TeXhax Digest Saturday, June 29, 1991 Volume 91 : Issue 029 Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay %%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%% %%% in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the %%% %%% University of Washington %%% %%Moderator's note: This issue of the TeXhax Digest is devoted to %%a listing of updates and uploads that have occurred at ymir.claremont.edu. %%The listing will continue in the next issue of the Digest. Today's Topics: UPLOAD: New version of headerfooter.sty--custom headers and footers UPLOAD: bibtex-mode.el--Emacs mode for BibTeX file entry/editing UPDATE: cvtbib.el moved in ymir archive UPLOAD: New versions of ega2mf.c and vga2mf.c UPLOAD: Enhanced Emacs-lisp TeX mode UPLOAD: MacBibTeX 2.0 -- BibTeX for the Macintosh UPLOAD: Update to AUC Emacs lisp TeX mode UPLOAD: xarticle.sty--modified article.sty supporting 7-9pt sizes UPLOAD: PBMplus--Convert PBM files to TeX PK files for VMS. UPLOAD: Shalom--PostScript font for printing Hebrew UPLOAD: PopInput--resident input enhancer for TeX on MS-DOS UPLOAD: TeXdraw--macros for drawing PostScript diagrams with TeX. UPLOAD: version.sty--LaTeX macros for excluding or including portions of text YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU: UPLOAD: EGA2MF UPLOAD: rmacro.sty--macros for Russian typesetting in LaTeX ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 May 1991 17:43 PDT From: Don Hosek--ymir archive <DHOSEK@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU> Subject: UPLOAD: New version of headerfooter.sty--custom headers and footers Keywords: YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU, UPLOAD, headerfooter.sty A new version of headerfooter.sty dated 13 April 1989 has been submitted to the archive by its author Stephen Gildea. It is available as ymir.claremont.edu:[anonymous.tex.inputs.latex-contrib]headerfooter.sty The following is from the internal documentation: % \pageheader{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % \pagefooter{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % There is no reason why these commands should not be available % to the user. Of course, I did fancy up the interface a bit. % By mit-erl!gildea 11 October 1986 % minor changes 14 Oct 87 gildea % added \pageheaderlinetrue feature 9 Dec 88 gildea % added \pagefooterlinetrue feature 13 Apr 89 gildea % All of these commands take three arguments, which are printed at % the left, center, and right of each page. All three args must be % provided even if some of them are empty. The odd and even % variations are only useful if you are using the twoside option. % Example: \pagefooter{}{\thepage}{} % Say \pageheaderlinetrue if you want the header underlined. % Say \pagefooterlinetrue if you want a rule above the footer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 27 May 1991 15:59 PDT From: Don Hosek <DHOSEK@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU> Subject: UPLOAD: bibtex-mode.el--Emacs mode for BibTeX file entry/editing Keywords: YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU, UPLOAD, Emacs mode for BibTeX file entry/editing An emacs mode for BibTeX file entry/editing is now available as ymir.claremont.edu:[anonymous.tex.utilities.emacs-mode]bibtex-mode.el This mode was created by Mike Newton and was obtained by anonymous FTP from tut.cis.ohio-state.edu on 27-May-1991 -dh ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 27 May 1991 16:02 PDT From: Don Hosek <DHOSEK@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU> Subject: UPDATE: cvtbib.el moved in ymir archive Keywords: YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU, UPLOAD, cvtbib.el The file cvtbib.el which was previously available in ymir.claremont.edu:[anonymous.tex.bibtex.utilities] is now available as ymir.claremont.edu:[anonymous.tex.utilities.emacs-lisp]cvtbib.el. This EMACS Lisp file allows one to convert Bibliographies between Scribe and BibTeX formats. -dh ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 27 May 1991 16:22 PDT From: Don Hosek <DHOSEK@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU> Subject: UPLOAD: New versions of ega2mf.c and vga2mf.c Keywords: YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU, UPLOAD, ega2mf.c, vga2mf.c A small patch has been applied to ega2mf.c and vga2mf.c to allow those programs to be compiled with VAX C (and possibly others). The following files have been affected: ymir.claremont.edu:[anonymous.tex.mf.ega2mf]ega2mf.c ymir.claremont.edu:[anonymous.tex.mf.ega2mf]vga2mf.c ymir.claremont.edu:[anonymous.tex.mf.ega2mf]00readme.txt The patches were received from Brian Hamilton Kelly and applied manually to the programs. The following is the update to 00readme.txt: % 91/05/24 Brian {Hamilton Kelly}, checking that the programs would work % under VAX/VMS, replaced the line reading FILE *f1,*f2; % in each source with these lines FILE *f1=(FILE *) NULL; FILE *f2=(FILE *) NULL; % (In C, there's no guarantee that automatic variables will have _any_ % particular value, let alone the (FILE *)NULL that was necessary here % with the method the program uses to prompt for missing command-line % arguments. Perhaps he was just lucky with his Unix & DOS :-) -dh -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 22 May 1991 23:48 PDT From: Don Hosek <DHOSEK@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU> Subject: UPLOAD: Enhanced Emacs-lisp TeX mode Keywords: YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU, UPLOAD, Enhanced Emacs-lisp TeX mode Three files composing an enhanced emacs lisp TeX mode have been installed on ymir.claremont.edu in the directory [anonymous.tex.utilities.emacs-modes] The files are auc-tex.el, minor-map.el and outline-m.el. The files were FTP'd from iesd.auc.dk on 22 May 1991. The following is from the original announcement in comp.text.tex: If anyone is Interested, I've made a much enchanced LaTeX mode for Emacs. The features discussed here concerning the ability to run both a printer driver and a previewer are there. Also BibTeX and Makeindex are bound to seperate keys. But thats not all. I've also made a parser, for the (La)TeX output, so that the errors may be parsed. That means, pressing C-c C-n (TeX-next-error), will move the cursor to the file and position of the given error. Using this feature all errormessages are documented - online. I got most of this documentation from Leslie. The distribution package comes with a minor-outline-mode, an outlinemode that can run under LaTeX mode. Other features: Intelligent macros for often used controlsequences like Intelligent macros for often used controlsequences like \section{ ... } and anvironments. Indentation by environments -dh ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 23 May 1991 18:18 PDT From: Don Hosek <DHOSEK@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU> Subject: UPLOAD: MacBibTeX 2.0 -- BibTeX for the Macintosh Keywords: YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU, UPLOAD, BibTeX for the Macintosh MacBibTeX 2.0 is available from ymir.claremont.edu as macbibtex2_0-sit.hqx in the directory [anonymous.tex.macintosh.bibtex] The file was received direct from the author. The following is quoted from a note from the author: >MacBibTex 2.0 is an update of MacBibTeX 1.1 MacBibTex is a macintosh >port of BibTex 0.99c for users of Textures and OzTex. The file is >in binhex and Stuffit 1.5 format and can be transferred as an ASCII >file. The archive contains only the MacBibTex application and a >README files. Instructions for obtaining the source code from me >are included in the application. > >MacBibTex is free. -dh ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 27 May 1991 15:15 PDT From: Don Hosek <DHOSEK@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU> Subject: UPLOAD: Update to AUC Emacs lisp TeX mode Keywords: YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU, UPLOAD, Update to AUC Emacs lisp TeX mode An updated version of the AUC Emacs lisp TeX mode has been installed in ymir.claremont.edu:[anonymous.tex.utilities.emacs-modes] If you already have a copy of the previous version, only the file auc-tex.el needs to be uploaded. A 00readme.txt file has been created in that directory explaining its contents. -dh ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 22 May 1991 20:48 PDT From: Don Hosek <DHOSEK@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU> Subject: UPLOAD: xarticle.sty--modified article.sty supporting 7-9pt sizes Keywords: YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU, UPLOAD, xarticle.sty xarticle.sty and its support files, art7.sty, art8.sty and art9.sty have been placed on ymir.claremont.edu in [anonymous.tex.inputs.latex-contrib]. It is a modified article.sty which supports document style options for 7-9pt typesetting. It was posted to comp.text.tex on 8-May-1991 by Paul Kirkaas. (The file article.sty in that posting was renamed to xarticle.sty to avoid name conflicts.) -dh ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 May 1991 20:03 PDT From: Don Hosek <DHOSEK@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU> Subject: UPLOAD: PBMplus--Convert PBM files to TeX PK files for VMS. Keywords: YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU, UPLOAD, PBMplus PBMplus has been installed on ymir.claremont.edu in [anonymous.tex.graphics.pbmplus]. This copy was obtained from vmsserv@wkuvx1.bitnet on 22-May-1991. Please note that the files are stored in VMS_SHARE format split into multiple parts exactly as distributed from that source. The following is from a posting by the author in comp.text.tex: -Do you know about the Extended Portable Bitmap Toolkit? This package -consists of a number of programs to convert image files to portable -bitmaps and back. For example, MacPaint, .PCX, and X11 bitmaps can -all be converted to portable bitmaps; each of the portable bitmaps can -then be converted to other formats. -I bring this up because there is also a (separate) program to convert -a Portable Bitmap to a TeX .PK file, letting you convert PC images to -"normal" TeX fonts. The program generates both a .PK file and a .TFM -file; the image is stored as character "A" in that font and is -referenced as any other font would be referenced. -Ever since I happened upon these, this is how I've included graphics into -my TeX files. Since they're stored as .PK files, even previewers like -XDVI can display the graphics images. -The PBMPLUS programs are all written in C; the PBM_TEX program is written in -C and FORTRAN. -dh ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 22 May 1991 20:41 PDT From: Don Hosek <DHOSEK@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU> Subject: UPLOAD: Shalom--PostScript font for printing Hebrew Keywords: YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU, UPLOAD, Shalom Shalom is a type 3 public domain Hebrew PostScript font written by Jonathan Brecher. It is available from ymir.claremont.edu in [anonymous.tex.babel.hebrew.fonts-ps-shalom]. Included is a PL file which can be converted into a TFM for use with TeX. The files were FTP'd from shum.huji.ac.il on 22-May-1991. The following is quoted from a message to ivritex: >...we have "discovered" a public domain type 3 >Hebrew PostScript font, written by Jonathen Brecher - >brecher@husc9.harvard.edu >The author has called his font "Shalom". >This was originally written using a Mac, and it contains three styles- >"old fashioned" letters, Ktav letters and "narrow" letters, >as well as Nikud. The font seems a little problematic, that is, >work has to be done in order to make it usable to all. >I am trying to do the work - it might take a month or so. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 22 May 1991 20:19 PDT From: Don Hosek <DHOSEK@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU> Subject: UPLOAD: PopInput--resident input enhancer for TeX on MS-DOS Keywords: YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU, UPLOAD,PopInput PopInput is available from ymir.claremont.edu as popinput.zip in [anonymous.tex.ibm_pc.misc]. The file was retrieved from wsmr-simtel20.army.mil on 22-May-1991. Please note that this is a binary file and cannot be retrieved via mailserv. The following is extracted from the documentation: >PopInput is a program for input of characters to your editor by the >use of a pop-up window. It is especially useful for TeX where it >can be used together with a user designed font. It provides for the >possibility of representing an arbitrary length TeX macro by one >user defined character on the screen, and a user friendly way of >inputing this character. -dh ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 22 May 1991 20:14 PDT From: Don Hosek <DHOSEK@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU> Subject: UPLOAD: TeXdraw--macros for drawing PostScript diagrams with TeX. Keywords: YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU, UPLOAD, TeXDraw TeXdraw 1.3 has been installed on ymir.claremont.edu in [anonymous.tex.graphics.texdraw] and its subdirectories. It was obtained by anonymous FTP from aldebaran.insl.mcgill.ca on 22-May-1991. The following is extracted from the documentation: ////// The TeXdraw package consists of a set of macro definitions for the TeX typesetting program. These macros allow the user to produce PostScript drawings from within TeX. The main benefits of TeXdraw accrue from the ability to produce drawings from <within> TeX, using TeX fonts for labelling the drawing. TeXdraw interfaces with the dvips (dvi to PostScript) print program. Basic drawing features include: (1) moves, lines and arrow vectors - selectable gray level, line width pattern, arrowhead size and type (2) circles, ellipses, arcs, and Bezier curves (3) general fill command to fill a region defined by lines and Bezier curves (selectable gray level) (4) TeX text, including mathematics, can be positioned and superimposed on the drawing TeXdraw has been designed to be extensible. Drawing "segments" are relocatable, self-contained units. Using a combination of the begingroup/ endgroup mechanism in TeX and the gsave/grestore mechanism in PostScript, drawing segments allow for local changes to the scaling and line parameters. Using TeX's macro definition capability, new drawing commands can be constructed from drawing segments. The extensibility features include, (1) relocatable drawing segments to keep changes local (2) local segment scaling (3) saving and restoring positions using symbolic positions \\\\\\\ -dh ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 22 May 1991 19:10 PDT From: Don Hosek <DHOSEK@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU> Subject: UPLOAD: version.sty--LaTeX macros for excluding or including portions of text Keywords: YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU, UPLOAD, version.sty Version.sty has been installed on ymir.claremont.edu in [anonymous.tex.inputs.latex-contrib]. The following is from the documentation: % Version control macros. These let you define environments whose contents % will be optionally added to or deleted from the text when you run LaTeX. % Usage: place either of the following near the start of your file: % \includeversion{NAME} % \excludeversion{NAME} % Here, "NAME" is any name you choose. The first one indicates that text % between \begin{NAME} and \end{NAME} will be processed in the normal way. % The second indicates that text between \begin{NAME} and \end{NAME} will % be totally deleted. % You can define environments for as many versions as you want. % A ``comment'' environment has already been pre-defined for you with % \excludeversion{comment}; you can override this using \includeversion. % % Example: % \includeversion{abridged}\excludeversion{unabridged} % Text for the % \begin{abridged} % short % \end{abridged} % \begin{unabridged} % long and really longwinded, opaque and boring % \end{unabridged} % version of the paper. Punctuation works correctly\begin{unabridged} % because sphack is used\end{unabridged}. % \begin{comment} This is deleted by default. \end{comment} The macros are attributed to Stephen Bellanton and were posted to comp.text.tex on 12 May 1991. -dh ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 22 May 1991 18:44 PDT From: Don Hosek <DHOSEK@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU> Subject: YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU: UPLOAD: EGA2MF Keywords: YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU, UPLOAD, EGA2MF Thomas Ridgeway's EGA2MF package has been placed in the ymir.claremont.edu archive in the directory [anonymous.tex.mf.ega2mf]. The package includes programs for converting EGA and VGA bitmaps to MF code, several fonts, and the MF code for a PC font based on the EGA bitmaps. The file 00readme.txt in that directory has more information. Note that all *.ega and *.vga files are binary and cannot be retrieved by the mailserver. Don Hosek | To retrieve files from ymir via the mailserver, dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu | send a message to mailserv@ymir.claremont.edu Quixote Digital Typography | with a line saying send [DIRECTORY]FILENAME 714-625-0147 | where DIRECTORY is the FTP directory (sans ---------------------+ "anonymous") and FILENAME is the filename, e.g. "send [tex]00readme.txt". There is a list of files in each directory under the name 00files.txt. Binary files are not available by this technique. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 22 May 1991 19:03 PDT From: Don Hosek <DHOSEK@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU> Subject: UPLOAD: rmacro.sty--macros for Russian typesetting in LaTeX Keywords: YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU, UPLOAD, rmacro.sty, Russian Updated versions of rmacro.sty received from the author are now available from ymir.claremont.edu. Two versions are available. rmacro.sty assumes that the Mittelbach & Schoepf font selection scheme (available from ymir in [anonymous.tex.inputs.latex-mainz]) is used while rmacro.sty-old assumes that the default font selection scheme is used. If these macros are to be used with russian.sty (also available from ymir), they should be renamed to cyrillic.sty ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Further information about the TeXhax Digest, the TeX %%% Users Group, and the latest software versions is available %%% in every tenth issue of the TeXhax Digest. %%% %%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing: %%% %%% BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@xxx %%% SUBSCRIBE TEX-L <your name> % to subscribe %%% or UNSUBSCRIBE TEX-L %%% %%% Internet: send a similar one line mail message to %%% TeXhax-request@cs.washington.edu %%% JANET users may choose to use %%% texhax-request@uk.ac.nsf %%% All submissions to: TeXhax@cs.washington.edu %%% %%% Back issues available for FTPing as: %%% machine: directory: filename: %%% JUNE.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU TeXhax/TeXhaxyy.nnn %%% yy = last two digits of current year %%% nnn = issue number %%% %%%\bye %%% End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------