UKTeX Volume 87 #2

			     PC version of TeX
			   HP Laserjet emulation
			    Postscript for GINO
		       Laserwriter+ Postscript fonts
			     Whence apmersand
			    PXL files and PXLID
			  LaTeX files over JANET
			   Better subject field
			      CTeX on SysV R2

Editors comments

I have discovered that when using the defer option to send mail the 
external copies appear to have been sent by another user called allin1. As 
a result when I checked the log it seemed as if none of the external mail 
had been sent. My apologies if you received two copies, it should not 
happen agian.

FROM: Malcolm Clark

pc versions of \TeX.

1. micro\TeX\ and PC\thinspace\TeX.
   fonts:  both currently use the amr family. as anyone who has
   these will know, they also come with the tfms for cmr.
   ArborText, who supply the screen drivers and laser drivers
   for BOTH versions claim to have been using cmr fonts on all
   their products for some time (look back through texhax).
   however, like most things, this didn't happen here for some
   time. A-W claim there is some difficulty with cmr, or to
   be more accurate, the pk formats (they are taking the
   oppportunity to do both things together). So they are reluctant
   to send out something they know is problematic. If you
   hassle, they will acquiesce. I do not believe that Diane
   Kitchin would sell you \TeX\ with amrs now, and then
   charge you for an upgrade. these are real people Phil,
   who really do have an interest in \TeX. Of course those
   who bought micro or PC \TeX\ will have to pay for the
   upgrade. Personal \TeX, Uni\TeX, Addison Wesley are involved
   in the business of trying to avoid being a non-profit making
   organisation. I understand Ewart North (Uni\TeX) is shipping
   out the cmrs now too.
   There are of course other screen drivers besides ArborText's
   Preview (which incidentally drives more than just Hercules).
   I saw ?DVISCRN running on a DG laptop. Quite good, although
   font representation was a bit lax, compared with Preview.
   Has anyone seem MAXscrn?
2: does pc only mean the boring obsolete IBMs? How about Atari ST
   versions of \TeX (at least 3 out there), or the Amiga version
   (from $n^2$), and of course I leave the best till last, the
   superb Macintosh versions (one of which has proper cmr fonts,
   always has done, always will).
3: I personally don't want to read through reams of who has what,
   unless some public spirited soul is going to data base the
   information, so I can find it when I need it, rather than somewhere
   in my listings.
4: I would prefer these listings not to be known by the same name as
   the texhax (except for the directory name). Very confusing.
   Are you going to do an index?
5: TUG (let me say that again, TUG). I have noticed from the
   texhax listings that many people who use \TeX, \LaTeX,
   etc., do not have access to, or even know about TUG.
   In case you haven't, it is the \TeX\ Users Group. It costs
   about $40 to join, but is probably well worth it, if only
   to provide information about micro versions of \TeX.
   It also contains useful information like macros (which sometimes
   work), words from DEK, and adverts (even job adverts).
   I do feel that anyone trying to implement \TeX\ really
   ought to look at the TUGboat. (sorry, got carried away and
   forgot to mention the newsletter, TUGboat).
   I als note that many people who have \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ queries
   obviously don't have a copy of the relevant books. I'm
   deeply impressed by those who can handle \TeX\ intuitively,
   without reading the manual, but hardly surprised when
   they have problems. Please don't let these listings get the same
6: What's wrong with Leslie Lamport? His replies in texhax
   are very tame now. 
7: \bye

malcolm clark

Date:		 8-SEP-1987 11:49:55

HP LaserJet emulation.
Lots of laser printers claim to do HP LaserJet emulation.
The Kyocera does, and doesn't (at least as far as ArborText's
hp driver is concerned). Does anyone have experience of
any of the others, like the Epson?
malcolm clark


Does anyone know if there is a driver to produce postscript ouput under
GINO. We want to be able to use the Apple laserwriters which are available 
on the network from the VAX system.



Glad to see your uktex is working so well. i have been away (at TeX
users group!), so I just read the backlog.

  a) lac and dwb in soton are the same machine as me:

some mailer implied they were at Maori, which is not true

  b) i vote for digests of info every week or few days
  c) do you want to put the .tfm files for the LaserWriter+ PostScript
fonts online? they may be useful, if people are into dvi2ps. is it
possible to compile that under VMS? it shouldnt be too difficult, I
would have thought

+++Editor Once a few problems are cleared the .TFM will be made 

i spent an interesting three days at TUG. I will write a report and send
it to you for redistribution
Sebastian Rahtz       Computer Science    University  SOUTHAMPTON S09 5NH UK  // ...!ukc!sot-cm!spqr //
(telephone (0703) 559122 ext 2435)


Date:		 8-SEP-1987 18:49:56 GMT -01:00
Subject:	Whence ampersand

Having recently discovered the following pleasant fact, I thought I'd
share it. 

Whence ``ampersand''? The character was originally a ligature of `e' and 
`t' (et = Latin and), and stylistically became `&'. You can just about make
out the e and t in some italic versions---try {\it \&}.  The name derives 
from ``and per se and''---i.e., ``&, by itself, and''. It's also been 
called ampussyand and ampassy.

                            - Toby Howard -   
Computer Graphics Unit, Department of Computer Science
Manchester University, England, M13 9PL. Phone: 061 273 7121 x5429/5406


Date:		 9-SEP-1987 10:26:17 GMT +01:00
Subject:	PXL files
Sender:        Willie Black on Oxford HEP VAX<BLACK@UK.AC.OX.PH.V1>
Address:       Nuclear Physics Laboratory, Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3RH, UK.
Telephone:     Oxford (0865) 273501. International +44-865-273501.
Reply-to:      BLACK @ UK.AC.OX.PH

< I have just hooked the DVITOVDU program from your machine and find
< a problem. We are running an old TeX, version 1.3 and currently print
< on to a HP laserjet+ using a modified verion of a the DVIQMS program.
< when I run DVITOVDU it complains on opening the first .PXL file
< that the PXLID is not 1001. The PXLID is in fact 1001 , checked by
< DVIQMS and various other thingies like TYPEPXL or PXLPRINT,
< is my problem a PXL format problem, do we have IBM type PXL files
< with twisted bytes? or is there a flag that I can set on DVITOVDU
< to read our PXL files?
<                                  Gareth Hughes

	Knowing the original DVIQMS quite well, I suspect that it the old
VAX problem of ordering of bytes within a longword.  The original DVIQMS
assumed one order and I suspect that the DVItoVDU uses the opposite order.

	The solution is either to redo all the PXL files and fix the printer
driver - or to change the DVItoVDU to use the old order. In fact I have
a sneaky feeling (without actually checking the code) that the original
DVIQMS checked the PXLID and if it found it wrong, tried reversing the order
of all the bytes. I also suspect that DVItoVDU uses the preferred ordering.

	Hope this helps, W.B.


Date:     WED, 09 SEP 87 15:27:59 BST
To:       info-tex @ UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL


Is is possible to FTP the latest versions of the LaTeX files via
Janet?  I seem to remember someone on TeXhax asking the same question
but I don't remember the answer.

Chris Martin

+++ Editor  I will set up the files if someone can identify and supply the 
latest copies. (Aston would like to have the uptodate ones as well)+++


Date:		10-SEP-1987 08:51:19 GMT +01:00
Subject:	Better Subject: field
Sender:        Willie Black on Oxford HEP VAX<BLACK@UK.AC.OX.PH.V1>
Address:       Nuclear Physics Laboratory, Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3RH, UK.
Telephone:     Oxford (0865) 273501. International +44-865-273501.
Reply-to:      BLACK @ UK.AC.OX.PH

Keep up the good work - but could we possibly have a SUBJECT: line in the
mail header that WORKS. VAX/VMS seems unable to pick up the one which is
present so that DIR in MAIL does not reveal any subject.


+++Editor This is tied up with the rubbish at the beginning. ASAP is the 
best answer+++


Date:       10 Sep 1987 09:01:12-GMT
Subject:    CTeX on SysV R2
From:       Sam Nelson   <>
To:         info-tex@aston.mail

I appear to have a complete Computer Modern implementation running.  I reckon
it must be possible to mess about with Beebe's DVI-->PS driver to get it to
use the LW-resident stuff---anyone done anything on this?  The code, while
nicely portable, is about as badly-organised as it could be; some warped mind
around here thinks it might be a neat idea to inflict this on an undergraduate
project student---can anyone save him?


* On the distribution side, I'd prefer a relayed-mail list myself, although I
  am aware this is difficult to achieve from a VMS site, Phil Taylor's magic
  tricks notwithstanding...

!!  Replies/submissions to     please
!!  distribution changes to   please 
!!   end of issue