UKTeX V87 #18

		     postscript /tex - builtin fonts.
		 Re: Responses to current UK-TEX mailing.
			     Crudetype errors
			     Re: Responses ...
			   MF change #536, etc.
		    Epson fonts for ST-TeX on the Atari
	       A few points about letters in the last UKTeX
			 Re: MF change #536, etc.
				TeX patches
			 Problems with compress.c
			     Tex for PC clones


The publication `University Computing' now carries a section on Software 
Reviews and it seems to me that it would be helpful to provide a review of 
TeX and LaTeX. It should in my opnion be reviewed in the light of use on a 
PC and on somewhat larger systems. If anyone is willing to write such a 
review please let me know. I shall be delighted if I receive a sudden boost 
of electronic mail.

Texdvi208 now contains update no 15 00mail.15

I have been notified of version 2 of PSprint and DVITOVDU from Andrew 
Trevorrow and hope to have them in the archive later this week.

Thanks for the offers of help with the file transfer problems I shall be 
contacting you as soon as I can organise the trace facilities here at 


Date:		 8-DEC-1987 12:16:25
To:		info-tex@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL
Subject:	postscript /tex - builtin fonts.
Reply-to:       WILLIAMS_B@UK.CO.PCR.SVAX05
X-Name:         Brian Williams
X-Service:      Sandwich VAX 8600 <UK.CO.PCR.SVAX05> <UK PSS 234216700127>
X-Address:      Pfizer Central Research, Sandwich, Kent CT13 9NJ UK
X-Telephone:    Sandwich (0304) 616775/616564

Does anyone have a latex system which uses the postscript builtin fonts?

Brian Williams


+++Editor - Yes at Aston we have DVIlaser from Arbortext on VAX VMS and IBM 
PC both used with Apple Laserwriters and we are experimenting with the new 
QMS postscript printer. The only problem located so far is that the margins 
are set differently by default+++


Via:; 8 Dec 87 16:47 GMT
Received: from snow by; Tue, 8 Dec 87 16:31:21 GMT
To: Philip Taylor (RHBNC, Univ of London) <>
Subject: Re: Responses to current UK-TEX mailing. 
In-Reply-To: Your message of 02 Dec 87 17:28:24 GMT.
Date: Tue, 08 Dec 87 16:31:18 GMT
Message-Id: <>
From: John Pavel <>


Thank you for your reply.

# The University of London Computer Centre has recently obtained a Linotron
# 300, which is similar to your device in offering 1270 dpi and understanding
# PostScript.  I have successfully printed DVI on it using ArborText's
# DVILASER/PS, running on an Opus AT clone.  I have generated a set of 1270 dpi
# CM-series fonts, and will endeavour to make them available via Aston.  They ar

I gather that the .mf CM  fonts and Metafont have been corrected  fairly
recently.  It would  be worth waiting before  regenerating the CM  fonts
(using the Sauter scripts, I presume) considering the number of days  of
CPU time that it is likely to take.

# untested as yet.  What is 'LFONTS.TeX' ? 
# +++Editor - LFONTS.TeX is the font declaration file for LaTeX+++
# The PostScript is about twice as voluminous as the DVI, excluding down-line
# loaded fonts (whic are shipped as hex bit-maps, and therefore potentially
# enormous).

That's pretty good. Normally PostScript is 5 times the volume.

John Pavel

++Editor - The following missed the last issue through an error on my part 
so Max please accept my apologies. I am adapting the archive at Aston to 
incorporate ideas given here.+++
             *   Announcing Tex on Decnet   *
Thanks to the collaboration of several TeX-friends, we have created a
depository for TeX and related software on Decnet in Italy.
For any information, please send a mail message to:
or                        39003::fisica
The material at present available is listed below.
Soon also Beebe's driver family will be added.
We are looking for the last version of DviToVdu by A. Trevorrow (the one
which uses .GF files). Any one is willing to contribute?
            Marisa Luvisetto and Massimo Calvani
AMSTEX.DIR;1              The Amstex package
BASES.DIR;1               Basic PLAIN files for Tex and Metafont
BIBTEX.DIR;1              The Bibtex package
CLD.DIR;1                 *.cld files to install TeX in DCL tables
CM.DIR;1                  CM fonts definitions
(+++Editor - I have cut the remainder if you want the full list the file is



Date:		 9-DEC-1987 09:36:32 GMT
From:		S050@UK.AC.UEA.CPC865

Does anyone in the TeX community have a copy of DVItoPK that I could 
use. (A VAX/VMS version would be preferable but any version woudl be 
gratefully received).

Laurie Benfield.


Date:     Wed, 09 Dec 87 09:56:14 GMT
Subject:  CrudeType


I have found two errors in CrudeType while Weaving and TeXing the web source:

a) In the lineprinter change file, \q is defined but is used in the web source
   before this.  It gives an "Undefined control sequence" error.
b) In the web source "sub_list" appears instead of "sub-list".  It gives a
   "Missing $ inserted" error.


+++Editor - The two files crudetype.web and have been updated 
in the archive+++

Via:; 9 Dec 87 13:46 GMT
Received: from snow by; Wed, 9 Dec 87 13:32:42 GMT
Subject: Re: Responses ... 
In-Reply-To: Your message of 09 Dec 87 12:12:29 GMT.
Date: Wed, 09 Dec 87 13:32:38 GMT
Message-Id: <>
From: John Pavel <>

# >>> I gather that the .mf CM  fonts and Metafont have been corrected  fairly
# >>> recently.  It would  be worth waiting before  regenerating the CM  fonts
# >>> (using the Sauter scripts, I presume) considering the number of days  of
# >>> CPU time that it is likely to take.
# Not sure what you mean by this ... I have already generated the CM fonts at
# 1270 dpi, using the Sauter scripts as you correctly presumed, and lodged them 
# with the Aston archive.  Is 'regenerating' different from 'generating', and if
# so, why would I want to re-generate them ?  CPU usage, incidentally, was about
# 24 CPU hours, spread across 6 8700s and an 8650.  ** Phil.

An errata listing to  the CM fonts was  (appently) distributed with  the
June 1987  TUGboat.    By  regenerating, I  mean  generating  after  the
application of the errata.

In a recent TeXhax (V87 #84), Chris Thompson of the Cambridge University
Computing Service pointed out effects of METAFONT change #536,  whatever
that was, on the new files.

I do not have the changes, but the the most recent MF changes that
I have are in the diff appended.

John Pavel

P.S. Did you generate fonts like cmb12, or did you generate cmb12
at mag 1, or both?

Changes to mf.web

*** mf.web-1.3	Sun Apr 26 23:02:28 1987
--- mf.web	Mon Nov 30 23:55:56 1987
+++Editor - The remainder has been cut and the whole message is in

Date: Wed, 09 Dec 87 15:23:59 GMT
Subject: MF change #536, etc.
Message-ID: <9DBE4D132CAAB230@UK.AC.CAM.PHX>

MF change #536, together with many others, appears in the Errata
listing that came with the June 1987 issue of TUGboat. It is the only
recent change to MF that affects the GF files produced directly. (It
was a fix for excessive rounding occuring during the application of
the algorithm associated with the "fillin" parameter.)
If anyone wants the changes to TeX and MF in that Errata listing
(i.e. the changes subsequent to TeX 2.0 / MF 1.0 but no later than
TeX 2.2 / MF 1.3) in machine readable form (WEB change file format)
I can email them. I have also got the changes to the Computer Modern
fonts themselves, though not in such a convenient form.
Chris Thompson


Date:		 9-DEC-1987 15:41:06 GMT
Subject:	Epson fonts for ST-TeX on the Atari

I have just acquired StTex (2.1) for the Atari ST. Unfortunately the fonts that
came with the package are only at Magstep0 for an Atari monitor  and for an
Epson FX-80 printer. I managed to create the rest of the fonts for the monitor
using Metafont and converting them to PK format using GftoPK.However doing the
same thing for the Epson printer just did not work. 
METAFONT (1.0) did not complain but GFTOPK (1.2) did.I used the following
mode setup:

         mode_def stepson =                                                 
         proofing:=0;                   % no, we're not making proofs      
         fontmaking:=1;                 % yes, we are making a font        
         tracingtitles:=0;              % no, don't show titles at all     
         pixels_per_inch:=240;          % that's the meaning of ST EPSON   
         blacker:=.65;                  % make pens a bit blacker          
         fillin:=.2;                    % compensate for diagonal fillin   
         o_correction:=.4;              % but don't overshoot as much      
         aspect_ratio:=10/9;            % cater for rectangular pixels     
GFtoPK converted the fonts with an error message -odd aspect ratio. As for the 
previewer on the ST ,it complained with the message 'wrong magnification ratio'.
Being a new member in the TeX-world I could not go any further making sure that
no mistyping was made.
Does it have to do with the GFtoPk version or a wrong aspect ratio or 
something else?
B.T.W. fonts in pixel format did not help either ('corrupted font ' was the pre-
viewer diagnostic).

Any help will be welcome
many thanks,

Rachid Chalabi (MAPE1@UK.AC.SUSX.VAX2)


Message-Id: <>
Received: from sot-cm by; Wed, 9 Dec 87 15:58:56 GMT
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 87 15:52:40 GMT
From: Sebastian Rahtz <>
To: (uk texxies)
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 87 15:52:29 GMT
Subject: no subject (file transmission)
X-Mailer: Elm [version 1.5]

A few points about letters in the last UKTeX

a) VorTeX, as described, sounds pretty feeble for $250! The 'textool'
previewer on a Sun (which Peter Ilieve tarted up from an original)
allows the same cycle of edit/run/preview very easily; Gnuemacs files
for TeX and LaTeX are on the standard emacs tape anyway (not as
sophisto as Vortex perhaps) - as a matter of principle, it seems to me
immoral to sell Gnuemacs stuff anyway. Who needs a font editor? Are
TeXxies such mega-human beings that they need and *are competent*
to tinker with bitmaps generated by Metafont? hubris, I call it.

b) We have just bought ArborText's "The Publisher" to run on our Suns.
Its got a lot to recommend it if you insist on WIMP interfaces to TeX
and embedded graphics all over the shop. When I've tried it, I'll tell
you more! if anyone wants to come and look at it if they are nearby...

c) Can we please sort out this PostScript & TeX business once for all?
First, there still seems to be a misapprehension that DVI --> PS drivers are
all the same bar the shouting. This is not so. Nelson Beebe's, for
instance, does NOT support use of PS fonts and  is unlikely to do so
which (for me) destroys the point of having a PS engine! 

Second, can we establish that Knuth did NOT intend TeX to be bound to
CMR; plain TeX and plain LaTeX are two macro packages which use CMR by
means of a series of \font commands; the user is more than welcome to
mention other fonts with \font commands, without feeling that he or
she is cheating! Those of use who avoid CMR like the plague ('cos its
nastyu on 300 dpi printers, and because it looks American) are not 2nd
class citizens.... 

Thirdly, Malcolm Clark's criticisms of Adobe are not quite fair. Adobe
are not a fly-by-night pirate firm who ripped off Linotron fonts; the
fact that their fonts dont include all the TeX symbols affects few
people in the real world. The solution is NOT to wait for PS-CMR but
wait for Lucida or other fonts designed for maths (believe it or not,
not many people typeset maths!)
Sebastian Rahtz       Computer Science    University  SOUTHAMPTON S09 5NH UK  // ...!ukc!sot-cm!spqr //
(telephone (0703) 559122 ext 2435)


Via:; 9 Dec 87 16:57 GMT
Received: from snow by; Wed, 9 Dec 87 16:55:34 GMT
Subject: Re: MF change #536, etc. 
In-Reply-To: Your message of Wed, 09 Dec 87 15:23:59 GMT.
Date: Wed, 09 Dec 87 16:55:30 GMT
Message-Id: <>
From: John Pavel <>

# If anyone wants the changes to TeX and MF in that Errata listing
# (i.e. the changes subsequent to TeX 2.0 / MF 1.0 but no later than
# TeX 2.2 / MF 1.3) in machine readable form (WEB change file format)
# I can email them. I have also got the changes to the Computer Modern
# fonts themselves, though not in such a convenient form.

I have TeX 2.7 and MF 1.4.  That means that it is al already
updated?  It would be handy to have the latest files, if
these were available.

I have access to Piete Brooke's bescot machine ( by
anonymous FTAM, if that would be convenient.

John Pavel

+++Editor - I am sure that others would like the files if you can send them 
to me+++

From: Robert Evans <>
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 87 11:12:59 gmt
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TeX patches

There's a patch to Unix-flavoured TeX in TeXHaX Digest v87 #100 for upgrading
from TeX 2.5 to 2.7.  We have TeX 2.0.  Are the patches for 2.0 to 2.5
available in Britain?



Date:		11-DEC-1987 13:30:35 GMT
Subject:	TeX DVI to POSTCRIPT?

Please can you tell me where I can obtain a utility to convert TeX DVI
files to POSTCRIPT ones? I run TeX on a microVaxII under VMS 4.5 at the 
moment, 4.6 after Christmas.   Kate Crennell

+++Editor - For free there is a driver in the archive, if you pay then 
there are several. The one I use comes from Arbortext and works on the VAX 
under VMS plus several other implementations. Arbortext address is in a 
previous mailing, let ne know if you cannot find it.+++


Date:		11-DEC-1987 16:06:38 GMT
Subject:	Problems with compress.c

I've transferred compress.c and compiled it with success but it seems not to
work;the program forces the terminal to go in T4010 mode soon afer the first
CR(i.e COMPRESS sample_file.type <CR>)
Also it seems that it needs more input as hitting <CR>,or writing anything
is accepted by sys$input.I've checked the CPU time and it seems that the
programis not running at all.I have to kill it in order to stop it. Have
you got any idea about the problem? 
many thanks


B.T.W. I used the program as is not knowing the C language.


From:    UCCA021@UCL.EUCLID (on GEC 4190 Rim-D at UCL)
Date:    Fri, 11 Dec 87 20:54
Subject: Tex for PC clones
Message-Id: <11 DEC 1987 20:54:21 UCCA021@UCL.EUCLID>

Could you tell me if there is a public domain version of
Tex for PC clones?

Charles Willoughby
Chemistry Dept.,
University College London.

!!  Replies/submissions to     please
!!  distribution changes to   please 
!!   end of issue