%  tb3312.cnt


\tenpoint\baselineskip=13pt            % default is 13pt
\secskipa=5.9pt plus3pt           % between sections, default 6pt plus3pt
\secskipb=0.5pt plus1pt           % between entries,  default 1.5pt plus1pt

\TUBhead 33, 1, 2012<

\sec General Delivery<
\subsecnn \acro{TUG}\,2012 announcement\\2-2<
\subsec Steve~Peter\\Ab epistulis\\3-3<

\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\3-4<
    {Don Knuth, reprise};
    {An alternate view of {\CTAN}};
    {{\sl Linotype: The Film}};\newline
    {Barriers to effective communication: Jean-luc~Doumont};
    {Kern it!};\newline
    {A wonderful use of old books};
    {The Plantin-Moretus Museum in Antwerp}<
\subsec Barbara Beeton\\Hyphenation exception log\\5-6<
\subsec Bruce Armbruster \and Jeannie~Howard~Siegman\\In memoriam:
        {Tony Siegman}, 1931--2011\\7-7<

\sec Typography<
\subsec Peter Flynn\\Typographers' {Inn}\\8-10<

\sec Fonts<
\subsec Karl Berry\\Lucida {OpenType} fonts available from {\acro{TUG}}\\11-11<
\subsec Khaled Hosny\\The {Amiri} typeface\\12-12<

\sec Bibliographies<
\subsec Philip Kime\\Biber\Dash{}the next generation backend processor
        for {{\Bib\LaTeX}}\\13-15<

\sec Electronic Documents<
\subsec Claudio Beccari\\{{\XeLaTeX}} and the {{\PDF}} archivable format\\16-20<

\sec \LaTeX<
\subsec Lars Madsen\\Avoid eqnarray!\\21-25<
\subsec Claudio Beccari\\The unknown {\it picture} environment\\26-32<
\subsec Brian Beitzel\\The {\tt apa6} {{\LaTeX}} class:
        {Challenges} encountered updating to new requirements\\33-38<
\subsec Peter Wilson\\Glisterings: {Timelines}; {Parsing} a filename\\39-42<

\subsec Luca Merciadri\\Some {{\LaTeXe}} tricks and tips (\acro{V})\\43-45<
\subsec \LaTeX\ Project Team\\{{\LaTeX3}} news, issues 6--7\\46-47<

\sec Software \& Tools<
\subsec Troy Henderson\\User-friendly web utilities for generating
        {{\LaTeX}} output and {MetaPost} graphics\\48-50<
\subsec Joseph Wright\\{{\TeX}} on {Windows}: {{MiK\TeX}} or
\subsec Patrick Gundlach\\Generating barcodes with {{Lua\TeX}}\\54-58<
\subsec Paul Isambert\\{OpenType} fonts in {{Lua\TeX}}\\59-85<
\sec \ConTeXt<
\subsec Hans Hagen\\{{\ConTeXt}}: {Updating} the code base\\86-97<


\subsec Bogus\l{}aw~Jackowski\\Computing the area and winding number
        for~a~{B\'ezier} curve\\98-101<
\subsec Keith Wolcott\\Three-dimensional graphics with

\sec{Book Reviews}<
\subsec Pavneet Arora\\Book review: {\sl {Trees}, maps, and theorems}\\114-115<
\subsec Boris Veytsman\\Book review: {\sl {Design} for {Hackers}}\\116-117<
\subsec David Walden\\Book review: {\sl Companion to the Papers
        of~{Donald Knuth}}\\118-118<

\sec{Hints \& Tricks}<
\subsec Karl~Berry\\The treasure chest\\119<

\sec Abstracts<
\subsecnn {{\it Eutypon\/}: {Contents} of issue 26--27}
          ({October} 2011)\\121-121<
\subsecnn {{\it Die \TeX nische Kom\"odie\/}:
          {Contents} of issues 4/2011--1/2012}\\121-122<
\subsecnn {{\sl Asian Journal of \TeX\/}:
          {Contents} of Volumes 4--5 (2010--2011)}\\122-123<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn {{\TeX}} consulting and production services\\124-125<

\sec TUG Business<
\subsecnn {\acro{TUG}} institutional members\\126-126<
\subsec Karl Berry\\{\acro{TUG}} financial statements for 2011\\126-127<

\sec News<
\subsecnn Calendar\\128<




\tenpoint\baselineskip=13pt          % default is 13pt
\secskipa=3.0pt plus3pt              % between sections, default 6pt plus3pt
\secskipb=0.5pt plus1pt              % between entries,  default 1.5pt plus1pt

\def\postissno{TUG 2012 Conference Proceedings}
\TUBhead 33, 2, 2012<

\sec TUG 2012<

\subsecnn Conference program, delegates, and sponsors\\130-131<

\subsec David Latchman
        \\{\acro{TUG}} 2012: {A} first-time attendee

\subsecnn Roundtable discussion: {\TeX} consulting\\138-145<

\sec Typography<

\subsec David Walden
        \\My {B}oston: {S}ome printing and publishing history

\subsec Boris Veytsman \and Leyla Akhmadeeva
        \\Towards evidence-based typography: {F}irst~results

\subsec Federico Garcia
        \\{\TeX} and music: {A}n update on {\TeX}{\it muse}

\sec \LaTeX<

\subsec \LaTeX\ Project Team
        \\{\LaTeX3} news, issue 8

\subsec David Latchman
        \\Preparing your thesis in {\LaTeX}
\subsec Peter Flynn
        \\A university thesis class: {A}utomation and its pitfalls 
\subsec Bart Childs
        \\{\LaTeX} source from word processors

\sec Software \& Tools<

\subsec Richard Koch
        \\The {Mac\TeX} install package for {\acro{OS\,X}}

\subsec Boris Veytsman
        \\{\TeX} and friends on a {P}ad

\subsec Pavneet Arora
        \\{\acro{YAWN}}\Dash {A} {\TeX}-enabled workflow for~project estimation

\subsec Didier Verna
        \\Star {\TeX}: {T}he {N}ext {G}eneration

\subsec Bob Neveln \and Bob Alps
        \\Adapting {ProofCheck} to the author's needs


\subsec Michael Doob and Jim Hef{}feron
        \\Approaching {A}symptote

\sec Macros<

\subsec Amy Hendrickson
        \\The joy of\/ \cs{csname...}\cs{endcsname}

\sec Abstracts<

\subsecnn {\acro{TUG} 2012 abstracts} \
  ({C}heswick, {G}arcia, {H}enderson, {M}ansour, {M}ittelbach,
   {P}eter,~{P}reining, {R}obertson, {T}hiele)

\subsecnn \vrule width87pt height.5pt depth0pt\\< \vskip\secskipa

\subsecnn {{\it Die \TeX nische Kom\"odie\/}: {C}ontents of issues 2--3/2012}

\subsecnn {{\it Ars\TeX nica\/}: {C}ontents of issue 13} (2012)
\subsecnn {{\slnine {MAPS}\/}: {C}ontents of issue 42 (2011)}

\sec{Hints \& Tricks}<

\subsec Karl~Berry\\The treasure chest\\230-231<

\sec{Book Reviews}<

\subsec Boris Veytsman
        \\Book review: {\sl About more alphabets: The types of Hermann Zapf}

\sec Advertisements<

\subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\233-234<

\sec TUG Business<

\subsecnn \acro{TUG} institutional members\\235-235<

\sec News<

\subsecnn {\TeX} {C}ollection 2012\\235-235<

\subsecnn Calendar\\236-236<




\tenpoint\baselineskip=13pt            % default is 13pt
\secskipa=6.0pt plus3pt           % between sections, default 6pt plus3pt
\secskipb=1.5pt plus1pt           % between entries,  default 1.5pt plus1pt

\TUBhead 33, 3, 2012<

\sec General Delivery<

\subsec Steve~Peter\\Ab epistulis\\239-239<

\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\240-241<
{New printings of \textsl{Computers \& Typesetting}};\newline
{Three printing-related symposia};\newline
{An open source font from Adobe: Source~Sans~Pro};\newline
{Errata:\ \TUB\ \textbf{33}:1 and \textbf{33}:2}

\subsec Markus Kohm
        \\{\acro{KOMA-S}cript} comes of age

\subsec Christina Thiele
        \\Almost 30 years of using {\TeX}

\sec \LaTeX<

\subsec Thomas Thurnherr
        \\Changing the font size in {\LaTeX}

\subsec Robert Fuster
        \\The {\tt calculator} and {\tt calculus} packages:
	 {Arithmetic} and functional calculations inside~{\LaTeX}

\subsec Clemens Niederberger
        \\The {\tt xtemplate} package: An example

\subsec Peter Pupalaikis
        \\A patent application design flow in {\LaTeX} and {\LyX}

\subsec Markus Kohm
        \\Page style tricks with {\tt scrpage2}

\sec Expanding Horizons<

\subsec Mari Voipio
        \\{Craf\TeX}: {Applying} {\TeX}, {MetaPost}, and friends in~crafts

\sec Philology<

\subsec Bruno Delprat \and Stepan Orevkov
        \\{Maya\acro{PS}}: {Maya} hieroglyphics with~{\AllTeX}

\subsec Sherif Mansour \and Hossam Fahmy
        \\Experiences with {Arabic} font development

\sec Fonts<

\subsec Boris Veytsman
        \\The fonts we choose

\subsec Herbert Vo\ss
        \\Using {\TeX} {GyrePagella OpenType Math}

\subsec Ulrik Vieth
        \\{OpenType} math font development: {Progress} and challenges

\subsec Linus Romer
        \\From drawn to filled paths

\sec Macros<

\subsec Peter Wilson
        \\Glisterings: {Cutout} windows

\subsec Boris Veytsman
        \\Stubborn leaders and juggling boxes:
	 {A} slightly unusual table of contents

\sec{Hints \& Tricks}<

\subsec Karl~Berry\\The treasure chest\\319-320<

\sec{Book Reviews}<

\subsec Boris Veytsman
       \\Book review: {\sl {\slnine PST}ricks: Graphics and PostScript
	 for \TeX\ and \LaTeX}

\subsec David Walden
        \\Book review: {\sl Just My Type: A book about~fonts}

\sec Abstracts<

\subsecnn {\it Les Cahiers {\slnine GUT\kern-.03em}enberg\/}: 
           {C}ontents of issue 56 (2011)\newline
           (simultaneously published as {\slnine MAPS} 43
           and {\it Zpravodaj\/}~2--4/2011)
\subsecnn {{\it Ars\TeX nica\/}: {C}ontents of issue 14} (October 2012)

\subsecnn {{\it The Prac\TeX\ Journal\/}:
            {C}ontents of issue 2012-1}\\326-327<


\subsec Don~Knuth\\{\acro{PUB}} and pre-{\TeX}\ history\\328-328<

\sec News<

\subsecnn {\acro{TUG}}\,2013 announcement\\328-328<

\subsecnn Calendar\\329-329<

\sec Advertisements<

\subsecnn \TeX\ consulting and production services\\330-331<
\sec TUG Business<

\subsecnn {\acro{TUG}} institutional members\\238-238<

\subsecnn {\acro{TUG}} 2013 election\\332-332<
