%  tb3716.cnt


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\secskipa=1.0pt plus3pt           % between sections, default 6pt plus3pt
\secskipb=0.5pt plus1pt           % between entries,  default 1.5pt plus1pt

\TUBhead 37, 1, 2016<

\sec General Delivery<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\3-5<
{R.I.P. Sebastian Rahtz, 1955--2016};
{George Greenwade, 1956--2003};\newline
{Peter Breitenlohner, 1940--2015};
{\textsf{biblatex}\Dash Request for feedback};\newline
{\LaTeX\ courses for credit};
{Cooper Type};
{More typography videos}

\subsec Joachim Lammarsch and Marion Lammarsch\\Peter Breitenlohner, 1940--2015

\subsec Boris Veytsman
        \\The continuing \TUG\ membership drive

\subsec Jerzy Ludwichowski\\\acro{AT}yp\acro{I} 2016 with \acro{GUST} participating

\sec Letters<

\subsec Jonathan Fine
        \\The Board's suspension of the President

\sec Fonts<

\subsec Khaled Hosny
        \\The libertine gets mathematical

\sec \LaTeX<

\subsec \LaTeX\ Project Team
        \\{\LaTeX} news, issue 24, January 2016

\subsec \LaTeX\ Project Team
        \\{\LaTeX} news, issue 25, March 2016

\subsec Thomas Thurnherr
        \\On managing large documents

\subsec Anagha Kumar
        \\\texttt{medstarbeamer}: A new beamer class

\subsec Peter Wilson
        \\Glisterings: Assemblies; Table talk

\sec Electronic Documents<

\subsec Sabri Al-Safi
        \\Randomising assignments with Sage\TeX

\sec Survey<

\subsec Ron Fehd
        \\Indexing: Goals, strategies and tactics

\sec Software \& Tools<

\subsec Frans Absil
        \\\TeX{}Shop review

\subsec Sytse Knypstra
        \\\TeX{}works: A simple \acro{GUI} with advanced options

\subsec Siep Kroonenberg
        \\\TeX{}studio: Especially for \LaTeX\ newbies

\subsec Norbert Preining
        \\10 years of \TeX\ Live in Debian

\subsec Oleg Parashchenko
        \\Paragraph designer with galley approach

\subsec Hans Hagen
        \\Lua\TeX\ 0.90 backend changes for \PDF\ and~more

\subsec Hans Hagen
        \\Still expanding Lua\TeX: Possibly useful extensions

\sec Hyphenation<

\subsec Hans Hagen
        \\Hyphenation languages in Lua\TeX\ 0.90

\sec Graphics<

\subsec Alan Braslau and Hans Hagen
        \\MetaPost arrowhead variants

\sec Bibliographies<

\subsec Peter Wilson
        \\A personal book catalogue: {\tt bookdb}

\subsec Petr Ol\v s\'ak
        \\OPmac-bib: Citations using {\tt *.bib} files with no external program

\sec Macros<

\subsec Joseph Wright
        \\Exploring \cs{romannumeral} and expansion

\subsec Petr Ol\v s\'ak
        \\The {\tt apnum} package: Arbitrary precision numbers implemented in \TeX\ macros

\sec Hints \& Tricks<

\subsec Karl~Berry\\The treasure chest\\89-90<

\sec Book Reviews<

\subsec Boris Veytsman
        \\\textsl{\LaTeX\ for Administrative Work}
          by Nicola Talbot

\subsec Charles Thomas
        \\\textsl{Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur \LaTeX\ sans
                  jamais oser le demander}
          by~Vincent Lozano

\subsec Boris Veytsman
        \\\textsl{Giambattista Bodoni: His Life and His World}
          by Valerie Lester

\subsec David Walden
        \\Note on the publisher of the Bodoni book: David~R. Godine

\sec Production Notes<

\subsec Karl~Berry\\Production notes\\98-98<

\sec Abstracts<

\subsecnn {{\sl Die \TeX nische Kom\"odie\/}: {C}ontents of issue 1/2016}

\subsecnn {{\slnine {MAPS}\/}: {C}ontents of issue 46 (2015)}

\subsecnn {{\it Eutypon\/}: {C}ontents of issue 34--35} (October 2015)

\sec TUG Business<

\subsecnn \TUB\ editorial information\\2-2<

\subsecnn \acro{TUG} institutional members\\100-100<

\subsec Klaus H\"oppner\\
        \acro{TUG} financial statements for 2014\\
\sec Advertisements<

\subsecnn \TeX\ consulting and production services\\102-102<

\sec News< %\& \\ Announcements<

\subsecnn Calendar\\103-103<
\subsecnn \acro{CTAN}\\104-104<




\tenpoint\baselineskip=12pt          % default is 13pt
\secskipa=2.5pt plus3pt              % between sections, default 6pt plus3pt
\secskipb=1.6pt plus1pt              % between entries,  default 1.5pt plus1pt

% page size:
\ShortenThisPage by -4\baselineskip.	% normally
\advance\vsize by 1pc			% 2pc longer at most

\def\postissno{TUG 2016 Conference Proceedings}
\TUBhead 37, 2, 2016<

\sec TUG 2016<

\subsec Pavneet Arora\\Passport to the \TeX\ canvas

\subsecnn Conference sponsors, participants, program, and photos

\subsec Norbert Preining\\\acro{TUG}~2016 in Toronto

\subsec Stefan Kottwitz\\\acro{TUG}~2016 Annual General Meeting informal report

\sec General Delivery<

\subsec Lou Burnard\\Sebastian Rahtz (1955--2016): A brief memoir

\subsec Frank Mittelbach and Joan Richmond
        \\\acro{R.I.P.\Dash S.P.Q.R}\newline
        Sebastian Patrick Quintus Rahtz (13.2.1955--15.3.2016)

\subsec David Walden\\Interview with Pavneet Arora

\sec Typography<

\subsec Joe Clark
        \\Type in the Toronto subway

\subsec Leila Akhmadeeva, Rinat Gizatullin, Boris Veytsman
       \\Are justification and hyphenation good or bad for the reader?
       Preliminary experimental results

\sec Publishing<

\subsec David Walden
        \\An informal look into the history of digital typography

\sec Fonts<

\subsec Charles Bigelow
        \\A short history of the Lucida math fonts

\subsec Michael Sharpe
        \\New font offerings: Cochineal, Nimbus15, LibertinusT1Math

\subsec Jaeyoung Choi, Sungmin Kim, Hojin Lee, Geunho Jeong
        \\\acro{MFCONFIG}:\newline A \MF\ plug-in module for~the
        Freetype rasterizer

\subsec Abdelouahad Bayar
        \\Towards an operational (\La\kern-.1em)\TeX{} package supporting
          optical~scaling of dynamic mathematical symbols

\sec \LaTeX<

\subsec Jim Hef{}feron
        \\A \LaTeX\ reference manual

\subsec Matthew Skala
        \\Astrological charts with \texttt{horoscop} and~\texttt{starfont}

\subsec Boris Veytsman
        \\Remaking the \acro{ACM} \LaTeX\ styles

\subsec Geoffrey Poore
        \\Advances in Python\TeX\ with an introduction to {\tt fvextra}

\subsec David Tulett
        \\Development of an e-textbook using\newline \LaTeX\ and \acro{PST}ricks

\sec Macros<

\subsec Christian Gagn\'e
        \\An Emacs-based writing workflow inspired by \TeX\ and \acro{WEB},
        targeting the Web

\subsec Federico Garcia-De Castro
        \\\TeX cel?\ An unexpected use for \TeX

\sec Software \& Tools<

\subsec Mojca Miklavec and Arthur Reutenauer
        \\Hyphenation in \TeX\ and elsewhere, past~and future

\subsec Michael Cohen, Blanca Mancilla, John~Plaice
        \\Zebrackets: A score of years and~delimiters

\subsec Amartyo Banerjee and S.K. Venkatesan
        \\A Telegram bot for printing \LaTeX{} files

\sec Book Reviews<

\subsec Boris Veytsman
        \\\textsl{Palatino:\ The natural history of a typeface}
          by Robert Bringhurst

\subsec David Walden
        \\\textsl{A Truck Full of Money} by~Tracy Kidder

\sec Abstracts<

\subsecnn {\acro{TUG} \volyr\ abstracts} \
  ({B}azargan, {B}igelow, {B}ringhurst, {C}laudio, {I}nkster,
  {K}ottwitz, {L}arson, {M}ittelbach, {P}reining, {R}eutenauer)

\subsecnn \vrule width87pt height.5pt depth0pt\\< \vskip\secskipa

\sec TUG Business<

\subsec Susan DeMeritt\\\acro{TUG}~2016 Annual General Meeting Minutes

\subsec \acro{TUG} Board
        \\Report: Suspension of Kaveh Bazargan as \acro{TUG} President

\subsecnn \acro{TUG} 2017 election\\249-249<

\subsecnn \acro{TUG} institutional members\\250-250<
\sec Advertisements<

\subsecnn \TeX\ consulting and production services\\250-251<

\sec News< %\& \\ Announcements<

\subsecnn Calendar\\252-252<




\tenpoint\baselineskip=13pt       % default is 13pt
%\secskipa=1.0pt plus3pt           % between sections, default 6pt plus3pt
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\secskipa=6.0pt plus3pt              % between sections, default 6pt plus3pt
\secskipb=1.5pt plus1pt              % between entries,  default 1.5pt plus1pt

\TUBhead 37, 3, 2016<

\sec General Delivery<

\subsec Jim Hef{}feron\\President's note\\255-255<

\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\256-258<
{R.I.P. Kris Rose, 1965--2016};
{A book fair\dots and another passing};\newline
{Some typography links to follow};
{Another honor for Don Knuth};\newline
{A fitting memorial for Sebastian Rahtz};\newline
{Second annual Updike Prize for student type design};\newline
{Talk by Fiona Ross}<

\subsec David Walden\\Interview with Federico Garcia-De Castro

\sec Typography<

\subsec Peter Flynn
        \\Typographers' {I}nn

\sec Software \& Tools<

\subsec Hans Hagen
        \\Lua\TeX\ version 1.0.0

\subsec Hans Hagen
        \\Lua\TeX\ 0.82 OpenType math enhancements

\sec Electronic\\ Documents<

\subsec Gareth Aye
        \\Introducing LaTeX Base

\subsec Martin Ruckert
        \\Computer Modern Roman fonts for ebooks

\sec Graphics<

\subsec Peter Willadt
        \\When (image) size matters

\sec Survey<

\subsec Werner Lemberg
        \\A survey of the history of musical notation

\sec Fonts<

\subsec Hans Hagen
        \\Colorful emojis via Unicode and OpenType

\subsec Taco Hoekwater and Hans Hagen
        \\Cowfont (koeieletters) update

\subsec Linus Romer
        \\Corrections for slanted stems in \MF{} and \MP

\subsec \hbox{Bogus\l{}aw Jackowski, Piotr Strzelczyk, Piotr~Pianowski}
        \\\acro{GUST} e\kern.06em-foundry font projects

\sec \LaTeX<

\subsec Nicola Talbot
        \\Localisation of \TeX\ documents: \texttt{tracklang}

\subsec Peter Wilson
        \\Glisterings: Index headers; Numerations; Real number comparison

\sec Macros<

\subsec David Walden
        \\Messing with endnotes

\subsec Udo Wermuth
        \\Tracing paragraphs

\sec Hints \& Tricks<

\subsec Karl~Berry\\The treasure chest\\374-376<

\sec Cartoon<

\subsec John Atkinson\\An asterisk's lament\\376-376<

\sec Abstracts<

\subsecnn {{\sl Die \TeX nische Kom\"odie\/}: {C}ontents of issues 2--3/2016}

\sec TUG Business<

\subsecnn \TUB\ editorial information\\254-254<

\subsecnn \acro{TUG} 2017 election\\378-378<

\subsecnn \acro{TUG} institutional members\\254-254<
\sec Advertisements<

\subsecnn \TeX\ consulting and production services\\379-379<

\sec News< %\& \\ Announcements<

\subsecnn Calendar\\380-380<

