TeXhax Digest    Tuesday,  July 30th, 1991  Volume 91 : Issue 033
Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay
%%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%%
%%%       in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the       %%%
%%%                      University of Washington                           %%%
Today's Topics:         
%%Moderator's note: As you've noticed, we've had more mail trouble.
%%It appears to be really fixed this time, and we have been able to 
%%access all the mails that have been sent, so please don't resend
%%messages; we have them and will process them as soon as possible.
%%Thanks for your patience and support.
         SFPtoPK, PKtoSFP, and MergeSFP available on FILESERV
                           typesetting a poem
                          METAFONT source files
                            TeX 3.14, VAX/VMS
                         Chinese version of TEX
             Selecting which pages get into the dvi file?
                          hp fonts with TeX
                       updated version of MLTeX
                         marks in twocolumn
                    Footnotes in \+...\cr lines??
                  TUGboat 12 #2, table of contents
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 1991 18:03:07 CDT
From: "George D. Greenwade" <bed_gdg@SHSU.BITNET.washington.edu>
Subject: SFPtoPK, PKtoSFP, and MergeSFP available on FILESERV
Keywords: FILESERV, SFPtoPK, PKtoSFP, MergeSFP
I am pleased to announce that Norm Walsh has made his SFPtoPK, PKtoSFP, and
MergeSFP programs for Hewlett-Packard softfonts available to the public on
FILESERV.  Below is the resulting description file from a DIRECTORY
SPFONTWARE message mailed to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET (or @Niord.SHSU.edu). 
These files are also available for anonymous ftp from Niord.SHSU.edu
[] in the directory [.SPFONTWARE].  I extend my personal thanks
to Norm for selecting us as the first site to host these files and hope to
see them on other archive sites as they are retrieved and used.
Regards,   George
George D. Greenwade, Ph.D.                            Bitnet:  BED_GDG@SHSU
Department of Economics and Business Analysis         THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG
College of Business Administration                    Voice: (409) 294-1266
P. O. Box 2118                                        FAX:   (409) 294-3612
Sam Houston State University               Internet: bed_gdg@Niord.SHSU.edu
Huntsville, TX 77341                      bed_gdg%SHSU.decnet@relay.the.net
The SPFONTWARE package includes three UUENCODEd ZIP files for Norm Walsh's
<NORM@IONAACAD.BITNET> utilities to convert Hewlett-Packard softfonts to
*and* from TeX PK/TFM format (as of June 12, 1991).  All of these files are
for MS-DOS platforms.
The file SPFONTWARE.SPFtoPK_ZIP converts HP LaserJet softfont files into
TeX fonts.  Features of SPFtoPK in brief:
  - Converts softfonts directly into PK files (allowing up to 256 chars/font)
  - Option to move characters from anywhere in the softfont to standard
    TeX positions (this is especially useful for ligatures and accents).
  - Option to automatically build ligatures into the TeX font
  - Supports a flexible kerning algorithm
  - Options for ``stealing'' accents off of accented characters -- even
    baseline accents like the cydil.
  - Similar option for stripping accents *off* of characters -- useful to
    produce the undotted i's and j's if nothing else.
  - Can dynamically adjust the size of an interword space
  - Can dynamically adjust the x-height
  - Can calculate the appropriate slant value for most fonts
  - Handles compressed (PCL4/5) softfont files
  - Complete documentation provided in a DVI file
The file SPFONTWARE.PKtoSFP_ZIP converts TeX fonts into LaserJet softfont
files.  Features of PKtoSFP in brief:
  - Converts directly from PK files (allowing up to 256 characters/font)
  - Automatically handles the \L slash character at position '040 in the
    TeX font (so your softfont doesn't have a non-blank space)
  - Complete documentation provided in a DVI file
The file SPFONTWARE.MergeSFP_ZIP combines multiple HP softfont files into a
single softfont.  Features of MergeSFP in brief:
  - Many options for defining the output softfont
  - Handles compressed (PCL4/5) softfonts
  - Complete documentation provided in a DVI file
To retrieve the entire set of three files, please include the command
in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET.  To retrieve a
specific file from this distribution, such as SPFONTWARE.MergeSFP, include
the command:
in the body of the mail message to FILESERV.
Files in this package: (1 Block = 512 bytes)
File                    Blocks  Save file as:
Approximate total blocks in full SPFONTWARE package = 431
Archive maintainers have Norm's permission (and encouragement) to make
these programs available on ftp file servers and other file distribution
networks (mail-server archives, BBS systems, etc).  The only limitations
that he wishes to impose are that you may not profit from their
distribution and you may not re-organize the archives that he has
constructed (don't add or remove any files from the archives)--let your
conscience be your guide.
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 91 15:29:19 EDT
From: jrv@sdimax2.mitre.org
Subject: typesetting a poem
Keywords: LaTeX, typesetting
I want set up a simple macro for my wife, who is typesetting some
poetry.  I want input like
first line
 second line
third line
 fourth line
with the following effects:
 1. Lines are broken where shown
 2. A <tab> is replaced by a \quad
 3. The poem as a whole is centered horizontally on the page
I can get the line breaks with \obeylines.  
I tried to center like this
 \hbox to \hsize{\hfill{\vbox{\obeylines
 first line
 second line
 third line
but that doesn't work - the inner \hbox seems always to have width
\hsize, so the lines are merely indented.
I can center with \halign, without requiring \cr at the end of every
line, like this:
 {\hbox to \hsize{\hfil\vbox{\begingroup\let\par=\cr\obeylines%
I also found a way to make <tab> act like \quad.  However, my attempts
to define a suitable macro have been utter failures - apparently the
poem text is scanned before the special meanings of ^^M and ^^I take
Surely there is an easy way... Can anyone suggest one?
                             - Jim Van Zandt (jrv@mbunix.mitre.org)
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 91 18:06:42 CDT
From: tyen@mundo.eco.utexas.edu (Anthony Yen)
Subject: METAFONT source files
Keywords: METAFONT
TeX Hackers:
I'm just a bewildered sysadmin trying to install TeX 3.0 on some
Sun SPARCstations; I don't know anything about TeX, other than
system-level details.  The base package of "Big TeX" (TeX 3.0 with
matching METAFONT, WEB, etc., etc., ad nauseam) has finally
been installed, but I need some help in locating the .mf analogs
to match some .tfm files that I have.
I got everything off of labrea.stanford.edu via anonymous ftp, and
I use dvips 5.47, and have MakeTeXPK installed, which I am given
to understand requires the use of .mf sources to fonts that it needs
to generate.  I noticed that the fonts subdirectory and the mf sub-
directory (in cmfonts) had a discrepancy of 47 files, the .mf files
being on the short side.
I'm specifically looking for .mf files for APL, Cyrillic, and Old
English.  Generally speaking however, I'm looking for *any* .mf
files.  We have hundreds of megabytes to fill here.
Of course, I may be overlooking something obvious (I keep hoping
that I'll stumble across a tfmmf program, but the mishmash of
documentation hasn't yielded that one yet).  By all means please
let me know if I don't have to go out and get those .mf files.
Please e-mail me directly; I don't read the comp.text.tex newsgroup
regularly, and I'm not on the mailing list yet.
Anthony Yen
UT/Austin - Economics
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 91 15:46:33 -0400
From: nls!terry@uunet.uu.net
Subject: TeX 3.14, VAX/VMS
Keywords: TeX 3.14, VAX/VMS
Northlake Software is shipping TeX 3.14 and Metafont 2.7 for VAX/VMS.  The
release includes the traditional Northlake features such as installation 
with the VMS Install facility, a "CLD" interface to programs, and automatic
conversion of font formats during installation.  The release includes seperate
installation kits for TeX, LaTeX, fonts, Metafont, utility programs, Web, and
source files.  The source files kit includes Web source and the Northlake
change files for most of the programs in the release.
Changes in the release include:
 - Memory limits and many buffers in the default versions of TeX and LaTeX
   have been increased greatly in size.
 - The font installation kit now includes the Euler family of fonts (which
   includes Fraktur, Roman cursive, and script faces), Concrete, additional
   Computer Modern math fonts, extra math symbols, Cyrillic, and additional
   Computer Modern small capitals.  These fonts, together with the traditional
   CM and LaTeX fonts, are provided in a full range of magnifications, and in
   versions tuned for both white-writing and black-writing 300 DPI printers.
 - Current versions of TeX and Metafont utility programs: DVIType 3.4,
   VPtoVF 1.2, VFtoVP 1.2, PLtoTF 3.3, TFtoPL 3.1, PoolType 3.0, etc.
 - Current versions of the Web language processors, Tangle 4.1 and Weave 4.1.
A collection of unsupported TeX related Public Domain materials is provided
as a supplement to the release.  This collection includes device interface
programs, input files and macro collections, miscellaneous items, and Web
language materials.
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding Northlake's release
of TeX 3.14.
Terry Bryll
Northlake Software
Date:    Mon, 10 Jun 1991 11:47:59 PDT
Subject: Chinese version of TEX
Keywords: TeX, Chinese
Is there anyone knowing where to find the Chinese version of TEX. One
of faculty in Math. Department would like to have it. Any pointers are
really appreciated.  Please directly mail to me to avoid flooding the
network.  Allen Tsai University of San Diego tsai@usdcsv.acusd.edu
Date:       08 Jun 91  11:28:54 bst
From: G.Toal <ZESZ01%uk.ac.edinburgh.emas-a@UWAVM.U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Subject:    Selecting which pages get into the dvi file?
Keywords: TeX, dvi files, selecting pages
A long time ago (four or five years) someone wanted to print only
selected pages of a document, and asked this group how.  There were
many answers which showed how to do so with the printer driver or
dvi-mangling utilities.
However one very interesting answer was a way of doing so in TeX.
It might even have been supplied by [dek] himself.  I suspct it
worked at the output routine stage; it kept pagenumbers the same and
did all the normal processing of index files etc.
Does anyone remember this TeX code, and do you still have it?
Could anyone who has it mail me a copy please?  (don't worry about
about flooding my mailbox; I don't expect many people will have
kept it and it wasn't very big anyway.]
Many thanks
Graham Toal <gtoal@ed.ac.uk>
Date:         Mon, 10 Jun 91 16:46:41 +0300
From: Malki Cymbalista <VUMALKI@weizmann.weizmann.ac.il>
Subject:      hp fonts with TeX
Keywords: TeX, hp fonts
We have just ordered an HP LaserJet III and I would like to get
TeP output on it using the H@ fonts that come with the printer.
Does anybody know where I can get the TFM files for these fonts?
Will dvijep (the HP driver currently in use) be able to handle
these fonts directly from the printer or do I need pk or some other
type of font.  We are running TeX on Unix machines.
Any info will be appreciated.  Thanks,  Malki
bitnet: vumalki@weizmann
internet: vumalki@weizmann.weizmann.ac.il
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 91 09:33:21 EDT
From: karl@cs.umb.edu (Karl Berry)
Subject: updated version of MLTeX
Keywords: MLTeX
I've received a minor fix for one of the TeX files in the MLTeX
distribution from Michael Ferguson.  (MLTeX adds the \charsubdef
primitive to TeX, for use in non-English languages.)
You can get the complete distribution from
 ftp.cs.umb.edu []:pub/tex/charsubdef.tar.Z
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 91 08:53:18 EDT
From: barr@triples.Math.McGill.CA (Michael Barr)
Subject: marks in twocolumn
Keywords: LaTeX, twocolumn
I had a problem with marks in latex twocolumn style.  Here is the
background.  There are two obvious ways of implementing a two column
style.  You could make pages twice as long and half as wide and use
\vsplit or you could use pages the actual length and half the width and
store the first column in a box and then ship it out side by side when
the second column one comes in.  There are problems with each.  With the
first, the problem comes when you cannot \vsplit in the middle and then
you may have to move some material to the next page.  This messes up the
marks, I guess.  At any rate, Mittelbach's multicolumn style (which
apparently uses the first method) warns that footnotes might not be
right and it is the case that the \botmark isn't.  The second way is
what the latex twocolumn does.  This has the disadvantage that it is
difficult or impossible to change the number of columns in  the middle
of a page and it also interacts badly with marks in that \firstmark is
the first mark of the SECOND column (and \topmark is also wrong).  The
purpose of this note is to explain how you can overcome the \firstmark
problem in the latex twocolumn style.  If anyone knows how to do it with
Mittelbach's \multicolumn environment, I would appreciate knowing, since
that is much more flexible.
At any rate the following in a style file (or surrounded with
\makeatletter/\makeatother) fixes up \firstmark.  Evidently, you could
handle \topmark the same way.
%%%%%%%%%%%% start here %%%%%%%%%%%%
% Use \firstcolmark instead of \firstmark
\xdef\firstcolmark{\firstmark}%%%%%%%%%% Added line %%%%%%%%%%
  \else \global\@firstcolumntrue
    \setbox\@outputbox\vbox{\hbox to\textwidth{\hbox to\columnwidth
      {\box\@leftcolumn \hss}\hfil \vrule width\columnseprule\hfil
       \hbox to\columnwidth{\box\@outputbox \hss}}}\@combinedblfloats
       \@outputpage \begingroup \@dblfloatplacement \@startdblcolumn
       \@whilesw\if@fcolmade \fi{\@outputpage\@startdblcolumn}\endgroup
%%%%%%%%%%%% stop here %%%%%%%%%%%%
By the way, two different people sent me info on fancyheadings.sty.
fancyheadings.sty is very nice, but completely irrelevant to the
question since if the marks are wrong, no amount of fancy formatting
is going to make them right.
Michael Barr
Date:         Sat, 08 Jun 91 14:30:39 EDT
From: Stephen moye <SMOYE@brownvm.brown.edu>
Subject:      Footnotes in \+...\cr lines??
Keywords: Footnotes
I have a tabbed format (using \+...\cr), and on occasion there have
to be footnotes. Each of the tabbed entries is a \vtop{...} containing
a small paragraph of text. It is this text that is footnoted. How,
given the fact that \footnote does not work inside boxes, could you
footnote text in a vtop?
Thanks in advance for all assistance.
Steve Moye
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 91 09:39:37 -0400
From: skroeker@gmuvax2.gmu.edu,
Subject: Pointers?
Keywords: TeX
I am new to the TeX world.  I have read/browsed THE TeXBOOK and have only
got the basics to work.  I am looking for basic examples to run on my
HP workstation using the Deskjet.  So far so good, but I don't know
when to use latex, tex, pictex, ...
        steve kroeker
        george mason university
        fairfax, virginia
Date: Fri 7 Jun 91 17:26:40-EST
From: bbeeton <BNB@MATH.AMS.COM>
Subject: TUGboat 12 #2, table of contents
Keywords: TUGboat
This issue of TUGboat went to the printer on June 7.
Contents, TUGboat 12, No. 2, June 1991
General Delivery
    Nelson H. F. Beebe  President's introduction                205
    Barbara Beeton      Editorial comments                      208
    Walter Obermiller   TeX in Germany                          211
    Basil Malyshev, Alexander Samarin and Dimitri Vulis
                        Russian TeX                             212
    Cvetana Krstev      Serbo-Croatian hyphenation:
                        a TeX point of view                     215
    Yannis Haralambous  On TeX and Greek ...                    224
    Francois Jalbert    JemTeX 2.00 available for Japanese      227
    Alan Jeffrey        Labelled diagrams in METAFONT           227
    Reinhard Foessmeier X bitmaps in TeX                        229
Output Devices
    Joachim Schrod      Report on the DVI Driver Standard       232
    Karl Berry and Kathy Hargreaves
                        Review of 3:16 Bible Texts Illuminated  233
    Nico Poppelier      Review of LaTeX for engineers and
                        scientists                              235
    Alan Hoenig         Just plain Q & A                        237
    David Salomon       The \if, \ifx and \ifcat comparisons    238
    Lincoln Durst       Some tools for making indexes: Part I   248
    Victor Eijkhout     The structure of the TeX processor      253
    Barbara Beeton      Initiation rites                        257
    Frank Mittelbach    Solution to the riddle from
                        TUGboat 11, no. 4                       259
    Victor Eijkhout     The bag of tricks                       260
    Don De Smet         TeX macros for producing multiple-choice
                        tests                                   261
    Jim Hefferon        Getting \answers in TeX                 270
    Victor Eijkhout     Oral TeX                                272
    Sonja Maus          An expansion power lemma                277
    George Russell      Generating \n asterisks                 278
    Dimitri Vulis       TeX and envelopes                       279
    Jackie Damrau       The LaTeX column                        284
    Nico Poppelier      A comment on The LaTeX column           285
    Glenn L. Swonk      LaTeX tree drawer                       286
    Harold Thimbleby    ``See also'' indexing with Makeindex    290
    Johannes Braams     Babel, a multilingual style-option system
                        for use with LaTeX's standard document
                        styles                                  291
    Jeff Lankford       Public domain SGML tools wanted         302
    Jiri Vesely         Reporting TeX's hyphenations            302
    Paul Abrahams       Response to Victor Eijkhout             302
    Victor Eijkhout     Response to  Paul Abrahams              303
    Al Cuoco            TeX in schools:  Why not?               303
    Cahiers GUTenberg #7 and #8                                 305
News &  Announcements
    Calendar                                                    307
    TeX91/Congres GUTenberg'91, Paris, 23--26 September 1991    309
    Desktop Publishing in astronomy and space sciences,
        Strasbourg, 1--3 October 1991                           311
    Call for papers: EP92: International conference on electronic
        publishing, document manipulation, and typography,
        Lausanne, Switzerland, 7--10 April 1992                 311
Late-Breaking News
    Donald Knuth        Fixed-point glue setting: Errata        313
    Barbara Beeton      Production notes                        313
    Coming next issue                                           315
TUG Business
    TUG financial statements                                    315
    Institutional members                                       319
    TUG Bylaws                                                  321
    TUG membership application                                  331
    Index of advertisers                                        348
    Computers & Typesetting: Errata and Changes, Supplement
    TUG Resource Directory
%%% Further information about the TeXhax Digest, the TeX
%%% Users Group, and the latest software versions is available
%%% in every tenth issue of the TeXhax Digest.
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%%% Internet: send a similar one line mail message to
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End of TeXhax Digest