TeXhax Digest Sunday, October 6th, 1991 Volume 91 : Issue 044 Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay %%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%% %%% in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the %%% %%% University of Washington %%% Today's Topics: vgrind Resume style Numbering equations by section?? Beginner's Guide to LaTeX endnotes.sty for LaTeX Tex sources for Xenix 386; printing PS Graphics in OzTeX AIX version of DVI38xx ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 25 Sep 91 14:35:31 EDT From: karron@karron.med.nyu.edu (Dan Karron (karron@nyu.edu)) Subject: vgrind Keywords: vgrind, tgrind Does anyone have a version of vgrind or tgrind to prettyprint c source listing that is known to work with tex 3.1 ? Cheers! dan. | karron@nyu.edu (e-mail alias ) Dan Karron, Research Associate | | Phone: 212 263 5210 Fax: 212 263 7190 New York University Medical Center | | 560 First Avenue Digital Pager <1> (212) 397 9330 | | New York, New York 10016 <2> 10896 <3> <your-number-here> | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 25 Sep 91 13:54:56 EDT From: karron@karron.med.nyu.edu (Dan Karron (karron@nyu.edu)) Subject: Resume style Keywords: TeX, stylefiles, resume Has anyone a collection of resume/cv styles available ? Cheers! Dan(job hopping and hopefull!) | karron@nyu.edu (e-mail alias ) Dan Karron, Research Associate | | Phone: 212 263 5210 Fax: 212 263 7190 New York University Medical Center | | 560 First Avenue Digital Pager <1> (212) 397 9330 | | New York, New York 10016 <2> 10896 <3> <your-number-here> | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 24 Sep 91 13:15:29 EDT From: crone%cuavax.dnet@netcon.cua.edu (Tom Crone) Subject: Numbering equations by section?? Keywords: LaTeX, numbering, equations, section Is there a way to tell Latex to number equations by section (ie 1.1, 2.1, 3.1 in section 1, 1.2, 2.2,... in section 2, etc) or something similar? A professor from the Math dept. needs something like this for a journal. Tom Crone CRONE@CUA or CRONE@CUAVAX.NETCON.CUA.EDU ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1991 15:50 GMT From: Peter Flynn <CBTS8001@IRUCCVAX.UCC.IE> Subject: Beginner's Guide to LaTeX Keywords: LaTeX, beginner's guide Is there a startup document of similar level to Michael Doob's <Gentle |Introduction> which deals exclusively with LaTeX which I can download from somewhere? ///Peter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Sep 91 12:42:40 +0000 From: Dominik Wujastyk <ucgadkw@ucl.ac.uk> Subject: endnotes.sty for LaTeX Keywords: LaTeX, endnotes.sty The endnotes.sty most commonly in use is that of John Lavagnino (Brandeis), first released in 1988. It was very carefully written originally, to avoid some basic problems about macro expansion etc. Since then it has been modified a couple of times, and just yesterday John looked it over and tidied up some macros and the documentation. Here is the version current as of today: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Save file as: ENDNOTES.STY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % **************************************** % * ENDNOTES * % **************************************** % % Date of this version: 24 September 1991. % % Based on the FOOTNOTES section of % LATEX.TEX (VERSION 2.09 - RELEASE OF 19 April 1986), with % "footnote" changed to "endnote" and "fn" changed to "en" (where % appropriate), with all the minipage stuff pulled out, and with % some small changes for the different operation of endnotes. % % Uses an extra external file, with .ENT extension, to hold the % text of the endnotes. This may be deleted after the run; a new % version is generated each time. % % This code does not obey \nofiles. Perhaps it should. % % John Lavagnino (lav@brandeis.bitnet), 9/23/88 % Department of English and American Literature, % Brandeis University % % To turn all the footnotes in your documents into endnotes, say % % \let\footnote=\endnote % % in your preamble, and then add something like % % \newpage % \begingroup % \parindent 0pt % \parskip 2ex % \def\enotesize{\normalsize} % \theendnotes % \endgroup % % as the last thing in your document. % % **************************************** % * CHANGE LOG * % **************************************** % % JL Modified to include \addtoendnotes. JL, 10/22/89. % % JK Modification by J"org Knappen 25. 2. 1991: % JK % JK Introduced \notesname in the spirit of international \LaTeX. % JK \notesname is set per default to be {Notes}, but can easily % JK be redifined, e.g. for german language % JK \renewcommand{\notesname}{Anmerkungen} % % DW Modification by Dominik Wujastyk, London, 19 September 1991: % DW % DW Moved the line % DW \edef\@currentlabel{\csname p@endnote\endcsname\@theenmark} % DW out of the definition of \@endnotetext and into the definition % DW of \@doanenote so that \label and \ref commands work correctly in % DW endnotes. Otherwise, the \label just pointed to the last section % DW heading (or whatever) preceding the \theendnotes command. % % JL Revised documentation and macros. 24 Sept 1991. % % **************************************** % * ENDNOTE COMMANDS * % **************************************** % % % \endnote{NOTE} : User command to insert a endnote. % % \endnote[NUM]{NOTE} : User command to insert a endnote numbered % NUM, where NUM is a number -- 1, 2, % etc. For example, if endnotes are numbered % *, **, etc. within pages, then \endnote[2]{...} % produces endnote '**'. This command does not % step the endnote counter. % % \endnotemark[NUM] : Command to produce just the endnote mark in % the text, but no endnote. With no argument, % it steps the endnote counter before generating % the mark. % % \endnotetext[NUM]{TEXT} : Command to produce the endnote but no % mark. \endnote is equivalent to % \endnotemark \endnotetext . % % \addtoendnotes{TEXT} : Command to add text or commands to current % endnotes file: for inserting headings, % pagebreaks, and the like into endnotes % sections. TEXT a moving argument: % \protect required for fragile commands. % % **************************************** % * ENDNOTE USER COMMANDS * % **************************************** % % Endnotes use the following parameters, similar to those relating % to footnotes: % % \enotesize : Size-changing command for endnotes. % % \theendnote : In usual LaTeX style, produces the endnote number. % % \@theenmark : Holds the current endnote's mark--e.g., \dag or '1' or 'a'. % % \@makeenmark : A macro to generate the endnote marker from \@theenmark % The default definition is \hbox{$^\@theenmark$}. % % \@makeentext{NOTE} : % Must produce the actual endnote, using \@theenmark as the mark % of the endnote and NOTE as the text. It is called when effectively % inside a \parbox, with \hsize = \columnwidth. For example, it might % be as simple as % $^{\@theenmark}$ NOTE % % % **************************************** % * ENDNOTE PSEUDOCODE * % **************************************** % % \endnote{NOTE} == % BEGIN % \stepcounter{endnote} % \@theenmark :=G eval (\theendnote) % \@endnotemark % \@endnotetext{NOTE} % END % % \endnote[NUM]{NOTE} == % BEGIN % begingroup % counter endnote :=L NUM % \@theenmark :=G eval (\theendnote) % endgroup % \@endnotemark % \@endnotetext{NOTE} % END % % \@endnotetext{NOTE} == % BEGIN % write to \@enotes file: "\@doanenote{ENDNOTE MARK}" % begingroup % \next := NOTE % set \newlinechar for \write to \space % write to \@enotes file: \meaning\next % (that is, "macro:->NOTE) % endgroup % END % % \addtoendnotes{TEXT} == % BEGIN % open endnotes file if not already open % begingroup % let \protect to \string % set \newlinechar for \write to \space % write TEXT to \@enotes file % endgroup % END % % \endnotemark == % BEGIN \stepcounter{endnote} % \@theenmark :=G eval(\theendnote) % \@endnotemark % END % % \endnotemark[NUM] == % BEGIN % begingroup % endnote counter :=L NUM % \@theenmark :=G eval(\theendnote) % endgroup % \@endnotemark % END % % \@endnotemark == % BEGIN % \leavevmode % IF hmode THEN \@x@sf := \the\spacefactor FI % \@makeenmark % put number in main text % IF hmode THEN \spacefactor := \@x@sf FI % END % % \endnotetext == % BEGIN \@theenmark :=G eval (\theendnote) % \@endnotetext % END % % \endnotetext[NUM] == % BEGIN begingroup counter endnote :=L NUM % \@theenmark :=G eval (\theendnote) % endgroup % \@endnotetext % END % % **************************************** % * ENDNOTE MACROS * % **************************************** % \@definecounter{endnote} \def\theendnote{\arabic{endnote}} % Default definition \def\@makeenmark{\hbox{$^{\@theenmark}$}} \newdimen\endnotesep \def\endnote{\@ifnextchar[{\@xendnote}{\stepcounter {endnote}\xdef\@theenmark{\theendnote}\@endnotemark\@endnotetext}} \def\@xendnote[#1]{\begingroup \c@endnote=#1\relax \xdef\@theenmark{\theendnote}\endgroup \@endnotemark\@endnotetext} % Here begins endnote code that's really different from the footnote % code of LaTeX. \let\@doanenote=0 \let\@endanenote=0 \newwrite\@enotes \newif\if@enotesopen \global\@enotesopenfalse \def\@openenotes{\immediate\openout\@enotes=\jobname.ent\relax \global\@enotesopentrue} % The stuff with \next and \meaning is a trick from the TeXbook, 382, % there intended for setting verbatim text, but here used to avoid % macro expansion when the footnote text is written. \next will have % the entire text of the footnote as one long line, which might well % overflow limits on output line length; the business with \newlinechar % makes every space become a newline in the \@enotes file, so that all % of the lines wind up being quite short. \long\def\@endnotetext#1{% \if@enotesopen \else \@openenotes \fi \immediate\write\@enotes{\@doanenote{\@theenmark}}% \begingroup \def\next{#1}% \newlinechar='40 \immediate\write\@enotes{\meaning\next}% \endgroup \immediate\write\@enotes{\@endanenote}} % \addtoendnotes works the way the other endnote macros probably should % have, requiring the use of \protect for fragile commands. \long\def\addtoendnotes#1{% \if@enotesopen \else \@openenotes \fi \begingroup \newlinechar='40 \let\protect\string \immediate\write\@enotes{#1}% \endgroup} % End of unique endnote code \def\endnotemark{\@ifnextchar[{\@xendnotemark }{\stepcounter{endnote}\xdef\@theenmark{\theendnote}\@endnotemark}} \def\@xendnotemark[#1]{\begingroup \c@endnote #1\relax \xdef\@theenmark{\theendnote}\endgroup \@endnotemark} \def\@endnotemark{\leavevmode\ifhmode \edef\@x@sf{\the\spacefactor}\fi \@makeenmark \ifhmode\spacefactor\@x@sf\fi\relax} \def\endnotetext{\@ifnextchar [{\@xendnotenext}{\xdef\@theenmark{\theendnote}\@endnotetext}} \def\@xendnotenext[#1]{\begingroup \c@endnote=#1\relax \xdef\@theenmark{\theendnote}\endgroup \@endnotetext} % \theendnotes actually prints out the endnotes. % The user may want separate endnotes for each chapter, or a big % block of them at the end of the whole document. As it stands, % either will work; you just say \theendnotes wherever you want the % endnotes so far to be inserted. However, you must add % \setcounter{endnote}{0} after that if you want subsequent endnotes % to start numbering at 1 again. % \enoteformat is provided so user can specify some special formatting % for the endnotes. It needs to set up the paragraph parameters, start % the paragraph, and print the label. The \leavemode stuff is to make % and undo a dummy paragraph, to get around the games \section* % plays with paragraph indenting. \def\notesname{Notes}% <------ JK \def\enoteheading{\section*{\notesname \@mkboth{\uppercase{\notesname}}{\uppercase{\notesname}}}% \leavevmode\par\vskip-\baselineskip} \def\enoteformat{\rightskip\z@ \leftskip\z@ \parindent=1.8em \leavevmode\llap{\hbox{$^{\@theenmark}$}}} \def\enotesize{\footnotesize} % The definition of \ETC. is needed only for versions of TeX prior % to 2.992. Those versions limited \meaning expansions to 1000 % characters; in 2.992 and beyond there is no limit. At Brandeis the % BIGLATEX program changed the code in the token_show procedure of % TeX to eliminate this problem, but most ``big'' versions of TeX % will not solve this problem. \def\theendnotes{\immediate\closeout\@enotes \global\@enotesopenfalse \begingroup \makeatletter \def\@doanenote##1##2>{\def\@theenmark{##1}\par\begingroup \edef\@currentlabel{\csname p@endnote\endcsname\@theenmark} %DW \enoteformat} \def\@endanenote{\par\endgroup}% \def\ETC.{\errmessage{Some long endnotes will be truncated; % use BIGLATEX to avoid this}% \def\ETC.{\relax}} \enoteheading \enotesize \@input{\jobname.ent}% \endgroup} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \endinput ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 23 Sep 91 10:11:06 PDT From: sp@questor.wimsey.bc.ca (Steve Pershing) Subject: Tex sources for Xenix 386; printing Keywords: TeX, Xenix 386 Greetings: I am woefully ignorant of things TeX-ish, but would like to get it up and running on my 486 which is currently running SCO's Xenix 2.3.3 In addition, I have an HP-LJII printer which I would like to use as the output device. (I do NOT have a postscript cartridge.) Can you advise me what would be necessary to make it work with TeX? Any help as to ftp sites, et alia, would be appreciated. Thanks. Steve Pershing, System Administrator The QUESTOR Project: FREE Usenet News/Internet Mail; Sci, Med, AIDS, and more on a Telebit T2500 with PEP (last), v.42, v.32, v.21, up to 19,200bps Internet: sp@questor.wimsey.bc.ca : POST: 1027 Davie Street, Box 486 Phones: Voice/FAX: +1 604 682 6659 : Vancouver, British Columbia Data/BBS: +1 604 681 0670 : Canada V6E 4L2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 23 Sep 91 09:18:02 EDT From: Tim Larkin <QB5J@CORNELLA.cit.cornell.edu> Subject: PS Graphics in OzTeX Keywords: OzTeX, PostScript, graphics Under System 7, printing of postscript graphics from OzTeX does not seem to work correctly. I can now make a PS file from the printer dialog box by selecting a radio-button, instead of pressing command-F. However, I have not been able successfully to include that file in a TeX document. So far I have been able to figure out: 1. System 7 no longer uses LaserPrep. The prep program is now included in the postscript file generated from the printer dialog box. 2. Editing that postscript file to make the prep code look like one of OzTeX's prep files did not work. 3. I tried to strip out all the prep code from the file I generated, and then include OzTeX's `Laserprep-70' file. This didn't work either: The graphic was recognizable, but scaled up two or three times. 4. I can still print ps-files that were created under System 6, for instance the figure on page four of the OzTeX manual, so the problem can't be too deep. Does anyone know how to OzTeX graphics under System 7? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1991 13:27:21 -0700 (PDT) From: GUENTHER@TIGGER.CSC.WSU.EDU (Dean Guenther) Subject: AIX version of DVI38xx Keywords: AIX, dvi38xx Sorry if you've seen this before, I'm posting it to several sources. I'm looking for an AIX version of DVI38xx, to convert TeX's DVI to IBM's list38xx (CPDS) format. I figured I'd ask if anyone has done this before doing it myself. thanks -- Dean Dean Guenther Internet: guenther@tigger.csc.wsu.edu Washington State University Bitnet: guenther@cougar Pullman, Wa. 99164-1220 AT&T: 509 335-0433 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Further information about the TeXhax Digest, the TeX %%% Users Group, and the latest software versions is available %%% in every tenth issue of the TeXhax Digest. %%% %%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing: %%% %%% BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@xxx %%% SUBSCRIBE TEX-L <your name> % to subscribe %%% or UNSUBSCRIBE TEX-L %%% %%% Internet: send a similar one line mail message to %%% TeXhax-request@cs.washington.edu %%% JANET users may choose to use %%% texhax-request@uk.ac.nsf %%% All submissions to: TeXhax@cs.washington.edu %%% %%% Back issues available for FTPing as: %%% machine: directory: filename: %%% JUNE.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU TeXhax/TeXhaxyy.nnn %%% yy = last two digits of current year %%% nnn = issue number %%% %%%\bye %%% End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------