UKTeX V87 #16 VorTex (twice) UNIX-TeX and advice on circuit diagrams Driver for Epson FX105?? CM fonts for Linotype Linotronic 100 Required Various questions related to TeX/LaTeX and Prime systems --------------------------------- Editor IpTeX - The uncompressed file iptex.tar is now available in the same subdirectory as the compressed file iptex.tar_z The groups DVITOVDU and PSPRINT have been updated in response to me request. The versions are 1.1 and 1.7. Two files have been added to the subdirectory drivers (thanks to Paul Leyland). I hope the names are self explanatory. dvips_gk_unix.shar1 dvips_gk_unix.shar2 I have extracted the files from dvidoc.shar1 and dvidoc.shar2 in latexstyle. I assume that tangle is the first step but there is no .ch file. Can anyone help. Here is the directory listing. DOC.PL;1 DOCMAC.TEX;1 DVIDOC.1;1 DVIDOC.STY;1 DVIDOC.WEB;1 DVITYEXT.C;1 DVITYEXT.H;1 DVITYPE.CH;1 MAKEFILE.;1 README.;1 TEXPATHS.H;1 Total of 11 files. $tangle dvidoc Couldn't open DVIDOC.CH In response to requests for information I have created a file aston.kirk::[public]000directory.list which contains a directory listing of ALL files in PUBLIC. This can be used to search for particular items or types of files. There will be odd files in the listing which cannot be accessed but they are generally of no consequence. There are still problems with certain file types and DEC are looking at the problem. --------------------------------- Date: 23 Nov 87 10:42:36 gmt From: G.Toal @ Subject: VorTex To: Message-ID: <23 Nov 87 10:42:36 gmt 050691@EMAS-A> Hello all; has anyone seen the VorTeX code in action? I've seen a couple of mentions of it now (it even got a by-line in Byte this month) and would love to hear a critical appraisal. If anyone reckons it is a 'good thing', I might try that approach instead for the Archimedes port. Until now I had planned just a simple pre-viewer for DVI files, but if (semi-)interactive TeX now exists it is clearly the route to take... So, questions: a) Is it real TeX?; b) What is the granularity of interaction?; c) it IS public domain, no?; d) Does anyone in the UK have a copy? Graham. P.S. Have looked at R.M.Damerell's CrudeType - looks fine for its job but the code is very VMS-pascal specific. (Just in case anyone was thinking of putting it on their non-VMS machine) --------------------------------- Date: 23-NOV-1987 10:52:13 GMT From: RHEAD@UK.AC.NOTT.VAXA To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON In UKTeX #15, Neil Davies asked about VorTeX from Berkeley (software for SUNs and InterPress printers). I received details of VorTeX from Berkeley last week. (Our interest is that VorTeX has dvi-to-interpress software, which may be relevant to our Xerox laserprinter.) If anyone else is interested in the details, I suggest that they let me know their Royal Mail address, so I can post them a photocopy. David Rhead --------------------------------- Date: 25-NOV-1987 14:08:08 GMT From: OPER@UK.AC.RL.VJ To: TEX-INFO@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL Subject: UNIX-TeX? and advice on circuit diagrams 1. I have a friend running a UNIX system on a Torch XXX who would like to run TeX? Please can you suggest where/who he should ask for advice on suppliers etc. 2. Some of our users want to use TeX to make circuit diagrams as part of their 'User Guides' to theri electronic CAD programs. A few years ago TUGBOAT had a few tantalising diagrams, but didn't say how to do it, at least not in terms that a TeXnovice like me can understand. Any advice offers of macros etc would be most welcome. We run both TeX and LaTeX with output to a Canon LBPA 2 laser printer. replies to Kate Crennell please KMC @UK.AC.RL.VJ --------------------------------- Received: from memex by; Fri, 27 Nov 87 20:16:08 GMT Received: by (5.52/memex_10) id AA26213; Fri, 27 Nov 87 16:02:28 GMT Date: Fri, 27 Nov 87 16:02:28 GMT From: (Peter Ilieve) Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Driver for Epson FX105?? I would like to lay my hands on one of these, preferably to run on a PC. Peter probably has one in his archives but I can't get at them via FTP, only having Unix mail. Has any sort of mail server been started yet? This would solve both the problems. Peter Ilieve peter@memex.uucp +++Editor - Sorry not yet we have some code but it is designed for UNIX not VMS. If anyone is willing to convert to make it work with VMS mail (vanilla flavour) let me know+++ --------------------------------- Via:; 1 Dec 87 12:46 GMT Received: from rain by; Tue, 1 Dec 87 12:11:54 GMT To:, Subject: CM fonts for Linotype Linotronic 100 Required Date: Tue, 01 Dec 87 13:01:31 GMT Message-Id: <> From: John Pavel <> We have acquired a photo-typesetter that understands PostScript (amongst other languages). It is called a "Linotype Linotronic 100". It operates at 1270dpi. Does anyone else have such a typesetter? Has anyone generated a set of CM fonts for it? Has anyone got a modified lfonts.tex to make use of the internal PostScript fonts? Has anyone succeeded in printing DVI files out on it? Has anyone got other than PostScript DVI drivers for it? The typesetter will be accessed over a network. Will the PostScript be extremely voluminous? Thanks, John Pavel +++Editor - We have a RIP on the phototypesetter which takes postcript and processes it - The RIP comes from Linotype and accepts either Apple MAC via Appletalk or ASCII via a 9600 baud line. I assume that we can drive it from the IBM PC but we need fonts at the correct resolution. It has built in fonts and we have what appears to be the same as those in an Apple Laserwriter. When times permits we intend to provide files via the VAX (generated on a PC or the VAX). I know the Appletalk connection has been used+++ --------------------------------- Date: WED, 02 DEC 87 09:02:50 GMT From: C20222 @ UK.AC.PLYMOUTH.PRIME-B To: info-tex @ UK.AC.ASTON Sent by: Jon Warbrick <J.Warbrick @ UK.AC.Plym.B> Plymouth Polytechnic Computing Service. Plymouth Poly has just obtained TeX with a view to providing access to it as a user service in the near future. There are a number of questions that I would like to ask the TeX comunity, and they appear below. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Peter Abbott for running UKTeX and the Aston Archive - I have found it very useful over the past few weeks. And now to the questions: 1) What does everyone in the UK do about producing output on A4 rather than on 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper as is TeX's default? I assume that the best bet is to modify \hsize and \vsize in every document, and to modify your DVI-to-brand-x driver to ensure that it prints its output one inch from the top and left-hand edge of an A4 page. I have an old copy of Nelson Beebe's DVIALW and the modifications are fairly easy, but what does everyone else do? 2) The same question applies to LaTeX output. I assume that the A4.STY file in the LATEXSTYLE collection will have the desired effect, but I can't get a copy of it thanks to the 'incompatible file format' problem that everyone else has been having with files in the Aston Archive. If there is anyone out there who could mail me a copy I would be very grateful. 3) Can I have some more information on Art Samuel's 'First Grade TeX' -- like the name of a publisher -- so that I can obtain a copy. 4) I gather that DVIPS from ARBORTEX does lots of nice things *and* will use a laser printer's built-in fonts. Does anyone have an address for ARBORTEX, and do you know if they have ever mounted DVIPS on a PR1ME? I look forward to some answers ... Jon. +++Editor - Thanks for the compliment, I am sorry that sites are having problems with the Archive. I have just read a message which has identified one problem as files with stream_lf format do not work but if they are converted to VFC (variable format control) they do. This leaves a large manual exercise to convert files. At Aston we have a file uacs.sty containing the page size definitions and also commands to provide our `house' style. It is used as follows \documentstyle[11pt,uacs]{article} ArborTexT Inc (see page 245 of TugBoat Vol 8 No 2 July 1987) P O Box 7993 Ann Arbor Michigan 48107 Tel 313 996 3566 I can not find the list of implementations at present but will obtain a list (via electronic mail) for general publication+++ --------------------------------- !! !! Replies/submissions to please !! distribution changes to please !! !! end of issue