UKTeX Volume 87 No 1 Replies to queries TeX on IBM PC DVIPS (replies to queries) Site facilities for TeX Config details (RHBNC) Testing device drivers TeX on IBM 3083 under VM/CMS ---------------------- From the Editor I have adopted a number of the suggestions made concerning UKTeX. Since the majority prefer method 1 I am imposing a little more discipline on the system. I will number the issue in a similar manner to TeXhax digest material i.e. V87 - year #1 - issue number. The end will be the !! lines to show that you have a complete message. The issues will be filed aston.kirk::[public.uktex]tex87.01 where 87 and 01 are the year and issue. If you find you have one missing then you can 'pull' it yourself. My apologies to the minority that preferred method 2. I think the results are self explanatory. Method 1 (digest format) 7 Method 2 (individual messages) 1 Either method 1 (the mailing list is around 70+ at present with some redistribution at sites) I still have the problem of removing the `Aston rubbsih' in the header and this will be done asap. I am also experimenting with deferring desptach until the evening so you may have received only part of this dispatch. Peter -------------------------------- To: ABBOTTP%UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL@UK.AC.DARESBURY.DLGM From: David Brightly <WC@UK.AC.DARESBURY.NNGA> Date: Fri, 4 Sep 87 17:19 GMT Message-Id: <04 SEP 1987 17:32:16 WC@UK.AC.DARESBURY.NNGA> Subject: uktex distribution could i suggest that you request people to submit replies to queries to uktex and not directly to the questioner - eg Barbara Beetons responses on texhax - queries often are of more general interest. of course i realise this means more work for you.... -------------------------------- Date: 4-SEP-1987 18:05:54 From: CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXA To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL Subject: Responses to latest INFO-TEX mailing Sender: JANET$UK-AC-RHBNC-VAXB"CHAA006" (Philip Taylor, RHBNC: University of London) <CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXB> Reply-to: CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXB Mailer: "Janet-mailshr V2.7(a)" To Tony Sumner: Yes, TeX on the IBM PC certainly works. There are at least two implementations, MicroTeX from Addison-Wesley, and PC-TeX from (I forget who --- probably PC-TeX Ltd.). Addison-Wesley can also provide various ArborText utilities, such as Preview (for Hercules boards, etc.), and DVIPS (for conversion to PostScript). However, beware: A-W still aren't shipping CM-series by default; they will ship you the AM-series, then charge you for an upgrade. ArborText say they _should_ be shipping CM. To Peter: The ArborText product above (DVIPS) does all that you require. It is also available, direct from ArborText, for operating systems other than MS-DOS (such as VMS). Distribution methods: While the volume remains low, batching up the mails into a digest seems fine. If the volume should significantly increase, I would prefer direct mailings, with a correct 'From: ' field (_not_ as INFO-VAX currently works, with two wrong 'From' fields and an 'Originally- from: ' containing the definitive originator; when I want to reply to a mail, I take the 'From: ' field as being the source (or 'Reply-to:', of course); INFO-VAX should be using 'Resent-from: ' where they currently use 'From: ', and leave 'From: ' strictly alone. A (semi-) new topic: should we all mail INFO-TEX with our current TeX configurations (implementation, release-level, operating system, etc.) ? ** Phil. -------------------------------- I thought I'd set the ball rolling: Site: RHBNC (Royal Holloway & Bedford New College, Univ. of London). Systems: VAX 11/780 (2, clustered), running VMS 4.5; IBM PC/XT (-> AT) TeX: Release V2.0.1 Implementor: Kellerman & Smith Distributor: Kellerman & Smith System: VAX/VMS Release: V2.0 Implementor: Adrian Clarke, British Aerospace. Distributor: Adrian Clarke, British Aerospace. Features: TPU interface, half-tone graphics. System: VAX/VMS Release: V1.5A1 Implementor: David Fuchs Distributor: Addison-Wesley System: MS-DOS Release: V1.3 Implementor: David Fuchs Distributor: Unknown System: VAX/VMS MetaFont: Release: V1.0.0 Implementor: Kellerman & Smith Distributor: Kellerman & Smith System: VAX/VMS Fonts: AM-series: Release: Unknown, sparse, little available information. Printer: DEC LN03 System: VAX/VMS Release: V1.1 Distributor: Addison-Wesley Printer: Epson series Density: Unknown. Release: Unknown Implementor: ArborText Distributor: Addison-Wesley Printer: Preview board & Apple LaserWriter Densities: 80, 118 & 300 dpi. CM-series: Release: V1.3 Implementor: John Sauter (DEC) Distributor: John Sauter; UK tree-distribution in operation. Printer: DEC LN03 Features: Meta-MetaFont: arbitrary design sizes available. Utilities: all usual, plus: Preview: Release: V1.5, V1.7 System: VAX/VMS Implementor: Andrew Trevorrow (Adelaide), Brian Williams (Sussex), myself, Adrian Clarke, ... Supports: BBC, Tektronix, VT-series, others ... Release: Unknown System: MS-DOS Implementor: ArborText Distributor: Addison-Wesley Supports: Hercules graphics card, plus others ... DVI-PS: Language: 'C' Implementor: Nelson Beebe Status: uncompiled. Language: Modula-2 Implementor: Andrew Trevorrow Status: Compiled, failed during printing. Language: Pascal Implementor: Tony Arnold (Manchester CGU) Status: Compiled, not yet printed. Output devices: Local: DEC LN03+, Epson FX-80, preview on BBC & Tek; PostScript printer expected shortly. Remote: Apple LaserWriter, Linotron 300. ** Phil. -------------------------------- Date: 4-SEP-1987 18:44:17 GMT From: CCZDAO@UK.AC.NOTT.VAXA To: info-tex@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL Subject: Testing DVI drivers Sender: David Osborne (at Univ of Nottingham) <> Organization: Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham, UK Mailer: VAX/VMS Janet_Mailshr V2.7(a) We have just taken delivery of a Hewlett-Packard LaserJet II for use on a secretarial word-processing system. Since VAX/VMS and the LaserJet is a combination which Nelson Beebe's DVI driver software supports, this gives us the opportunity to try a combination of software/hardware that should work before we try anything new (such as developing a driver for our Xerox 3700). The plan is that we can use the LaserJet attached to the VAX for a couple of weeks before it's installed on the wp system, so we'd like to be able to test it thoroughly in the limited time that we have. Over the past few months, we've generated a few DVI files which could be used for testing, but they're mostly plain text with a few font changes but little mathematics. Since we don't yet have a TeX user service, we have no-one typing in appropriate text which could be used for testing. What we would like is a representative one or two DVI files corresponding to a mathematical thesis. If anyone has such DVI files of which they could let us have copies, we would be very grateful. We undertake to respect the copyright of the author; we just need something to give a realistic test of a printer-driver and printer. Incidentally, what do other people in this situation do? How do you verify that a new printer driver correctly supports all the TeXnical aspects of getting print on to paper? Is there a DVI-driver equivalent of the TRIP test? Also, is there anyone who is successfully: . using Nelson Beebe's drivers under VMS; and/or . using an HP LaserJet II as a TeX output device ?? Dave. -------------------------------- Date: MON, 07 SEP 87 14:04:21 BST From: CS1CWM @ UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA To: info-tex @ UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL We have TeX on our IBM 3083 under VM/CMS - it is not in use yet as we are waiting to get the CMR fonts for PCTeX but we have had no problems in running it. You get the tape from Maria Code Data Processing Services 1371 Sydney Drive Sunnyvale California 94087 The tape cost about $92.00. There are some problems in transferring files to the IBM, the \ character was not translated correctly - IBM has TWO \ characters! This has now been solved however. We have had PCTeX available as a service to our users for about a month now, with selected users for a month before that. We have two Elonex 10MHz AT-compatibles providing the service, one for downloading files from the Prime (and later the IBM) and previewing, the other providing output on an HP LaserJet Plus. It has proved very popular. We bought PCTeX from UniTex Systems 12 Dale View Road Beauchief Sheffield S8 0EJ Tel: (0742) 351489 including the screen driver and the driver for the LaserJet. Chris Martin -------------------------------- !! !! Replies/submissions to please !! distribution changes to please !! !! end of issue