UKTeX V87 #9

			  Old English Characters
		     Hungarian, Hebrew and Greek Fonts


This is a very short issue but I need your help. I have received 
the following request

Please add me to the UKTEX distribution list.
I am particularly interested in Plain TeX macros.


Dave Rogers
U.S. Naval Academy

Please let me know if you think it would help to add people on arpa and
other networks to UKTeX. At present I include a site in Ireland, one from
Italy (who are providing material for the Archive) and one in New Zealand
(the user has just moved from Rutherford). A simple YES, NO, NOT BOTHERED
reply would be appreciated (any reply but please do reply). 

Martin Shipley sent me a tape to copy the archive onto as he could not FTP 
the files he wanted. Unfortunately he did not send the return address with 
the tape. We do not have the original packing either.

We have had problems with reorganising the mail system last week which 
resulted in messages being rejected. Please can someone send TeXhax Digest 
V87 #84 for the archive.

My apologies if you sent mail last Thursday or Friday or if you did not 
receive #8. This was due to the system changes. V87 #8 is in the archive 
for those of you who did not receive it. Please resend any messages from 
the end of last week.

Date:     Fri, 23 Oct 87 10:44:25 GMT
From:     Roger_Gawley  <CL12 @ UK.AC.DURHAM.MTS>
To:       abbottp @ UK.AC.ASTON
Subject:  Old English characters

 Thanks for sending the material on your TeX archives.  There is
 obviously a lot of good stuff there.  I will look through it but
 perhaps you can give me a quick answer so a "simple" question.  I need
 to print the Old English letters, yogh, eth, and thorn and I am trying
 to track down tfm and pxl files for them.  Do you know of anything in
 your wonderful collection?  (I asked Barbara Beeton and she pointed
 out a lower case thorn in one of the AMS fonts and the file
 but these add up to something less that a coherent set.) Any ideas?


Date:		23-OCT-1987 15:33:09

Anybody out there using Hungarian fonts in TeX files ??  I would be very 
interested in information.  Also, I would much appreciate information 
about Hebrew and Greek fonts if anybody has any.

Paddy Pender
Advisory Services
Computer Centre
Maynooth College
Co. Kildare

!!  Replies/submissions to     please
!!  distribution changes to   please 
!!   end of issue