UKTeX Vol87 #7

			HP Laserjet II Driver Bugs
			    CMR10.TFM problems
			  Generating DVI drivers
			     Hebrew and Greek


I have recently merged the distribution list for UKTeX and TeXmag. If you 
do not want the TeXmag material please delete it on arrival. It is easier 
for me to only have the one list to maintain. TeXmag appears at irregular 

I have added a number of items to the archive and suggest that you `pull' a 
copy of the main index. The major addition is from a tape from John Pavel 
and includes a comprehensive set of TeX material. As a result the archive 
now contains duplicate material and this will be weeded out as time 

Version 2.10 of Nelson Beebe's DVI family is due to be shipped from the 
states in the next few weeks.

I have (I hope) eliminated the long list of recipients from the bottom of 
the file. Changes scheduled for our mailer in the near future should mean 
that the Subject line will no longer be blank.

Finally as you are probably aware there have been problems with TeXhax 
recently V87 #75-#78 failed to appear for some time. #81 has now arrived 
but #80 is still missing. It seems that other distribution lists have their 
problems as well. If anyone has a copy of #80 please send it to me for the 


Date:		 5-OCT-1987 18:58:03 GMT
To:		info-tex@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL
Subject:	Beebe driver for HP LaserJet II
Sender:	       	JANET"" (David Osborne)
Organization:	Systems Group, Cripps Computing Centre, Univ of Nottingham, UK
X-Mailer:	VAX/VMS Janet_Mailshr V2.8(b)

After much poring over dumps of the output from Nelson Beebe's DVIJEP
driver for the LaserJet Plus, which wouldn't drive our LaserJet series
II, I figured out what was wrong and hacked it into DVIJE2 which seems
to work fine...  we produced our first TeX hardcopy last Monday!  The
different format for soft-font headers is to blame (the LJ II seems to
insist on a full 64 bytes) -- so much for the "LaserJet Plus
compatibility" claimed in the User Guide!

I'll be incorporating the latest changes/bugfixes listed in the last
UKTeX in our version before I mail the differences to Nelson Beebe, but
in the meantime, anyone who's desperate for a copy can drop me a line
to <>. 


Date:     Tue, 6 Oct 87 16:27:33 BST
From:     Dr R M Damerell (RHBNC) <>
Subject:  help please

Please has anybody out there got a recent font tape from Stanford, say 
within the lastr 2--3 months? if so would you be willing to make a
dump of the file    CMR10.TFM   & send it me? I have been getting some
very peculiar effects...
thank you, mark

+++Editor I am not sure how old the files are in the PAVEL group +++

Date:		 6-OCT-1987 18:02:48
To:		info-tex-request@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL
Subject:	NewFFC
Mailer:		Janet_Mailshr V2.8(b)

I'm sure I've spoken to somebody who modified NEWFFC to allow it to deal
successfully with PXL files which result from large design sizes and
large magnifications.  If there's anybody out there who's done this,
please let me know.  ** Phil.


Date: 07 Oct 87  16:21:56 bst
From: G.Toal @
Subject: Generating DVI Drivers.
Message-ID: <07 Oct 87  16:21:56 bst  050728@EMAS-A>

Is there a recommended way for generating DVI to device X drivers?  I have
done one by hacking apart a DVIType - removing all writelns and replacing
calls to give info by calls to an external device driver module, BUT it has
most of DVItype still in there doing nothing (well, all the consistency
checks) except slowing it down.
   My question is, is there a skeleton device driver in existence which
does the job properly?  I'm a bit worried that my effort will go stiff if
the next version of DVIType changes (for instance).  I thought I should ask
now as I intend to convert from PXL files to GF files in the near(ish) future.

Graham Toal.
P.S. My hacked DVIType was at least hacked by a web change file - not by
editing the Web or the pascal - hence why I'm a bit worried that my changes
may go stiff if DVIType changes underfoot.


Date:		 9-OCT-1987 18:49:50

I'm interested in finding out if any of your TeX users are currently producing
texts using Hebrew or Greek letters.  

Paddy Pender
Advisory Services
Computer Centre
Maynooth College
Co. Kildare

!!  Replies/submissions to     please
!!  distribution changes to   please 
!!   end of issue