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\TUBhead 31, 1, 2010<

\subsec Karl~Berry\\{From the president}\\3-3<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\4-5<
  \subsecc {\TeX\ at $2^5$}; {Pi Day};
        {The {\tt @} sign as a design icon};\hfil\break
        {Amusements on the Web};
        {Videos~of typography talks on the Web};\hfil\break
        {Alphabet soup}<
\subsec Evan Wessler\\An argument for learning {{\LaTeX}}:
        {T}he benefits of typesetting and beyond\\6-8<

\sec Publishing<
\subsec Nicolaas Mars\\A computer scientist self-publishing
        in the~humanities\\9-11<

\sec Typography<
\subsec Paul Isambert\\Strategies against widows\\12-17<
\subsec Andr\'e{} Miede\\Theses and other beautiful documents with
        {\tt classicthesis}\\18-20<
\subsec Peter Flynn\\{Typographers' Inn}\\21-22<

\sec Fonts<
\subsec Oleg Parashchenko\\Minimal setup for a (cyrillic)
        {TrueType} font\\23-25<
\subsec Hans Hagen\\{Lua\TeX}: {M}icrotypography for plain fonts\\26-26<
\subsec Amit Raj Dhawan\\Mathematical typefaces in {{\TeX}} documents\\27-31<

\sec Software \& Tools<
\subsec Hans Hagen\\{Lua\TeX}: {D}eeply nested notes\\32-35<

\sec Graphics<
\subsec Joseph Wright\\Plotting experimental data using {\tt pgfplots}\\36-49<
\subsec Herbert Vo\ss\\The current state of the {PSTricks} project\\50-58<
\subsec Mateusz Kmiecik\\From {Logo} to {MetaPost}\\59-63<

\sec \LaTeX<

\subsec {\LaTeX} Project Team\\{\LaTeX} news, issue 19\\64-64<
\subsec Nicola Talbot\\{Talbot} packages: {A}n overview\\65-67<
\subsec Jacek Kmiecik\\Tuning {{\LaTeX}} to one's own needs\\68-75<
\subsec Luca Merciadri\\Some misunderstood or unknown {{\LaTeXe}}~tricks\\76-78<

\sec \LaTeX\,3<
\subsec {\LaTeX} Project Team\\{{\LaTeX3}} news, issue 3\\79-79<
\subsec Joseph Wright\\Beyond {\tt\char`\\newcommand} with {\tt xparse}\\80-82<
\subsec Joseph Wright\\Programming key--value in {\tt expl3}\\83-87<

\sec \ConTeXt<
\subsec Aditya Mahajan\\{{\ConTeXt}} basics for users:
        {C}onditional processing\\88-89<

\sec{Hints \& Tricks}<
\subsec Peter Wilson\\Glisterings: {C}ounting; {C}hanging the layout\\90-93<
\subsec Timothy Hall\\The exact placement of superscripts
        and subscripts \\94-95<
\subsec Karl~Berry\\The treasure chest\\96-98<

\sec Abstracts<
\subsecnn {{\it Ars\TeX nica\/}:
           {C}ontents of issue 8} (October 2009)\\99-99<
\subsecnn {{\it Die \TeX nische Kom\"odie\/}: {C}ontents of issues
\subsecnn {{\sl Asian Journal of \TeX\/}: {C}ontents of Volume 3 (2009)}
\subsecnn {{\it Les Cahiers {\slnine GUT}enberg\/}: {C}ontents of issues
            48--53 (2006--2009)}\\102-103<
\subsecnn {{\it Eutypon\/}: {C}ontents of issue 22--23} (2009)\\104-104<
\subsecnn {{\slnine {MAPS}\/}: {C}ontents of issue 38--39 (2009)}\\105-105<
\subsecnn {{\sl Baskerville\/}: {C}ontents of issue 10.2 (2009)}\\105-105<
\subsecnn {{\it Zpravodaj\/}: {C}ontents of issue 16(1), 19(3)--19(4)
           (2006, 2009)}\\106-108<

\sec TUG Business<
\subsec David Walden\\{{\tug}} financial statements for 2009\\109-110<
\subsecnn \acro{TUG} institutional members\\110-110<

\sec News<
\subsecnn Calendar\\111-111<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn {{\TeX}} consulting and production services\\112-112<




\tenpoint\baselineskip=12pt            % default is 13pt
\secskipa=4.0pt plus3pt          % between sections, default 5pt
\secskipb=1pt plus2pt            % between entries,  default 1pt

\def\postissno{TUG 2010 Conference Proceedings}
\TUBhead 31, 2, 2010<

\sec TUG 2010<

\subsecnn Conference program, delegates, and sponsors\\114-116<

\subsec David Walden\\{{\TUG}} 2010 conference report\\117-120<
\subsec Donald Knuth\\An Earthshaking Announcement\\121-124<
\subsec David Walden (moderator)\\{{\tug}} 2010 {P}anel: {Don Knuth} \& \newline
        {Stanford \TeX\ Project} members\\125-137<
\subsec Barbara Beeton\\Thoughts on \acro{TUG} 2010\\138-139<

\sec Resources<

\subsec Jim Hef{}feron\\{{\CTAN}} packages get keywords\\143-144<

\sec \LaTeX<

\subsec Herbert Vo\ss\\From {{\PS}} to {{\PDF}} with {\tt epstopdf},
        {\tt pdftricks}, {\tt pst-pdf}, {\tt auto-pst-pdf},
        {\tt pst2pdf}, and more\\145-147<

\subsec Stephen Hicks\\Improving margin paragraphs\\148-150<

\sec Education<

\subsec Pavneet Arora\\Using {{\LaTeX}} to generate dynamic mathematics
        worksheets for the \rlap{web}\\151-153<

\sec Publishing<

\subsec Walter Gander\\Writing the first {{\LaTeX}} book\\154-157<
\subsec Alan Hoenig\\{{\TeX}} helps you learn
        {C}hinese character meanings\\158-161<

\sec Expanding Horizons<

\subsec Didier Verna\\Classes, styles, conflicts:
        {T}he biological realm of {{\LaTeX}}\\162-172<

\sec Software \& Tools<
\subsec Karl Berry\\{{\TeX} Live} 2010 news\\173-173<
\subsec Taco Hoekwater \and Hartmut Henkel\\{Lua\TeX} 0.60:
        {A}n overview of changes\\174-177<
\subsec Hans Hagen\\{{Lua\TeX}}: {{\PDF}} merging\\178-179<
\subsec Hans Hagen\\The {{\TeX}} paragraph builder in {L}ua\\180-182<
\subsec Bart Childs\\Thirty years of literate programming and~more?\\183-188<
\subsec Uwe Ziegenhagen\\Dynamic reporting with {R/Sweave}
        and {{\LaTeX}}\\189-192<
\subsec Michael Doob\\A web-based {{\TeX}} previewer:
        {T}he ecstasy and the agony\\193-196<

\sec Language Support<

% this char (ringhalfright) is not mapped in any Type 1 Latin Modern.
% kludge via a separate doc compiled with xetex and including an image.
%%  \raise .7ex \hbox{%
%%    %\resizebox{3.9pt}{!}{\includegraphics{rhri.ps}}%
%%    \includegraphics{rhri.ps}%
%%  }%
%%\def\ringhalfrighti{\kern.5pt \rhr{i}}

\subsec Idris Samawi Hamid\\Qur\ringhalfrighti\=anic typography comes of age:
        {{\AE}sthetics}, layering, \hfil\break and paragraph optimization
        in {{\ConTeXt}}\\197-202<

\sec Graphics<

\subsec John Bowman\\{Asymptote}: Interactive {{\TeX}}-aware \acro{3D}
        vector graphics\\203-205<
\subsec Mathieu Bourgeois \and Roger Villemaire\\Drawing structured
         diagrams with \rlap{\acro{SDDL}}\\206-210<

\sec Fonts<
\subsec Will Robertson\\{Unicode} mathematics in {{\LaTeX}}: {A}dvantages
        and challenges\\211-220<
\subsec Johannes K\"uster\\Math never seen\\221-229<
\subsec Boris Veytsman\\Are virtual fonts obsolete?\\230-235<

\sec Electronic Documents<

\subsec Boris Veytsman \and Leila Akhmadeeva\\{{\TeX}} in the \acro{GLAMP}
        world: {On-demand} creation of documents online\\236-239<
\subsec William Hammond\\{{\LaTeX}} profiles as objects in the category
        of markup \rlap{languages}\\240-247<

\sec Abstracts<

\subsecnn {{\tug}} 2010 abstracts \
  ({Bazargan}, {Cheswick}, {Doumont}, {Grathwohl} \& {Ruddy}, \newline
   {Hagen} \& {Hoekwater}, {Hobby}, {Kew}, {Mittelbach}, {Moore},
   {Rowley}, \rlap{{Rundell})}\\248-249<

\sec Sponsors<
\subsecnn {Addison-Wesley; von Hoerner\&Sulger}\\250-250<
\subsecnn {Cheryl Ponchin Training}; {River Valley Technologies}\\251-251<
\subsecnn {Principiae}; {University Science Books}\\252-252<

\sec News<
\subsecnn Calendar\\253-253<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn {{\TeX}} consulting and production services\\254-255<

\sec TUG Business<
\subsecnn \acro{TUG} institutional members\\255-255<
\subsecnn \acro{TUG} 2011 election\\256-256<




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\secskipa=6.0pt plus3pt            % between sections, default 5pt
\secskipb=1.5pt plus1pt            % between entries,  default 1pt

\TUBhead 31, 3, 2010<

\sec General Delivery<
\subsec Karl~Berry\\{From the president}\\158-158<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\158-159<
        {Matthew Carter named MacArthur Fellow}; \newline
        {Indie Excellence Awards for self-published books}; \newline
        {City maps made entirely of type};
        {U\&lc on line}; \newline
        {Some ``under-the-covers'' uses of \TeX};
        {Beyond literate programming}<

\subsec Barbara Beeton\\Hyphenation exception log\\160-160<

\sec Fonts<
\subsec Christophe Caignaert\\A story of {\it kpfonts\/}:
        {R}eaching the limits of {\acro{NFSS}}\\161-174<

\sec Publishing<
\subsec Jim Hef{}feron\\Giving it away\\175-183<
\subsec Peter Wilson\\Glisterings: Meandering miniature books\\177-183<

\sec Software \& Tools<
\subsec Paul Isambert\\Three things you can do with {Lua\TeX}
        that would be extremely painful otherwise\\184-190<

\sec \LaTeX<
\subsec Luca Merciadri\\Some misunderstood or unknown

\sec \LaTeX\,3<
\subsec {\LaTeX\ Project Team}\\{{\LaTeX3}} news, issue 3\\194-194<
\subsec Joseph Wright\\From {\tt\char`\\newcommand} to
        {{\tt\char`\\DocumentNewCommand}} with {\tt xparse}\\195-202<

\sec \ConTeXt<
\subsec Hans Hagen\\Tagged {{\PDF}} in {{\ConTeXt}}\\197-202<
\subsec Luigi Scarso\\Introduction to colours in
        {{\ConTeXt}} {\acro{MK}iV}\\203-207<

\sec Electronic Documents<
\subsec Oleg Parashchenko\\Generate {{\TeX}} documents using
        {\tt pdfscript}\\208-218<
\subsec Matteo Centonza \and Vito Piserchia\\{{\tt illumino}}:
        {An} {{\XML}} document production system with a {{\TeX}} core\\213-218<
\subsec Jean-Michel Hufflen\\Managing printed and online versions of
        large educational documents\\219-222<

\subsec Michael Barnett\\Aligning text in diagrams exported by {M}athematica:
        {A} question about the \newline {{\PS}} infrastructure\\223-226<

\sec{Hints \& Tricks}<
\subsec Karl~Berry\\The treasure chest\\227-228<

\sec Abstracts<
\subsecnn {{\it Ars\TeX nica\/}:
          {C}ontents of issue 9} (October 2010)\\229-229<
\subsecnn {{\slnine {MAPS}\/}: {C}ontents of issue 40 (2010)}\\230-230<
\subsecnn {{\it The Prac\TeX\ Journal\/}:
          {C}ontents of issue 2010-1}\\231-232<
\subsecnn {{\it Zpravodaj\/}:
          {C}ontents of issues 20(1--2), 20(3) (2010)}\\233-235<
\subsecnn {{\it Die \TeX nische Kom\"odie\/}:
          {C}ontents of issue 2010/3}\\236-236<

\sec News<
\subsecnn Calendar\\237-237<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn {{\TeX}} consulting and production services\\238-239<

\sec TUG Business<
\subsecnn {{\tug}} institutional members\\239-239<
\subsecnn {{\tug}} 2011 election\\240-240<
