TeXhax Digest    Sunday,  October 27, 1991  Volume 91 : Issue 048
Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay
%%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%%
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%%%                      University of Washington                           %%%
Today's Topics:         
                          LamS-TeX for users of AMS-TeX
                              write-white fonts
                                 TeX in URDU
                        LaTeX in Landscape printing mode?
              How to move the page number to the right of the text
                       Hyphenation for accented words
                           small bug in lfonts.new
                         Spaces after commas in \cite.
                            Expressionist to LaTeX
                               PK fonts at Ymir
             Fonts - looking for Mac screen fonts for previewing
                         Help with installing TeX3.14
                           equation numbers in LaTeX
                                TeX V3 for MSDOS
                                 CWEB and ANSI C
Date:     Thu,  24 Oct 91 17:45 +0300
From: Michael Maschler <MASCHLER@HUJIVMS.HUJI.AC.IL>
Subject: LamS-TeX for users of AMS-TeX
Keywords: LamS-TeX
There have been several inquiries concerning LamS-TeX. This will answer
LamS-TeX is a package, written by Dr. Michael Spivak, the author of
AMS-TeX. It is \input'ed together with AMS-TeX to yield capabilities
similar to LateX and others, such as automatic numbering of formulas,
theorems, etc., preparing various kinds of lists, preparing table of
contents, cross-referencing, making an index, typing in verbatim mode,
setting all kinds of tables, partitioning matrices, placing figures
wherever one wants, and more. It intefaces with BibTeX, if one wants to.
It also enables the typesetter typeset commutative diagrams, for which
special fonts are added. It does not have an analog of LateX picture
environment, however.
One advantage of the package is that it is essentially compatible with
plain TeX, to which one can always revert for typesetting complicated
structures. Another advantage is that it allows a lot of plexibility
in devising one's own style. For example, one can set it so that Theorems,
Lemmas, Corrolaries, etc. are automatically enumerated separately, and
typeseted with different fonts and different styles. It can also be set so
that there is a common enumeration for these parts, yet keeping the
differences in the fonts and styles, as before.
LamS-TeX Version 2.0 is now public domain. The DOS version can be ftp'ed
from math.berkeley.edu (anonymous ftp), in /pub/lamstex.
The UNIX version as a compressed tar file is available by anonymous ftp at
One may also try
The TeX Users Group (TUG)
P. O. Box 9506
Providence, RI 02940-9508
Phone: 401/751-7760  FAX: 401/751-1071
Internet: tug@math.AMS.com
The LamS-TeX manual, "LamS-TeX, The Synthesis" approximately 300 pages,
wire bound, is available at
The TeXplorators Corporation,
3701 W. Alabama, Suit 450-273,
Houston, TX 77027
Tel: 713/524-5515
FAX: 713/523-6743
It costs $30.00, including postage (book rate, surface mail).
For first class mail add $1.50 in the United States.
For air mail to Europe, Canada, and Mexico add $7.50.
For air mail elswhere add $9.50
I am told that LamS-TeX Wizard's Manual is also available. It  may interest
real TeX gurus. It explains the code of LamS-TeX in complete detail. So far,
a 600 pages  Volume I is  written, covering Part I of the Manual.
It costs $40 plus shipment, printed by a laser printer on both sides of
a 3-hole punched paper. For details contact The TeXplorators Corporation.
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 91 20:42:09 CDT
From: "Cliff Bergman" <cbergman@iastate.edu>
Subject: write-white fonts
Keywords: fonts, write-white
I need to generate some fonts for a write-white laser printer.  I have
generated fonts using mf before, but never for this particular printer.
My site has a file called "white_setup.mf", but I'm not sure how to use
it.  Could someone please explain, or point me to an explanation?  I'd
appreciate direct e-mail if possible.
Thanks in advance.
cliff bergman
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 91 13:53:45 BST
From: Hassan Ahmed (PhD) <hassan@spec0.electrical-engineering.manchester.ac.uk>
Subject: TeX in URDU
Keywords: TeX, Urdu
Dear Sir,
 I am interested in foreign languages version of TeX. I will be
much obliged if you could let know, that how I can get Urdu version of
TeX for PCs.
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 91 13:15:27 BST
From: Dr R M Damerell (RHBNC) <damerell@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk>
Subject: dvipage
Keywords: dvipage
Please does anybody have a copy of the latest version of DVIPAGE?
(Previewer for SUNs: sun-specific but excellent performance).
The latest version at Aston is 2.8 or so; there is a later one 
(? 3.1) Thank you, Mark
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 91 16:08:38 PDT
From: gordon_burton@mtsg.ubc.ca
Subject: LaTeX in Landscape printing mode?
Keywords: LaTeX, landscape printing
I have been successfully using LaTeX to prepare tables for some time now
and there is never any problem so long as the table is small, but at present
I have a very wide table and in order to get it to fit on the page
in Portrait mode (normal printing mode) I am forced to use the tiny font
size making my print out very hard to read.  All this could be avoided
if there was a way to tell LaTex to print my table in the Landscape mode,
that is rotated ninety degrees on the page from how LaTeX normally prints.
In doing this I would want the command to be a type of switch so that I
could turn off the Landscape printing so that, for example, the figure
and table captions would be written with the present Portrait orientation.
Can anybody suggest a LaTeX command that I may have overlooked, or a set of
LaTeX (or TeX) commands that might serve my purpose?  I think that this
ability to print in the Landscape mode would be of use to many other
people who work with awkward sized figures and tables.
Thank you all for your attention to this matter.
Gordon R. Burton
INTERNET : USERGRB@mtsg.ubc.ca
MAIL     : Department of Chemistry,
           University of Britich Columbia,
           2036 Main Mall
           Vancouver, B.C.
           V6T 1Z1
Date:    Fri, 18 Oct 1991 16:24:56 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: How to move the page number to the right of the text
Keywords: page number, move, right of text
I am looking for a Latex command which can put the page number to the right 
of my text page. I think what I need is a command which can set a different 
header width than the textwidth.
Can anybody help me on this. Thanks.
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 1991 10:10:58 +0100
From: rafael@pyrite.imag.fr (Rafael Laboissiere)
Subject: Hyphenation for accented words
Keywords: TeX, hyphenation
Dear TeXhaxers,
I am looking for a method to do TeX hyphenation algorithm work with
accented words.  (For accented word I mean a word containing the \accent
primitive.)  I think this is a hard job, because TeX stops hyphenation of a
word if it finds non-implicit kerns, like those inserted by the \accent
Could someone help me?
Thanks in advance,
            Rafael LABOISSIERE
            Institut de la Communication Parlee - INPG
            46, av. Felix Viallet
            F-38031 Grenoble CEDEX France
            Tel: +33-     +33-
            Fax: +33-
            Email: rafael@icp.imag.fr (INTERNET)
Date:     Fri, 18 Oct 91 09:03:57 BST
From: Martin Ward <Martin.Ward@durham.ac.uk>
Subject: small bug in lfonts.new
Keywords: bug, lfonts.new
A small bug in the new font selection scheme (lfonts.new version v1.2p):
I am using:
together whith the appropriate \new@fontshape{cmss} commands to typeset some
slides in lcmss8 and lcmssi8. With this definition \pounds comes out as a
doller sign. I used {\family{cmr}\selectfont\pounds} to get a real pounds
sign (afer all, there is a big difference between \pounds 1 billion and
$1 billion :-) :-) )
JANET: Martin.Ward@uk.ac.durham    Internet (eg US): Martin.Ward@durham.ac.uk
or if that fails:  Martin.Ward%uk.ac.durham@nfsnet-relay.ac.uk
BITNET: Martin.Ward%durham.ac.uk@UKACRL UUCP:...!uknet!durham!Martin.Ward
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 1991 18:48:21 PDT
From: Donald Arseneau <asnd@erich.triumf.ca>
Subject: Spaces after commas in \cite.
Keywords: \cite, LaTeX
Tom Schneider asked about allowing optional spaces after commas in \cite
lists (V91 #045).  I came up with a solution, but applied it to the modified
\cite macros that I use.  The change involves two new definitions:
% for ignoring spaces:
\def\@ignspaftercomma#1, {\ifx\@end#1\@empty\else
and a change to the beginning of the \cite macros (\@citex in plain LaTeX):
\edef\@tempa{\@ignspaftercomma,#2, \@end, }% ignore spaces after commas
and change subsequent "#2"s to \@tempa.
Should I put this change into the citation style files I have released?
Is there a market?  Will LaTeX 3.0 make it all obsolete Real Soon Now?
Donald Arseneau             %  asnd@triumfcl  (.bitnet)
                            %  asnd@reg.triumf.ca
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 91 10:11:32 -0500
From: wrj@atomic3.phys.nd.edu (Walter R. Johnson)
Subject: web.tex
Keywords: web.tex, labrea.stanford
How do I login to labrea.stanford.edu to obtain a version of
web2c? What is the login name - password?  Which version of
web should I use for a SUN sparc station?
    W. Johnson
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 91 18:21:11 EDT
From: yoko@research.nj.nec.com (Yoko Ozawa)
Subject: Expressionist to LaTeX
Keywords: Expressionist, LaTeX
Help! Does anyone who uses Expressionist on the Mac know a source for
an Expressionist "Copy as Text" Pref to convert from Expressionist to
LaTeX (rather than plain TeX)?
Any help you can give me would be most appreciated.
Thank you
Yoko Ozawa             : NEC Research Institute, Inc.: yoko@research.nj.nec.com
Technical Administrator: 4 Independence Way          : 609 951-2511 (voice)
  .....................:.Princeton, NJ 08540.........:.609 951-2480 (fax ).....
Date:         Mon, 14 Oct 91 13:11:57 EDT
From: Tim Larkin <QB5J@CORNELLA.cit.cornell.edu>
Subject:      PK fonts at Ymir
To: TeXhax@cs.washington.edu
Keywords:ymir, pk fonts
I have been trying to obtain some of the PK fonts from ymir.
I have no problem downloading them as ASCII files, but they don't
work as ASCII files. Apparently I must obtain them as binary files.
However, when I try to do a binary download, I get an access violation
message and am logged off. Can anyone tell me what the problem is?
Date:    Mon, 14 Oct 1991 12:35:44 EDT
From: ACS_STEVE@VAX2.ACS.JMU.EDU (Steve Grigg @ACS -3556)
Subject: dvimswin
Keywords: dvimswin
   I just received dvimswin and have had no luck in getting it to run. I
suspect that I have an error in my path settings. Could someone tell me which
settings they use. I'm running emtex and using c:\emtex\pixel.lj for the
location of the pk files. The dviscr in emtex works properly but not dvimswin.
Thanks in advance.
Steve Grigg
James Madison University
Date: Mon, 14 OCT 91 13:39:39 GMT
From: CDRCM%CR83.STAFPOL.AC.UK@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU
Subject: Fonts - looking for Mac screen fonts for previewing
Keywords: fonts, Mac, previewing
I think the subject says most of what I want to know !!
Basically, I'm running OzTeX on the Mac, and I'd like to get my hands
on the pk files necessary to preview the dvi file on-screen in a readable
form. Currently I have the system set up to print to the laserwriter,
therefore I have the basic set of fonts necessary for 300dpi.
Can anyone suggest a source for the 72dpi fonts that I need, preferably
accessible by ftp (ideally stored in some archived format, sit, cpt, .Z, etc)
to alleviate problems this end with downloading pk files through a VAX system.
Any suggestions (other than generating myself from MetaFont) would be much
appreciated ........
Craig Morgan
Research Associate
Staffordshire Polytechnic
England, UK
Janet: cdrcm@uk.ac.stafpol.cr83
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 91 04:53:27 -0500
From: swansonc@acc.stolaf.edu
Subject: Help with installing TeX3.14
Keywords: TeX 3.14, fonts
 I have a few questions as I just finnished installing TeX3.14,
LaTeX, MF, etc. from the U. Washington distro (installed on a Sun 4 w/
Sun OS 4.1.1) and am confused on what I need to do to make the proper
pk fonts for 'dvipage' - a sunview previewer, and a DeskJet+ printer.
I have installed the pk120 and pk300 fonts in LaTeXfonts, and cmfonts,
as well as the pk300 fonts in utilityfonts (There were no pk120 fonts
in the utilityfonts subdir).  I need to make the pk120 version of
utilityfonts, and I assume a set of cmfonts, LaTeXfonts, and
utilityfonts for the DJ+.  How do I go about this?  I have a copy of
the TeX and LaTeX books, but not the MF book, and the documentation is
less than elucidating :)  
 Secondly, does anybody have a good DVI "driver" for a DJ+ that
will run on a Unix box?  I know about the PC-DOS version, but that
does not help me.  Optimally, it would use the DJ+'s ability to
download fonts, but beggars can't be choosers.
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 91 16:01:03 CDT
From: "Phillip E. Parker" <PPARKER@TWSUVM>
Subject: equation numbers in LaTeX
Keywords: LaTeX, equation numbers
One can obtain the equation number format (sectionnumber.equationnumber)
by including
�renewcommand{�theequation}{{�rm �thesection.�arabic{equation}}}
in the preamble (before the �begin{document} line) and resetting the counter
at the beginning of each section
I learned this from Luis Cordero (cordero@seins.santiago.usc.es).
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 91 11:35:02 PDT
From: Jim -- MLO3-6/14B -- DTN 223-5747 <reisert@mast.enet.dec.com>
Subject: TeX V3 for MSDOS
Keywords: TeX 3.0 fonts, MS-DOS
Anyone know where I can get a version 3 TeX/LaTeX/BibTeX package for MS-DOS,
with fonts?
Thanks - Jim
"The opinions expressed here in no way represent the views of Digital
 Equipment Corporation."
James J. Reisert                Internet:  reisert@mast.enet.dec.com
Digital Equipment Corp.         UUCP:      ...decwrl!mast.enet!reisert
146 Main Street   Voice:     508-493-5747
Maynard, MA  01754  FAX:       508-493-0395
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1991 14:00:08 +0100
From: maavl@cwi.nl
Subject: CWEB and ANSI C
I have just picked up the CWEB program of Silvio Levy. It compiles fine,
but the CTANGLE program applied to my first trial cwebs produces quite awful
results. When applied to its own sources the CTANGLE program performs
reasonably well (to be sure this was the first time I _ever_ saw C programs
rendered in another style than brute typewriter style, although personally
I prefer different lay-out conventions), but the problem seems to be that
the system expects you to write oldstyle-C exclusively. However I
definitively want to write ANSI C (if it is to be C at all), and will not
pay for my conversion to literate programming by having to revert to an
out-dated style of programming. To illustrate the problems with ANSI C,
consider the declaration
 int pass1(void);
This is parsed by CWEAVE as a declaration-head followed by a cast followed by
an (empty) statement, and it cannot further reduce such a sequence. The
consequence is that such unrecognised pieces are strung together without
proper lay-out considerations. The same problem occurs with all ANSI-style
function headings and declarations.
It seems to be clear what is needed: the grammar section of CWEAVE has to be
complemented by rules accounting for ANSI-style C. Does anybody know an
existing solution for this problem? I suppose there must be other people who
have encountered the same problem.
If no exisiting solution is available I may have to decide to make the
changes myself, but I'm not really looking forward to having my first
experience with the system be major surgery into one of the more sublte
parts of the system itself. Especially since for some reason the web-grammar
for C appears to be something quite dissimilar to what one would normally
consider as a grammar for C.
Any suggestions and hints are appreciated, as well as mention of any rivaling
systems that might have solved this problem.
     Marc van Leeuwen
     The Netherlands
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End of TeXhax Digest