UKTeX V87 #4

			  Xerox 2700/3700 driver
				   C TeX
		    Offer of TeX facilities on VAX/VMS
			   CMR fonts with PCTeX
			    Looking for a paper
		       Article Submitted to TUGboat
			  Tugboat meeting report

From the editor

I am still having problems sending to some sites, at present IC.DOC has 
been out of action for over a week, PLYM.B has disappeared and IRL only 
works infrequently.

I have changed the format at the top as promised and would appreciate 
comments. The distribution list has also been added at the end.

The file aston.kirk::[public]000aston.readme has been updated and further 
material is in the pipeline. I now have the latest versions of John 
Sauter's files for creating the fonts and will be adding these shortly. I 
have been promised version 2.2 of C Tex.

Date:		14-SEP-1987 14:58:39

i am disappointed by the parochial nature of sebastian's message concerning
TeX88. Although a message has not yet been distributed through ukTeX
concerning this event, i had hoped people would realise that it is intended
as an international gathering. if ukTeXers wish to organise themselves into
a sectional group at Exeter (where TeX88 will be held) artificial barriers
will not be erected. but his goes back to one of the real misgivings i have
harboured about this mailing. it is (a) parochial (b) academic. to me this
means a very restricted (almost elitist) approach. this is in no way
inteded as a slur on the real efforts which many people have put into the
mailing. it is intended as a reminder that you (we) do not represent all
TeX activity.
i regret that in a moment of inattention i gave the impression that i hated
LaTeX. goodness, i don't even hate wysiwyg. how ecumenical can i be?
(another word for Phil Taylor to look up.) i simply have not yet found a
purpose for LaTeX. i feel that the large number of LaTeX enquiries in
TeXhax demonstrates either that no-one uses TeX (and therefore uses LaTeX),
or that LaTeX is not yet a mature product. i favour the latter
interpretation. sorry to be so boring. 

malcolm clark


Date:		15-SEP-1987 15:58:27
Subject:	RE :TeX DVI driver for the Xerox 2700/3700

I have been told that there is a DVI to XEROX 2700/3700 driver on the latest
DECUS tape for VMS though I have been unable to Confirm this,if it is of
any use to anyone
	Edmund Sutcliffe


Date:		15-SEP-1987 17:58:56

sorry, i'm getting confused again. is C (or Common)-TeX actually available
from aston? i've looked through all the bits of paper from aston  and find
lots of references to it, but i'm still not clear where it comes from.
malcolm clark (and have you gone quiet again, or is ic more dysfunctional
than usual?) 

malcolm clark

+++Editor Pat Monardo's Common-TeX is available in the latexstyle 
collection. The files are ctex.readme and ctex.shar* where * is 1 to 6. 
TugBoat Volume 8 No 2 page 198 refers to 9 shar files but I have checked 
with Ken and the magazine is incorrect there are only 6 shar files. +++


Date:		15-SEP-1987 18:57:19 GMT
Subject:	TeX 2.2 on VAX/VMS

Most people send out messages asking for software. This one is a little
different: I am offering some TeX-stuff.

I have made a few enhancements to TeX under VAX/VMS, including the ability
to determine whether it has been invoked from an interactive user or a
batch job (this is sadly lacking from both David Fuchs' and Kellerman and
Smith's implementations) and an interface to callable TPU, to let you edit
erroneous input files. It also has a vastly increased memory space, as I
typeset pictures with TeX.

I can send out a ``DCL archive'' containing the necessary files or---if
you ask nicely---I can transfer (what's the opposite of suck?---blow?)
a BACKUP save set. Interested parties should mail UK.AC.KCL.PH.IPG::ALIEN.
But don't expect an immediate response: I'm only at KCL once every week
or so.


PS: It uses Fuchs-style `TEX$whatever' logical names, but mods to use
KnS `TEX_whatever' names are trivial.


Date:     WED, 16 SEP 87 12:01:19 BST

CMR Fonts and the pc versions of tex.
Unitex systems are shipping cmr fonts with all the arbortext drivers
and also the dotmatrix drivers for epson FX (and true compatibles),
Epson LQ and Toshiba P35xx range. No problems have yet materialised.
The fonts are all PK format. TeX itself does need upgrading in the sense that
all reference to "amr..." has to be changed to "cmr..." in the plain and
Lplain files and then TeX initialized again, but this causes no problems.


Date:		16-SEP-1987 12:51:41 GMT -01:00
Subject:	Paper wanted

Fellow TeXers,
I'd like to obtain a copy of the following; does anyone in the UK have it,
to save me getting it direct, which will probably take a while? Thanks! 

@TechReport(Brueggemann-Klein87,	Key="Brueggemann",
	Title="Drawing trees nicely with TEX",
	Author="A.Brueggemann-Klein and D.Wood",
	Institution="University of Waterloo",

Toby Howard 
Computer Graphics Unit, Department of Computer Science,
Manchester University, Oxford Road, Manchester, England, M13 9PL. 
Phone: +44 61 273 7121 x5429/5406


Date: 18 Sep 87  08:57:16 bst
From: G.Toal @
Message-ID: <18 Sep 87  08:57:16 bst  050830@EMAS-A>
In-reply-to: Your message <sent 17-SEP-1987 16:14:21 via ASTON.MAIL>

Dear Peter,
   here is a copy of what I am sending to Barbara Beeton @ tugboat:
Dear Barabara,
   here at last is the definitive information for TUG members in the UK
interested in texhax and UK-specific TeX info.

texhax is available by mailing to: texhax-request@ucl.cs.nss
You will have issues of texhax mailed to you when they arrive.

There is a local UK equivalent of texhax, called uktex, to which you can
subscribe by mailing to: info-tex@aston.mail
This is organized by Peter Abbott, of the University of Aston.
Aston also keep a LaTeX archive, and mail you details of how to access
it by FTP when you subscribe to uktex.

Another source of info is texline -- a paper newsletter edited by Malcom Clark.
TeXline is free, but subscribers are expected to justify their subscription
by contributing articles.  You can subscribe to texline by mailing Malcom

People should check first to see if their local site already subscribes
to the above, and whether or not they are available on a local bulletin-
board or news service before subscribing personally.  Sites with a
large TeX community might consider a local redistribution of the above
to save net traffic.

Non electronic-mail TeX users can get Malcom's newsletter by writing to
Malcom Clark,
  Imperial College Computer Centre,
    Exhibition Road,
      London SW7 2BP.


Message-Id: <>
Received: from sot-cm by; Mon, 14 Sep 87 20:49:58 BST
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 87 08:44:02 GMT
From: Sebastian Rahtz <>
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 87 8:43:53 GMT
Subject: no subject (file transmission)
X-Mailer: Elm [version 1.5]

% dear Peter
% Here are some notes on my trip to the TUG meeting; I
% have sent them to Malcolm Clark, who will hopefully print it
% in TeXline. But if you want to send it out on info-tex, feel free
%     sebastian
% tugreport.tex, spqr september 13th 1987
+++Editor The file is NOT included here but can be pulled from


!!  Replies/submissions to     please
!!  distribution changes to   please 
!!   end of issue

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TO:  Dr B Gay                             ( GAYB )
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