TeXhax Digest Thursday, 11 Jun 1992 Volume 92 : Issue 010 Moderators: David Osborne and Peter Abbott % The TeXhax Digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group % % and UK TeX Users Group in cooperation with the UK TeX Archive group % Today's Topics: TeXhax storm EuroTeX 92, Prague Glenn L. Swonk's LaTeX Tree Drawer CALL FOR PAPERS Scientific Word Using DVIOUT on VMS, hints, horror stories, etc. LaTeX hypenation problems Pounds Signs in SliTeX SEMINAR files on FILESERV/Niord modes.mf 0.10 available sauter parameter files version 1.3 available web2c 5.851c available ------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 Jun 92 17:43:11 +0000 From: The Moderator Subject: TeXhax storm As many of you will be aware, a "storm" of TeXhax Digest deliveries occurred with V92 #009 last week, in which several recipients received large numbers of repeated copies of that issue of the digest, as well as numbers of non-delivery reports. What seemed to happen was that non-delivery reports were redirected back to the list itself for retransmission. Once I was aware of the problem, I took various steps to quench the flow of messages, which helped, though the storm rumbled on in parts of the net as various mailers continued to attempt delivery. Although it seemed that one or two sites in Germany were the source of the problem, this turned out not to be the case, and the cause seems to have been a bug in a new version of the mailer run at the JANET-X.400 gateway in London, affecting RFC822 messages translated to X.400 messages for onward relay. This particularly affected domains including DE (Germany), SE (Sweden), FR (France) and CA (Canada), among others. You will be pleased to know that the bug in question has now been fixed. In addition, I have changed addresses at this end which should prevent a re-occurrence of the incident. I do offer my sincere apologies for the undoubted inconvenience which many subscribers suffered (I know what it was like, as my mailbox was deluged with over 20Mb of non-delivery reports which took 2 days to process), and trust it will not happen again. Here goes, then, with V92 #010... fingers crossed! - --David Osborne (TeXhax Digest moderator) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 04 May 92 11:32:37 +0700 From: Jiri Vesely Subject: EuroTeX 92, Prague Keywords: Conference, EuroTeX 92, Prague Dear friends, ********************* this is a message I tried to send you at the end of March, but I had some difficulties with the change of my address so I was not allowed to use the list. I repeat it now: the "unofficial character" consists of the fact we shall appreciate even those who will come to Prague not only for TeX meeting. ******************* this is a less official information about the preparations of EuroTeX 92 in Prague. As you know, we had some difficulties with the accommodation. At present we have a chance to start on Monday, September 14. Still we hope to extend the time (for a limited number of visitors) to include also Sunday, 13, but until now we were not successful (another big conference will be closed on the same day). We understand that for some participants the chance to be able to come a bit earlier should be important, but we are not able to assist to those planning any extension which would not be within the time September 13 -- 20. The total capacity of the conference will be 300 participants, including accompanying persons. We prefer to have active participants but, on the other hand, we suppose that people would like to take their relatives or friends with. Generally it should be definitely cheaper then a trip (on a comparable level) to Prague on a comparable level with a travel agency. We work on the programme and our aim is to have very good *invited* lectures (6 -- 8) for "morning sessions". We understand that to prepare such a lecture (and the survey paper for the proceedings) on a good level needs some effort, time and other things and so we shall cover for these lecturers all living expanses, possibly also including one accompanying person (this, of course, depends heavily on the size of the conference). The same applies to those who would prepare a tutorials (they would be organized *at the end* of the conference provided there will be enough people to be interested in). Until now we do not have too many candidates for invited lectures. Any suggestion for the programme committee sent to Jiri Zlatuska . Approx. 15 people from all over Europe already showed an interest in the conference. It will be very important for us to know a good estimate of the number of participants relatively early (end of May) and hence we shall have to offer some discount for those who will register till June, 30. Then we shall have to make definite reservation (say, for 200 people) and to extend it would be probably extremely difficult. We already have some potential participants from former "East Europe". If some western local TUG group should find a way to support such people, for example by creating a special scholarship or by any other way, it should play a big role in spreading TeX to other countries. We would like to have in Prague representatives of some leading commercial TeXs programmes. Could you help in a way or has somebody a good idea how to attack the problem? I visited only several meetings devoted entirely to TeX. I enjoyed very much the Dedham meeting, but: at the meeting people had only a limited chance for the exchange/copying the PD-software and, more generally, to use computers. I saw how it was organized in Vien and I enjoyed it. Was it a good standard or even more is expected? Very popular pieces of sw we could offer (just for covering copying expenses) directly on disks which we could prepare beforehand. This was applied in Dedham for AmSTeX 2.1 to give an explicit example. Suggestions in this direction would be appreciated. We have not enough funds to distribute materials about the conference in a printed form to all those possibly interested in TeX. We have not problems to print it but to spread it. Hence we shall appreciate any afford to include the information into journals/materials of the local TUG groups. I suppose that many of you have some lists of participants of previous EuroTeX meetings or other conferences containing *e-mail addresses*. I should be much obliged to you for sending me such lists. I hope to see all of you in September in Prague Truly yours Jiri (George) Vesely ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 08 May 92 13:16:11 +0700 From: hollander@de.dbp.mpg.mpib-martinsried (HORSTMAR HOLLANDER) Subject: Glenn L. Swonk's LaTeX Tree Drawer Keywords: LaTeX, trees, MS-DOS Glenn L. Swonk published an article in TUGboat 12, 286-289 (1991) on a tool (LTD) for drawing Trees with LaTeX. He announced that he would submit the DOS executable to an archive server. Does anybody know where it is available? +-------------------------------------------------------+ | | Dr. Horstmar Hollander | | Voice: (089) 8578-3700 | Max-Planck-Institute | | Fax: (089) 8578-3939 | for Psychiatry | | | D-8033 Martinsried, F.R.G.| |-------------------------------------------------------| | EAN: hollander@mpib-martinsried.mpg.dbp.de | +-------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 09 May 92 15:05:00 +0700 From: U01105@FRCCSC21.bitnet Subject: CALL FOR PAPERS Keywords: Conference, Astronomy, Hagenau Astronomy from Large Databases II (Haguenau - 14-16 September 1992) CALL FOR PAPERS (Deadline: 31 May 1992) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sponsors Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS - France) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES - France) European Southern Observatory (ESO) European Space Agency (ESA) International Association for Pattern Recognitation (IAPR) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA - USA) Universite Louis Pasteur - Strasbourg I (France) Ville de Haguenau (France) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory is organising from Sept. 14 to 16, 1992, a follow-up event to the 1987 conference on "Astronomy from Large Databases" (Eds. F. Murtagh & A. Heck, ESO Conference & Workshop Proceedings 28). The meeting will take place in Haguenau, an imperial city about 30km North of Strasbourg. Haguenau is easily reachable by road and train. The closest international airport is Strasbourg-Entzheim, where all rental car companies are represented. The following sections outline the scientific programme and give the composition of the Scientific Organising Committee as well as a preliminary list of invited talks. If you are interested in attending this conference, please return the enclosed registration form together with your registration fee (FF 500.- if paid before 31 May 1992, FF 700.- if paid thereafter). Because September is still the high tourist season in Alsace, we urge you to return AS SOON AS POSSIBLE the enclosed accommodation form together with a deposit of FF 400.- in order to cover the first night's accommodation and the reservation fee (FF 100.-). If at all possible, have cheques drawn in French Francs on a French bank, or use Eurocheques. Failing this, please add 20% in order to cover the bank costs and exchange charges. All amounts should be made payable to "Monsieur l'Agent Comptable, Universite de Strasbourg I, Compte de l'Observatoire". If you wish to present a communication at the conference, please indicate its title on the registration form AND send BEFORE 31 May 1992 an abstract (maximum one A4-page) for inclusion in an abstracts book that will be made available at the conference. Only proposals from persons who will actually register for the conference will be considered. We expect that most of the contributions will have to be presented as posters. However, all communications accepted from persons actually attending the conference as well as the invited papers, will be reproduced in the proceedings published by the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and distributed free of charge to the attendees. Selected contributors will be expected to come to the meeting with a camera-ready copy (and, if possible, a machine-readable file) of their paper. Format instructions will be sent in a subsequent mailing together with practical details on the conference itself. There will be also possibilities to run demonstrations of packages and databases. Interested parties should, as far as possible, bring their own equipment. Alternatively local possibilities could be checked with the organisers (see addresses and telecommunication plugs below). We would also appreciate if you could advertise this meeting as widely as possible in your institution and through modern means like your electronic mailing list (you can get the present documents e-mailed to you). Please also feel free to send us your comments. Looking forward to seeing you in Haguenau and having together a fruitful and enjoyable meeting, we remain, Yours sincerely, The Organisers. Further information on the scientific programme can be obtained from: Dr. Andre HECK Observatoire Astronomique 11, rue de l'Universite F-67000 Strasbourg France Telephone: +33- (direct) +33- (Secr.: Ms. Ch. Bruneau) Telefax: +33- (direct) +33- (Observatory) Telex: 890506 starobs f Electronic mail: heck@frccsc21 (bitnet) heck@ccsmvs.u-strasbg.fr (internet) Dr. Fionn MURTAGH ST-ECF Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2 D-W-8046 Garching Germany Telephone: +49-89-32006298 Telefax: +49-89-32006480 Electronic mail: fmurtagh@eso.org murtagh@scivax.stsci.edu For administrative matters and accomodation, please contact: Ms. Chantal BRUNEAU Observatoire Astronomique 11, rue de l'Universite F-67000 Strasbourg France Telephone: +33- Telefax: +33- Telex: 890506 starobs f Electronic mail: bruneau@frccsc21 (bitnet) bruneau@ccsmvs.u-strasbg.fr (internet) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Topics of the Conference - - Presentation of astrophysical results from diverse databases and archives. - - Application of artificial intelligence to quality control and maintenance of data in databases and archives. - - Intelligent information retrieval. - - Scientific visualization and interactive analysis systems. - - Integration of bibliographic, textual and numeric data collections; integration with directory services; tools such as proposal and publication aids, thesauri and acronym lists. - - Methods for interpreting data: statistics, knowledge-based systems, and image processing; browsing and quick-look tools; summarization and report generation capabilities. - - The future: what environments can best serve astronomical research? The emphasis is on the astronomy coming out of the available and future databases and archives, as well as on the range of related methodologies. The Proceedings will be published by the European Southern Observatory (ESO), Garching/Munich. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scientific Organising Committee M.F. A'Hearn (College Park, Maryland) P. Benvenuti (ST-ECF, Garching) R. Bonnet (ESA, Paris) M. Creze (Strasbourg Observatory) (Chairman) G. Debouzy (CNES, Paris) R. Giacconi (STScI, Baltimore) P. Giommi (ESRIN, Frascati) B. Hauck (Institut d'Astronomie, Lausanne) A. Heck (Strasbourg Observatory) (Proceedings Editor) G. Helou (IPAC, Pasadena) F. Murtagh (ST-ECF, Garching) (Proceedings Editor) S. Nishimura (NAOJ, Tokyo) G. Riegler (NASA, Washington) M. Strickman (NRL, Washington) P.A. Vanden Bout (NRAO, Charlottesville) H. van der Laan (ESO, Garching) H.-U. Zimmermann (MPE, Garching) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Invited Talks H.-M. Adorf (ST-ECF, Garching): "How to be choosy and successful at the same time: statistical classification of large data sets". M. Albrecht (ESO, Garching) and D. Egret (CDS, Strasbourg): "From archives to information systems in astronomy". R. Albrecht (ST-ECF, Garching): "Research-oriented interfaces to large databases". N.J. Belkin (Rutgers, New Jersey): "Intelligent information retrieval: understanding and supporting human information seeking". P. Benvenuti (ST-ECF, Garching): "Evolution in the scientific uses of archives for space missions". E. Cheng (GSFC, Greenbelt): " Results from the COBE project". M. Creze (Strasbourg Observatory): "Databases: a cross-fertilization gateway between old and new astronomy". A. Heck (Strasbourg Observatory): "The Star*s Family and complementary services from databases". M.D. Johnston (STScI, Baltimore): "StarView: the astronomer's interface to the Hubble Space Telescope archive". M.J. Kurtz (CfA, Cambridge): "Second-order knowledge: information retrieval in the terabyte age". G. Langston (NROA, Charlottesville): "Results of radio source surveys". B.F. Madore and G. Helou (IPAC, Pasadena): "Scientific databases and astronomical research: examples and concerns". G. Miller (STScI, Baltimore): "The intelligent data analysis assistant". F. Murtagh (ST-ECF, Garching): "Pattern recognition methods for large astronomical data collections". P.B. Shames (Caltech, Pasadena): "Scientific visualization and interactive analysis systems". B.G. Taylor (ESTEC, Noordwijk): "Space astronomy from databases: the European context". J. Truemper (MPE, Garching): "Scientific results from ROSAT". C. Turon et al. (Observatoire de Paris, Meudon): "The performance of the Hipparcos Input Catalogue as compared with the first results of the Hipparcos mission". D. Wells (NROA, Charlottesville): "Open challenges". M. Wenger (Strasbourg Observatory): "Threats to your Databases ..." - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Registration Form Name: Address: Country: Telephone: Telefax: Telex: E-mail: - - will attend the meeting: YES/NO - - would like to make a presentation: YES/NO Title: Need of: overhead projector (*) slide projector (*) video projector (*) (**) An abstract (maximum one A4-page) should be sent BEFORE 31 May 1992 with the registration form. Only proposals from persons actually registering for the conference will be considered. Selected contributors will be expected to come to the meeting and with a camera-ready copy (and, if possible, a machine-readable file) of their paper (format instructions will be sent later on). Registration fees should be prepaid (FF 500.- if paid before 31 May 1992, FF 700.- if paid thereafter). If at all possible, have cheques drawn in French Francs on a French bank, or use Eurocheques. Failing this, please add 20% in order to cover the bank costs and exchange charges. All amounts should be made payable to "Monsieur l'Agent Comptable, Universite de Strasbourg I, Compte de l'Observatoire". Cancellations will give right to a reimbursement (except for FF 100.- for covering the administrative expenses), if received before 31 July 1992. Date: Signature (on the paper copy returned with the prepayment): This form should be returned as soon as possible to: Dr. Andre HECK Observatoire Astronomique 11, rue de l'Universite F-67000 Strasbourg France. Telephone: +33- (direct) +35- (Secr.: Ms. Ch. Bruneau) Telex: 890506 starobs f Telefax: +33- (direct) +33- (Observatory) Electronic mail: heck@frccsc21 (bitnet) heck@ccsmvs.u-strasbg.fr (internet) (*) circle as appropriate (**) only VHS PAL/SECAM standards available - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Accommodation Form Name: Address: Country: Telephone: Telefax: Telex: Accompanying persons: Hotel reservation: I wish to reserve a single / double room (*) for the following period: Date of arrival: Date of departure: Number of nights: Transportation used on arrival in Strasbourg / Haguenau (*): Car Train Plane A deposit of FF 400.- per room should be prepaid in order to cover the first night's accommodation and the reservation fees (FF 100.-). If at all possible, have cheques drawn in French Francs on a French bank, or use Eurocheques. Failing this, please add 20% in order to cover the bank costs and exchange charges. All amounts should be made payable to "Monsieur l'Agent Comptable, Universite de Strasbourg I, Compte de l'Observatoire". Please note that a reservation will be made only after receipt of the deposit and registration fee to the conference. No reservation will be guaranteed after 30 June 1992. Cancellations will give right to a reimbursement (except for the reservation fees of FF 100.-), if received before 30 June 1992. Date: Signature (on the paper copy returned with the deposit): This form should be returned as soon as possible to: Ms. Chantal BRUNEAU Observatoire Astronomique 11, rue de l'Universite F-67000 Strasbourg France Telephone: +33- Telex: 890506 starobs f Telefax: +33- Electronic mail: bruneau@frccsc21 (bitnet) bruneau@ccsmvs.u-strasbg.fr (internet) (*) delete as appropriate (1992/05) ------------------------------ Date: 11 May 92 15:37:04 +0000 From: spqr@uk.ac.york.minster Subject: Scientific Word Keywords: TeX, WYSIWYG, Scientific Word I feel like making trouble, so lets examine the document I received as a member of the UK TeX Users Group about Scientific Word. On the face of it, a good idea, wysiwyg entry of TeXery. But really, whats the world coming to? if you *look* at this description, and read it, you may feel like me: a) the document is printed badly in a mangy copy of CMR. If you going to use it, why not at least print it properly? Why use the \TeX\ logo if you cannot get it right? Why offer a typesetting system when you don't know the difference between em-rules, en-rules and hyphens? b) much more importantly, look at the small print --- the thing does not cater for *tables*: they will be covered in a future release! what sort of scientific document preparation front end is this, that cannot deal with the best reason (after maths) for wanting wysiwyg input? It's the dishonesty of it that bothers me --- why don't they wait until they have tables working before they release it and ask me for \pounds500? It is so typical of software companies these days to release unfinished test products and charge full price for them while expecting the user to chop and change for a year or two (no doubt paying the odd $50 for updates --- yes, you know, the price of a weekly food shopping expedition for me) installing new versions all the time. Getting TeX involved in all this gives a noble piece of software a bad name. yours in choler Sebastian Rahtz ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 May 92 15:09:00 -0500 From: "L. Atkinson, HSCS, Virginia Commonwealth University" Subject: Using DVIOUT on VMS, hints, horror stories, etc. Keywords: DVI, preview, Textronix, DVIOUT Being as we have a dearth? of tektronics type display devices, we'd like to encourage our users to use DVIOUT for preview of their documents. BUT... we are getting errors trying to use the DVIOUT as supplied off of the DECUS distribution. Any hints, suggestions, sources, would be greatly appreciated. We are current- ly at VMS 5.4-1A, with TeX version 3.0 or there-abouts. Any replies, etc. would be helpfull at my own address. Thanks, Luther Atkinson@gems.vcu.edu or Atkinson@vcuvax ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 May 92 10:25:13 +0000 From: Rachelle Edmond Subject: LaTeX hypenation problems Keywords: LaTeX, hyphenation Dear TeXhaxers: We have TeX/LaTeX running on several different platforms at our site. A particular problem arose when a LaTeX file was processed on an Ultrix machine, running TeX v3.14: the hyphenation mechanism broke words in parculiar places: (i.e.: ... application of geostatistical method- ==> s, we invite you to...). This is not the case on any of the other machines I tested running TeX v3.1 or v3.14 (Suns, SGIs & DECs). Setting \textwidth was used as a work-around. Does anyone have any ideas as to why this would happen? Please respond directly to: rds@rocky.arc.nasa.gov Thanks in advance Rachelle Edmond NASA/Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 May 92 18:44:43 +0000 From: Steve Hardcastle-Kille Subject: Pounds Signs in SliTeX Keywords: SliTeX, pounds sign I cannot get pounds signs to appear in SliTeX. Can anyone help me? Need this very urgently. Steve ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 May 92 17:41:42 -0600 From: George D. Greenwade"George D. Greenwade" Subject: SEMINAR files on FILESERV/Niord Keywords: LaTeX, macros, slides, SEMINAR A few days ago, Timothy Van Zandt announced his SEMINAR package for making slides in LaTeX on comp.text.tex. I have retrieved the files and made them available on FILESERV and Niord. FILESERV's description file follows. Regards, George - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SEMINAR ------- The SEMINAR package includes Timothy Van Zandt's version 0.92 of seminar.sty and related files to use in making slides. seminar.sty is a LaTeX document style for typesetting slides or transparencies, and accompanying notes. It has many advantages over SliTeX. Here are some of the style's special features: * You can use any fonts that work with LaTeX, including PostScript fonts and AmSFonts. * Slides can be landscape and portrait within the same file. * Color is supported through PostScript. * It is a LaTeX style, rather than another format. * It is compatible with AmS-LaTeX. * The slides can have a frame and a colored background. * The magnification can be changed with a single command. * Overlays can be produced from a single slide environment. * Accompanying notes, such as the text of a presentation, can be put outside the slide environments. The slides, notes or both together can then be typeset in a variety of formats. Some of these features require a PostScript output device. To retrieve the complete package of 33 distribution files, please include the command: SENDME SEMINAR in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET (FILESERV@SHSU.edu). If, for some reason, you should only require a specific file from this package, say, SEMINAR.XCOMMENT_DOC, include the command: SEMINAR.XCOMMENT_DOC in your mail message to FILESERV. All DVI documentation files associated with this package have been UUENCODEd and split for mail distribution. For anonymous ftp access, the files reside in the [.SEMINAR] directory tree of Niord.SHSU.edu ( The individual files are in the [.DOC], [.INPUTS], and [.SRC] subdirectories of [.SEMINAR]. Alternately, a compressed U*ix tar file, a compressed VMS backup saveset, and a DOS-compatible ZIP file of the tree and files are in SEMINAR-V0_92.TAR_Z, *.BCK_Z, and *.ZIP, respectively. Files in this package: (1 Block = 512 bytes) File Blocks Save file as: ftp Directory: - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - SEMINAR.2UP_STY 45 2UP.STY [.SEMINAR.INPUTS] SEMINAR.2UP_TEX 45 2UP.TEX [.SEMINAR.INPUTS] SEMINAR.NPSFONT_STY 15 NPSFONT.STY [.SEMINAR.INPUTS] SEMINAR.PORTRAIT_STY 10 PORTRAIT.STY [.SEMINAR.INPUTS] SEMINAR.SEM-A4_STY 3 SEM-A4.STY [.SEMINAR.INPUTS] SEMINAR.SEM-CODE_TEX 3 SEM-CODE.TEX [.SEMINAR.SRC] SEMINAR.SEM-CODE_UUE_1OF4 79 SEM-CODE.UUE [.SEMINAR.DOC]*.DVI SEMINAR.SEM-CODE_UUE_2OF4 79 SEM-CODE.UUE SEMINAR.SEM-CODE_UUE_3OF4 79 SEM-CODE.UUE SEMINAR.SEM-CODE_UUE_4OF4 55 SEM-CODE.UUE SEMINAR.SEM-READ_ME 14 SEM-READ.ME [.SEMINAR] SEMINAR.SEM-USER_TEX_1OF2 79 SEM-USER.TEX [.SEMINAR.SRC] SEMINAR.SEM-USER_TEX_2OF2 41 SEM-USER.TEX SEMINAR.SEM-USER_UUE_1OF4 79 SEM-USER.UUE [.SEMINAR.DOC]*.DVI SEMINAR.SEM-USER_UUE_2OF4 79 SEM-USER.UUE SEMINAR.SEM-USER_UUE_3OF4 79 SEM-USER.UUE SEMINAR.SEM-USER_UUE_4OF4 13 SEM-USER.UUE SEMINAR.SEMCOLOR_STY 9 SEMCOLOR.STY [.SEMINAR.INPUTS] SEMINAR.SEMHELV_STY 9 SEMHELV.STY [.SEMINAR.INPUTS] SEMINAR.SEMINAR_BUG 2 SEMINAR.BUG [.SEMINAR] SEMINAR-V0_92.BUG SEMINAR.SEMINAR_DOC_1OF2 79 SEMINAR.DOC [.SEMINAR.SRC] SEMINAR.SEMINAR_DOC_2OF2 60 SEMINAR.DOC SEMINAR.SEMINAR_STY 64 SEMINAR.STY [.SEMINAR.INPUTS] SEMINAR.SEMLCMSS_STY 10 SEMLCMSS.STY [.SEMINAR.INPUTS] SEMINAR.SEMROT_STY 3 SEMROT.STY [.SEMINAR.INPUTS] SEMINAR.SEMSAMPL_TEX 22 SEMSAMPL.TEX [.SEMINAR.DOC] SEMINAR.SLIDESEC_STY 14 SLIDESEC.STY [.SEMINAR.INPUTS] SEMINAR.TVZ-HAX_STY 35 TVZ-HAX.STY [.SEMINAR.SRC] SEMINAR.XCOMMENT_DOC 60 XCOMMENT.DOC [.SEMINAR.SRC] SEMINAR.XCOMMENT_STY 16 XCOMMENT.STY [.SEMINAR.INPUTS] SEMINAR.XCOMMENT_TEX 11 XCOMMENT.TEX [.SEMINAR.SRC] SEMINAR.XCOMMENT_UUE_1OF2 79 XCOMMENT.UUE [.SEMINAR.DOC]*.DVI SEMINAR.XCOMMENT_UUE_2OF2 31 XCOMMENT.UUE Approximate total blocks in full SEMINAR package = 1,301 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 May 92 13:59:45 -0500 From: karl Subject: modes.mf 0.10 available Keywords: METAFONT, mode_def, modes.mf I have released version 0.10 of modes.mf. You can get it by anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.umb.edu []:pub/tex/modes.mf You can also get it (soon) by email from George Greenwade's (thanks, George!) file server if you cannot ftp: mail fileserv@shsu.edu with a body of `sendme modes'. It is about 46K. This file is a collection of Metafont mode_def's. It also makes common definitions for write-white printers and `special' information. This version has only minor fixes: * `=' is used in special output instead of ` := ', to conserve space * new modes for the CG 9600 and Varityper 4300 If you have mode_def's which are not listed below, or corrections to the existing ones, please send them to me. karl@cs.umb.edu mode_def AgfaFourZeroZero = % AGFA 400PS mode_def amiga = % Commodore Amiga mode_def AtariNineFive = % Atari 95dpi previewer mode_def AtariNineSix = % Atari 96x96 previewer mode_def AtariSLMEightZeroFour = % Atari ST SLM 804 printer mode_def AtariSMOneTwoFour = % Atari ST SM 124 screen mode_def aps = % Autologic APS-Micro5 mode_def ApsSixHi = % Autologic APS-Micro6 mode_def bitgraph = % BBN Bitgraph at 118dpi mode_def boise = % HP 2680A mode_def CanonCX = % Canon CX, SX, LBP-LX mode_def CanonLBPTen = % e.g., Symbolics LGP-10 mode_def ChelgraphIBX = % Chelgraph IBX mode_def CItohThreeOneZero = % CItoh 310 mode_def CItohEightFiveOneZero = % CItoh 8510A mode_def CompugraphicEightSixZeroZero = % Compugraphic 8600 mode_def CompugraphicNineSixZeroZero = % Compugraphic 9600 mode_def crs = % Alphatype CRS mode_def DataDisc = % DataDisc mode_def DataDiscNew = % DataDisc with special aspect ratio mode_def dover = % Xerox Dover mode_def epsonlo = % Epson at 120dpi mode_def EpsonLQFiveZeroZeroMed = % Epson LQ-500, 360x180dpi mode_def EpsonLQFiveZeroZeroLo = % Epson LQ-500, 180x180dpi mode_def EpsonMXFX = % 9-pin Epson MX/FX family mode_def GThreefax = % 200 x 100dpi G3fax mode_def HPDeskJet = % HP DeskJet 500 mode_def ibm_a = % IBM 38xx (\#1) mode_def IBMD = % IBM 38xx (\#2) mode_def IBMFourZeroTwoNine = % IBM 4029-30, 4250 mode_def IBMFourTwoOneSix = % IBM 4216 mode_def IBMProPrinter = % IBM ProPrinter mode_def IBMSixOneFiveFour = % IBM 6154 display mode_def IBMSixSixSevenZero = % IBM 6670 (Sherpa) mode_def IBMThreeOneSevenNine = % IBM 3179 screen mode_def IBMThreeOneNineThree = % IBM 3193 screen mode_def IBMThreeEightOneTwo = % IBM 3812 mode_def IBMThreeEightTwoZero = % IBM 3820 mode_def IBMEGA = % IBM EGA monitor mode_def IBMVGA = % IBM VGA monitor mode_def imagewriter = % Apple ImageWriter mode_def laserjetlo = % HP LaserJet at 150dpi mode_def LASevenFive = % DEC LA75 mode_def LinotypeOneZeroZeroLo = % Linotype Linotronic [13]00 at 635dpi mode_def LinotypeOneZeroZero = % Linotype Linotronic [13]00 at 1270dpi mode_def LinotypeThreeZeroZeroHi = % Linotype Linotronic 300 at 2540dpi mode_def LNZeroOne = % DEC LN01 mode_def LPSFourZero = % DEC LPS40 mode_def lview = % Sigma L-View monitor mode_def MacMagnified = % Mac screens at magstep 1 mode_def MacTrueSize = % Mac screens at 72dpi mode_def NEC = % NEC mode_def NEChi = % NEC-P6 at 360x360dpi mode_def Newgen = % Newgen 400dpi mode_def NeXTprinter = % NeXT 400dpi mode_def NeXTscreen = % 100dpi NeXT monitor mode_def OCESixSevenFiveZeroPS = % OCE 6750-PS mode_def okidata = % Okidata mode_def OneTwoZero = % e.g., high-resolution Suns mode_def PrintwareSevenTwoZeroIQ = % Printware 720IQ mode_def qms = % QMS (Xerox engine) mode_def RicohFourZeroEightZero = % e.g., the TI Omnilaser mode_def RicohLP = % e.g., the DEC LN03 mode_def SparcPrinterBlack = % Sun SPARCprinter -- write/black mode_def SparcPrinterWhite = % Sun SPARCprinter -- write/white mode_def StarNLOneZero = % Star NL-10 mode_def sun = % Sun and BBN Bitgraph at 85dpi mode_def supre = % Ultre*setter at 2400dpi mode_def toshiba = % Toshiba 13XX, EpsonLQ mode_def ultre = % Ultre*setter at 1200dpi mode_def VarityperFiveZeroSixZeroW = % Varitype 5060W mode_def VarityperFourThreeZeroZeroLo = % Varityper 4300P at 1200dpi mode_def VarityperFourThreeZeroZeroHi = % Varityper 4300P at 2400dpi mode_def VarityperFourTwoZeroZero = % Varityper 4200 B-P mode_def VarityperSixZeroZero = % Varityper Laser 600 mode_def VAXstation = % VAXstation monitor mode_def XeroxEightSevenNineZero = % Xerox 8790 or 4045 mode_def XeroxFourZeroFiveZero = % Xerox 4050 mode_def XeroxNineSevenZeroZero = % Xerox 9700 mode_def XeroxThreeSevenZeroZero = % Xerox 3700 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 May 92 14:23:08 -0500 From: karl@edu.umb.cs (Karl Berry) Subject: sauter parameter files version 1.3 available Keywords: METAFONT, fonts, Computer Modern, Sauter I've updated my packaging for Unix of John Sauter's Metafont files to make Computer Modern fonts at any point size. You can get version 1.3 by ftp from ftp.cs.umb.edu []:pub/tex/sauter.tar.Z. This release adds parameter files for the Glonti/Samarin Cyrillic, contributed by Glenn Thorbe and Wayne Sullivan (wsulivan@irlearn.ucd.ie). For all of the standard Computer Modern fonts, these files produce the same TFM files as Knuth's sources. So it is ok to call the output from these `cm...'. The distribution includes an lfonts.tex for LaTeX and a MakeTeXPK for dvips which take advantage of these fonts. You can get LaTeX from archive.cs.ruu.nl []:TEX/TEX3/latex, and dvips from labrea.stanford.edu:pub/dvips*. Let me know if you have questions or suggestions. karl@cs.umb.edu Member of the League for Programming Freedom---write to league@prep.ai.mit.edu. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 May 92 20:42:56 -0500 From: karl Subject: web2c 5.851c available Keywords: TeX, WEB, web2c, Unix I have released a new version of web2c, the port of the basic TeX project web programs (TeX, Metafont, GFtoPK, etc.) to Unix. You can get it by ftp from (at least): (Boston) ftp.cs.umb.edu []:pub/tex/{web,web2c}.tar.Z (California) ics.uci.edu []:TeX/{web,web2c}.tar.Z. Send bug reports to me. There are no new features in this release, just bug fixes. I've updated my modified xdvi and dvips which use the same path searching code. They are on ftp.cs.umb.edu:pub/tex also. Some people have asked me about the relationship between my releases and the Unix TeX tape available from the Northwest Computing Support Center at the University of Washington. The answer is that my directory `src-5.851/' which the tar files unpack into becomes the directory `TeX3.141/' on the tape; there are not two diverging ports. The UW tape also includes all the fonts, macros, DVI drivers, and other good stuff that you need to have a working TeX system. The Northwest Computing Support Center is supported only by the revenues from the preparation and distribution of tapes, and is required to be fully self-supporting. It receives no support from the University of Washington. I urge you to order a tape if you can afford it, so that NWCSC can continue to afford to organize and distribute UnixTeX. Send email to elizabeth@u.washington.edu for the details. karl@cs.umb.edu Member of the League for Programming Freedom -- write league@prep.ai.mit.edu. ------------------------------ %%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%% and UK TeX Users Group in cooperation with the UK TeX Archive group %%% %%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing: %%% BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@xxx %%% where xxx is the nearest geographical site in the %%% tree shown below %%% SUBSCRIBE TEX-L % to subscribe %%% or UNSUBSCRIBE TEX-L %%% Here is the BITNET re-distribution tree as shown in a recent %%% REVIEW (The geography is guessed at from the subscription list) %%% %%% CLVM TAMVM1 FINHUTC %%% | | (Finland, Scand, CERN) %%% | | | %%% TeXhax ----> UWAVM ----- MARIST ----- EB0UB011 ----- BNANDP11 %%% | (France,Italy,Spain) (Belgium) %%% | | %%% UBVM HEARN --- DEARN %%% (Netherlands) (Germany) %%% %%% Internet: send a similar one line mail message to %%% TeXhax-request@tex.ac.uk %%% Please be sure you send a valid internet address!! %%% in the form name@domain or name%routing@domain %%% and use the style of the Bitnet one-line message, so that %%% we can find your subscription request easily. %%% %%% JANET: send a similar one line mail message to %%% TeXhax-request@uk.ac.tex %%% %%% All submissions to: TeXhax@tex.ac.uk %%% %%% Back issues available for anonymous FTPing as: %%% machine: directory: filename: %%% tex.ac.uk [.digests.texhax.YY]texhaxyy.nn %%% YY = last two digits of year %%% NN = issue number %%% %%% For further information about TeX Users Group services and publications %%% contact Karen at KLB@MATH.AMS.COM or write to TUG at %%% TeX Users Group %%% P.O. Box 9506 %%% Providence, R.I. 02940-9506 %%% Telephone (401) 751-7760 %%% %%% Current versions of the software now in general distribution: %%% TeX 3.14 metafont 2.7 %%% plain.tex 3.0 plain.mf 1.8 %%% LaTeX 2.09 (1991) cmbase.mf see cm85.bug %%% SliTeX 2.09 (12/4/89) gftodvi 3.0 %%% tangle 4.2 gftopk 2.2 %%% weave 4.2 gftype 3.1 %%% dvitype 3.2 pktype 2.3 %%% pltotf 3.4 pktogf 1.1 %%% tftopl 3.1 mft 2.0 %%% BibTeX 0.99c VFtoVP 1.2 %%% AmSTeX 1.1d VPtoVF 1.3 %%% DVIcopy 1.0 %%%\bye %%% End of TeXhax Digest [Volume 92 Issue 10] *****************************************