%  tb3413.cnt


\tenpoint\baselineskip=13pt            % default is 13pt
\secskipa=6.0pt plus3pt           % between sections, default 6pt plus3pt
\secskipb=1.5pt plus1pt           % between entries,  default 1.5pt plus1pt

\TUBhead 34, 1, 2013<

\sec General Delivery<

\subsec Steve~Peter\\Ab epistulis\\3-3<

\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\4-5<
{This is the year for \TeX\ bug reports};
{Don Knuth in the news (again)};\newline
{A new \TeX\ calendar};
{Compulsive Bodoni / the Parmigiano Typographic System};
{Printing technology, old and new};
{Interactive and collaborative on-line \LaTeX};
{Mapping math and scientific symbols to their meanings}

\sec Resources<

\subsec Gerd Neugebauer
        \\{\CTAN}: {R}elaunch of the {W}eb portal

\sec Fonts<

\subsec Bob Tennent
        \\{Fonts!\ Fonts!\ Fonts!}

\sec Typography<

\subsec Peter Flynn
        \\Typographers' {I}nn

\sec Graphics<

\subsec Mari Voipio
        \\Entry-level {MetaPost}: {O}n the grid

\subsec Mari Voipio
        \\Recreating historical patterns with~{MetaPost}

\subsec Robert Fuster
        \\The {\tt xpicture} package

\sec \LaTeX<

\subsec Thomas Thurnherr
        \\Side-by-side figures in {\LaTeX}

\subsec Peter Wilson
        \\Glisterings: {R}epetition; {Verbatims}; {S}mall pages;
	 {P}refixing section heads

\subsec Grazia Messineo \and Salvatore Vassallo
        \\The {\tt esami} package for examinations

\sec Dreamboat<

\subsec Frank Mittelbach
        \\E-\TeX: Guidelines for future \TeX{} extensions\Dash revisited

\sec Software \& Tools<

\subsec Luigi Scarso

\sec \ConTeXt<

\subsec Hans Hagen
        \\{\ConTeXt}: {J}ust-in-time {Lua\TeX}

\subsec Aditya Mahajan
        \\{\ConTeXt} basics for users: {I}mages

\sec Macros<

\def\CS{{\the\textfont2 C\kern-.1em\lower.4ex\hbox{S}\kern.1em}}
\subsec Petr Ol\v s\'ak
        \\New {\CS}plain of 2012

\subsec Petr Ol\v s\'ak
        \\{OPmac}: {M}acros for plain {\TeX}

\sec Hints \& Tricks<

\subsec Karl~Berry\\The treasure chest\\96-97<

\subsec Karl~Berry\\Production notes\\97-97<

\sec Book Reviews<

\subsec Boris Veytsman
        \\Book review: {{\sl The Computer Science of \TeX\ and \LaTeX}}

\sec Abstracts<

\subsecnn {{\it Die \TeX nische Kom\"odie\/}: {C}ontents of issues 4/2012--1/2013}

\subsecnn {{\it Eutypon\/}: {C}ontents of issue 28--29} (October 2012)

\sec News<

\subsecnn Calendar\\101-101<

\subsecnn \acro{TUG}\,2013 announcement\\102-102<

\sec Advertisements<

\subsecnn \TeX\ consulting and production services\\103-104<

\sec TUG Business<

\subsecnn \TUB\ editorial information\\2-2<

\subsecnn \acro{TUG} institutional members\\2-2<

\subsecnn \acro{TUG} membership form\\105-105<

\subsec Karl Berry\\
        \acro{TUG} financial statements for 2012\\

\subsecnn \acro{TUG} 2013 election\\107-107<

\sec Fiction<

\subsec Daniel Quinn\\Colophon\\108-108<




\tenpoint\baselineskip=13pt          % default is 13pt
\secskipa=3.0pt plus3pt              % between sections, default 6pt plus3pt
\secskipb=0.5pt plus1pt              % between entries,  default 1.5pt plus1pt

\TUBhead 34, 2, 2013<

\sec General Delivery<

\subsec Steve~Peter\\Ab epistulis\\111-111<

\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\111-112<
{Barry Smith, 1953--2012};
{Yet another \acro{DEK} interview};
{\textsf{TeXdoc} on line};\newline
{Fonts, typography, and printing\Dash on the web and in print}

\subsec Doug Henderson
        \\In memoriam: {Barry Smith} (1953--2012)

\subsec Barbara Beeton
        \\Hyphenation exception log

\subsec Adeline Wilcox
        \\Running {\TeX} under {Windows PowerShell}

\sec Dreamboat<

\subsec Hans Hagen
        \\Does {\TeX} have a future?

\sec Software \& Tools<

\subsec \TeX\ Collection editors
        \\{\TeX\ Collection 2013 \DVD}

\subsec Khaled Hosny
        \\What is new in {\XeTeX} 0.9999?

\subsec Taco Hoekwater
        \\{MetaPost}: {\acro{PNG}} output

\subsec Dirk H\"unniger
        \\Converting {Wikipedia} articles to {\LaTeX}

\sec Fonts<

\subsec Michael Sharpe
        \\A survey of text font families

\subsec Peter Wilson
        \\Glisterings: {A} font of fleurons; {Fonts}, {\GNU/Linux}, and {\XeTeX};
          \newline {Mixing} traditional and system fonts

\subsec Yue Wang
        \\Interview with {Charles Bigelow}

\sec Typography<

\subsec Charles Bigelow
        \\Oh, oh, zero!

\sec Hints \& Tricks<

\subsec Karl~Berry\\Production notes\\181-181<

\subsec Karl~Berry\\The treasure chest\\182-183<

\sec \LaTeX<

\subsec Pawe\l{} \L{}upkowski \and Mariusz Urba\'{n}ski
        \\Preparing for scientific conferences with {\LaTeX}: {A} short
          practical how-to

\sec Literate Programming<

\subsec Hans-Georg E\ss{}er
        \\{LiPPGen}: {A} presentation generator for
          literate-programming-based teaching

\sec Graphics<

\subsec Mari Voipio
        \\Entry-level {MetaPost} 2: {Move} it!

\subsec Juernjakob Dugge
        \\Creating Tufte-style bar charts and scatterplots using

\subsec Bogus\l{}aw Jackowski
        \\Typographers, programmers and mathematicians,\newline
          or the case of an \ae{}sthetically pleasing interpolation

\sec Philology<

\subsec Kevin Donnelly
        \\Representing linguistic pitch in {(\Xe)\kern-1pt)\LaTeX}

\sec Book Reviews<

\subsec Boris Veytsman
        \\Book review: {{\it Learning \LaTeX}}

\subsec Boris Veytsman
        \\Book review: {{\it Zapf Exhibition:
	 The Calligraphy of Hermann \& Gudrun Zapf}}

\subsec Will Adams
        \\Book review: {{\it What Our Lettering Needs}}

\subsec Boris Veytsman
        \\Book review: {{\it \LaTeX\ Quick Reference}}

\subsec Boris Veytsman
        \\Book review: {{\it Presentations with \LaTeX}}

\sec Advertisements<

\subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\233-234<

\sec Abstracts<

\subsecnn {{\it Die \TeX nische Kom\"odie\/}: {C}ontents of issue 2/2013}

\subsecnn {{\it Ars\TeX nica\/}: {C}ontents of issue 15} ({April} 2013)

\subsecnn {\acro{GUST}: EuroBacho\TeX\ 2013 proceedings}

\sec TUG Business<

\subsecnn {\TUB} editorial information\\110-110<

\subsecnn {\acro{TUG}} institutional members\\110-110<
\subsecnn {\acro{TUG}} 2013 election\\240-242<
\sec News<

\subsecnn Calendar\\243-243<
\subsecnn {\acro{TUG}}\,2013 announcement\\244-244<




\ShortenThisPage by -4\baselineskip.	% normally

\tenpoint\baselineskip=13pt            % default is 13pt
\secskipa=2.1pt plus3pt           % between sections, default 6pt plus3pt
\secskipb=.6pt plus1pt           % between entries,  default 1.5pt plus1pt

\def\postissno{TUG 2013 Conference Proceedings}
\TUBhead 34, 3, 2013<

\sec TUG 2013<

\subsecnn Conference sponsors, participants, and program

\subsec Norbert Preining
        \\{\acro{TUG}} 2013 in {Tokyo}

\sec Publishing<

\subsec Didier Verna
        \\The incredible tale of the author who didn't want \newline to do the
           publisher's job, $\ldots$

\sec \LaTeX<

\subsec Jason Lewis
        \\How to make a product catalogue that doesn't look like a dissertation

\sec Multilingual\\Document Processing<

\subsec Clerk Ma \and Jie Su
        \\Project {Fandol}: {\acro{GPL}} fonts for {Chinese} typesetting

\subsec Matthew Skala
        \\Tsukurimashou: {A} {Japanese}-language font meta-family        

\subsec Clerk Ma
        \\Braille fonts in {Project Fandol}

\subsec Ken Nakano \and Hajime Kobayashi
        \\Case study: {Typesetting} old documents of~{Japan} 

\subsec Takuji Tanaka
        \\{up\TeX}\Dash {Unicode} version of {p\TeX} with {\acro{CJK}} extensions

\subsec John Plaice
        \\Typesetting and layout in multiple directions\Dash Proposed solution

\sec Software \& Tools<

\subsec Norbert Preining
        \\{\TeX\ Live Manager's} rare gems: {User} mode and

\subsec Norbert Preining
        \\Redistributing {\TeX} and friends

\subsec Andrew Mertz \and William Slough
        \\A gentle introduction to {Python\TeX}

\subsec Lu Wang \and Wanmin Liu
        \\Online publishing via {pdf2html\acro{EX}}

\subsec Shinsaku Fujita
        \\The {\XyMTeX} system for publishing interdisciplinary
	 chemistry/mathematics books

\subsec Pavneet Arora
        \\{\acro{TANSU}}\Dash {A} workflow for cabinet layout

\sec Bibliographies<

\subsec Nathan Hagen
        \\Bibulous\Dash {A} drop-in {\slBibTeX} replacement
	 based on style templates

\subsec Michael Cohen, Yannis Haralambous \and Boris Veytsman
        \\\newline {The} multibibliography package

\sec Graphics<

\subsec Aleksandra Hankus \and Zofia Walczak
        \\{\LaTeX} and graphics: {Basics} and packages

\subsec Boris Veytsman \and Leyla Akhmadeeva
        \\Plots in {\LaTeX}: {Gnuplot, Octave, make}

\subsec Mari Voipio
        \\Entry-level {MetaPost} 3: {Color}

\sec Abstracts<

\subsecnn {\acro{TUG} 2013 abstracts} \
  ({C}ho, {H}agen, {H}akuta, {M}aeda \& {K}aneko, {M}inoda, {M}ittelbach,
  {M}oore, {S}hikano, {T}akata, {T}erada, {V}erna, {W}etmore, {Y}abe)

\subsecnn \vrule width87pt height.5pt depth0pt\\< \vskip\secskipa

\subsecnn {\ConTeXt\ Group: Proceedings, 6th meeting (2012)}

\subsecnn {{\slnine {MAPS}\/}: {C}ontents of issue 44 (2013)}

\subsecnn {{\sl Die \TeX nische Kom\"odie\/}: {C}ontents of issues 3--4/2013}

\sec Hints \& Tricks<

\subsec Karl~Berry\\The treasure chest\\366-367<

\sec General Delivery<

\subsec Denis Bitouz\'e
        \\In memoriam: {Jean-Pierre Drucbert} (1947--2009)

\sec Book Reviews<

\subsec Dave Walden
        \\Book review: {{\sl Essential Knuth}}

\subsec Clerk Ma
        \\Book review: {{\sl Introduction to \LaTeX}}

\sec TUG Business<

\subsecnn \acro{TUG} institutional members\\370-370<
\sec Advertisements<

\subsecnn \TeX\ consulting and production services\\370-371<

\subsecnn Calendar\\372-372<
