UKTeX V87 #19

		       RE: Problems with Compress.c
			      Classical Greek
		    The Publisher & magnified Metafont


I have been informed that the diskettes for version 2.10 of TeXDVI have 
been shipped from Utah.

Version 2.0 of DVItoVDU is available in public.dvitovdu20
Version 2.0 of PSPRINT is available in public.psprint20

GF file for LN and QMS printers have been added to the Archive.

We have been offered a beta copy of the software for ftp (4.3). DEC have 
confirmed that the problems are due to a `bug' which is corrected in 4.3. I 
will keep you posted as to when this version is available and we will
provide it on one processor so that the normal service is not affected. 
Thank you to those who offered to help to locate the problem.

I have been told that there will be NO December issue of TeXmag due to 
illness and finals.

I have been looking at Crudetype and would like to know if anyone has 
produced a version which will pick up the PK format files.

This is probably the last issue of volume 87 so I will take the opportunity 
to wish the compliments of the season. The systems at Aston are left 
operational during the period when the University is closed so that anyone 
who is keen enough can still send mail and gain access to the Archive.



Message-id: <0001>
Date: MON, 14-DEC-87 16:31 N
Subject: RE: Problems with Compress.c
X-Original-To:, CALVANI
As I have no access to FTP, Peter kindly mailed me the program by Sue Brooks
for vax/vms. I had also some troubles because there were unwanted control
characters in place of curly brackets (or is it a problem of going from
Janet to Bitnet?). I fixed it and I can send it on bitnet or Decnet.
Max Calvani
Decnet:   39003::fisica
Date:       Tue, 15 Dec 87 15:29:28 BST
Subject:    Classical Greek

There has been mention recently about Silvio Levy's Greek fonts,
as announced at the TUG meeting in Seattle --- has anyone over
here managed to obtain his fonts yet?  We've had a longstanding
requirement for classical Greek here, but if anyone else has
done the UK groundwork, it would save another foray into
American email.    Thanks

Cathy Booth


Date:     Wed, 16 Dec 87 13:28:23 GMT
Subject:  The Publisher & magnified Metafont


I'd like to pursue two items in UKTeX87 #18.

a) ArborText's "The Publisher":  we have a Sun 3/360 on order and I
   am hoping to persuade the powers-that-be (the people with money)
   to get a copy.  I would be very interested in hearing more from
   Sebastian---particularly price, it's supposed to be a cheap beta test
   price at present.

b) I've been using PCTeX's Metafont 1.0 to generate fonts and, while
   generally successful, I don't seem to be able to get magnified
   fonts accepted by either ArborText's Previewer or its DVIHP---they
   complain that the font is only available in its base size.

 I use

    mf &cm \mode=linotype; mag=magstep 1; input cmr10/a=99/t

 (I haven't got the code here so I may have forgotten a \ before
  "magstep", "linotype" was cribbed from another mode_def with a dpi
 and go through GFtoPK, putting the PK files in the appropriate DPI
 directory ...

 Can anybody help?


From: Tim Marsland
Subject: Debugging aid for Ln03

        Can I offer a little program I wrote some time ago to help when
debugging LN03 drivers?  All ``xln03'' does is to read the bizarre
characters and escape sequences sent back from the LN03 to the host when
errors occur, and translates them into english (well DEClish anyway).  The
program has only been run under Ultrix 1.2, but (I hope) porting to VMS
should be fairly easy, since most of the code just reads and decodes
incoming characters from an open file descriptor.  It also includes some
code to deliberately provoke the LN03 into sending something back to the
host e.g. a status report or a font report.

        Actually, it isn't much use as a general purpose program, but it
does help one keep calm when things are going wrong, and no-one can tell
you what the flashing numbers on the LN03 actually mean, and someone else
has hidden/locked away the programmers manual.

tim marsland, december 1987

+++Editor - The files plus a unix shar file are available in 
[public.drivers.xln03] +++

!!  Replies/submissions to     please
!!  distribution changes to   please 
!!   end of issue