TeXhax Digest    Wednesday,  May 15, 1991  Volume 91 : Issue 023
Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay
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Today's Topics:         
                            Re: TeXCAD, AmSTeX
                              \midinsert etc.
                     MODE_DEF FOR COMPUGRAPHICS 9600
                               file.ps -> dvi
                         Current version of XFig ?
                         LaTeX and MATLAB question
              Re:  astronomical symbols and male/female symbols
                          dvi driver for Deskjet
                             LaTeX question
                          TeX 3.1 on sgi irix
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 91 12:45:45 +0200
From: Eberhard Mattes <mattes@azu.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de>
Subject: Re: TeXCAD, AmSTeX
Keywords: TeXCAD, AmSTeX
Peter Flynn wrote:
> I am using the TeXCAD program which came with emTeX. This produces
> LaTeX PICTeX code for simple diagrams and seems to work fine with
> one exception.
Either use the emlines document style option or tell TeXcad not
to use emTeX's \special commands for line drawing (see options
    Eberhard Mattes (mattes@azu.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de)
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 91 9:45:09 EDT
From: Walter D. Neumann <neumann@function.mps.ohio-state.edu>
Subject: \midinsert etc.
Keywords: TeX, \midinsert
This is an update to corrections I posted a while ago on INFO-TeX to
TeX's default insert macros (\midinsert, \topinsert).  I am editing a
topology proceedings with lots of included figures and have found the
default macros seriously deficient.  The changes to the previous
posting are an improved test (suggested by L. Siebenmann) for a split
insertion on the current page, and protection of \lastskip (item 5
below).  The macros are also useful with AMSTeX.  I do not know if
similar problems exist in Latex.  Latex has its own fairly
sophisticated insert macros.
Comments appreciated.  -walter neumann
%% newinsert.tex (4/2/91) by walter neumann (neumann@mps.ohio-state.edu)
% Include with "\input newinsert.tex" to fix following problems
% with plain TeX's handling of \midinsert and \topinsert:
% 1. An insert that falls at the top of the page is too high: it's
%    top is at top-of-page rather than top-of-ink.
% 2. Plain uses \bigskip for space around inserts and assumes \bigskip
%    is 12pt plus stretch, so \midinsert misbehaves if \bigskipamount
%    is changed. This space should be an independent quantity.
% 3. Consecutive midinserts that did not float are spaced twice
%    as far apart as consecutive topinserts or floated midinserts.
% 4. Midinserts can get out of order (see Exercise 15.5 of TeXbook).
% 5. \removelastskip fails after a floated insert. This is relevant for
%    an insertion before any construction (such as a proclamation in
%    plain TeX) that does an explicit or implicit \removelastskip.
% Remaining problem: TeX uses \topskip instead of \baselineskip for the
% first line of a page after any topinserts. With the default values
% of 10pt and 12pt respectively, this gives 2pt less space between a
% topinsert or floated midinsert and following text than between a 
% middle insertion and following text. To avoid this use:
% \topskip=\baselineskip
% Plain.tex puts \bigskipamount of space before and after inserts.
% We provide \insertskipamount for this purpose (default \medskipamount).
% In addition, \inserthardskipamount of glue is added at the top of EVERY
% insert; it remains even at top of page (default 6pt; it should be at
% least \topskipamount-(text height)).
%   These defaults give good balance for insertions of the form:
%       \midinsert
%       [Text or commands to include a graphics file]
%       \medskip \centerline{Figure Title or Table Title}
%       \endinsert.
\chardef\OldCatAt\the\catcode `\@
\catcode `\@=11
%%%%%%%%%%%% Corrected insert macros for plain.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%  New skipamounts:
\insertskipamount\medskipamount         % Change as desired.
\inserthardskipamount 6pt               % Change as desired (see above)
%  Save and restore \lastskip:
%  Larry Siebenmann's test for split topinserts:
\newcount\SplitTest%        will be set to -1 if a topinsert has split
%  From here on we modify definitions in plain.tex.
% Redefine \midinsert to convert to \topinsert if a topinsert has been
% split, to prevent midinserts getting out of order (cf. TeXbook Exercise
% 15.5). As in plain.tex, a \midinsert still converts to a \topinsert
% (which then splits) if the insert is too big for current page.
%   Was:    \def\midinsert{\@midtrue\@ins}
% Redefine \@ins to add \inserthardskipamount of glue above.
%   Was:  \def\@ins{\par\begingroup\setbox\z@\vbox\bgroup}
% Changes to \endinsert of plain.tex 3.0:
% - Use \insertskipamount instead of \bigskipamount throughout.
% - Use larger of previous skip and insertskip before middle insert.
% - Add \nointerlineskip to avoid unwanted extra 1pt skip.
% - Save and restore lastskip when an insert floats.
\def\endinsert{\egroup % finish the \vbox
  \if@mid \dimen@\ht\z@ \advance\dimen@\dp\z@
    \advance\dimen@\insertskipamount%            was 12pt (wn)
% Next 3 lines replace:  \if@mid \bigskip\box\z@\bigbreak (wn)
    \SaveLastSkip%                                  added (wn)
    \insert\topins{\penalty100 % floating insertion
    \splitmaxdepth\maxdimen \floatingpenalty\z@
    \ifp@ge \dimen@\dp\z@
    \vbox to\vsize{\unvbox\z@\kern-\dimen@}% depth is zero
    \else \box\z@\nobreak\insertskip\fi}% was \bigskip\fi (wn)
    \RestoreLastSkip%                               added (wn)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Done correcting insert macros %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\catcode `\@=\OldCatAt
%% end newinsert.tex
 Walter Neumann              Email:    neumann@mps.ohio-state.edu
 Department of Mathematics                  neumann@ohstpy.bitnet
 Ohio State University       Tel: 614-292-4886 (office)
 Columbus, OH 43210           -292-4975(Math. Dept.) -292-1479 (Dept. Fax)
Date:    Thu, 25 Apr 91 15:42:22 PDT
From: wagman%praxis.hepnet@Csa1.LBL.Gov (Gary S. Wagman 415/486-6610)
Keywords: mode-def, CompuGraphics 9600
Does anyone have a mode_def for the Compugraphics 9600 Imagesetter. I tried
snooping for it in /pub/tex on sun.soe.clarkson.edu but couldn't find it.
Gary Wagman
Lawrence Berlekey Lab
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 91 06:41:07 MDT
From: Hassan Saleh <salehh@jacobs.CS.ORST.EDU>
Subject: file.ps -> dvi
Keywords: conversion, PostScript, dviware
  Is anyone aware of a program that can convert postscript
  files ( file.ps ) to dvi or some other output format ?
  Please reply to:
  H. I. SALEH --->  salehh@jacobs.cs.orst.edu
  Thank you.
Date: 25 Apr 91 17:17 +0200
From: pirnay@vax1.rz.uni-regensburg.dbp.de
Subject: Current version of XFig ?
Keywords: XFig
Hello, could a kind soul please mail me the current version number of XFig
and where to FTP it? (I use currently XFig 2.0 Patchlevel 9, but someone
mentioned using Patchlevel 18 !!).
Thank you very much (please remember: XFig produces figures for TeX, so this
is a TeX-related question too).
| Jens Pirnay, Institut fuer Physik III, Uni Regensburg, Germany |
| Internet:  PIRNAY@VAX1.RZ.UNI-REGENSBURG.DBP.DE                |
| Bitnet  :  HRU003@DJUKFA11                                     |
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 91 22:04:42 MEZ
Subject: barcodes
Keywords: barcodes
there is a barcode.mf, i think its available from
the clarkson server and/or from the heidelberg listserv
INTERNET:      a4422dab@Helios.EDVZ.UniVie.AC.AT
Institute for Statistics and Computer Science
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1991 16:18 MST
From: N1DIMAS@cudnvr.denver.colorado.edu
Subject: LaTeX and MATLAB question
Keywords: LaTeX, MATLAB
I've got a Latex question.
I'm doing some graphs using MATLAB.  I'd like to know how I can import
them into a Latex document.  I'm using style "report" for my document.
Thank You
Nicholas Dimas
Date:    Wed, 24 Apr 91 18:15
Subject: Re:  astronomical symbols and male/female symbols
Keywords: METAFONT, astronomical, male/female, symbols
Both are in the wasy font. get it, metafont it, use it.  --- rw.
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 91 18:38:59 PDT
Subject: dvi driver for Deskjet
Keywords: dviware, HP DeskJet
In texhax 91:021, Bill Lennox (glennox@calstate) requests information
about dvi drivers for hp deskjet and apple deskwriter. A driver for the
DeskJet is available at the user-friendly price of $50 from Arbortext Inc,
Ann Arbor, MI. Their phone no. is (313) 996-3566.
Sven Thommesen (RETHOMZ@uclasscf.bitnet)
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 91 10:09:18 CDT
From: max@nic.gac.edu (Max Hailperin)
Subject: LaTeX question
Keywords: LaTeX, non-standard page numbering
   From: A1GRANDBOIS@cudnvr.denver.colorado.edu
   Is there a way to design a non-standard pagenumbering in LaTeX? I need a
   document to have hyphenated page numbers such as 1-1, 1-2, 1-3,... and
   nothing I've tried has worked!
   INTERNET: a1grandbois@cudnvr.denver.colorado.edu
If all you wanted was each page number to be prefixed with 1- you
could just do
either in the preamble of your document (between the \documentstyle
line and the \begin{document} or in a seperate .sty file you refer to
in square brackets in the \documentstyle line.
However, chances are you want to actually have the number before the
hyphen be the chapter number (or perhaps section or part, which would
be analogous).  You can nearly do this with
The only problem is that the page number will continue to be stepped
consecutively through the whole document, rather than reset to one at
the start of each chapter as you probably desire.  To achieve that
effect, you have to add the page counter to the "reset list" for the
chapter counter.  Unfortunately, that would reset it to zero rather
than one, so we have to change the reseting mechanism to make a
special case of the page counter, reseting it to one instead.  To get
all of these things to happen, but the following in a file such as
chappg.sty and then use \documentstyle[chappg]{report} or whatnot:
\renewcommand{\thepage}{\arabic{chapter}-\arabic{page}}% chapter-page numbering
\@addtoreset{page}{chapter}% reset page number when chapter is stepped
% The next magic makes the page counter be reset to one rather than zero
\def\@stpelt#1{\global\csname c@#1\endcsname 
               \expandafter\ifx \csname#1\endcsname \page 
                  \z@ \fi}
Hope this helps.   -Max Hailperin <max@nic.gac.edu> for LaTeX-help
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 91 02:41:58 EDT
From: karron@karron.med.nyu.edu (Dan Karron (karron@nyu.edu))
Subject: TeX 3.1 on sgi irix
Keywords: TeX 3.1, SGI IRIX
I report my first time installation on an sgi IRIX 3.3.1 
My main problem was in realizing that the only file that needed to be
fixed was site.h, and that all compiles should be preceeded with
a make veryclean. Without starting from a known state, the compiles
would end up with odd linkage errors.
Another problem is the lack of an alloca function. This
can be obtained from any gnu source. It should be
included in the makes, and the absence of that function
noted and the makefile made to behave accordingly.
My site.h file is appended below, along with the makefile
that I used.
I will post another note with my remaining questions and
I use both a hp laser jet 2 and a ps printer, and the Beebe dvijep
collection works fine. I also use the dvips from labrea.
They did not appear to work at first because of the lack of an 8 bit
data path through the lp interface script. The key
is that you use a stty statment with the raw option. Without
it, you get output, but it is sloppy looking, and some 
characters work, some don't. The diagnostic is that when
you print the story.tex test file, all of the 'i's and 'l's
drop out, but the rest of the output looks just fine !
Here is the stty params that worked. The printer is
connected via a serial port at 38400 baud.
STTYPARAMS="raw cs8 -parenb"
# verify the stty settings into the log file. Comment when done.
echo >> $LOGFILE
stty -a <&1 2>&1 >> $LOGFILE
echo >> $LOGFILE
Also beware of handshake problems. Testing 8 bit data was 
tough. Also, the iris lp interface script implimentation
is faulty. Your stderr output is sunk to the printer.
So the best way to debug the script is to run them by
hand and look for errors. I have complained to the
right people at sgi about this.
Here is the site.h
#ifndef __WEB2C_SITE_H
#define __WEB2C_SITE_H
#define SYSV
#undef ANSI
#define TEXFONTS   ".:/usr/local/lib/tex/fonts/tfm"
#define TEXFORMATS ".:/usr/local/lib/tex/formats"
#define TEXINPUTS  ".:/usr/local/lib/tex/inputs"
#define TEXPOOL    "/usr/local/lib/tex"
#define MFBASES    ".:/usr/local/lib/mf/bases"
#define MFINPUTS   ".:/usr/local/lib/mf/inputs"
#define MFPOOL     "/usr/local/lib/mf"
#define VFFONTS    ".:/usr/local/lib/tex/fonts/vf"
#define TEXFONTS_SUBDIR "/usr/local/lib/tex/fonts/tfm"
#define TEXINPUTS_SUBDIR "/usr/local/lib/tex/inputs"
#define MFINPUTS_SUBDIR "/usr/local/lib/mf/inputs"
#define BIBINPUTS ".:/usr/local/lib/tex/bib"
#undef HP2627WIN  /* HP 2627. */
#undef SUNWIN   /* SunWindows. */
#undef TEKTRONIXWIN  /* Tektronix 4014. */
#undef UNITERMWIN  /* Uniterm Tektronix.  */
#undef X10WIN   /* X Version 10. */
#define X11WIN   /* X Version 11. */
#define EDITOR "/usr/bin/vi +%d %s"
#define HAVE_GETWD
#define REGFIX
typedef short schar;
typedef double glueratio;
typedef long integer;
#include "defaults.h"
#endif /* not __WEB2C_SITE_H */
LDFLAGS=-lm -lc_s
YACC=bison -y
wlibs=-lXau -lXdmcp -lXinput -lXt -lXaw -lXext -lXmu -lX11
bases=mf.base cmmf.base
fileinstall=$(INSTALL) -m 664
proginstall=$(INSTALL) -m 775
maninstall=ln -fs 
# Where the Computer Modern sources are.
# (The man pages claim that you have installed the standard utility
# sources, like `grayf.mf' and `expr.mf', somewhere in $(mfinputdir).)
default: all
# Stuff below here probably doesn't need to be changed.
| karron@nyu.edu (e-mail alias )         Dan Karron, Research Associate      |
| Phone: 212 263 5210 Fax: 212 263 7190  New York University Medical Center  |
| 560 First Avenue                       Digital Pager <1> (212) 397 9330    |
| New York, New York 10016               <2> 10896   <3> <your-number-here>  |
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End of TeXhax Digest