UKTeX V87 #13 DVI to Postscript translators TeX Previewers at Lancaster arc.exe and Beebe drivers Beebe Drivers - VMS specific or not Macro package `CalTeX' --------------------------------- Editor This is issue 13, I hope that it is not an omen. Site mssl.a seems to have returned but has disappeared and some of the open university addresses have started failing. Sheffield.primea have changed the software and are rejecting all mail at present. The LaTeX introductory guide mentioned earlier has now been converted into machine readable form. It will be back in Sheffield shortly and will then be made available to interested parties as soon as possible. --------------------------------- Date: 11-NOV-1987 11:57:07 GMT +01:00 From: PENDLETON@UK.AC.EDINBURGH.PHYVAX To: abbottp@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL Subject: DVI to Postscript translators Sender: Brian_Pendleton <PENDLETON%UK.AC.ED.PHYVAX> I must apologise in advance for asking what must be one of the commonest questions you get asked, but here goes. Where can I get a copy of DVITOPS (or equivalent) which runs under VMS? We have a UNIX version of DVITOPS running under VMS but it doesn't seem to understand the format of the dvi files produced by TeX/LaTeX under VMS. We have a QMS PS800 printer. Sorry again for wasting your time, Brian Pendleton, Physics, Edinburgh Univ. +++Editor - This item arrived as the previous issue was being despatched - apologies for the delay+++ --------------------------------- Date: 12-NOV-1987 11:07:42 GMT From: S050@UK.AC.UEA.CPC865 To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON The Lancaster University Micro Software distribution service have a set of TeX previewers for the CGA, EGA, and Hercules screen standards. These were written by Will Sullivan of University College, Dublin. I've tried the Hercules version and it really is quite neat. If anyone is interested in obtaining the files then they should FTP from LANCS.VAX1, the file [.IBMPC.E63]00FILES.TXT (and [.IBMPC.H99]00FILES.TXT if they need the DEBOO and ARC utilities) which gives the directory listings. Username is MICROS, password is MICROS. Laurie Benfield. University of East Anglia. +++Editor - also this from Sebastian Rahtz Southampton+++ Here is an extract from a recent Lancaster mailing; those who dont get their stuff may like to get down this TeX previewer; it only understands the basic 16 TeX fonts, but those are built in. It works, and its quite fast on the small files I have tried. The username and password are both MICROS if you want to do FTP. You will need a converter from .BOO format, and a copy of ARC to extract the files. > >From: SYSMICROS@UK.AC.LANCS.VAX1 "Lancaster Micro Software Distribution" >Date: 9-NOV-1987 13:11 >Subj: Text Previewers for PC-TeX files > >A set of text prviewers for PC-TeX files is now available for the IBM PC. The >files are in sub-area E63 of the IBMPC area. > >The programs in this set support CGA, EGA, Olivetti 640x400 and Hercules >720x348 displays. > >If you're acquiring the files online, use the commands > > SELECT IBMPC > SELECT E63 > >to move to the correct place to find them. If you're acquiring them over FTP, >their names are [.IBMPC.E63]*.* - pick up [.IBMPC.E63]00FILES.TXT to get a list >of all the files in the set. > --------------------------------- Date: 12-NOV-1987 11:30:16 From: MARIA@UK.AC.PCL.MOLE To: ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL Peter I am trying to get a copy of the Beebe family of drivers. To this end I have been trying to pull the arc.exe program from $1$DUA14:[PUBLIC.TEXDVI208.ARC]. I get the program alright but it won't run, giving an error message: %RSX-F-NOTSKIMG, file is not a valid RSX-11 task image I have tried changing the qualifiers on transfer to \code=fast and \code=exe, but nothing seems to work. Can you give me a hint? I could try compiling the source here if that would help. Thanks Maria Maria Tuck, Poly of Central London or pcl.stoat or pcl.badger +++Editor - This is of general interest - I am setting up areas in the ARCHIVE which are VMS specific. Otherwise it would be safer to assume that compilation of software is necessary and no assumption should be made for EXE files. In this case the arc.exe file came from an IBM PC diskette so I presume it is MS DOS format.+++ --------------------------------- Via:; 12 Nov 87 23:23 GMT (UK.AC.Cam.CL.Jenny) From: tim marsland <> Date: Thu, 12 Nov 87 23:16:05 GMT Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Nelson Beebe's DVI drivers > Peter I have heard from Pierre Mackay that Nelson Beebe has written a ``new improved'' version of dvi2ps(1) which is highly interesting to us here, since I'm currently trying to switch from PXL to PK fonts as disk space is rapidly drying up. What is the status of his programs? Are they VMS-specific (we are an Ultrix 1.2 site) ? Can we get any of them from you, or do I have to talk to Nelson Beebe first? tim marsland /* * JANET: (soon to be eng.dsl) * (or) * * Post: Dr. T. P. Marsland, * Cambridge University Engineering Dept., Trumpington Street, * Cambridge CB2 1PZ, United Kingdom +++Editor - I have a `UNIX` distribution tape which will be loaded asap. Beebe items are not VMS specific but see article earlier in this issue. We are testing a service similar to the Lancaster MICROS access for users+++ --------------------------------- From: Peter Abbott The following appeared in INFO-VAX recently. Does anyone know anything about the macro package or have a copy of the document. Any information would be welcome. I would suggest that we might include it in the list of documents available from the Archive. Aston are interested. If no one has a copy on this side of the `pond' I will obtain one unless one of you wants to volunteer. I have created an 90 page document to teach local university secretaries how to use TeX with the plain macro package called ``CalTeX''. Of the approximate 100 copies sold to date, 95% have praised the document for beginning users. Of the ~15 copies sold to non-work affiliated people, all but one have praised the document. I'm interested in getting some more input from non-Caltech people about my CalTeX document. If you're interested, send me mail or write: Zar Limited P.O.Box 372 Pasadena, CA 91102 Zar (a.k.a. Daniel Zirin) ZAR @ XHMEIA.Caltech.Edu, ZAR @ CITCHEM (bitnet), XHMEIA::ZAR (5.920), ZAR @ HAMLET.Caltech.Edu, ZAR @ HAMLET (bitnet), HAMLET::ZAR (5.850). --------------------------------- !! !! Replies/submissions to please !! distribution changes to please !! !! end of issue