%			tb0382.cnt
%	rewritten to TeX82 specs, page numbers inserted permanently



\TUBhead 3, 1, March 1982<

\subsecnn Addresses of officers, authors and others\\2-2<
\subsecnn Official announcements\\3-3<

\sec General Delivery<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Statement of editorial policy\\3-4<
\subsec Robert~Morris\\{Report on the January 1981 TUG {\SC} meeting}\\4-5<
\subsecnn {TUG Winter meeting, January 11--12, 1982, Cincinnati,
        Ohio}\\ <
\subseci Program\\5-5<
\subseci Attendees\\6-6<
\subsec Robert~McGaffey \and Keith~Penny\\{Open letter to TUG}\\7-9<
\subsec Lynne~A.~Price\\{Report on the ANSI X3J6 meeting}\\10-10<

\sec Software<
\subsec Donald~Knuth\\{Fixed-point glue setting\Dash
	an example of {\tt WEB}}\\10-27<

\sec Site Reports<
\subsecnn {}\\ <
\subsite CDC Cyber<
\subsec Michael~J.~Frisch\\{CDC {\TeX}}\\28-28<
\subsite HP 3000<
\subsec Lance~Carnes\\{HP3000 site report}\\28-29<
\subsite IBM Group<
\subsec G.~Canzii, D.~Lucarella \and A.~Pilenga\\
	{{\TeX} at the University of Milan}\\29-29<
\subsec L.~Aiello \and S.~Pavan\\{{\TeX} news from Pisa}\\30-31<
\subsite VAX/VMS<
\subsec Monte~C.~Nichols\\{{\VAX}/VMS site report}\\32-32<

\sec ``{\sixbf small}'' {\TeX}<
\subsec Lance~Carnes\\Editor's introduction\\32-32<

\sec Warnings \& Limitations<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Another hangup\\33-33<

\sec Macros<
\subsec Lynne~Price\\Editor's introduction\\33-33<
\subsecnn {\TUB} macro index\\33-35<
\subsec Roger~L.~Beeman\\Display of a font in table form\\35-38<
\subsec Roger~L.~Beeman\\Seating charts\\39-42<

\sec Problems<
\subsecnn {Problems from the {\TeX}arcana class:
	Answer to the challenge problem}\\43-44<

\sec Late-Breaking News<
\subsec Samuel~B.~Whidden\\{TUG financial reports}\\ <
\subseci {TUG Treasurer's report}\\45-46<
\subseci {1982 TUG Budget}\\46-47<

\sec Miscellaneous<
\subsecnn Instructions for submitting {\TUB} articles on magnetic tape\\ <
\subsecnn Membership application and order form\\ <

\sec Supplements<
\subsub {{\TeX} and {\MF} Errata}<
\subsub {TUG membership list}<




\TUBhead 3, 2, October 1982<

\subsecnn Addresses of officers, authors and others\\2-2<
\subsecnn Official announcements\\3-3<

\sec General Delivery<
\subsecnn {The {\TeX} logo: An important note}\\4-4<
\subsec Susan~Plass\\{Report on business meetings, TUG Summer
        meeting,\newline Stanford University, July 25--27, 1982}\\4-5<
\subsecnn {TUG Summer meeting and {\TeX}82 short course,\newline
	Stanford University, July 25--30, 1982}\\ <
\subseci Program\\5-5<
\subseci Attendees\\5-7<
\subsec Pierre~A.~MacKay\\An informal interchange format for {\TeX} files\\7-8<
\subsec Ron~Whitney\\{Introduction to {\TeX} and TUG for new users}\\9-12<

\sec Software<
\subsecnn {\TeX}82 memory structure\\113<
\subsec David~Fuchs\\{The format of {\TeX}'s DVI files}\\14-19<

\sec Output Devices<
\subsec Rilla~J.~Thedford\\Output devices\\20-20<

\sec Site Reports<
\subsec David~Fuchs\\{News from Stanford}\\20-21<
\subsite IBM Group<
\subsec Susan~Plass\\Fixes to known bugs in {\TeX}370\\21-22<
\subsec Paul~Grosso\\{{\TeX} installation at the University of
\subsite VAX/VMS<
\subsec Monte~C.~Nichols \and David~Kellerman\\{{\VAX}/VMS site report}\\23-23<

\sec ``{\sixbf small}'' \TeX<
\subsec Lance~Carnes\\Editor's introduction\\24-24<

\sec Fonts<
\subsec Sao~Khai~Mong\\{A Fortran version of {\MF}}\\25-25<

\sec Warnings \& Limitations<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Charting the generation gulf\\25-26<

\sec Macros<
\subsec Calvin~Jackson\\Font codes in popular use\\26-26<
\subsec Lynne~Price\\Editor's introduction\\27-27<
\subsecnn {\TUB} macro index\\27-28<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Multi-column output format\\28-33<
\subsec Leslie~Lamport\\Some {\TeX} programming hacks\\34-36<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Unblocking an {\AmSTeX} tape\\36-37<

\sec Problems<
\subsec Mark~Blanford\\Paragraphs in tables\\38-38<
\subsecnn Hanging punctuation\\38-38<

\sec Late-Breaking News<
\subsec Samuel~B.~Whidden\\{TUG financial reports}\\ <
\subseci {TUG Treasurer's report}\\39-40<
\subseci {1983 TUG Budget}\\40-41<

\sec Miscellaneous<
\subsecnn Membership application and order form\\ <

\sec Supplements<
\subsub {{\TeX} and {\MF} Errata}<
\subsub {TUG membership list}<
