V91 #007
                          TeX: How to place note?
                     TeX abbreviated font file names
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 91 18:47 EST
Subject: 23 Pin Driver
Keywords: driver
Is there anyone who could assist me with a problem with the DVI for
a 24 pin printer called DVI24PIN. I FTPed it from SIMTEL.
The program can't find the fonts, as indicated in the message in the ERROR
file included below. The Fonts do reside in the correct directory,
i.e. \tex\fonttfms.
I have tried everything I can think of including keying in the Environmental
variables as parms, i.e. executing as:
DVI24PIN -eTEXFONTS=\tex\fonttfms -eFONTLIST=pk-tfm
                     -eTEXINPUTS=\tex\inputs  A.DVI
I've included other information that I thought might be helpful.
                   The CONFIG.SYS File
                The AUTOEXEC.BAT File to show Environmental Variables
echo off
path \u;\dos;\tex;\tex\fonttfms;\tex\inputs;\tex\formats;\wp51;\qpro
prompt $p$g
set TEXFONTS=\tex\fonttfms
set TEXINPUTS=\tex\inputs
                         The one line TeX File (A.TEX)
The program /WPtoLaTeX/ allows the conversion of WordPerfect 5.0 documents
into /LaTeX/ format.
                 The LOG File after executing SBTeX
This is TeX, Version 2.93:sb08  (preloaded format=plain 91.1.5)  10 JAN 1991 18:
Output written on a.dvi (1 page, 440 bytes).
            The ERROR File after executing  DVI24PIN.EXE
Font file [cmr10 [mag 868]] could not be opened; 0 font files are open
Proceeding with zero size characters for this font
Current TeX page counters: [0]
         The directions from SBTeX, used to get started
                     SBTEX for MS-DOS PC'S
The directory structure employed by this version of TeX is as follows. ASCII
files needed or referenced by the EXE files should reside in the current
directory or in C:\TEX\INPUTS -- in particular TEX.POO, the fundamental TeX
strings, should be there. TFM files which specify font measurements should
reside in C:\TEX\FONTTFMS. Format files, which are binary files created by
INITEX for rapid loading of essential data, bear the ending .FMT: they
should reside in C:\TEX\FORMATS. Only FMT files created by the included
INITEX can be used by the included TEX. The batch file INSTAL.BAT should
create the appropriate directories and put the necessary files in place
provided that all the essential files are in the current directory. Once
the directories are set up, the EXE files may be placed in any directory,
preferrably one which is in the DOS PATH. Any files that have been copied
to specific directories distinct from the current directory may be deleted
from the current directory.
Once the directory structure is established and INITEX has been run on
PLAIN.TEX to create PLAIN.FMT and that file is moved to C:\TEX\FORMATS,
then things are ready to go. Note that INITEX must be told to \dump the
format file it has created.
TeX requires a lot of memory space. For a PC with 512Kb RAM, things are tight
but TeX can work for files that are not too demanding. There is no space for
resident utilities. The situation is better if one has 640Kb RAM. Provided that
the RAM has not been savaged by resident utilities, then the included version
The system CONFIG.SYS should have adequate space reserved for file handling.
The values FILES=20  BUFFERS=10 will be sufficient for ordinary work, but
Thanks for any help,
Frank Cubbage
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 91 14:38:18
From: Mike Piff <PM1MJP@primea.sheffield.ac.uk>
Subject: TeX/LaTeX/SBTeX/INITeX puzzle
Keywords: TeX,LaTeX,SBTeX,INITeX
Does anyone have an idea what is happening here?  This is from a LOG file of  a
run of SB30TEX using \tracingcommands=5 \tracingmacros=5.
TeX clearly knows what \@@ptpage means---in fact, it has been  \let  to  LaTeX'
\@outputpage.   However, just as clearly, it doesn't have a clue what \@@ptpage
means, since it ignores  \begingroup,  the  \catcode  change,  \let,  and  then
inserts a \discretionary or two in the vertical list!
A clue---this only goes wrong when  INITeX  has  read  these  macros,  and  the
resulting format is used.  When TeX \inputs them, they work fine.
Mike Piff
\@@ptpage ->\begingroup \catcode `\ =10 \let \-\@dischyph \let \'\@acci
\let \`\@accii \let \=\@acciii \if@specialpage \global \@specialpagefals
e \@nameuse {ps@\@specialstyle }\fi \if@twoside \ifodd \count \z@ \let \
@thehead \@oddhead \let \@thefoot \@oddfoot \let \@themargin \oddsidemar
gin \else \let \@thehead \@evenhead \let \@thefoot \@evenfoot \let \@the
margin \evensidemargin \fi \fi \shipout \vbox {\normalsize \baselineskip
 \z@ \lineskip \z@ \let \par \@@par \vskip \topmargin \moveright \@thema
rgin \vbox {\setbox \@tempboxa \vbox to\headheight {\vfil \hbox to\textw
idth {\let \label \@gobble \let \index \@gobble \@thehead }} \dp \@tempb
oxa \z@ \box \@tempboxa \vskip \headsep \box \@outputbox \baselineskip \
footskip \hbox to\textwidth {\let \label \@gobble \let \index \@gobble \
@thefoot }}}\global \@colht \textheight \endgroup \stepcounter {page}\le
t \firstmark \botmark
\-->\discretionary {-}{}{}
\@dischyph ->\discretionary {-}{}{}
\'#1->{\accent 19 #1}
\@acci #1->{\accent 19 #1}
! Argument of \@acci has an extra }.
<inserted text>
<to be read again>
\@@ptpage ...hyph \let \'\@acci
                                \let \`\@accii \let \=\@accii...
\@outputpage ...empty \@@ptpage
                                \else \ifx \@Next \@End \gdef...
\@opcol ...l \else \@outputpage
                                \global \@colht \textheight \fi
<output> ...e \@makecol \@opcol
                                \@floatplacement \@startcolum...
\newpage ...\vfil \penalty -\@M
\clearpage ->\newpage
                      \write \m@ne {}\vbox {}\penalty -\@Mi
\@ndpap ...art {#1}{}\clearpage
                                \m@rkpart {}{}
l.33 \endpaper
From   Dr M. J. Piff, Department of Pure Mathematics, PO Box 597,
       Hicks Noisy Building Site, Hounsfield Road,
       SHEFFIELD S10 2UN, England.
Tel.   SHEFFIELD(0742) 768555 Extension 4431.
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 91 15:55:42 -0800
From: Louis M. McDonald <louis@aerospace.aero.org>
Subject: DVI to HP Laserjet III
Keywords: dviware, HP Laserjet III
I have an old version of DVIHP from U of Utah. It does not seem to
work with an HP Laserjet III. Is there a DVI driver out there for
HP Laserjet III?
Louis McDonald
Date:     Fri, 15 Feb 91 12:36:19 PST
Subject:  Panasonic KX-P1124 and SBTeX3.0
Keywords: Panasonic KX-P1124, SBTeX3.0
I have DVIPAN (Panasonic KX-P1124)
To further identify its variant when I execute it w/o the benefit of
clergy or a .dvi file --> it responds:
  TeX82 DVI Translator Version 2.10 [experimental]
  Panasonic KX-P1124 180dpi matrix printer
The problem is that it will only output about the first 8 lines of
the input file, and then it starts throwing pages for awhile, then
stops after outputting maybe another 2-3 lines of the input text file.
I've been using SBTEXv3.0 with CM fonts on a PC-clone.
There are also some vertical carriage rolling problems when I change from
\rm to \sl.
If I use DVIEPS and tweak the -m option enough I can get this printer
to output the document scaled down to about quarter size (big margins
all around and small text)
Anybody have a more recent or non-experimental DVI driver for this Panasonic?
=-----> Bill Lennox
        Humboldt State Univ.
        Arcata, CA. 95521
        (707) 826 4440
Date:  Sat, 16 Feb 1991 17:48:00 -0500
From: lee@sq.com (Liam Quin)
Subject: Re: TeXhax Digest V91 #007
Keywords: fonts, naming conventions
>From: spooky!witr@uunet.UU.NET
>Subject: Font naming conventions
>For those who may not be familiar with the X-Windows representation of
>fontnames, here is an example:
>``-Adobe-Times Roman-Bold-I-Normal--14-300-300-300-P-231-ISO8859-1''
>Which means, Foundry=Adobe, Family=Times Roman, Weight=Bold,
>Slant=Italic, Width=Normal (instead of Condensed, for example),
>Style=<nothing> (could be Serif or the like), Pointsize=14Pt,
>Pixelsize=300dpi (although I would prefer an SI measure),
>Horizontalresolution = 300dpi, Verticalresolution=300dpi,
>Spacing=proportional, Averagewidth=23.1 pixels, Charset encoding
>registry=ISO8859, charset encoding=1.
No, it means Height in Pixels = 14 (this is 0 for a scaleable font),
Size = 30.0 (i.e. 300 decipoints), Resolution = 300dpi x 300dpi
This is an excellent scheme, although it's important to remember that X
allows font aliases, so that one could say (in effect)
 alias TimesBI30 -Adobe-Times Roman-Bold-I-Normal--*-300-*-*-*-*...
to have a resolution-independent way of specifying a 30.0 point font.
Liam R. E. Quin,  lee@sq.com, SoftQuad Inc., Toronto, +1 (416) 963-8337
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 91 12:08:35 GMT
Subject: TeX: How to place note?
Keywords: TeX, note
Dear Subscribers
I tried to change macro \TeXref used in Gentle Introduction to TeX
to place some text in the margin just to the left of the line where
\TeXref occurs so that now it will place the text to the left on
even page and to the right on odd page. So I redefined this macro
\def \TeXref#1{%
             \vadjust{\setbox0=\hbox{\sevenrm\TeX book: #1}%
             \advance\theight by \dp0    \advance\theight by \lineskip
             \kern -\theight \vbox to \theight{%
But this does not serve. Let see what happens if macro is invoked
near page break. TeX reads more than will fit on one page so TeX can
process macro while constructing "recent" page thought text to be placed
in the margin will go on the next one. Any suggestion?
                                        Vladimir Rozov.
VOICE   : (7-095)-333-41-12       TELEX  : 4 11 498 star su
FAX     : (7-095)-310-70-23       E-MAIL : ASOKOLOV@ESOC1.BITNET
ADDRESS : Space Research Institute (IKI) USSR Academy of Science
!       : Profsoyuznaya 84/32, 117810 Moscow GSP-7, USSR
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 91 07:42:57 EST
From: bkph@ai.mit.edu (Berthold K.P. Horn)
Subject: TeX abbreviated font file names
Keywords: TeX, font file names
%%%Moderator`s note: Due to space constraints we have abbreviated
%%%the list of AFM files.
Dear Karl:
Attached find a list (now out of date) of AFM files from the ps-adobe
file-server (out of date, because I got it a coupple of days ago).
Did you make up abbreviations for all 770 font file names here?  If so, will
you be happy to continue making up names as new fonts are added to this list
on a weekly basis?  And the same goes for other vendors, some of whom also
already have hundreds of fonts in their catalogs.  It won't be satisfactory
to only have names for `important' fonts - everyone has different ideas on
what is `important'.
Someone, or some group, has to take on the responsibility of continually
making up new names - or at least to act as a clearing house for proposed
abbreviations (like the Adobe Unique ID coordinator) to make sure everyone
uses the same ones.
But why duplicate the effort already being expended by font vendors?
Since they want there fonts to be useable on many different platforms, they
already have been forced to come up with 6 (or sometimes 8) character
abbreviations.  If we just use these there is no need for yet another
committee - and no need for the confusion created by having two competing
sets of abbreviations.
What do you think?     Berthold. K.P. Horn
*_*_*_*_*_* AFM Files *_*_*_*_*_*
                    AGaramond-Bold    19654  Jul 12 1989    Version 001.000
              AGaramond-BoldItalic    19861  Jul 12 1989    Version 001.000
                  AGaramond-Italic    20506  Jul 12 1989    Version 001.000
                 AGaramond-Regular    20058  Jul 12 1989    Version 001.000
                AGaramond-Semibold    19644  Jul 12 1989    Version 001.000
          AGaramond-SemiboldItalic    20373  Jul 12 1989    Version 001.000
                 AGaramond-Titling     8883  Jul 12 1989    Version 001.000
               AGaramondAlt-Italic     2099  Jul 12 1989    Version 001.000
              AGaramondAlt-Regular     1201  Jul 12 1989    Version 001.000
                 AGaramondExp-Bold     4987  Jul 12 1989    Version 001.000
           AGaramondExp-BoldItalic     5064  Jul 12 1989    Version 001.000
               AGaramondExp-Italic     5048  Jul 12 1989    Version 001.000
              AGaramondExp-Regular    11824  Jul 12 1989    Version 001.000
             AGaramondExp-Semibold    11941  Jul 12 1989    Version 001.000
       AGaramondExp-SemiboldItalic     5073  Jul 12 1989    Version 001.000
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 91 14:57:03 -0800
From: mackay@cs.washington.edu (Pierre MacKay)
Subject: mode_defs
Keywords: mode_defs
R. Bernstein's communications about setting mode_defs go
a long way toward putting some system into what has been a
pretty haphazard black art until now.
Here are some additional assists.  The first is a METAFONT
input file to select a limited number of characters for observation.
I use K W and o, but the file can be edited to substitute
or add others.
% File:       MF Inputs mtest.mf
% Author:     Pierre A. MacKay
% Internet:   mackay@cs.washington.edu
% Date:       February 20, 1991
% A file to redefine cmchar so that it will select
% only those characters from a complete font whose
% names match one of a small number of if ... elseif
% tests.  Other characters are bypassed completely.
% Based on the macros in the METAFONTbook, Appendix E,
% page 307 & 312.  Just as in the case of the iff 
% macro, these depend on the expectation that every 
% character program will end with endchar.  
% Additional characters may be selected by adding
% additional elseif lines at will, but there has to come
% a point of diminishing returns.
% This file can be named on the command line, as in
% cmmf mtest input cmr10
string currenttitle;
def selective expr t =
  currenttitle:= t;
  if t = "The letter K" : let next_ = use_it_
  elseif t = "The letter W" : let next_ = use_it_
  elseif t = "The letter o" : let next_ = use_it_
  else: let next_ = lose_it_ fi; next_ enddef;
% Add _ to the macro names used by iff to avoid confusion.
def use_it_ = message currenttitle; enddef;
def lose_it_ = let endchar = fi; let ; = fix_ semi_
  if false: enddef; 
let cmchar = selective;
Next is a makefile designed to allow quick resetting
of critical mode_def parameters on the test characters
followed by the generation of a gftype image mode file.
Sorry this is so Unix-y, but there are things like
makefiles on other operating systems.
# File:       Makefile: for evaluation of METAFONT mode_defs using sample characters
# Author:     Pierre A. MacKay
# Internet:   mackay@cs.washington.edu
# Date:       December 20, 1990
# usage: make ENGINE=[black,white] BLACKER=n.n FILLIN=n.n OCORR=n.n DPI=n FONT=<font>
# Leaves a copy of each mode_def in testmode.mf, in hopes that it may be the right one.
ENGINE  = black
FILLIN  = 0.0
OCORR   = 0.0
DPI     = 300
MF      = cmmf
FONT    = cmr7
DOTMODE = square
modetest: mode_stamp mtest.mf
 @$(MF) '\smode="testmode";' '\batchmode;' \input mtest input $(FONT)
 @echo " Running gftype -- image on $(FONT).$(DPI)i "
 @echo ""
 @gftype -i mtest.$(DPI)gf > $(FONT).$(DPI)i
 @cat  $(FONT).$(DPI)i
mode_stamp: testmode.mf testmode.tex
 @echo " Preparing a mode_def in file testmode.mf"
 @echo ""
 @echo "% mode_def YouNameIt = % (testmode.mf for smode use.)" | cat > testmode.mf  
 @echo "$(ENGINE) let font_setup=white_setup;" | cat >> testmode.mf  
 @echo " proofing:=0;" | cat >> testmode.mf
 @echo " % fontmaking:=1; % (don't make TFM while testing)" | cat >> testmode.mf
 @echo " tracingtitles:=1;" | cat >> testmode.mf            
 @echo " pixels_per_inch:=$(DPI);" | cat >> testmode.mf        
 @echo " blacker:=$(BLACKER);" | cat >> testmode.mf                  
 @echo " fillin:=$(FILLIN);" | cat >> testmode.mf                  
 @echo " o_correction:=$(OCORR);" | cat >> testmode.mf            
 @echo "% enddef;"| cat >> testmode.mf  
 @echo ""
 @echo "2s/white let/ let/ | wq" | ex - testmode.mf >/dev/null
 @echo "/black let/d | wq" | ex - testmode.mf > /dev/null
 @cat testmode.mf
 @echo ""
Email concerned with UnixTeX distribution software should be sent primarily
to: elisabet@max.u.washington.edu           Elizabeth Tachikawa
otherwise to:  mackay@cs.washington.edu  Pierre A. MacKay
Smail:  Northwest Computing Support Center TUG Site Coordinator for
 Thomson Hall, Mail Stop DR-10  Unix-flavored TeX
 University of Washington
 Seattle, WA 98195
 (206) 543-6259
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End of TeXhax Digest