UKTeX V87 #10 TeX Introduction Re: Old English Characters Rotating the print Re: Greek font Silvio Levy's CWEB system DVI2LN3 device driver TeX on Pc's Preloaded formats --------------------------------- Editor The DVITOVDU files have been updated and I hope that all the missing ones are now present. (73 files in total listed in 000index.list) If anyone is using the Arbortext DVIPS then a new version of PSFORMAT.EXE which correctly prints the date and time for the LW command is now available. I have sent the corrected version to Ewart North so please contact him and not me. I have been unable to send UKTeX digests to qmc.maths and ucl.mssl.a for the past two weeks. If you have any contacts at either site please can you a) send a message to them to see if the problem is global or local to Aston and b) let me know the result. I have updated 000aston.readme to reflect the latest position and as a result the old 000fetch.list files are being removed. In all cases now the software is indexed in the relevant 000index.list. Peter --------------------------------- Subject: Tex introduction From: R.J.HARE @ Date: 26 Oct 87 14:16:16 gmt To: uktex Via: UK.AC.EDINBURGH.EMAS-C ; (to 26 Oct 87 14:17:42 gmt Msg ID: <26 Oct 87 14:16:16 gmt 340187@EMAS-C> I have a (novice) user who has expressed an interest in TeX and who claims to have used it for one or two *very* simple jobs at his home university in North America. He has expressed an interest in learning a little more about TeX/LaTeX/etc. Does anyone know of any simple, short, (free?) document/paper/magazine article/w.h.y. which describes the simple use of TeX? He doesn't feel inclined (and I can't blame him) to lash out 16 1/2 spondulicks for Knuth's book. Many Thanks. Roger Hare. PS Come to think of it, I would find it useful too, being a 'just-started' TeXxie. RH. --------------------------------- Date: 26 Oct 87 14:31:12 gmt From: G.Toal @ Subject: Re: Old English characters To: Roger_Gawley <CL12 @ UK.AC.DURHAM.MTS>, Message-ID: <26 Oct 87 14:31:12 gmt 050972@EMAS-A> In-reply-to: Your message <26 Oct 87 09:13:28 gmt 050674@EMAS-A> Re Old English text: is this by any chance for phonetic transcription? If so, I'm interested, as I am working on text-to-speech and need to print funny symbols too. Does anyone know if there is an ISO/ECMA alphabet for the International Phonetic Alphabet? I've not been able to find one so far. (By IPA I means reversed-'e', thorn for 'th' etc., not the radio style ALPHA BRAVE CHARLIE DELTA etc.) Graham. --------------------------------- Date: 26-Oct-1987 16:01 BST Subject: Rotating printing From: Peter Abbott <> Dept: Computing Service Tel No: 021 359 5492 -direct I would like to be able to define a block of text using parbox or picture or similar in LaTeX. The equipment is an Apple Laserwriter (postscript) using DVIPS from Arbortext which supports special. I want to rotate the block through 90 or even 180 degrees. This would allow me to print landscape and portrait on the same page and to produce notices which when folded will stand up but display the text the correct way up. (I know that I can feed the sheet through the laser printer twice but this causes untold problems including black smudges). Peter --------------------------------- Message-Id: <> Received: from sot-cm by; Mon, 26 Oct 87 15:59:32 GMT Date: Mon, 26 Oct 87 15:35:37 GMT From: Sebastian Rahtz <> To: ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON Date: Mon, 26 Oct 87 15:35:27 GMT Subject: Re: your mail In-Reply-To: Message from "ABBOTTP@ASTON.AC.UK" of Oct 26, 87 at 2:05 pm X-Mailer: Elm [version 1.5] the Greek & Hebrew font question - use PostScript instead.. - Silvio Levy has done a Metafont-designed classical Greek (LEVY@PRINCETON.EDU, i think). see Proceedings of TUG meeting 1987 -- Sebastian Rahtz Computer Science University SOUTHAMPTON S09 5NH UK // ...!ukc!sot-cm!spqr // (telephone (0703) 559122 ext 2435) --------------------------------- From: Luke Whitaker <> Date: Tue, 27 Oct 87 17:39:20 GMT Message-Id: <> To: Subject: TeX I am in the process of setting up TeX/LaTeX plus various utilities on a Gould running BSD 4.3 plus some Sun 3's running BSD 4.2. I have a few questions : I have just set up TeXtyl from the aston distribution --- Is it possible to get *gf versions of the *vec*pk font files in the distribution? I have two dvi previewers for the Sun's, but they both use *pxl fonts. Have you ever heard of a sun previewer that uses *gf fonts. How do I get the UK TeX UG mailing --- Is there a mailing list and if so how do I get on it? +++Editor You have been added to the mailing list+++ Thanks very much, Luke Whitaker, Dept of Computer Science, City University (aka --------------------------------- Message-Id: <> Received: from sot-cm by; Tue, 27 Oct 87 18:28:49 GMT Date: Tue, 27 Oct 87 18:01:29 GMT From: Sebastian Rahtz <> To: Date: Tue, 27 Oct 87 18:01:22 GMT Subject: CWEB X-Mailer: Elm [version 1.5] If anyone out there in uktex land wants Silvio Levy's CWEB system (WEB for C, producing TeX, as opposed to the British CWEB which did troff from C), he has sent it to me, and I assume is happy to have it redistributed. Obviously, its all Unix stuff, and is a set of shar archives (VMS hackers would have to convert it). Let me know. As it is on our IBM mainframe at present, I can remail it quite easily ------- Sebastian Rahtz Computer Science University SOUTHAMPTON S09 5NH UK // ...!ukc!sot-cm!spqr // (telephone (0703) 559122 ext 2435) --------------------------------- Date: 28-OCT-1987 09:07:00 GMT From: QPFA1@UK.AC.SUSSEX.VAX2 To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL Like most people with TeX, and an LN03, and VAX/VMS, I am using Flavio Rose's DVI2LN3 device driver. The version I have was picked up from an old (around 1985) DECUS VAXSIG tape. I was just about to start making some mods to the program when it occurred to me that I may not have the latest version. So, does anyone know if there is a later version, and if so how can I get hold of it? Or am I starting from the wrong place - is there another and better DVI-to-LN03 program available? Graham King, Brighton Poly. --------------------------------- Date: 28-OCT-1987 11:32:37 GMT -01:00 From: THOWARD@UK.AC.MAN.CS.CGU To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL Subject: TeX for PCs Sender: JANET"" <> Reply-to: X-name: Toby Howard X-address: Computer Graphics Unit, University of Manchester. I'm looking for info about TeX on PCs, specifically Tandon AT. Is there anything in the public domain? Thanks for any help. Toby Toby Howard Computer Graphics Unit, Department of Computer Science, Manchester University, Oxford Road, Manchester, England, M13 9PL. Phone: +44 61 273 7121 x5429/5406 Janet: ARPA: --------------------------------- Date: 30-OCT-1987 18:16:33 GMT From: CCZDAO@UK.AC.NOTT.VAXA To: info-tex@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL Subject: VMS TeX question Sender: JANET"" (David Osborne) <> Organization: Systems Group, Cripps Computing Centre, Univ of Nottingham, UK X-Mailer: VAX/VMS Janet_Mailshr V2.8(b) Can any VMS TeX users offer an explanation why, when I run our TeX it announces "(no format preloaded)", yet, in the .LIS file for the run, it correctly identifies the preloaded PLAIN format ? Could it be a missing or out-of-date file somewhere ? Dave +++editor My PC version works the same way. I assume that when TeX is started no format is preloaded and the &lplain once read generates the message in the .LIS file+++ --------------------------------- !! !! Replies/submissions to please !! distribution changes to please !! !! end of issue TO: Remote Addressee ( _POST SPQR@UK.AC.SOTON.CM ) TO: Remote Addressee ( _POST _LOWER_PETER@UK.CO.MEMEX ) TO: Remote Addressee ( _POST PJBK@UK.AC.HW.CS ) TO: Remote Addressee ( _POST BKB@UK.AC.CAM.CL ) TO: Remote Addressee ( _POST FPS@UK.AC.IMPERIAL.CC.VAXA ) TO: Remote Addressee ( _POST BOOTH.CM@UK.AC.EXETER ) TO: Remote Addressee ( _POST CHARLES@UK.AC.OX.VAX ) TO: Remote Addressee ( _POST CHAA006@RHBNC.VAXB ) TO: Remote Addressee ( _POST CHAA009@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXB ) TO: Remote Addressee ( _POST ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON.KIRK ) TO: Remote Addressee ( _POST JPO@UK.AC.NOTT.CS ) TO: Remote Addressee ( _POST RHEAD@UK.AC.NOTT.VAXA ) TO: Remote Addressee ( _POST THOWARD@MAN.CS.CGU ) TO: Remote Addressee ( _POST CET1@UK.AC.CAM.PHX ) TO: Remote Addressee ( _POST IWM@UK.AC.IC.DOC ) TO: Remote Addressee ( _POST DAMERELL@UK.AC.UCL.CS.NSS ) TO: Remote Addressee ( _POST CCZDAO@UK.AC.NOTT.VAXA ) TO: Remote Addressee ( _POST 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