TeXhax Digest    Sunday,  August 4th, 1991  Volume 91 : Issue 032
Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay
%%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%%
%%%       in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the       %%%
%%%                      University of Washington                           %%%
Today's Topics:         
                          LaTeX -> TeX conversion?
                               Re: Help! dvips?
                          hp output for dvi for unix
                                  HP drivers
                           landscape with plain-TeX
                                  OzTeX and fonts
                            Re: TeXhax Digest V91 #026
                               Elvish fonts available
                      Macros for Flow-diagrams and Nassi-Schneidermann--
                           available now from LISTSERV@HEARN
                                    web2c releases
                                 Laserjet IIIp driver
                                      TeX 3.??
                           .tfm to .pk or .gf conversion
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 91 11:08:48 PDT
From: pjs@euclid.JPL.NASA.GOV (Peter Scott)
Subject: LaTeX -> TeX conversion?
Keywords: LaTeX, TeX, conversion
Hi.  We have some LaTeX code that we wish to integrate with TeX code
into a document which is part of a series we are producing in TeX with
in-house macros.  Is anyone aware of any conversion program that can take
LaTeX code and produce TeX code that generates the same DVI file?
Peter Scott, NASA/JPL/Caltech
Internet: pjs@euclid.jpl.nasa.gov     SPAN: GROUCH::PJS
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 1991 00:39 MST
From: John Galt <JOHNGALT@CCIT.Arizona.edu>
Subject: Re: Help! dvips?
Keywords: dvips
I struggled with DVIPS too.  Where did you get your copy?  I found that
the DECUS TeX collection was not correctly setup.  ( Get what you pay
for, huh? ;-)  )  If you installed DECUS TeX, there will be more problems
with DVIPS.  Send me email for details...
As to the inability to find the header file "tex.pro", DVIPS does not
neccessarily look in TEX_INPUTS *or* the default directory.  To find out
where it is really looking, you must invoke DVIPS with the debug flag
requesting a trace of all files.  This is done with the following command:
 $ dvips /debug=64 filename
This is the output that I got when I gave the above command, with some
intentional errors added in (I edited for clarity.  The input file is
"ACD2.DVI" and the intentionally incorrect font is "ps-zc-medita"):
<TEX_POSTSCRIPT:psfonts.map(r)> succeeded
This is dvips 5.47 Copyright 1986-91 Radical Eye Software
<ACD2.DVI(rb)> succeeded
' TeX output 1991.06.24:2347' -> ACD2.PS
<TEX_VFDIR:ps-zc-medita.vf(rb)> failed
<TEX_PKDIR:[600]ps-zc-medita.PK(rb)> failed
<TEX_PKDIR:[601]ps-zc-medita.PK(rb)> failed
<TEX_PKDIR:[599]ps-zc-medita.PK(rb)> failed
<TEX_PKDIR:[602]ps-zc-medita.PK(rb)> failed
<TEX_PKDIR:[598]ps-zc-medita.PK(rb)> failed
- MakeTeXPK ps-zc-medita 600 300 2+0/300
%DCL-W-IVVERB, unrecognized command verb - check validity and spelling
<TEX_PKDIR:[600]ps-zc-medita.PK(rb)> failed
DVIPS%ERROR: Font ps-zc-medita.600pk not found, characters will be left blank.
<TEX_FONTS:ps-zc-medita.tfm(rb)> succeeded
<TEX_VFDIR:ps-zc-medita.vf(rb)> failed
<TEX_PKDIR:[390]ps-zc-medita.PK(rb)> failed
<TEX_PKDIR:[391]ps-zc-medita.PK(rb)> failed
<TEX_PKDIR:[389]ps-zc-medita.PK(rb)> failed
DVIPS%ERROR: Font ps-zc-medita.390pk not found, characters will be left blank.
<TEX_FONTS:ps-zc-medita.tfm(rb)> succeeded
<TEX_VFDIR:cmr10.vf(rb)> failed
<TEX_PKDIR:[300]cmr10.PK(rb)> succeeded
<ACD2.PS(w)> succeeded
<TEX_POSTSCRIPT:tex.pro(r)> succeeded
<tex.pro>. [1] 
As you can see, my copy checks for tex.pro in TEX_POSTSCRIPT.  Yours
may check in a different area.
As for the fonts, DVIPS looks for the correct files behind the scenes, and
gives UNIX type error messages to the user.  This can also be double checked
with the /DEBUG=64 qualifier.  Please note that the hierarchy appears
to be:
 1.  Look for psfonts.map    ( to see if it is a resident font  )
 2.  Look for font.vf file   ( to see if it is a virtual font   )
 3.  Look for font.pk file   ( to see if it is a TeX font       )
 4.  Look for font.tfm file  ( to find the metric file at least )
Make sure that all of the logicals that you have listed are actually
defined, and that they point in the right directions.
%  "Dr. John Galt"                Internet : johngalt@ccit.arizona.edu   %
%  University of Arizona          BITNET   : johngalt@arizrvax           %
%  P.O. Box 3328                  Voice    : (602) 623-5444              %
%  Tucson, AZ 85722                                                      %
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 91 17:29:27 EDT
From: jeh@mech1.COE.Northeastern.edu (James Hinds)
Subject: hp output for dvi for unix
Keywords: dviware, UNIX, HP
June 24, 1991
 We here are wondering if there is an HP version for dvi output
 that would work on SUN Unix machines.  We have TeX and LaTeX and
 can produce output to our PS laser printer, but we also have
 faculty with HPIIP's who are printing local ascii text and would
 like to do local TeX printing.
 Is this an option like dvips?  Can we get it?  Or must we create
 it?  We would be using this on SUN-4's.
 Thanks in advance.
 James E. Hinds
 jeh@meceng.coe.northeastern.edu till 7/9/91 then ???
 Mechanical Engingeering Dept.
 Northeastern University
 360 Huntington Ave.
 Boston, MA  02115
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 91 10:32:58 -0400
From: ms361@leah.Albany.edu (Mark Steinberger)
Subject: HP drivers
Keywords: HP drivers
Our local HP printing environment has been upgraded to the latest
version of the HP printer language: PCL5. At the same time, we've
experienced problems printing with the Beebe driver dvijep: the hard
copy document comes out garbled.
Has anyone else had similar problems? And assuming that the upgrade to
PCL5 is indeed the cause of the problem, is there an HP driver that
produces PCL5-printable output?
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1991 15:51 EDT
From: Mark Weber <XWEBER@utkvx.utk.edu>
Subject: landscape with plain-TeX
Keywords: TeX, plain tex, landscape mode
 Does a landscape mode exist for PLAIN-TeX? Where can i receive style
files which would permit printing some pages in landscape mode in a norMAL 
(potrait) text. I am almost sure that a solution to this problem exists of
which i am not aware. I'd appreciate any info related to that matter. I am
using TeX 3.0 in MS-DOS environment.
kind regards
Mark Weber
Dept. of Physics
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996-1200
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 91 16:17:34 -0500
From: svb@cs.purdue.edu (Stephan Bechtolsheim)
Subject: "cmsa10"
Keywords: fonts, cmsa10
Any idea what font "cmsa10" is? Can't find anything in the
TeX book about it....
Stephan v. Bechtolsheim
Computer Sciences Department   svb@cs.purdue.edu
Computer Science Building   (317) 494 7802
Purdue University      FAX: (317) 494 0739
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 91 08:01:36 -0400 (EDT)
From: Peter Glen Berger <pb1p+@andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: OzTeX and fonts
Keywords: fonts, OzTeX
My problem:
1) I love OzTeX.
2) I hate devoting 4 megs of disk space to fonts that shouldn't be
3) OzTeX's docs on postscript font usage are quite obtuse.  
So, solutions I am seeking:
A) Quick explanation of how to use DOWNLOADABLE postscript fonts with
B) A pointer to a postscript version of the computer modern font OzTeX
I guess the problem is that it seemed as if it needed tfm files for
any and all ps fonts ... which I did not have.  Any help?? Anyone?
Pete Berger         ||  ARPA:     peterb@cs.cmu.edu
Professional Student        ||            Pete.Berger@andrew.cmu.edu
Univ. Pittsburgh School of Law ||  BITNET:   R746PB1P@CMCCVB
Attend this school, not CMU    ||  UUCP: ...!harvard!andrew.cmu.edu!pb1p
"Goldilocks is about property rights.  Little Red Riding Hood is a tale
 of seduction, rape, murder, and cannibalism."  -Bernard J. Hibbits
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1991 16:29 +0100
Subject: Re: TeXhax Digest V91 #026
Keywords: fonts, european languages
There is a 256 character font layout for european languages. It was
accepted as a standard at the Cork TeX conference 1990 and published in
TeXhax, uktex and on some discussion lists. I'll send it to you (it is a
plain TeX file).
This scheme is now implemented: The dc-fonts of Bochum are to find on the
famous TeXservers (aston, ymir, listserv@dhdurz1,...).
Yours sincerly, J"org Knappen.
knappen@vkpmzd.kph.uni-mainz.de   % ... and no other e-mail address
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 91 17:37:15 BST
From: Julian Bradfield <jcb@lfcs.edinburgh.ac.uk>
Subject: Elvish fonts available
Keywords: Elvish, fonts
My METAFONT implementations of Tolkien's tengwar and cirth scripts are
available by NIFTP and Internet FTP. They should be considered as an
alpha release---even though I haven't done anything to them for five
years, there are still things I want to do before relinquishing
control! (In particular, please don't copy these to other archive
sites, Aston and ymir excepted.)
or for Unix types, just get
NIFTP from Janet:
site: uk.ac.ed.lfcs
user: ftp
pass: user80
Anonymous FTP from Internet:
ftp.dcs.ed.ac.uk (
Julian Bradfield
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 91 16:09 MET
From: "Johannes L. Braams" <J.L.Braams%pttrnl.nl@UWAVM.U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Subject: Macros for Flow-diagrams and Nassi-Schneidermann available now from
Keywords macros, Flow-diagrams, Nassi-Schneidermann
        Available now from LISTSERV@HEARN is a set of LaTeX-style files
        that enable the user to create flow-diagrams or Nassi-Schneidermann
        diagrams as a part of his document.
        Below I include the README file. The files are available from
        LISTSERV@HEARN in the TeX-NL FILELIST. They are called:
        NASSFLOW README     the readme file, telling what's available
                            (see below)
        NASSFLOW UUE        A UUencoded ZOO archive containing the style files
                            and manual pages.
        How to get the files from LISTSERV@HEARN
        To get an overview of what's available send the command
        to the address LISTSERV@HEARN, either as an interactive command or
        in a mail-message.
        To get the package send the command
        to the same address.
        Johannes Braams (NTG WG14, communications)
PTT Research Neher Laboratorium,        P.O. box 421,
2260 AK Leidschendam,                   The Netherlands.
Phone    : +31 70 3325051               E-mail : JL_Braams@pttrnl.nl
Fax      : +31 70 3326477
This set contains the document style options with macros to create either
flow charts or nassi-schneidermann diagrams in a LaTeX document.
The Nassi/Flow style options-set contains the following files:
AAREAD.ME                     This file
FLOW.STY                      Style option file with flow chart macros
FLOW_MAN.TEX                  Manaul page describing how to use the flow macros
NASSI.STY                     Style option file with NS-Diagram macros
NASS_MAN.TEX                  Manual page describing how to use the nassi macros
MANUAL.STY                    Style file to create both manual pages
STRUCT.LSE                    LSEDIT support for both flow and nassi
ADD.LSE                       LSEDIT support for both flow and nassi
Unfortunately there are hardly any comments in the .STY files. The manual
pages however fully descibe the use of the macros.
The .LSE files are included in the set for those of you already using the
LSEDIT environment and section files made for LaTeX, which are part of the
Decus TeX collection. When included you'll have full support on the macros
of both nassi and flow.
STRUCT.LSE is a complete file which can be added to the current set of files,
ADD.LSE contains a few definitions to be included in the current file
        Marion van Geest-Slort,
        Center for the Automation of Weapon and Command Systems (CAWCS)
        Royal Netherlands Navy
        P.O. Box 10000
        1780 CA Den Helder
        The Netherlands
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 91 16:18:12 EDT
From: karl@cs.umb.edu (Karl Berry)
Subject: web2c releases
Keywords: web2c
> Could you say a few words to this list (+ UKTeX & TeXhax) about
> installation of updates to web2c?
I'm not sure what you mean by ``updates''.
All the web2c releases I have made consist of two files:
1) web2c-<version>.tar.Z
2) web-<version>.tar.Z
The web-*.tar.Z archive is just the master web files.  These can be
retrieved from anywhere; labrea.stanford.edu is The Ultimate Source.
They are put into a slightly different directory structure than on
The web2c-*.tar.Z file is all the remaining files needed to compile TeX.
It untars into the same directory structure as the web-* archive, of
Neither archive has TeX macros, fonts, or other things needed for a
complete distribution.  You can order a Unix TeX distribution which
includes all these things from the University of Washington (email
elisabet@max.acs.washington.edu); or you can ftp from
byron.u.washington.edu.  (The Unix TeX distribution on labrea is old.)
I have never released any patches or other partial updates or
David, I don't know what uktex's address is, so feel free to forward this
Date: 17 Jun 91 17:09:00 EDT
From: "YEE-TAK FUNG" <fung@ccf1.nrl.navy.mil>
Subject: Laserjet IIIp driver
Keywords: dviware
        I would appreciate if anyone can tell me where to get the
printer driver for HP Laserjet IIIP, in public domain if possible.  We 
have the PC Tex 2.93 version.  Thanks.
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 91 10:16:39 EDT
From: karl@cs.umb.edu (Karl Berry)
Subject: TeX 3.??
Keywords: TeX 3.0
tony@marcam.dsir.govt.nz asked where he could get the latest Unix TeX.
Since this question comes up a lot, I thought I'd post the answer (I am
currently maintaining web2c, the basis of Unix TeX).
You can get the complete Unix TeX distribution by ftp from
byron.u.washington.edu [].  This has all the usual macros,
fonts, etc.  If you're installing TeX for the first time, go here.
If you just want the web2c part (the sources and change files for the
Stanford project programs), you can get that by ftp from ftp.cs.umb.edu
[] or ics.uci.edu [].
Do not trust labrea for anything that is Unix-specific.  It is the
ultimate source for Knuth's sources, macros, and fonts.  It is
definitely out of date wrt web2c and the rest of Unix TeX.
I have never distributed any patches to web2c, so if you have any file
that claims to be such a patch, be wary.
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 91 21:14:11 -0500
From: bulsara@ecn.purdue.edu (Vispi H Bulsara)
Subject: .tfm to .pk or .gf conversion
Keywords: convert files, .tfm, .gf, .pk
Is there any way to convert .tfm files to .*pk/.*gf files of the requested
resolution? Though the TeX files are compiled correctly due to the presence
of the .tfm file in the font directory, any attempt to preview it (I am
using dvipage on the SUN 3/60 and SUN SPARCstation 1 workstations) or
print the file out on the IMAGEN or POSTSCRIPT printers results in junk.
Alternatively, is there any ftp site where the .pk or .gf font files are
Vispi (bulsara@gn.ecn.purdue.edu)
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