UKTeX V87 #11 TeXbook and CommonTeX LaTeX and contents pages DVI2LN3, Begiiner TeX Guide Intro info, mixed portrait/landscape, SUN previewers \output routines for TeX Page numbers in LaTeX Spanish hyphenation tables DVIELQ on a PC with an Epson LQ1500 --------------------------------- Editor I must apologise again for the distribution list which was tacked on to the end of the last issue. I tried an alternative method of issuing the digest which does not `tie up' the terminal - you saw the result - I have reported the problem to DEC so maybe someday we shall have the answer. In the meantime I shall revert to the direct method. The date also changed format from the 24 hour clock to the 12 hour clock. This problem has been cured. In response to my request in V87 #9 the majority were in favour of including the US in UKTeX. I actually only received three NO votes and two not bothered, the remainder like the idea. I shall reserve the right to stop the US service if the costs are too high. I shall try and ensure that only one copy goes across the pond and filter material to avoid duplication. Peter --------------------------------- Date: 2-NOV-1987 09:05:51 From: FPS@UK.AC.IMPERIAL.CC.VAXA To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL 1. where can i buy the TeXbook for 16{1\over2} smackeroonies? it cost 19.95 where i come from. try art samuel's first grade \TeX, although also a little overpriced. why not use LaTeX? (last night's Spitting Image was described as LaTeX Lampooning --- but no Leslie!) 2. the CommonTeX distributed over uktex will probably go up on a Tandon without too much effort. i have a .exe of it for an IBM pc (640k). my implementor claims it is as fast as pcTeX, to within a few percent. we have not trip tested it. (sorry barbara). malcolm clark ( --------------------------------- Date: 2-Nov-1987 11:26 GMT Subject: LaTeX and contents pages From: Peter Abbott <> Dept: Computing Service Tel No: 021 359 5492 -direct I have in the past asked about the spacing when printing contents pages as at Aston there was to much space between the subsections. By accident I have stumbled on the solution. Each line printed on the contents pages is treated as a paragraph and obeys the normal \parskip value. Therefore the following removes the problem \thispagestyle{empty} \parskip 0pt \tableofcontents Peter --------------------------------- Date: 2-NOV-1987 10:58:57 GMT From: SYSMGR@UK.AC.KCL.PH.IPG To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL Subject: DVI2LN3, Beginner TeX guide In responer to requests in the last issue: I am the author of a 30-page guide 'TeX: a brief introduction'. TeX source available on request. It is widely used locally to allow people to get started, although most people find they also need a TeXbook. Incidentally I wrote it while learning TeX myself, so the source is a bit barbaric (the output's fine)! DVI2LN3 has two main variants; one of which understands PXL files and the older of which requires DEC-style fonts. I don't know which variant is on the DECUS tape. We have a derivative of the later one with an improved user interface (full DCL CLD parse). Contact "Alien" (Adrian Clark) (ALIEN@KCL.PH.IPG) about the latter, myself about the former. Nigel Arnot --------------------------------- Message-Id: <> Received: from sot-cm by; Mon, 2 Nov 87 12:01:12 GMT Date: Mon, 2 Nov 87 11:40:57 GMT From: Sebastian Rahtz <> To: (UK TeXxies) Date: Mon, 2 Nov 87 11:40:46 GMT Subject: no subject (file transmission) X-Mailer: Elm [version 1.5] >TeX/LaTeX/etc. Does anyone know of any simple, short, (free?) >document/paper/magazine article/w.h.y. which describes the simple use of TeX? they do say Arthure Samuels First Grade TeX is ok. I give people chapters 1, 2 and 3 of the LaTeX book, and the LaTeX sample file and they sort it out OK. Learning raw TeX from scratch with Knuth is, in my opinion, foolish, unless you are used to typesetting and design. >print funny symbols too. Does anyone know if there is an ISO/ECMA alphabet >for the International Phonetic Alphabet? I've not been able to find someone talked about it at TUG; mail wsscat@carleton (via BITNET) = Christian Thiele, who was finding out about it >I want to rotate the block through 90 or even 180 degrees. This would allow >me to print landscape and portrait on the same page and to produce notices i too want to do this (for sideways tables); its must be fairly trivial PostScript to include with the \special command - could a guru produce it for us all? >I have two dvi previewers for the Sun's, but they both use *pxl fonts. Have >you ever heard of a sun previewer that uses *gf fonts. the one we have on our Sun (from Peter Ilieve at Memex) uses .pk files, which are much better (space-wise) than .pxl. Why do you want to use .gf? --------------------------------- Message-ID: <12347446387.22.BEEBE@SCIENCE.UTAH.EDU> Sender: DVI Driver Family Update #14 [01-Nov-87] This issue announces Version 2.10 of the DVI driver family. There has a been a long delay in filling orders for the software, since I decided in mid-September to place new requests on hold until 2.10 was complete. It turned out to be a much larger job than I expected, since very substantial modifications were made in two drivers, DVIALW and DVIJEP. The delay, I believe, has been justified by the substantial improvements made in these two drivers, plus a large number of minor editorial changes, plus two new drivers. The details are contained in the extracts from 00REVHST.TXT given below. In a nutshell: +++Editor If you want to read the rest it is in the archive aston.kirk::[public.texdvi208]00mail.14 I am waiting for the files to arrive to create version 2.10+++ --------------------------------- Date: 3-NOV-1987 10:39:38 GMT From: EJS1@UK.AC.YORK.VAXB To: TEX-INFO@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL Subject: \output Routines for TeX I may have missed something that has been already published but I would be grateful if someone could answer for me the following question. I wish to modify the output routine in TeX as I have to place a document on paper 11 2/3" X 8 1/3" As I understand it the best way to do this by using the \hsize and \vsize commands in Plain TeX. This does not provide the results required as when a footnote appears on that page it cases the total page length to be greater than that required. I have a memory of it being possible to replace the "\output" routine in the TeX settup with your own, but this seems a little long winded. Has anyone get any ideas how to solve this problem ? Many thanks Edmund Sutcliffe. --------------------------------- Date: Tue, 03 Nov 87 12:33:14 GMT From: CS1CWM @ UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA To: ABBOTT @ UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL Subject: Page numbers in LaTeX Peter: I have now (I think) solved the problem I reported of page numbers appearing even when I'd put in a pagestyle{empty} command. The maketitle command in the article style set thispagestyle to plain thus negating any previous pagestyle{empty} for the first page. To get around this you need both a thispagestyle{empty} (after maketitle, of course) and pagestyle{empty}. Chris --------------------------------- Date: Tue, 03 Nov 87 12:34:27 GMT From: CS1CWM @ UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA To: ABBOTT @ UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL Subject: Spanish Hyphenation Tables Peter: We have a user here who has just completed a 20-page document in Spanish and is contemplating a 200-page one next. He has trouble with hyphenation---at the moment, he uses Preview to find all the hyphenated words and enter his own hyphens: he can use the hyphenation command for some but not those with accents in (as explained in Appendix H of the TeXbook). He asked me if there was a hyphenation table for TeX and I haven't been able to find one. I looked up the reference (pointed out by Nelson Beebe in TeXhax) to the paper ``Word Division in Spanish'' by Jos\'e A. Ma\~nas in Comm. ACM, July 1987 (pp.612--616) and I tried to generate a table using Appendix H and a small Spanish dictionary. Unfortunately, though there appear to be only three rules (and no exceptions!) it would require a machine-readable Spanish dictionary to cut down the number of letter combinations to be generated---I {\it think} I have understood the method. Has anybody out there done it? or got further than I have? Chris --------------------------------- Date: 3-NOV-1987 16:09:58 GMT From: RBAILEY@UK.AC.AFRC.RESB To: ABBOTT@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL Subject: TeX Does anyone know how to use DVIELQ from a PC on the Epson printer LQ1500 with a cut sheet feeder and A4 paper? I cannot work out how to set it up. If I set the sheet feed mode then DVIELQ seems to override this and claims to be out of paper a little before the end of each page; if I do not set the sheet feed mode then I have to feed each page manually, which is obviously a nuisance. Rosemary Bailey Rothamsted Experimental Station Harpenden Herts --------------------------------- !! !! Replies/submissions to please !! distribution changes to please !! !! end of issue