TeXhax Digest Sunday, May 19, 1991 Volume 91 : Issue 024 Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay %%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%% %%% in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the %%% %%% University of Washington %%% Today's Topics: Horizontal footnotes Script font for Lagrangian symbol Need help with emTeX MF modes style file for Mathematical Association of America wanted Help with EDMAC c2latex is on sun.soe.clarkson.edu tabs in paragraphs eplain 1.9 released Re: Non-English hyphenation and TeX 3.0 Printer driver for HP DeskJet Response to query for bk14.sty ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 7 May 91 14:11 GMT From: Peter Flynn UCC <CBTS8001%IRUCCVAX.UCC.IE@UWAVM.U.WASHINGTON.EDU> Subject: Horizontal footnotes Keywords: LaTeX, EDMAC, footnotes I need to get footnotes spread horizontally across the bottom of the page because there are a lot of them and they're very short. I would prefer LaTeX because the user has a lot of sectioning, TOC etc. Is there a style file for this anywhere; if not, is it possible to do it. I would normally use EDMAC, but while that can spread footnotes, I would have to write all the sectioning etc by hand, which seems a bit of a waste of time. ///Peter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 May 1991 15:32 +0100 From: KNAPPEN%VKPMZD.KPH.Uni-Mainz.de@UWAVM.U.WASHINGTON.EDU Subject: Script font for Lagrangian symbol Keywords: script font, Lagrangian symbol In 1985 Michael Spivak wrote (in: The joy of TeX, Appendix F): << As we mentioned in chapter 20, a Fraktur (German) font is in the works. Other possibilities are a ``script font'' with both upper and lower case script letters, >> Physicists need such a script font for several purposes. I personally miss symbols for Lagrangian, Hamiltonian and the Path Integral Measure (script L, H and D respectively), other physicists need other script letters. Note that both the calligrafic letters from cmsy and the euler script font are not the thing we really want. A good sample of a script font can be found in the ``instructions for authors'' in Zeitschrift f\"ur Physik. My questions are: Is there a script font for TeX available somewhere? Is there someone outside developing a script metafont? Does someone has single letters (e.g. the L or the D)? If no positive answers will come, some people here at Mainz will try to do it. But we don't want to duplicate work which is done elsewhere. J"org Knappen knappen@vkpmzd.kph.uni-mainz.de ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 6 May 91 15:21:42 EDT From: "Brian K. Higdon" <higdon@ms.uky.edu> Subject: Need help with emTeX Keywords: EmTeX I'm not sure who to contact or how to contact someone about this problem, but this seems like a good place to start. I am using the emTeX package on my PC. It works very well, except when I go to print out a file to the screen or to the printer (a plain-vanilla Epson FX-80+). When I print out several pages of text, every even numbered page is pushed over to the very rightmost edge of the page. For instance, page 1 will have the proper margin, page 2 will be shoved over, page 3 will be ok, page 4 is shoved over, .... I tried setting the margins with the /l# as well as the /h# and /w# options, but they seem to have little effect (the /l# will change the margin for the pages numbered 1,3,5,... but the 2,4,6... will remain pushed to the right). Another problem I have is that when the program prints a page with the {plain} page format, the page number printed in the footer is printed on a seperate page. So for example, page 1 will be printed, then the printer does a formfeed, prints a `1' then it does another formfeed, wasting a sheet of paper in the meantime. Again I have used the /h# and /w# options but they don't seem to help. If you can help me thanks in advance, if not could you forward it to someone who could? It's a shame to have such a nice piece of software as emTeX and not be able to get the full benefit from it. Thanks, Brian Higdon higdon@ms.uky.edu PROVERBS PROVERBS PROVERBS To be a performance artist in one lifetime means seven rebirths as a stereo salesclerk. -- Tasteful American Proverb -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 1 May 91 15:59:35 EDT From: karron@karron.med.nyu.edu (Dan Karron (karron@nyu.edu)) Subject: MF modes Keywords: METAFONT, modes I think that I have a figured out mf modes and font scaling. However, it seems to me that there should be a mode for each display device, not for classes of devices. The waits.mf file is hopeless out of date. I did find a mode for the CanonCX, which is wrapped in a number of disguises, like the HP Laser Jet printers. I think that there should be either aliases for the printers by their trade names, and that the font locations should be standardized by mode, e.g., $TEXFONTS/$MODE/pk/size. Putting too many fonts in a directory slows down directory searches prior to opening, so that the particular scales of each font should be in a subdirectory. The proofing mode of mf makes proofs that are too small for the small fonts. Is there any way to scale each font proof nicely to fill the page ? Also, is there any work or interest to make the various parts of TeX pipeable ? I.E., Instead of a blizzard of small files, pipe TeX or LaTeX directly into a dvi driver directly into a printer ? Cheers! dan. | karron@nyu.edu (e-mail alias ) Dan Karron, Research Associate | | Phone: 212 263 5210 Fax: 212 263 7190 New York University Medical Center | | 560 First Avenue Digital Pager <1> (212) 397 9330 | | New York, New York 10016 <2> 10896 <3> <your-number-here> | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 01 May 91 09:00:44 -0500 From: mds@mark.stat.purdue.edu Subject: style file for Mathematical Association of America wanted Keywords: MAA, 8 1/2" x 11" notes Anyone have a style file for the Mathematical Association of America's 8 1/2" x 11" Notes? Thanks, Mark Senn mds@pop.stat.purdue.edu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 1 May 91 12:52 GMT From: Peter Flynn UCC <CBTS8001%IRUCCVAX.UCC.IE@UWAVM.U.WASHINGTON.EDU> Subject: Help with EDMAC Keywords: EDMAC, footnotes % Can someone help me with this one? A user needs EDMAC to handle % multi-level footnotes, penta-numbered critical texts etc etc, and % is very happy with what it provides. However, there is one % unresolved problem: TeX the following and then read on. % % He wants the outermost footnote level to reflect the paragraph % number, as in (6.); within that, he needs phrasal notes (marked % between superscript I's) as well as sequential word notes, some % of which may occur within a phrasal note and some outside it. % % Can someone show me how to make EDMAC do this? % % ///Peter % % ---------------------------------8<------------------------------ \hsize=4in \vsize=6in \centerline{\dots} \vskip2cm \centerline{some 5-line-numbered poetry} \vskip2cm \centerline{\dots} \bigskip 6. Is and-sin as-bert $\rm^I$fria$^2$ Dond mB\'o$\rm^I$ in aidhchi-sin$^3$ r\'e tobairt$^4$ in chatha: `d\'entar lat ar n-airfided innocht$^5$ a Duind \bigskip \centerline{\dots} \vskip2cm \centerline{some more 5-line-numbered poetry} \vskip2cm \centerline{\dots} \bigskip etc etc \vfill\hrule width1in\medskip 6. $\rm^{I-I}$ fri Donn mB\'o ({\it m\/} subscript.)~{\it D\/}. \qquad $^2$ a {\it subscript\/}.~{\it Y\/}. \qquad $^3$ sin omitt.~{\it D\/}. \qquad $^4$ tabairt~{\it D\/}. \qquad $^5$ anocht~{\it D\/}. \eject\end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 01 May 91 07:19:39 -0400 From: ramsdell@linus.mitre.org Subject: c2latex is on sun.soe.clarkson.edu Keywords: c2latex, clarkson c2latex is available via anonymous FTP from sun.soe.clarkson.edu in the tex programs directory. Some people have reported problems with indentation in formatted listings. As near as I can tell, the problems disappear when the most recent version of LaTeX is used. John c2latex c2latex provides simple support for literate programming in C. Given a C source file in which the comments have been written in LaTeX, c2latex converts the C source file into a LaTeX source file. It can be used to produce typeset listings of C programs and/or documentation associated with the program. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1991 22:40:21 PDT From: Donald Arseneau <asnd@erich.triumf.ca> Subject: tabs in paragraphs Keywords: tabs, paragraphs There was a TeXhax question recently about tabbing to some position relative to the margin. I gave an answer based on \obeylines, which was implied in the question. Now I have a solution that works ("almost always") in a paragraph! The only failure is if some text following the tab is abnormally tall (like a \vbox or a \displaystyle \int or \sum) when it may overlap the text of the line above. This can be fixed by inserting \vadjust{\vskipXXpt}} before the \tabto command. Yes, the command is \tabto: use it like \tabto .5\hsize or \tabto{2cm}. The braces are optional. %-------------- tabto.tex ------------ % Tab to a position relative to the left margin in a paragraph: % some text \tabto{1in} more text, and \tabto 3in final text. % If the text on the line already goes past the desired position, % the tab starts a new line. % Note that braces are allowed, but not required. % % Donald Arseneau (asnd@reg.triumf.ca, asnd@triumfcl (bitnet)) \newdimen \scratchdim % or use \@tempdima in LaTeX \newdimen \scratchDIM % or use \@tempdimb in LaTeX % this preliminary mess is just TeX's awful way of reading a parameter % with or without braces. \def\tabto{\futurelet\nExt\tabtO} \def\tabtO{\ifx\nExt\bgroup\let\nExt\TabTo\else\let\nExt\tabtOO\fi\nExt} \def\tabtOO{\afterassignment\tabTOO\scratchDIM } \def\tabTOO{\TabTo\scratchDIM} \def\TabTo#1{\begingroup\leavevmode \ifinner\scratchdim=0pt\relax % in a \hbox, so ignore \else % unrestricted horizontal mode \parfillskip=0pt plus 1fill % must swamp the -1fil glue \hfil\null\penalty20 \hskip0ptplus-1fil \hbox{\mathstrut\kern\hsize\kern-#1}\vadjust{\nobreak}\par \scratchdim=\prevdepth \prevdepth=-999pt % make sure I get an exact \baselineskip \parskip=-999pt % but cancel the extra space \advance\parskip-\baselineskip % cancel the \baselineskip \advance\parskip-\scratchdim \noindent \fi \hbox to#1{\vrule depth\scratchdim width0pt\hss}\endgroup \ignorespaces} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 30 Apr 91 15:12:21 EDT From: karl@cs.umb.edu (Karl Berry) Subject: eplain 1.9 released Keywords: eplain, macros I have released Eplain version 1.9. It is available by ftp from ftp.cs.umb.edu []:pub/tex/{eplain/,eplain-dos/,eplain.tar.Z} ics.uci.edu []:TeX/eplain Aside from bug fixes, there are two new (minor) features: * The .aux file is only created if necessary. Also, you can say \noauxfile and have it never be created. * The \boxit macro from the TeXbook is included. For those (no doubt large number) of you who haven't heard of Eplain: it is a collection of macros intended to provide relatively low-level capabilities, regardless of how your document appears. For example, it has macros to do symbolic cross-referencing, but not macros to produce a section heading. It also has some definitions that make it easier to change the conventions of plain TeX's output. For example, it lets you produce left-justified math displays by simply saying `\leftdisplays'. karl@cs.umb.edu karl@gnu.ai.mit.edu ...!harvard!umb!karl ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 30 Apr 91 12:25:15 EDT From: aed%arbortext@arbortext.com (Andrew Dobrowolski) Subject: Re: Non-English hyphenation and TeX 3.0 Keywords: TeX 3.0, non-English, hyphenation In a recent texhax Jon Ahlquist wrote: From: AHLQUIST@METSAT.MET.FSU.EDU Subject: Non-English hyphenation and TeX 3.0 I am getting ready to send TeX to a user in Brazil. Does a Portuguese hyphenation table exist? If so, where can I get it? Could someone submit a brief review to TeXhax regarding hyphenation tables for non-English languages, where they can be obtained, and the status of support software for ASCII characters 128-255 which are available to TeX 3.0? We distribute portugese hyphenation patterns with our TeX 3.0 release. They were ftp'd from june.washington.edu. You would probably get the most recent patterns from there, but if you have any trouble ftp'ing I will be glad to send you the file directly. Other patterns that we distibute with TeX 3.0 are: german, french, spanish and dutch. I am not sure of the sources for these, but I think they are all public domain. The technical problem with some of these patterns, including the portugese, is that they were created pre 3.0. Version 2.0 TeXs could not hyphenate words with accents, so these patterns are "incomplete". I hope that better patterns will be emerging soon. They will, no doubt, use the em font standard that emerged in Cork, Sept 12, 1990. Our distribution already includes these extended fonts in styles that correspond to all the usual computer modern (cm) text fonts and the usual Adobe postscript fonts as well. So as better patterns come out, there should be no lack of capability because of old fonts. As for other support software for the characters 128-255, we have a complete set of texware for extended fonts and virtual fonts. This includes the new vftovp and vptovf programs. As well we added the programs aftovp and cmtovp for producing virtual em mapped fonts from older cm mapped text fonts or from any postscript font with the metric information available from Adobe. ArborText drivers are able to typeset with extended fonts and, more significantly, with virtual fonts as well. TeX 3.14 and all the support software is available on DEC, Sun, Apollo and HP9000 (Unix) platforms. uTeX 3.0 runs on IBM PC's. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Andrew Dobrowolski 535 W. William St ArborText, Inc. Ann Arbor, MI aed@arbortext.com 48103 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1991 10:28:25 EDT From: AHLQUIST@METSAT.MET.FSU.EDU Subject: Printer driver for HP DeskJet Keywords: dviware, HP DeskJet In TeXhax91.021, Bill Lennox (GLENNOX@CALSTATE.BITNET) asked about getting a DVI driver for the HP DeskJet running under MS-DOS and/or a DVI driver for a Mac DeskWriter. I can give some DeskJet information, but I do not know about the Mac DeskWriter. For the DeskJet under MS-DOS, one can get RUMDJET from listserv@dhdurz1.bitnet. A copy of this is also available via "anonymous ftp" on Internet. Enter: ftp wuarchive.wustl.edu user anonymous guest cd /mirrors/msdos/tex binary get rumdjet.zip quit Then run pkunzip.exe to extract the files. You will also need 300 dpi TeX fonts. It may not be practical to get these fonts over Bitnet because of the size of the font files. One Internet source for 300 dpi TeX fonts for MS-DOS is to enter the following: ftp science.utah.edu user anonymous ftp cd /pub/tex/dosfonts get index quit The "index" file gives further information about what is in the "dosfonts" directory and how to use the files. Make sure that you enter "binary" before you "get" the "*.arc-*" files in that directory. If you are not using AMS-TeX, the cm.arc-* files will probably be enough. They occupy 13 files, 12 with 512 kB each and 1 with 9 kB. Even over Internet, the file transfers are moderately large, so you should get the font files outside of normal working hours. The "emTeX" TeX package for MS-DOS contains DeskJet and ImageWriter drivers and fonts along with TeX and LaTeX and screen previewers. Without fonts, emTeX occupies over 6 MB in compressed form. Various fonts are available, depending on which printer driver you wish to use. In the U.S., Internet users can get it from: 1) msdos.archive.umich.edu (formerly terminator.cc.umich.edu) in directories within /archive/msdos/TeX/emTeX, or 2) ymir.claremont.edu ( in directories [anonymous.tex.ibm_pc.tex.emtex] and [anonymous.tex.ibm_pc.drivers.emtex]. The direct source for emTeX is rusmv1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de ( in directory /soft/tex/machines/pc/emtex. Jon Ahlquist, Dept. of Meteorology, Florida State University Internet: ahlquist@met.fsu.edu ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1991 10:32:00 EDT From: AHLQUIST@METSAT.MET.FSU.EDU Subject: Response to query for bk14.sty Keywords* bk14.sty In TeXhax91.019, Volkmar Kuhnle wanted to find a "bk14.sty" so that a document would appear correct after it was photoreduced by a publisher. I had a similar problem. Conference preprints in my field are supposed to be submitted in a two column format on oversized paper. The publisher then photoreduces the manuscripts to prepare the preprint volume. I telephoned the publisher and explained that I could submit a very good looking document in two column format on normal size paper printed with a 300 dpi laser printer. I asked whether she could possibly accept a manuscript that could be printed without photoreduction. The publisher had seen 300 dpi laser print and felt that its quality was good, so she agreed to publish non-oversized, laser-printed submissions without reducing them. Obviously, not every publisher may agree to this, but it is worth contacting the publisher and explaining the quality of (La)TeX (or WordPerfect or whatever) from a 300 dpi laser printer and how much more difficult it is to produce an oversize document. You may not need a "bk14" style. Dr. Jon Ahlquist, Dept. of Meteorology B161 Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32306-3034 Internet: ahlquist@met.fsu.edu ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Further information about the TeXhax Digest, the TeX %%% Users Group, and the latest software versions is available %%% in every tenth issue of the TeXhax Digest. %%% %%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing: %%% %%% BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@xxx %%% SUBSCRIBE TEX-L <your name> % to subscribe %%% or UNSUBSCRIBE TEX-L %%% %%% Internet: send a similar one line mail message to %%% TeXhax-request@cs.washington.edu %%% JANET users may choose to use %%% texhax-request@uk.ac.nsf %%% All submissions to: TeXhax@cs.washington.edu %%% %%% Back issues available for FTPing as: %%% machine: directory: filename: %%% JUNE.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU TeXhax/TeXhaxyy.nnn %%% yy = last two digits of current year %%% nnn = issue number %%% %%%\bye %%% End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------