$Id: NEWS 560 2024-04-15 17:16:18Z karl $
This file records noteworthy changes.  This file is public domain.

2.32 (2023-04-15):
- don't print leading http://.
- increase natural space, stretch, shrink after run-in heads; before,
  \frenchspacing was unintentionally in effect.
- decrease \floatsep and \textfloatsep to go along with reduced
  \abovecaption skip; increase topnumber, bottomnumber, totalnumber,
  to further avoid going to a float page so soon.
- allow some flexibility in glue below title.
- new abbreviation \YAML.

2.31 (2023-10-28):
- input our hyphenation exceptions (ushyphex.tex) if available.
- \dblfloatpagefraction and similar parameters set so figures don't go
  to a float page so soon, and reduce \abovecaptionskip.
- new abbreviation \LMTX.
- new abbreviations \pdfTeX and \pdfLaTeX, with italic correction after the f.
- new generic commands \tbcode and \tbcodebreak for package names, class
  names, file names, environment variables, etc. (Just outputs in typewriter.)

- in month field, recognize numbers 01..12, with or without leading zero.
- for @misc, output organization field if present.
- support "eprints" (https://arxiv.org/abs/).

Substantial rearrangement and updating of documentation.

2.30 (2023-07-03):
- print page numbers with preceding ? in draft mode, including in references,
  by redefining \thepage.
- new abbrev \XMP.

- for webpage entry type, do not output random material in brackets.
- new field "monthtie" to editorially force a tie after the month.

ltubguid documentation:
- mention preferred placement of captions, namely below figures
  but above tables and listings.

2.29 (2023-03-08):

- \url: the fallback definition now typesets (in tt) more special characters.
- omit TUG-specific doi when not typesetting in the production environment.

tugboat.bst: abbreviate "chapter" to "ch." in tugboat.bst.

2.28 (2023-01-16):

- \tburl: new name for \tbsurl, should work in all cases.
          \def\tburl{\url} to keep using \url in the document body.
- \titleref: command to typeset a book (etc.) title (slanted + \frenchspacing).
- \tubdots: command for a normally-spaced ellipsis, not the squashed
  Unicode character provided by most fonts.
- \raggedleft: TUB's redefinition should not work with tabularray.

tugboat.bst: use \url instead of \href, to avoid requiring hyperref.

2.27 (2022-05-19):
- \tbsurlfootnote, \tbhurlfootnote: typeset urls in ragged-right
  footnotes of their own.
- \tubsentencespace: force a sentence-ending space, e.g., after a
  post-sentence \cite.
- \tubjustifiedpar: undo ragged-right or other, restoring normal
  paragraph settings.
- \eTeX: use \boldsymbol if available for this logo.

2.26 (2021-10-12):
- strip a leading http(s) from \tbsurl and \tbhurl.
- \Xe:increase negative kern.

- allow editor field as well as author for @misc entries.
- make @software another alias for @misc.
- improve doi urls.

2.25 (2021-06-27):
- new abbrevations: \RIT, \tbUTF.

\tbUTF expands to \acro{UTF}, and, if the next character is a -
(e.g., \tbUTF-8), don't allow breaking at it. (We don't define \UTF
since other packages already do.)

- new entry type @ctan, following ctanbib (https://ctan.org/pkg/ctanbib).
- use \emph{...} instead of {\em ...}, so we get italic corrections.

2.24 (2020-11-14):
- new hyphenation exceptions: Ja-pa-nese, Pak-i-stan.
- new abbrevations: \macOS, \OpTeX.

- new field bookauthor for @incollection and @inproceedings.
- generalize truncation of author names with new code from
  Oren Patashnik, using integers max.names and trunc.num
  to control operation.