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\setdigitwidth{999}              % number of digits in highest page number
\secskipa=2.9pt                  % between sections
\secskipb=0.7pt                  % between entries


% slant \BibTeX and \MF
\font\tensl = cmsl10
\font\slc = cmsl9 at 8pt
\def\slBibTeX{{\tensl B{\slc IB}\TeX}}  % cmcscsl10 not available as type1

\font\manualsl = logosl10
\def\slMF{{\manualsl META}\-{\manualsl FONT}\spacefactor1000 }


\def\postissno{EuroBacho{\TeX} Proceedings}
\TUBhead 29, 1, 2008< 

%%\font\manual=logosl10 at 9pt % font used for the METAFONT logo, etc.

\secskipa=2.0pt plus4pt            % between sections, default 6pt plus3pt
\secskipb=0.6pt plus1pt            % between entries,  default 1.5pt plus1pt

\sec EuroBacho\TeX\ 2007<
\subsecnn Conference program, delegates, and sponsors\\2-5<
\subsec Jerzy Ludwichowski \and Petr Sojka\\
  {{EuroBacho\TeX}} 2007: {Paths} to the {Future}\\6-12<
\subsec Sam Guravage\\Confessions of a teenage {{\TeX}} user\\13-13<

\sec Typography<
\subsec Gra\.zyna Jackowska\\Handmade paper: {A} mixture of handcraft,
  art and fun\\14-15<
\subsec Andrzej Tomaszewski\\Designing a special book:
  {With} both pleasure and {\dots\,}fear\\16-19<
\subsec Dorota Cendrowska\\Enumerations as an interesting form of
  text appearance\\20-24<

\sec Fonts<
\subsec Jerzy Ludwichowski, Bogus\l{}aw Jackowski \and Janusz Nowacki\\
  Five years after: {Report}~on~international {{\TeX}}~font projects\\25-26<
\subsec Janusz Nowacki\\Cyklop: {A} new font family\\27-27<
\subsec Hans Hagen\\Do we need a font system in {{\TeX}}?\\28-33<
\subsec Taco Hoekwater\\{OpenType} fonts in {{Lua\TeX}}\\34-35<
\subsec \Thanh\\Font-specific issues in {pdf{\TeX}}\\36-41<
\subsec Karel Hor\'ak\\Those obscure accents {\dots}\\42-44<
\subsec Klaus H\"oppner\\Creation of a {PostScript} {Type}\,1 logo font
   with {MetaType}\,1\\45-49<
\subsec Karel P\'{\i}\v{s}ka\\Procedures for font comparison\\50-56<
\subsec Karel P\'{\i}\v{s}ka\\Comments and suggestions about the
  {Latin} {Modern} fonts\\57-65<
\subsec Jerzy Ludwichowski \and Karl Berry\\
  The {\acro{GUST}} {Font} {License}: {An} application of the

\sec Resources<
\subsec Arthur Reutenauer\\A brief history of {\TeX}, volume {II}\\68-72<
\subsec Ulrik Vieth\\Overview of the {\TeX} historic archive\\73-76<
\subsec Joanna Ludmi\l{}a Ry\'cko\\{\TeX} {Clinic}\\77-78<

\sec Multilingual\\Document\\Processing<
\subsec Ameer Sherif \and Hossam Fahmy\\
  Parameterized {Arabic} font development for {\rlap{AlQalam}}\\79-88<
\subsec Atif Gulzar \and Shafiq ur Rahman\\
  Nastaleeq: {A} challenge accepted by {Omega}\\89-94<
\subsec \Thanh\\Typesetting {Vietnamese} with {\VnTeX} (and with the
  {\TeX} {Gyre} fonts too)\\95-100<
\subsec Jean-Michel Hufflen\\Managing order relations in {Ml\BibTeX}\\101-108<

\sec Electronic Documents<
\subsec Jean-Michel Hufflen\\
  Introducing {\LaTeX} users to {\acro{XSL-FO}}\\109-116<
\subsec Tomasz \L{}uczak\\Using {{\TeX}} in a wiki\\117-117<

\sec Publishing<
\subsec Petr Sojka \and Michal R\r{u}\v{z}i\v{c}ka\\Single-source publishing
  in multiple formats for different~output~devices\\118-124<
\subsec P\'eter Szab\'o\\Practical journal and proceedings publication
  on paper and on the web\\125-132<

\sec Software \& Tools<
\subsec Jim Hef{}feron\\An experimental {{\CTAN}} upload process\\133-135<
\subsec Norbert Preining\\{{\TeX}} ({Live}) on {Debian}\\136-139<
\subsec Siep Kroonenberg\\Epspdf: {Easy} conversion between
  {PostScript} and {\acro{PDF}}\\140-142<
\subsec Martin Schr\"oder\\{pdf{\TeX}} 1.40: {What's} new\\143-145<
\subsec Jonathan Kew\\{{\XeTeX}} {Live}\\146-150<
\subsec Gerd Neugebauer\\Conventional scoping of registers{\Dash}%
  {An} experiment in {{\ExTeX}}\\151-156<
\subsec Jean-Michel Hufflen\\{{Ml\BibTeX}}: {Reporting} the experience\\157-162<
\subsec David Kastrup\\Writing {{\AllTeX}} documents with {{AUC\TeX}}
  in {Emacs}\\163-163<
\subsec Tomasz \L{}uczak\\{{\LyX}}: An editor not just for secretaries\\164-165<
\subsec P\'eter Szab\'o\\Automated {{\DVD}} menu authoring with

\sec \LaTeX<
\subsec Zofia Walczak\\Graphics in {\LaTeX} using {\TikZ}\\176-179<
\subsec Grzegorz Murzynowski\\{{\origLaTeX}} vs.\ {{\gmLaTeXplain}}{\Dash}%
  a modification of the logo\\180-180<
\subsec David Kastrup\\Benefits, care and feeding of the
  {\tt bigfoot} package\\181-183<
\subsec Johannes Gro\ss{}e\\{MathPSfrag}: {\LaTeX} labels in
  {Mathematica} plots\\184-189<
\subsec David Kastrup\\{\tt makematch}, a {\LaTeX} package for
  pattern matching with wildcards\\190-192<
\subsec David Kastrup\\{\tt qstest}, a {\LaTeX} package for
  unit tests\\193-198<

\sec Macros<
\subsec Grzegorz Murzynowski\\{\tt gmverse} and {\tt gmcontinuo}{\Dash}%
  some nontrivial placement of text on {\rlap{a page}}\\199-200<
\subsec Grzegorz Murzynowski\\The {\tt gmdoc} bundle{\Dash}a new tool
  for documenting {{\AllTeX}} sources\\201-206<
\sec Hints \& Tricks<
\subsec Pawe\l{} Jackowski\\{{\TeX}} beauties and oddities:
  {A} permanent call for {{\TeX}} pearls\\207-215<

\sec Puzzle<
\subsec Janusz Nowacki\\Crossword\\216-216<
\sec Abstracts<
\subsecnn Abstracts \ {(Hagen, Hoekwater, Kastrup, Lotz, Moore, Ry\'cko,

\subsecnn \vrule width1in height.5pt depth0pt\\< \vskip\secskipa

\sec \ConTeXt<
\subsec Aditya Mahajan\\{{\ConTeXt}} basics for users:
  {Table} macros {II}\\219-222<

\sec TUG Business<
  \subsecnn {\acro{TUG}} institutional members\\223-223<

\sec Advertisements<
  \subsecnn {{\TeX}} consulting and production services\\223-223<

\sec Memorial<

\subsec Maurice Laugier\\{\rm In memoriam} {B}ernard {G}aulle\\224-224<




\tenpoint\baselineskip=12.2pt            % default is 13pt
\secskipa=3.0pt plus3pt            % between sections, default 6pt plus3pt
\secskipb=1.1pt plus2pt            % between entries,  default 1.5pt plus1pt

\TUBhead 29, 2, 2008<

\sec General Delivery<

\subsec Karl~Berry\\From the president\\231-231<

\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\232-233<
{{\TeX} 3.1415926 is here, and other Knuthian~references};
{Phyllis Winkler, \acro{RIP}};
{New domain name for {Cervan\TeX}};
{Interactive typography courses by Jonathan~Hoefler};
{A helpful {\CTAN} feature:\ ``get''};
{Recreating the Gutenberg press};
{Copy-editing the wayward apostrophe};
{A font game for your amusement}

\subsec Donald Knuth
        \\The {\TeX} tuneup of 2008

\subsec Barbara Beeton
        \\Hyphenation exception log

\sec Typography<

\subsec Peter Flynn
        \\Typographers' {I}nn

\subsec Vassilios Tsagkalos
        \\The {G}reek {F}ont {S}ociety

\subsec Claudio Beccari \and Andrea Guadagni
        \\Designing and producing a reference book with {\LaTeX}:
	 {{\sl The Engineer's Quick~Reference~Handbook}}

\subsec Massimo~Guiggiani \and Lapo Mori
        \\Suggestions on how {\it not} to mishandle mathematical formul\ae

\sec Electronic Documents<

\subsec John Rankin
        \\Wikipublisher: {A} {W}eb-based system to make online and
	 print versions of the same~content

\subsec Victor Eijkhout
        \\Character encoding

\sec Fonts<

\subsec Claudio Beccari
        \\{\sf lxfonts}: {\LaTeX} slide fonts revived

\subsec Hans Hagen, Taco~Hoekwater \and Volker RW Schaa
        \\Reshaping {E}uler: {A} collaboration with {H}ermann {Z}apf

\sec Software \& Tools<

\subsec John Bowman \and Andy Hammerlindl
        \\Asymptote: {A} vector graphics language

\subsec Hans Hagen
        \\The {L}uafication of {\TeX} and {\ConTeXt}

\subsec Edward Barrett
        \\Porting {\TeX} {L}ive to {OpenBSD}

\sec \LaTeX<

\subsec Scott Pakin
        \\Good things come in little packages: {A}n
          introduction to writing {\tt .ins} and {\tt .dtx} files

\sec \ConTeXt<

\subsec Aditya Mahajan
        \\{\ConTeXt} basics for users: {I}ndentation

\sec Multilingual MetaPost<

\subsec Denis Roegel
        \\Kanji-{S}udokus: {I}ntegrating {C}hinese and graphics

\sec{Hints \& Tricks}<
\subsec Pawe\l{} Jackowski\\Interesting loops and
        iterations{\Dash}second helping\\320-323<
\subsec Peter Wilson\\Glisterings: {M}ore on paragraphs regular; 
        {\LaTeX}'s defining triumvirate; {\TeX}'s dictator\\324-327<
\subsec Karl~Berry\\The treasure chest\\328-330<

\sec Reviews<
\subsec Ulrik Vieth\\Book review:
        {\it {F}onts \& {E}ncodings} by {Y}annis {H}aralambous\\331-332<
\subsec Bernd Schroeder\\Software review:
        {\TeX\kern-.02em\acro{CAD}} for {W}indows\\333-334<

\sec Warnings<
\subsec Frank Mittelbach\\{\tt \char`\\looseness} on the loose\\334-334<

\sec Abstracts<
\subsecnn {{\sl MAPS\/}: Contents of issue 35 (2007)}\\335-335<
\subsecnn {{\it Die \TeX nische Kom\"odie\/}:
	   {C}ontents of issues 2007/2--2008/1}\\336-336<
\subsecnn {{\it Eutypon\/}:
           {C}ontents of issues 16--20} (2007--2008)\\337-338<
\subsecnn {{\it Ars\TeX nica\/}:
           {C}ontents of issue 4} (2007)\\338-339<
\subsecnn {{\it The Prac\TeX\ Journal\/}:
           {C}ontents of issues 2007-3--2008-1}\\339-342<

\sec TUG Business<
\subsec David~Walden\\{TUG} financial statements for 2007\\343-344<
\subsecnn \acro{TUG} institutional members\\344-344<
  \subsecnn {TUG} membership form\\345-345<

\sec News<
  \subsecnn Calendar\\346-346<
  \subsecnn {TUG} 2008 announcement\\347-347<

\sec Advertisements<

\subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\348-348<




% fonts:
\tenpoint\baselineskip=12.2pt            % default is 13pt
\secskipa=6.0pt plus3pt            % between sections, default 6pt plus3pt
\secskipb=1.5pt plus2pt            % between entries,  default 1.5pt plus1pt

\def\postissno{TUG 2008 Conference Proceedings}
\TUBhead 29, 3, 2008< 

\sec TUG 2008<
\subsecnn Conference program, delegates, and sponsors\\350-351<
\subsec Peter Flynn
	\\TUG 2008: \TeX's \nth{30} birthday

\sec \LaTeX<

\subsec Niall Mansfield
	\\How to develop your own document class{\Dash}our experience

\sec Software \& Tools<

\subsec Jonathan Kew
	\\{\TeX}works: {L}owering the barrier to entry

\subsec J\'er\^ome Laurens
	\\Direct and reverse synchronization with {Sync\TeX}

\subsec Joachim Schrod
	\\Xindy revisited: {M}ulti-lingual index creation for the
	 {\acro{UTF}}-8 age

\subsec Taco Hoekwater
	\\{MetaPost} developments: {\acro{MP}lib} project report

\subsec Hans Hagen
	\\The {\TeX--Lua} mix

\subsec Joe \Mc Cool
	\\A newbie's experiences with {L}ilypond, {L}ilypond-book,
	 {\LaTeX} and {Perl}

\subsec Kriszti\'an P\'ocza, Mih\'aly Bicz\'o \and Zolt\'an Porkol\'ab
	\\docx2tex: {Word} 2007 to {\TeX}

\subsec Jean-Michel Hufflen
	\\Languages for bibliography styles

\sec Dreamboat<

\subsec Chris Rowley
	\\Vistas for {\TeX}: liberate the typography! {(Part~I)}

\sec Fonts<

\subsec Dave Crossland
	\\Why didn't {\MF}~catch on?

\subsec Karel P\'{\i}\v{s}ka
	\\Creating cuneiform fonts with {MetaType1} and {FontForge}

\subsec Ulrik Vieth
	\\Do we need a {`Cork'} math font encoding?

\subsec Ameer Sherif \and Hossam Fahmy
	\\Meta-designing parameterized {Arabic} fonts for~{AlQalam}

\sec Graphics<

\subsec Manjusha Joshi
	\\Smart ways of drawing {\acro{PST}ricks} figures

\subsec Hans Hagen
	\\The {MetaPost} library and {Lua\TeX}

\sec Philology<

\subsec Mojca Miklavec \and Arthur Reutenauer
	\\Putting the {Cork} back in the bottle{\Dash}%
	 {I}mproving {U}nicode support in {\TeX}

\subsec Stanislav Jan \v{S}arman
	\\Writing {G}regg {S}horthand with {\MF} and {\LaTeX}

\sec Macros<
\subsec Hans Hagen\\The {{Lua\TeX}} way: {\tt \char`\\framed}\\462-463<

\sec Electronic Documents<
\subsec Ross Moore\\Advanced features for publishing mathematics,
  in {{\PDF}} and on the {Web}\\464-473<
\subsec John Plaice, Blanca Mancilla \and Chris Rowley\\
  Multidimensional text\\474-479<
\subsec Manjusha Joshi\\Data mining: {Role} of {{\TeX}} files\\480-481<

\sec Abstracts<
\subsecnn Abstracts \ 
  ({F}ine, {H}agen, {H}enkel, {H}oekwater, {H}\o{}gholm, {K}\"uster,\newline
   {M}ancilla et al., {M}ittelbach, {P}eter, {R}ahilly et al., {R}hatigan,\newline
   {V}eytsman \& {A}khmadeeva, {V}eytsman)\\482-484<

\sec News<
\subsecnn Calendar\\485-485<
\subsecnn {TUG}\,2009 announcement\\486-486<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn {{\TeX}} consulting and production services\\487-487<

\sec TUG Business<
\subsecnn {TUG} institutional members\\484-484<
\subsecnn {TUG} 2009 election\\488-488<
