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\def\postissno{2002 Annual Meeting Proceedings}
\TUBhead 23, 1, 2002<

  \subsec Kaja~Christiansen\\{Welcome to the \acro{TUG}\,2002
  \subsecnn {TUG\,2002, Thiruvananthapuram\Dash Report and travelogue}\\3-7<
  \subsecnn {TUG\,2002 Program}\\8-9<
  \subsecnn {Participants at the \nth{23} Annual TUG Meeting}\\10-12<

\sec Talks<
  \subsec K.~Anil~Kumar\\{{\TeX} and databases\Dash\TeX DBI}\\13-16<
  \subsec Satish~Babu\\{New horizons of free software: An Indian
  \subsec Gy\"ongyi~Bujdos\'o \and Ferenc~Wettl\\{On the localization
          of {\TeX} in Hungary}\\21-26<
  \subsec W\l{}odzimierz~Bzyl\\{The Tao of fonts}\\27-40<
  \subsec Behdad~Esfahbod \and Roozbeh~Pournader\\{Farsi{\TeX} and the
          Iranian \TeX~community}\\41-45<
  \subsec Hong~Feng\\{The marriage of {\TeX} and Lojban}\\46-48<

\sec Keynote<
  \subsec Hans~Hagen\\{\ConTeXt, {\XML} and \TeX:
          State of the art? {\Abstract}}\\49-49<

\sec Talks<
  \subsec Yannis~Haralambous \and John~Plaice\\{Low-level {Devan\=agar\=\i}
          support for Omega\Dash Adapting {\tt devnag}}\\50-56<
  \subsec David Kastrup\\{Revisiting \acro{WYSIWYG} paradigms for
          authoring \LaTeX}\\57-64<
  \subsec Ross Moore\\{serendi{\PDF} with searchable math-fields in
          {\PDF} documents}\\65-69<
  \subsec Karel~P\'\i\v ska\\{A conversion of public Indic fonts from
          {\MF} into Type~1~format with \TeX{\smc trace}}\\70-73<
  \subsec Fabrice~Popineau\\{\TeX{}Live under Windows: What's new with
          the 7th edition?}\\74-79<
  \subsec Roozbeh~Pournader\\{Catching up to Unicode}\\80-85<
  \subsec Sebastian~Rahtz\\{Passive{\TeX}: An update}\\86-89<
  \subsec S.~Rajkumar\\{Indic typesetting\Dash Challenges and
  \subsec Denis~Roegel\\{{\manual METAOBJ}\/: Very high-level objects in
  \subsec Wagish~Shukla \and Amitabh~Trehan\\{Typesetting in Hindi,
          Sanskrit and Persian: A beginner's perspective}\\101-105<
  \subsec Karel~Skoup\'y\\{New typesetting language and system
          architecture {\Abstract}}\\106-106<
  \subsec Karel~Skoup\'y\\{\TeX\ file server {\Abstract}}\\107-107<
  \subsec Stephen~M.~Watt\\{Conserving implicit mathematical semantics in
          conversion~between {\TeX} and MathML {\Abstract}}\\108-108<

\sec News \& \\ Announcements<
  \subsecnn Calendar\\109-110<


\sec TUG Business<
  \subsecnn Institutional members\\110-110<

\sec Advertisements<
  \subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\111-111<
  \subsecnn {Just Published: {\TeX} Reference Manual by
             David Bausum}\\112-112<
  \subsecnn {Blue Sky Research}\\{cover 3}-{cover 3}<



\secskipa=20pt plus .5pt        % 5pt -- vary depending on available space


\TUBhead 23, 2, 2002<


\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\{Editorial Comments}\\114<


\subsec Peter~Flynn\\Formatting information:\hfil\break
	{A~beginner's introduction to typesetting with \LaTeX}\\115-237<

\sec News \& \\ Announcements<
  \subsecnn Calendar\\238-239<
  \subsecnn {\acro{TUG}\,2003 Announcement}\\{c\,3}-{c\,3}<

\sec TUG Business<
  \subsecnn Institutional members\\239-239<

\sec Advertisements<
  \subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\240-240<




\TUBhead 23, 3/4, 2002<

\subsecnn Addresses\\243-244<

\sec General Delivery<
  \subsec Karl~Berry\\{From the Board of Directors}\\245-245<
  \subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\245-247<
    \subsecc {{\TeX} 3.141592, {\MF} 2.71828};
             {Glitch in {\TUB} 22:4}; {Farewell, Michael Downes};
             {Last cartoon by Roy Preston};
             {A web site for Arabic typography};
             {Recognition for the Plantin Museum};
             {An alphabet game for children of all ages};
             {{\it Making {\TeX} Work\/} on \CTAN};
             {\it {\TeX} for the Impatient}<
  \subsecnn {Hyphenation exception log}\\247-248<
  \subsecnn {Donald Knuth: All questions answered
             (University~of~Oslo, 30~August~2002)}\\249-261<

\sec Dreamboat<
  \subsec Claudio~Beccari\\{Floating point numbers
          and \MF, \MP, \TeX, and {\PS} Type~1 fonts}\\261-269<

\sec Typography<
  \subsec Stefan~A.~Revets\\{The Octavo package}\\269-275<

\sec Philology<
  \subsec Claudio~Beccari\\{The {\sf teubner} {\LaTeX} package:
          Typesetting classical Greek philology}\\276-282<
  \subsec Palash~B.~Pal\\{Typesetting in Bengali script using \TeX}\\282-288<

\sec Electronic Documents<
  \subsec Jonathan~Kuhn\\{interactiveworkbook: \LaTeX-based
          interactive {\PDF} on the Web}\\288-290<

\sec Font Forum<
  \subsec D.~Men'shikov, A.~Kostin, \and~M.~Vulis\\{Multiple Master
          math extension fonts}\\291-294<
  \subsec Thomas~H.~Barton\\{TrueType fonts in \PS}\\294-296<
  \subsec Antonis~Tsolomitis\\{The {\bf Kerkis} font family}\\296-301<
  \subsec Walter~Schmidt\\{Euler-\kern-1pt VM: Generic math fonts
          for use with \LaTeX}\\301-303<

\sec Software \& Tools<
  \subsec Prasenjit~Saha\\{Rambutan: Literate programming in Java}\\304-309<

\sec Graphics Applications<
  \subsec Christian~Obrecht\\{Eukleides: A geometry drawing
  \subsec Ram\'on~Casares\\{\MTeX}\\313-318<

\sec Hints \& Tricks<
  \subsec Mark~LaPlante \and William~F.~Adams\\{The treasure chest}\\319-329<

\sec Tutorials<
  \subsec Thomas~Feuerstack\\{Introduction to pdf\TeX}\\329-334<

\sec {\LaTeX}<
  \subsec Herbert~{Vo\ss}\\{Constructing circuit diagrams
          with {\tt pst-circ}}\\335-341<
  \subsec Norman~Gray\\{Absolute positioning with {\sf textpos}}\\341-344<
  \subsec Harald~Harders\\{Multilingual bibliographies: Using and extending
          the {\sf babelbib} package}\\344-353<

\sec Abstracts<
  \subsecnn {{\it Les Cahiers GUTenberg\/}:
            Contents of Thematic Issue 41 (November 2001)}\\354-354<

\sec News \& \\ Announcements<
  \subsecnn Calendar\\355-357<
  \subsecnn Practical {\TeX} 2004: Training and techniques\\358-358<
  \subsecnn {\acro{TUG}\,2004 announcement}\\{cover 3}-{cover 3}<

\sec Late-Breaking\\News<
  \subsec Mimi~Burbank\\{Production notes}\\360-360<
  \subsecnn Future issues\\360-360<

\sec Cartoon<
  \subsec Roy~Preston\\{Type Design as Art}\\244-244<

\sec TUG Business<
  \subsec Arthur~Ogawa\\{Report of \acro{TUG} election}\\360-365<
  \subsec Robin~Laakso\\{Financial statements for 2001 and 2002}\\365-366<
  \subsecnn Institutional members\\357-357<
  \subsecnn TUG membership application\\375-375<

\sec Supplement<
  \subsecnn Bugs in {\sl Computers \& Typesetting}, 6~July~2003\\367-374<

\sec Advertisements<
  \subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\376-376<
  \subsecnn {\TeX~Live, 2003 Edition}\\359-359<

