UKTeX V87 #15 compressed unix files in [PUBLIC} Archive problems VT terminal emulation for IBM PCs Blank pages on the LN03 Terminal emulation plus missing files UNIX compressed files T4010 DVITOVDU VorTeX (sp?) Dvi2ps, dvisun Problems with Apple Laserwriter on IBM PC and MAC TeX tables Some answers from Italy _Z files DVI previewer under X-11 windows --------------------------------- Date: 19-NOV-1987 11:17:34 From: SF_BROOKS@UK.AC.OPEN.ACS.VAX To: ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: compressed unix files in [PUBLIC] Dear Peter, Since my last message I have transferred all the files in [PUBLIC.PAVEL.COMPRESS] Despite having 2 Unix subsystems on our VAXcluster, I couldn't create an executable for the compress utility. However, our local Unix/C expert has hacked the C code and created a version which will work under VMS (compiled by the VAX/VMS C compiler). This all means that I can happily transfer all the Z compressed files and uncompress them at this end---this info may be useful for you or others so maybe I should have sent it to tex-info. Please incorporate in UKTEX if you think it relevant. I'd be happy to send you a copy of the hacked C code if would like it. Sue Brooks +++Editor - Yes please it will no doubt be useful to others+++ --------------------------------- From: Peter King <> Date: Thu, 19 Nov 87 11:34:41 GMT Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Archive Problems I too have had problems extracting files from the archive. I can successfully retrieve the inices etc, and in the past retrieved the Beebe drivers. I tried to retrieve some of the files from the public.pavel area, and failed with a message about invalid file types. Local experience transferring binary files from VMS to UNIX suggests that the VMS file should be specified with variable length records (even if they are fixedlength!). Can the archive file attributes be set appropriately, please? Since I have failed to retrieve any, I cannot be certain, but a suffix of Z usually implies a `compress'ed file, which can be `decompress'ed with standard UNIX tools. Peter King, Computer Science Department JANET: Heriot-Watt University ARPA: 79 Grassmarket, Edinburgh EH1 2HJ or Phone: (+44) 31 225 6465 Ext. 555 UUCP: ..!ukc!!pjbk +++Editor DEC have given me a fix to convert from fixed to variable- There is only one problem, it cannot be automated easily so it will be done shortly. I know that I cannot do this for VMS .exe files as they then fail to run. Please let me have the name of a binary file to test.+++ --------------------------------- Date: 19-NOV-1987 11:45:34 GMT From: CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXB To: info-tex@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL Subject: Replies, assorted. Mailer: Janet_Mailshr V2.8(b) Sender: Janet"Chaa006@Uk.Ac.Rhbnc.Vaxb" <CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXB> Reply-to: Philip Taylor (RHBNC, Univ of London) <CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXB> VT-200 series emulator for PCs: Persoft's SmarTerm-240 - provides all VT- series from 52 to 241 inclusive, plus Tektronix. Available in the UK from Doxiver, among others. Excellent upgrade policy. About 350 sterling. In hardware/firmware, the AST CPC-220 is worth alook. Two concurrent VT220 session, plus a DOS session, plus two notepads. No Tektronix, unfortunately. ABout 490 sterling, from Thame Microsystems. --------------------------------- Date: 19-NOV-1987 12:08:04 GMT From: SYSDEV@UK.AC.DARESBURY.DLVC To: ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: Blank pages on an LN03 Sender: janet"" (Dave Hines) <> We also have had the problem of a spooled LN03 producing a blank sheet between each job. This is because the default job separator is a form feed character. This can be eliminated by putting a null device control module in the device control library, and using it as the job reset module in a form type used by the LN03 queue - see the DCL below. **Dave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $! $! Check if there is a device control library, and create one if not. $! $ if f$search("sys$library:sysdevctl.tlb") .nes. "" then goto LIB_FOUND $ library/text/create=blocks:20 sys$library:sysdevctl.tlb $ set protection=w:re sys$library:sysdevctl.tlb $LIB_FOUND: $! $! Create an empty text file, & insert it into the device control library. $! $ create null_job_reset.device_control $ library/text/insert sys$library:sysdevctl.tlb null_job_reset.device_control $ delete null_job_reset.device_control; $! $! Define a form type to describe the printer to the symbiont. $! $ define/form/description="LN03 Laser printer"- /margin=(bottom=0,left=0,right=0,top=0) - /nosheet_feed - /nosetup - /nopage_setup - /notruncate - /nowrap - /width=80 - /length=66 - LN03 20 $! $ exit ! What follows will always need editing, even if the above doesn't $! $! Setup the terminal characteristics of the port attached to the LN03, $! and set the terminal to be a spooled device. Also assign a logical $! name to the device, for user programmes to send output to. $! $ set term/perm txa1/device=ln03/nobroadcast/notypeahead/speed=9600 $ set device/spooled=(sys$laser,dua0:) txa1: $ assign/system/exec txa1: lwp: ! LWP = Laser Wordprocessing Printer $! $! Initialise and start an output queue for the LN03 $! $ init/queue/terminal/on=txa1: - /form=ln03 - /default=(nofeed,flag=one,form=ln03) - /separate=(noburst,noflag,notrailer,reset=null_job_reset) - /schedule=size - /start - sys$laser $ exit --------------------------------- Date: 19-NOV-1987 12:59:06 GMT From: QPFA1@UK.AC.SUSSEX.VAX2 To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL Re: Your request for information of either Regis emulation for an IBM PC or a T4010 driver for DVItoVDU - the latter was one of the things I was hoping to add to DVItoVDU when I got the full source. Unfortunately the source currently available from the Aston archive doesn't match the executable I retrieved earlier - the special hanling for VT220 down-loadable characters is missing, and the way in which pixel files have to be organised in subdirectories is different. The latter in particular has caused me problems, as I don't really want to change that area of code and end up with a non-standard version of DVItoVDU. Adding a new device to the program, especially a simple one like a T4010, looks to be only a few hours of work. By the way, the source for PSPRINT is incomplete too - vital files such as PSWRITER.MOD are nowhere to be found. Graham King, Brighton Poly. +++Editor I have been trying to locate the missing files for some time but to date have not found a host to get them from - will keep trying+++ --------------------------------- Message-Id: <> Received: from sot-cm by; Thu, 19 Nov 87 13:00:38 GMT Date: Thu, 19 Nov 87 12:51:30 GMT From: Sebastian Rahtz <> To: (uk texxies) Date: Thu, 19 Nov 87 12:51:16 GMT Subject: .Z file ending Cc: X-Mailer: Elm [version 1.5] I suspect that Sue Brooks is meeting Unix files which have been compressed using the PD 'compress' utility, which makes files which end in .Z. Machines like SUN have this utility by default, or else its on the Unix TeX tape. -- Sebastian Rahtz Computer Science University SOUTHAMPTON S09 5NH UK // ...!ukc!sot-cm!spqr // (telephone (0703) 559122 ext 2435) --------------------------------- Date: 19-NOV-1987 13:46:36 GMT From: S050@UK.AC.UEA.CPC865 To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON SUBJECT="T4010 DVITOVDU" Peter, Re: your request for a Tek 4010 driver. Whoops - i'm sorry, but I've been keeping things a bit under my hat. We have had a Tek 4010 version of DVI2VDU running since April here on the VAX, based on Andrew Trevorrow's code, with modifications to customise it to our site requirements. It's the old version (1.5 I believe) and it works with our BBC's with the Termulator chip - it is also ok on IBM PCs with the Tektronix version of Kermit. I've been working on (in my spare time) an implementation of a previewer based on the Beebe code for a PC with a Hercules board. The Beebe driver that produces a bit-map file is VERY slow, but it does'nt suffer from only allowing the 16 basic fonts. Definition is quite good due to a page being 2 screens wide ( x n screens high). When I've tarted up the display code to my satisfaction I'll let you know. Laurie Benfield. +++Editor - Laurie has offered the files and they will be put in the Archive asap+++ Date: 20-NOV-1987 10:20:36 GMT From: S050@UK.AC.UEA.CPC865 To: ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON Peter, I've FTP'd the files TEKVDU.DEF, TEKVDU.MOD, VDUINTERF.DEF, LINKER.COM, and DVITOVDU.EXE to IMPORT. +++Editor - the files have been moved to [public.dvitovdu] but I have renamed the .exe to dvitovdut4010.exe for obvious reasons+++ You will notice that our version is configured to only support ANSI, REGIS, VT100132, and TEK 4010 terminals. The TEK code works ok with BBC's and 'real' 4010's where, in graphics mode, the screen character writing is by overwriting, rather than character replacement. Other TEK emulators (such as KERMIT on the IBM-PC, and an emulator on the ATARI-ST) use character replacement. The effect of this is that is the window is set too large then characters are lost in terse mode. A window size of 6" x 4" is usually about right. By all means, please put them into the DVITOVDU group. The more self-help we can give each other, the better. Regards, Laurie. --------------------------------- Received: from hawaii by id aa17562; 19 Nov 87 14:45 GMT Date: Thu, 19 Nov 87 14:45:24 GMT From: Neil Davies <> To: Subject: VorTeX (sp?) Message-ID: <> I hear that something sounding like this is available from Berkley for the Sun's. It displays the typeset stuff in one-window and you drive it from another. Changes in one window are reflected in the other! The only problem is How!.. Anyone out there know who/where to ask for this? Neil Davies. +++Editor - TeXhax Digest V87 #75 has the address - if that helps+++ --------------------------------- Received: from (lucrece-gate) by (4.12/prgv.24) id AA00876; Thu, 19 Nov 87 19:27:21 gmt Received: from (macduff) by (3.2/Robots 1.0d) id AA00244; Thu, 19 Nov 87 19:28:23 GMT Received: by (3.2/SMI-3.2 pcl mods 1.0c) id AA08556; Thu, 19 Nov 87 19:27:53 GMT Date: Thu, 19 Nov 87 19:27:53 GMT From: (Paul Leyland) Message-Id: <> To: info-tex@aston.mail Subject: Dvi2ps, dvisun I keep seeing people on the net asking for drivers using either GF or PK format fonts, as these use much less space than the standard PXL format. If anyone is interested, I have re-written dvi2ps and dvisun (if you have a Sun 3, this is for you) to handle PK fonts. Unfortunately, I cannot provide anonymous ftp, but I'm prepared to push the code over JANET to whoever wants to ask for it. Furriners, I'm afraid, will have to find a way of paying for the transfer. Can anyone offer a home for this code? Please drop me a line if you'd be willing to provide the ftp service. Paul Leyland (if that gives trouble, and I know one or two mailers which screw up on the address, try, though I prefer the former.) +++Editor - I have the code but am having problems unpacking +++ --------------------------------- Date: 20-NOV-1987 09:06:15 From: PPENDER@IRL.HEA.MAY.VAX1 To: ABBOTTP%UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL@UK.AC.DARESBURY.DLGM We are currently running PCTeX on an IBM PC compatible with 640K and using DVILASER to prepare files for printing on an Apple LaserWriter. We have a print program called SPR which allows TeX output files to be printed on the Laser via an RS232 serial port. However, we would like to use the Laser printer as a spool device connected to the PC and a Mac. Recently we installed a version of Tops and Tops Print to allow us to do this but Tex still has to be printed using the original method. Since Tops was installed the PC has crashed when a 20 page TeX file was processed and printed using our original method (Tops and Tops Print was not loaded at this point but the AppleTalk cables were in place). Does anybody have any idea how we might overcome this problem ??? Paddy Pender Maynooth College Ireland +++Editor - SPR talks directly to com1 and does not use xon/xoff. It says in my instructions NOT to use the redirected output of DOS. Apple talk uses its own link on the printer and the switch must be moved from 9600 to appletalk. A problem occurs when using Microsoft WORD. I overcame my problems by switching off the printer and switching on again to empty the buffer. I am experimenting with Microsoft Windows and am experiencing tim outs when using SPR. I can suggest that you try a reset by switching off/on but if you find the true answer please let me know as well+++ --------------------------------- From: Dr. Colin Walls <> To: INFO-TEX@ASTON Date: Fri, 20 Nov 87 09:28:00 GMT Message-Id: <$RZKBCZFQTJNH at UMPA> Subject: TeX tables I have been trying to format the following table using TeX. Long entries in the final column become more and more compressed. I cannot work out what I am doing wrong. Is there anyone out there who can help? Colin Walls Electronic mail address: C.WALLS@UK.AC.UMIST Address: SERC ECF, UMIST, PO Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD Telephone: 061-236-3311 ext. 2626 \tabskip=0pt \offinterlineskip \halign to 6in{& \vrule# \tabskip=0.5em plus 1em minus 0.25em & \hfil#\hfil & \vrule# & \hfil#\hfil & \vrule# & \vtop{\parindent=0pt\hsize=3in\hangindent=0pt\strut#\strut \tolerance=1000 \lineskip\normallineskip\ \baselineskip\normalbaselineskip} & \vrule# \tabskip=0pt\cr \noalign{\hrule} & {\bf NAME} && {\bf TYPE} && {VALUE} & \cr \noalign{\hrule} & SOURCE\_ADDR && Address && NRS name of source site (Default = {\it local site\/}). & \cr & SOURCE\_DOC && String && Name of the source document. & \cr & HOST\_ADDR && Address && NRS name of the host site. & \cr & HOST\_SINK && String && Name of the jobmill (Default = {\it JOBMILL()\/}). & \cr & DEST\_ADDR && Address && NRS name of the destination site (Default = local site). & \cr & DEST\_DOC && String && Name of the output document at the destination site. & \cr & DEST\_SINK && String && A string to be used by the destination site, showing where the output document is to be deposited (Default = FILE()). & \cr & TASK\_NAME && String && User-reference for this network activity (used in subsequent progress reports to the user). & \cr & NOW &&Boolean && {\it True\/}, specifies immediate initiation of the network activity (Default = {\it false\/}). & \cr & DELETE &&Boolean && If {\it True\/}, specifies that the source file is to be deleted (Default = {\it false\/}). & \cr & DEFAULTS &&Boolean && If preassigned by the user to have a value {\it true\/}, specifies {\it DEFAULTS\/} mode of operation. Otherwise, not used. & \cr & MULTIOP &&Boolean && If {\it True\/}, specifies that the job will produce more than one output document. In this case, if the destination site is a SERC-JTMP installation, the output document name held in DEST\_DOC must be the name of a UFD, which may or may not already exist (Default = {\it false\/}). & \cr \noalign{\hrule} } \bye --------------------------------- Via: UK.AC.RL.EARN; Fri, 20 Nov 87 12:17:05 GMT Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 4049; Fri, 20 Nov 87 12:17:05 GM X-Delivery-Notice: SMTP MAIL FROM does not correspond to sender. Received: from IBOINFN.BITNET (MAILER) by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 4034; Fri, 20 Nov 87 12:17:05 Date: Fri, 20 Nov 87 13:06 N From: <CALVANI%VAXFPD.INFNET@EARN.IBOINFN> Reply-To: <CALVANI%VAXFPD.INFNET@EARN.IBOINFN> Subject: Some answers from Italy To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON X-Original-To: "INFO-TEX@ASTON.AC.UK" Message-id: <0001> Date: FRI, 20-NOV-87 13:05 N From: <CALVANI@VAXFPD.INFNET> Reply-To: <CALVANI%VAXFPD.INFNET@IBOINFN.BITNET> (alternate reply) Subject: Some answers from Italy To: <INFO-TEX@ASTON.AC.UK> X-Original-To:, CALVANI Here are some answers to questions in uktex n.14: 1) Dvitovdu.exe (if it is the one I sent to Peter) is indeed for va/vms. There should be however alsp the source programs .... in Moduala.. 2) I have also been "fighting" with Pavel's files (Pave, where are you?). The *._z means that they are compressed. In the archive there is a [.compress] directory with a program in C to decompress files. The program is however for Unix. I am trying to decode them and translate everything for Vax/vms. I'll let you know if my Unix-friends will succeed. \bye Max Calvani --------------------------------- Received: from by kestrel.Ukc.AC.UK with UUCP id aa12268; 20 Nov 87 20:10 GMT Received: from snow by; Fri, 20 Nov 87 19:22:20 GMT To: Cc: Subject: _Z files Date: Fri, 20 Nov 87 19:22:19 GMT Message-Id: <> From: John Pavel <> _Z files are compressed (.Z) files. The public-domain compress utility (based on Lempel-Ziv (sic.) coding) was used to compress them. The compress utility is written in C. It is available as standard with 4.3BSD and on Suns. The (public-domain) source was on the top level of the tape that I sent, although I have no idea where it is it the archive. Also I don't know if it has been adapted to run under any proprietary operating systems. I hope that this helps, John Pavel --------------------------------- Date: 21 Nov 87 12:34:02 gmt From: G.Toal @ Subject: TeX window previewer? To: ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON Message-ID: <21 Nov 87 12:34:02 gmt 050553@EMAS-A> Dear Peter, will you be getting a copy of this for the Aston archive? If yes, could you let us know when it has arrived please? It's not one I can fetch myself as I have neither ARPA FTP access or a unix machine... Graham. [From: (Dirk Grunwald) [Subject: X-11 dvi previewer available [ [I've got a DVI previewer available which currently runs under X-11 windows. [It should be a simple matter to port it to other window systems. [ [It is available via anon. FTP from, in files pub/iptex.tar [and pub/iptex.tar.Z (compressed). Please get the compressed version if [possible. [ [The file contains a re-distribution of Chris Torek's 'iptex' program as [well. The 'xdvi' program is built using the dvi-library that Chris wrote. [It handles PK, GF & PXL fonts. [ [The directory 'doc' contains a latex document describing the use & options [of iptex & xdvi, and an installation guide. [ [In brief, the previewer is structured to provide two views of your document, [an overview & a detail view. You are shown one or two 'leaves' of a book. [When you point the mouse at a part of the page on a leaf & click a button, [that page is re-computed at an expanded size & displayed. The X-11 version [attempts to size the leaves to give you the largest image possible. [ [the previewer uses your standard fonts. For us, that means the 300dpi fonts. [It shrinks the fonts to fit them on your display. Crude, but effective. [ [If someone ports this to SunView, I'd be interested. It shouldn't take more [than a couple of hours. Also, the dvi-related code is distinct from the X-11 [related code. It should be easy to build previewers for any number of [raster display screens. [ [This has been run on a Sun3/260 HiRes, Sun3/50 and a PC/RT. I think that it [also runs on a VS-2000 w/X-11. [ [So, spare that tree, preview first. Does wonders for laying out new styles. [ [Dirk Grunwald [Univ. of Illinois [ [ [P.S. For you non-arpa sites, I'll be posting this to comp.sources.unix some [time soon, so don't send mail asking for it -- it'll be there soon. +++Editor - The file iptex.tar_z is stored under public.preview. I could not find the iptex.tar file. I have sent a message asking where it has gone+++ --------------------------------- !! !! Replies/submissions to please !! distribution changes to please !! !! end of issue