TeXhax Digest    Monday,  October 7, 1991  Volume 91 : Issue 045

Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay

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Today's Topics:         

                  Request for opinions on HP LaserJets
                 DVI driver for HP Laserjet III and IIIP
                     Beginners' LaTeX (essential.tex)
                        Re: TeXhax Digest V91 #043
                 TeX utility converter program PLTOTF.EXE
                       space dependencies in LaTeX
                   FC font encoding scheme -- 2nd draft
             New version of SHADOW.STY available on FILESERV
                          TeX version 2.93/3.14


Date: Thu, 3 Oct 1991 17:37 EDT
Subject: Request for opinions on HP LaserJets
Keywords: HP LaserJet, opinions

I'm finally about to get a laser printer for use at home, and I'm writing
to ask if anyone has advice/opinions on what works best.  I've got an
IBM AT-clone computer, a TeX and a screen previewer that work fine, and I've
just obtained (by email) Gustaf Neumann's driver to print DVI files on
HP-LaserJets.  (He's neumann@awiwuw11.bitnet)  

I'm thinking of getting either an HP IIP or an HP IIIP.  I'll mostly be
printing mathematics in TeX, only rarely (if ever) using graphics, but I'll
also sometimes use a classical PC word processor.

Does anyone have an opinion on whether the IIIP's advantages are worth the
cost?  How much memory will I need in order to be happy?  Do you think this
is all a terrible idea, and that I should get some other machine?  (Or is
this all a terrible idea, and I should go back to using pen and ink, as the
good Lord intended?)


Phil Hirschhorn


Date: Tue, 1 Oct 91 10:13:52 EDT
From: David.A.Jaeger@um.cc.umich.edu
Subject: DVI driver for HP Laserjet III and IIIP
Keywords: HP LaserJet III, IIIP

Does anyone know of a DVI driver for an HP LaserJet III or IIIP that will
make use of their resolution enhancement technology? 
Many thanks,
David A. Jaeger 
Computer Consultant             :   Statistical Consultant
Department of Economics         :   Population Studies Center 
The University of Michigan      :   1225 South University Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI  48109-1220       :   Ann Arbor, MI  48104-2590
office:  (313) 764-6258         :   office:  (313) 998-7150
fax:     (313) 764-2769         :   fax:     (313) 998-7415
Internet:                       :   BITNET: 
  David.Jaeger@um.cc.umich.edu  :     USERECAN@UMICHUM


Date: Tue, 1 Oct 1991 13:52 GMT
From: Peter Flynn <CBTS8001@IRUCCVAX.UCC.IE>
Subject: Beginners' LaTeX (essential.tex)
Keywords: essential.tex, Beginners' LaTeX

The file I was searching for is in tex.ac.uk::[tex-archive.doc]essential.tex
but it contains a reference to 'handbook.sty' which I cannot find anywhere.
Has anyone got this file?



Date: Tue, 1 Oct 1991 13:43 +0100
Subject: Re: TeXhax Digest V91 #043
Keywords: fonts, Edh and Thorn

The letters Edh and Thorn (both upper- and lowercase) as well as the ogonek
(aka reverse cedilla) are included in the ec font encoding scheme, which is 
the coming standard for 8-bit fonts. There are two implementations known to 
me, called em-fonts (a virtual font approach) and dc (Metafont approach).

The dcfonts are available from every good server (ymir, aston, 

Yours sincerly, J"org Knappen


Date: Thu, 26 Sep 91 19:03:47 UCR
From: "Eduardo J. Piza" <EPIZA@UCRVM2>
Subject: TeX utility converter program PLTOTF.EXE
Keywords: PLTOTF.EXE

Dear TeXhax people:

Also, I'm searching for the TeX utility converter program PLTOTF.EXE,
to convert .pl into .tfm files.  Do you now where can I get it?

Eduardo Piza (COSTA RICA)
Bitnet e-mail:  epiza@ucrvm2


Date: Mon, 30 Sep 91 13:20:12 EDT
From: toms@ncifcrf.gov
Subject: space dependencies in LaTeX
Keywords: LaTeX, space dependencies

Hi LaTeXers: 
With the exception of comments, LaTeX is supposed to be free format.  However
there are two cases where this is not allowed, and I wonder why.

First, citations cannot have spaces between them:
\cite{Smith1982, Jones1985} is objected to.  So is \cite{Smith1982,
Jones1985} although this would be very useful to use.  (One has to do it like
Jones1985} which means one must have a % in the midst of the text.
If the paragraph is reformatted (a convenience for cleaning up the text file
while one works, not to replace the typesetter!), bingo - it will crash.
Can this be fixed in future versions??

The second case I just came across.  

\title{Demonstration of \LaTeX space problems}

\author{P. Pan\thanks{
        Laboratory of Boondogle,
        National Space Institute,
        Tyco, Moon},
Me M. I \thanks{
        Laboratory of Picky Details,
        BSOT, Moon,
        Internet address: me@bsot.moo
        } \thanks{To whom correspondence should be addressed.}}
With the space there, two symbols appear on the author line, and two footnotes.
Without the space, only one symbol appears, but there are still two footnotes!
Looks like a bug to me!  Is it?

  Tom Schneider
  National Cancer Institute
  Laboratory of Mathematical Biology
  Frederick, Maryland  21702-1201


Date: Tue, 1 Oct 1991 17:40 +0100
Subject: FC font encoding scheme -- 2nd draft
Keywords: FC font scheme, encoding

Second Draft for the African Font Encoding Scheme FC

  This is the second draft for the FC font encoding scheme. I want to fix this
  scheme at 1-nov-1991 and change it no more. If you see any flaw in it,
  complain now, before it is too late. I'm nearly ready with a METAFONT fount
  according to the fc scheme, and I want to make it accesible to the public in
  the beginning of 1992. It will be copyrighted, but free according to the 
  GNU licence. Send any suggestions to:


  or to:

  J"org Knappen
  Institut f"ur Kernphysik
  Postfach 39 80
  D-W 6500 Mainz

The TUG (TeX User Group) conference of Cork 1990 has proposed a 256 character 
font encoding scheme well suited for european languages. This scheme does not 
fit for the various african languages with latin writing. So I want to propose 
a scheme suited for the so called critical languages of africa. It should be 
named FC or FCM for aFrican Computer.

The coding is arbitrary besides the following rules:

* The lower 128 codes are identical to the Cork scheme
* A glyph also occurring in the Cork scheme is placed on the same code point
  as in the Cork scheme
* Each letter from the 128-char cm-font is saved (Thus !', \L,\O etc. will 
* The uppercase/lowercase mechanism holds

The following languages are covered:
  Akan, Bamileke, Basa (Kru), Bemba, Bete, Ciokwe, Dinka, Efik, Ewe-Fon, Fulani
  (Fulful), G\~a, Ganda, Gbaya, Hausa, Igbo, Kamba, Kanuri, Kikuyu, Kikongo, 
  Kpelle, Krio, Luba, Mandekan (Bambara), Mende, More, Ngala, Nyanja, Oromo, 
  Rundi, Kinya Rwanda, Sango, Shona, Somali, Songhai, Sotho (two different 
  writing systems), Suaheli, Tiv, Tsonga, Yao, Yoruba, Xhosa and Zulu.

Also covered are: Maltese and Sami (European languages not covered by the 
Cork scheme).

  Not included are: 

  Tamasheq (Berber): The UNESCO suggests an alphabet with hooktop t, s, and z.
  Since I have not seen this in real print, I'm not sure about the relevance of
  this alphabet, I don't even know if it was adopted by one coutry in which
  Tamasheq is spoken.

  Nama: The symbols for the click sounds in Nama are not included. They can,
  however, be created by macro calls.

  Serer: I have a secondary reference that Serer uses hooktop p. If I had a
  primary reference, this character is a candidat for inclusion.

  \.Igb\.o: The catholic orthography includes an horizontal crossed o, which is
  not included in the fc scheme, since this system is considered obsolete.

I tried to consult the most recent dictionaries. A good part of the 
mentioned languages has not yet a standardised writing system.

I considered accents which are only tonal marks and optional in writing not 
to be a part of a letter. These should be created by using floating 
accents. (Even double accenting is possible, e.g. Open e with tilde and 
acute.) Accented letters, where the accent is a part of the letter, are 

  Here are first the changes since the first draft:

  I newly included: A with trema 
                    T with tail
                    Latin letter Iota
                    Double universal accent

  I moved to other code points:
                    Open E with Tilde
                    O with macron

  I removed:        A with circumflex
                    A with grave
                    U with circumflex
                    W with breve
                    small raised w

  Only by typo, in some versions an A with acute occured. This was never
  really in and is not included now.

  Support is weak for the following characters: 
                    E with acute
                    C with cedilla
                    G with dot above
                    A with trema
  These are the most likely ones to dissappear for new insertions. If you know
  facts supporting them, let me know.

The table: 

octal code  description

200         Capital letter hooktop B
201         Capital letter hooktop D
202         Capital letter open E (\varepsilon-like)
203         Capital letter reversed E (like \exists)
204         Capital letter long F
205         Capital letter E with ha\v{c}ek
206         Capital letter ipa Gamma
207         Capital letter double barred H

210         Capital letter hooktop K
211         Capital letter Enj
212	    Capital letter open O (reversed C)
213	    Capital letter N with acute
214	    Capital letter Esh
215	    Capital letter Eng
216	    Capital letter Round V
217         Capital letter hooktop Y

220	    Capital letter G with dot above
221         Capital letter M with acute
222	    Capital letter S with ha\v{c}ek
223	    Capital letter N with dot above
224         Capital letter N with line below
225	    Capital letter S with dot below
226	    Capital letter Ezh
227         Capital letter crossed T

230         Capital letter E with dot above
231         Capital letter E with dot below
232	    Capital letter I with tilde
233         Capital letter T with tail
234	    ligature t-esh
235	    ligature fj
236	    Lowercase letter crossed d
237	    double grave accent

240	    Lowercase letter hooktop b
241	    Lowercase letter hooktop d
242	    Lowercase letter open e
243	    Lowercase letter inverted e
244	    Lowercase letter long f
245	    Lowercase letter e with ha\v{c]ek
246	    Lowercase letter ipa gamma
247         Lowercase letter crossed h

250	    Lowercase letter hooktop k
251	    Lowercase letter enj
252	    Lowercase letter open O
253	    Lowercase letter n with acute
254	    Lowercase letter esh
255	    Lowercase letter eng
256	    Lowercase letter round v (\upsilon)
257	    Lowercase letter hooktop y

260 	    Lowercase letter g with dot above
261	    Lowercase letter m with acute
262	    Lowercase letter s with ha\v{c}ek
263	    Lowercase letter n with dot above
264	    Lowercase letter n with line below
265	    Lowercase letter s with dot below
266	    Lowercase letter ezh
267	    Lowercase letter crossed t

270	    Lowercase letter e with dot above
271	    Lowercase letter e with dot below
272	    Lowercase letter i tilde
273	    Lowercase letter t with tail
274	    double universal accent
275	    inverted exclamation mark
276	    inverted question mark
277 	    universal accent

300	    Capital letter Iota
301	    Capital letter I with dot below
302	    Capital letter Open E with tilde
303 	    Capital letter A with tilde
304	    Capital letter A with trema
305	    Capital letter Open O with tilde
306	    Capital letter ligature AE
307	    Capital letter C with cedilla

310	    Capital letter E with grave
311	    Capital letter E with acute
312	    Capital letter E with circumflex
313	    Capital letter E with trema
314	    Capital letter E with line below
315	    Capital letter E with macron
316	    Capital letter E with tilde
317	    Capital letter I with diaresis

320	    Capital letter crossed D (Edh)
321	    Capital letter N with tilde
322	    Capital letter O with grave
323	    Capital letter O with dot above
324	    Capital letter O with circumflex
325	    Capital letter O with tilde
326	    Capital letter O with trema
327	    Capital letter ligature OE

330	    Capital letter crossed O (\O)
331	    Capital letter O with dot below
332	    Capital letter O with line below
333	    Capital letter O with macron
334	    Capital letter O with ha\v{c}ek
335	    Capital letter U with dot below
336	    Capital letter U with tilde
337	    cross piece for polish L and l (and maybe other letters, like I 
            and J)

340	    Lowercase letter iota
341	    Lowercase letter i with dot below
342	    Lowercase letter open e with tilde
343	    Lowercase letter a with tilde
344 	    Lowercase letter a with trema
345	    Lowercase letter open o with tilde
346	    Lowercase letter ligature ae
347	    Lowercase letter c with cedilla

350 	    Lowercase letter e with grave
351	    Lowercase letter e with acute
352	    Lowercase letter e with circumflex
353	    Lowercase letter e with trema
354	    Lowercase letter e with line below
355	    Lowercase letter e with macron
356	    Lowercase letter e with tilde
357	    Lowercase letter i with diaresis

360 	    Lowercase letter d with tail (note: not edh!)
361	    Lowercase letter n with tilde
362	    Lowercase letter o with grave
363	    Lowercase letter o with dot above
364	    Lowercase letter o with circumflex
365	    Lowercase letter o with tilde
366	    Lowercase letter o with trema
367	    Lowercase letter ligature oe

370	    Lowercase letter crossed o (\o)
371	    Lowercase letter o with dot below
372	    Lowercase letter o with line below
373	    Lowercase letter o with macron
374	    Lowercase letter o with ha\v{c}ek
375	    Lowercase letter u with dot below
376	    Lowercase letter u with tilde
377	    Lowercase letter scharfes s (\ss)

J"org Knappen               email: knappen@vkpmzd.physik.uni-mainz.de
Institut f"ur Kernphysik           
Postfach 3980
D-W6500 Mainz


Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1991 16:06:37 CDT
From: "George D. Greenwade" <bed_gdg@SHSU.edu>
Subject: New version of SHADOW.STY available on FILESERV
Keywords: shadow.sty

Mauro Orlandini <ORLANDINI@HEAVAX.GSFC.NASA.GOV>, who is the author of
shadow.sty (creates "shadowed" \fbox'es) forwarded me a fix (dated 10 May
1991) to the style so it can now work within a \twocolumn environment.  The
updated file may be retrieved by including the command:
in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET (FILESERV@SHSU.edu). 
General information on FILESERV can be retrieved by including the command
HELP in the body of your mail message.  This file is also available for
anonymous ftp retrieval from Niord.SHSU.edu ( in the [.STY]

Thanks are extended to Mauro (who just joined INFO-TeX today!) for
contributing this file update.

Regards,   George
George D. Greenwade, Ph.D.                            Bitnet:  BED_GDG@SHSU
Department of Economics and Business Analysis         THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG
College of Business Administration                    Voice: (409) 294-1266
P. O. Box 2118                                        FAX:   (409) 294-3612
Sam Houston State University              Internet:        bed_gdg@SHSU.edu
Huntsville, TX 77341                      bed_gdg%SHSU.decnet@relay.the.net


Date: Thu, 26 Sep 91 11:20 -0300
Subject: TeX version 2.93/3.14
Keywords: TeX, LaTeX, 2.93/3.14

One of our users here has observed a curious spacing problem in LaTeX after
we upgraded from TeX 2.93 to 3.14 recently. The snippet below puts some
vertical space (about one quarter-inch) between the first rule and the name 
when running under 2.93, but no space when running under 3.14. There is
about a quarter-inch separation between the name and the horizontal rule
below it in *both* versions of TeX. 

Can anyone give an explanation of this phenomenon? Is this a bug? feature?
In which package?

Any thoughts would be appreciated. I read the digest and will summarize
private communications.

gus gassmann   ( gassmann @ earth.sba.dal.ca --- internet )
                 gassmann @ dalac            --- bitnet   )

% --------------------cut here---------------------------

\textheight 9.25in
\textwidth 6.2in
\voffset -1in
\hoffset -.92in
\parskip .15cm
\newfont{\head}{cmssbx10 scaled\magstep 3}

\hspace*{10.6em}{\head Name of student} \\ 

% etc....



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End of TeXhax Digest