UKTeX V87 #3

		       Xerox 2700/3700 laer printers
			  CTeX shar files missing
			 Addison Wesley AM/CM saga
		       DVI2PS and Laserwriter+ fonts
				EULER fonts
			Bug with \pagestyle{empty}
		Problems with parbox and contents in LaTeX

Editors note


has been updated.

New items 	crudetype
		PL and TFM files for resident fonts in Apple Laserwriter
		and Laserwriter+
In the pipeline TeX and LaTeX macros
		John Sauter files for cmr on LN03
		GF200 and GF300 amsfonts
		GF118 Gf200 Gf300 cmfonts
		LaTeXfonts in GF118 Gf200 GF300
		plus others from John Pavel

I am testing at present to provide `TAR' and `SHAR' facilities for UNIX 
implementations and `SHAR' and `backup' for VMS systems to avoid you having 
to issue ftp commands for each file in the required directory.

Date:       10 Sep 1987 09:55:26-GMT
Subject:    GFtoPK
From:       Sam Nelson   <>
To:         info-tex@aston.mail

Anyone have the source for this?  We have such a program in the ArborTeXt
DVILASER/PS distribution, but only as a VMS .EXE, which then leaves us with
a nasty problem of transferring several megabytes of .PKs from VMS to UNIX.



Date:		10-SEP-1987 10:06:41 GMT

Peter Abbott's wish list (4th September) included VAX/VMS software for
DVI to Rank Xerox 2700.

We have been looking for such software for some time (or, to be more precise,
we want VAX/VMS software for DVI to Xerox 3700) but haven't been able to
find anything off-the-shelf.  The following software is all relevant, but
not quite what we want:
Ohio:     John Gourlay offers TOPS-20 and Unix software for DVI to Xerox 2700.
          (See tables in TUGboat.)  However, it uses the am series fonts,
          rather than the cm series.  We have two tapes but have not done much
          with them because we'd prefer the cm series.
Xerox 1:  I had a letter from a firm in Michigan who said that they are
          planning to use a VMS driver, written in Utah, provided through
          Xerox's public domain library.  I wrote back to the firm concerned
          asking for the name of a Xerox contact.  They did not reply.
Xerox 2:  John Gourlay put an entry in TeXhax saying that his software is now
          available via Xerox channels in the USA.  I've written to the relevant
          person asking whether (i) it now works under VMS (ii) it now uses the
          cm fonts (iii) it can be obtained through UK Xerox channels.  I've
          had no reply yet.
Bochum:   Norbert Schwarz offers CDC and IBM PC software for DVI to Xerox
          2700/3700.  (See tables in TUGboat.)  We have a floppy disk, but
          haven't done any conversion to VMS.
Brighton: Graham King has TeX producing output on a 2700, but he uses the
          Xerox fonts rather than the cm series.
RHBNC:    If, for the time being, you regard the 2700 as a printer that "cannot
          print the fonts that METAFONT generates", Mark Damerell's Crudetype
          (TUGboat vol. 7, no. 3, page 159) might suit you.  My colleague David
          Osborne may be doing an adaptation for our Xerox 3700 that you could 
Illinois: David Osborne noticed that someone in TeXhax said that
          they were using some VAX/VMS software for DVI to 2700, and that they
          got it from Illinois.  David mailed them but has had no reply.
Berkeley: I see from TeXhax that the Vortex software includes a Unix
          DVI to InterPress driver.  If Xerox upgrade 2700s and 3700s to
          accept InterPress, this may be relevant.
Warwick:  Rob McMahon has a Unix DVI to 2700 driver.  David Osborne reckoned
          that this looked the most promising approach, and is hoping to try
          to produce some Xerox-specific modules to go with the general and
          VMS modules of Nelson Beebe's driver.  We had a meeting with our
          local Xerox person, who said that they would supply technical
          information to help us.  (Our Xerox person is Irwin Bidgood, who may
          well also be Aston's Xerox person.)  However, no information has yet


Date:		10-SEP-1987 11:39:12 GMT
To:		info-tex@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL
Subject:	Common TeX on Unix SVR2
Sender:		David Osborne (at Univ of Nottingham) <>
Organization:	Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham, UK
Mailer:		VAX/VMS Janet_Mailshr V2.7(a)

Congratulations to Sam Nelson <> on his reporting in
UKTEX V87 #2 of a complete CM implementation running under SVR2.  I'm
pleased to say that the Common TeX shar files I fetched from Aston last
week compiled cleanly first time on Monday on our Clan7 (taking about 8
min elapsed to compile and load an 'initex' occupying 247415 bytes). 
It's interesting to read in Pierre Mackay's column in the latest TUGboat
that Pat Monardo's Common TeX will eventually form part of the Unix TeX

I think a reference to Barbara Beeton's article in TeXhax Digest V87 #73
regarding terminology over C versions of TeX should be made.  None appear
to have passed the TRIP test yet, so shouldn't, strictly, use the name TeX.
Also, there was a recent item from Tomas Rokicki claiming that *his*
is the TeX_in_C called "CTeX", and that Pat Mondardo's should really
be called "Common TeX".  Nomenclature is clearly a difficult area!

Peter Abbott's response to my original enquiry in these columns
mentioned 9 shar archive files, "ctex.shar1..9" in the LaTeXstyle
directory at Aston.  However, the index file shows only 1-6.  I read in
Ken Yap's latest TUGboat article (p.198) about the Rochester collection
that there are indeed 9 shar files, so I assume that what's missing must
be documentation and/or macro files, since the sources in files 1-6
compiled ok.  Anyone know what's in files 7-9? 

I offered to summarise details of 'TeX_in_C' implementations if people
would mail them to me.  As I had but one response, I'd better quote
it here:

> Subject: Common-TeX
> Date: Thu, 27 Aug 87 15:04:23 BST
> From: John Pavel <>
> I have it in version 2.1.   It works (10% faster than Pascal version  on
> Sun-3, but object code  rather larger (I compiled  with -DBIG so that  I
> could run LaTeX)).
> John Pavel
> Department of Trade and Industry
> The National Physical Laboratory
> Division of Information Technology and Computing
> Protocol Standards Group
> Queen's Road
> Teddington TW11 0LW


+++Editor  TUGboat is out of date, there are only six shar files in the 
distribution, I have verified this with Ken+++

Date:		10-SEP-1987 12:18:48
To:		info-tex@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL
Subject:	Addison-Wesley
			(Philip Taylor, RHBNC: University of London)
Mailer:		"Janet-mailshr V2.8"

The (continuing) story of Addison-Wesley and the AM/CM fonts: A-W telephoned 
me today, somewhat hurt to learn of my accusations via UK-TeX.  However, we
now agree that the statement as issued was factually correct: A-W will make
a charge for the CM-series upgrade.  However, the charge is not astronomical:
28 pounds for the Preview upgrade, and just over 60 pounds for the DVIPS
upgrade (these figures include educational discount).  It is not clear
whether MicroTeX itself requires upgrade: I believe that it may, since
PLAIN preload certain fonts; since it was shipped with only the AM-series,
I must assume that it preloads AM-series.  A-W have been advised that they
should obtain an upgrade disc, but are told that no such disc exists!  The
CM upgrade for DOTPRNT is not yet available.

Incidentally, I omitted a (possibly significant) item from my site list:

	Device drivers:

	    Author:		Flavio Rose (DEC)
	    Title:		DVI2LN3
	    Version:		9, 10
	    Output device:	DEC LN03 & LN03+
	    Language:		'C'

	    Author:		Flavio Rose (DEC) + Adrian Clarke (Bae)
	    Title:		Texlase
	    Version:		10
	    Output device:	DEC LN03 & LN03+
	    Features:		Auto-print at e-o-j.

	    Author:		Flavio Rose (DEC) + Brian Hamilton-Kelly (RMCS,)
	    Title:		DVItoLN03
	    Output device:	DEC LN03 & LN03+
	    Language:		WEB
	    Version:		2.7

	    Distributor:	Addison-Wesley
	    Title:		Dotprnt
	    Version:		1.1
	    Output device:	Epson FX-, MX-, RX-, series

	    Originator:		ArborText
	    Distributor:	Addison-Wesley
	    Title:		DVILASER/PS
	    Date:		1985
	    Output device:	Any PostScript device, defaults to 300dpi.


Message-Id: <>
Received: from sot-cm by; Thu, 10 Sep 87 18:59:53 BST
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 87 18:56:01 GMT
From: Sebastian Rahtz <>
To: (UK TeXxies)
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 87 18:55:54 GMT
Subject: Using POostScript fonts with DVIALW
X-Mailer: Elm [version 1.5]

We have a hacked dvi2ps that uses the LaserWriter Plus fonts properly;
when we got Nelson Beebe's DVIALW, we tried to go over to it (apart from
anything else, it uses .pk fonts or .gf, whereas dvi2ps still uses
.pxl), but it appears that Beebe constructs a whole wodge of text at a
time and vomits it at the LaserWriter, which  makes it tricky to have
occasional bits of LW fonts - or so I understand it.  Can someone more
authoritative comment?

I saw results from, and the manual for, Bechtolsheim's new version of
dvi2ps, which has some good ideas. But he's got a lot of problems left,
so far as I could see. I would not recommend anyone FTPing it just yet.

I also note that MacTeX (as opposed to TeXtures) have gone over all the
CMR math fonts with Fontographer to create PS downloadable fonts, thus
eliminating the last need to use CMR bitmaps. Does anyone have MacTeX to
confirm this?

in re the database of who has what, I am less interesting in knowing who
has got a copy of MicroTeX or runs Metafont on a Vax than in knowing
what people think they are good at, and will answer questions on....
this hardware stuff is pretty dull, lets find out who thinks they are
the UK bees-knees at creating BibTeX style files (Ok, so Knuth didnt
write BibTeX, and its part of the much-hated-by-Clark-and-Taylor LaTeX
system, but its jolly useful all the same). The obvious place for the
giant list of whats what would be next year's Exeter affair - someone
work at a map of Who-and-What-is-Where-In-British-TeX, and publish it
for Exeter. why, i'll even do it myself, if people were willing to send
me details of what they have...

Sebastian Rahtz       Computer Science    University  SOUTHAMPTON S09 5NH UK  // ...!ukc!sot-cm!spqr //
(telephone (0703) 559122 ext 2435)


Message-Id: <>
Received: from sot-cm by; Thu, 10 Sep 87 19:31:52 BST
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 87 19:18:53 GMT
From: Sebastian Rahtz <>
To: (UK TeXxies)
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 87 19:18:46 GMT
Subject: Euler fonts
X-Mailer: Elm [version 1.5]

I just got a new Sun TeX tape from Washington, and note that it has the
Euler fonts (a weird collection of gothic Fraktur stuff from the AMS)
on, which our previous tape didnt. If anyone else does not have these, I
could send them off to you, or put at Aston. Note that the .mf source is
NOT available, I only have gf300 and gf200 on this tape.

there also seems to be a set of .mf files for the LaTeX fonts, which I
dont recall seeing before.
Sebastian Rahtz       Computer Science    University  SOUTHAMPTON S09 5NH UK  // ...!ukc!sot-cm!spqr //
(telephone (0703) 559122 ext 2435)

+++Editor I will make them available ASAP. I am also loading a distribution 
of material from John Pavel at present+++


Date:     MON, 14 SEP 87 11:01:33 BST
To:       info-tex @ UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL


I am have not been able to suppress page numbering using
\pagestyle{empty} - can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong?

I have a single page document with a title but no sectioning.

I have moved the \pagestyle command from just after the \documentstyle
through the preamble to just after the \begin{document} and from
there through the text to just before the \end{document} and I still
get a page number.

I have looked through LATEX.BUG and I can't find any reference to
this problem.

Chris Martin

+++Editor Aston use this facility with LaTeX without problems. I suggest 
that you send me the input file to run here at Aston to check against our 

From Peter Abbott Aston

Two problems

Using the following code in LaTeX.

\parbox[t]{1in}{SALES} \ \
\parbox[t]{2.05in}{Sale of documentation, hardware, disks etc.}
\parbox[t]{1in}{ADVISORY} \ \ \parbox[t]{2.05in}{Software support, terminal 
\parbox[t]{1in}{DATA INPUT} \ \ \parbox[t]{2.05in}{Via a Kurzweil}

The line spacing in the parbox is incorrect and does not follow the 
standard line spacing of text. We are trying to produce information in a 
column of 3.5in. We have had the same problem on normal A4 output when 
there is more than one line of text. It looks terrible. Any solution?

When producing the contents page using article the subsections are double 
spaced whereas in Leslie Lamports book they are printed single spaced. It 
can be overcome by defining macros with negative space but this is clumsy.
Any offers on how to modify the .STY files (if that is the correct place).

!!  Replies/submissions to     please
!!  distribution changes to   please 
!!   end of issue