UKTeX V88 #5 Re: `Paddywhackery' Philanthropist sought... dvi to ps problem (BIG letters) pktopx New BiBTeX New mailing list: GraphUK WEB on PCs CTeX upgrade LaTeX bug - From Chris Rowley, Open University PCWRITEX conversion driver PC-WRITE==>TeX mapped/unmapped fonts --------------------------------- Editor Peter Abbott Thanks to all of you who tried the BiBTeX and informed me that it was incomplete. I have fetched another copy and it is twice as large. Please try again. The main problem is that due to the size the terminal times out whilst transferring from score to London and it is not yet possible to use batch FTP. If this version is still incomplete I may be able to set up so that I have a longer time out slot. I am also pleased to say that it should now be possible to ftp files of stream_lf format. To avoid upsetting the working system this software has been mounted on SPOCK. To use it please specify SPOCK instead of KIRK in the ftp process. NO OTHER CHANGES are required. Please let me know if ANY problems arise. I must apologise to those of you who have been having problems with FTP. The system was changed to improve security and this affected the PUBLIC account. The problem has now been cured. I have added software under public.tex.amsfonts, and public.tex.tib (thanks to Max Calvani). --------------------------------- Date: 22-FEB-1988 12:22:00 GMT From: CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXB To: abbottp@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: Re: `Paddywhackery' Mailer: Janet_Mailshr V2.8(b) Sender: Janet"Chaa006@Uk.Ac.Rhbnc.Vaxb" Reply-to: Philip Taylor (RHBNC, Univ of London) I can't find any message containing mock-Irish accents or `paddywhackery'; have I missed something ? What is Brendan complaining about ? ** Phil. --------------------------------- Date: 25 Feb 88 16:19:35 GMT (Thu) Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: Ag [V1.0-Alpha] From: Sam Nelson To: info-tex@aston.mail Subject: Philanthropist sought... to provide MetaFontless UNIX box with 180dpi GF or PK files. Reply to the above address please---any reasonable expenses covered. Sam. --------------------------------- Received: from acorn by kestrel.Ukc.AC.UK with UUCP id aa22300; 1 Mar 88 15:58 GMT Received: by acorn.UUCP (5.51/4.7) id AA15855; Tue, 1 Mar 88 14:08:35 GMT Message-Id: <8803011408.AA15855@acorn.UUCP> To: Cc: Subject: dvi to ps problem (BIG letters) Date: Tue,01 Mar 1988.14:40:17 From: GToal@uucp.acorn Calling all TeXnichians, I am currently porting TeX (&metafont) to the Acorn Archimedes. I'm doing this at Acorn in Cambridge (in my spare time) and am testing it on the 101 Apple laserwriters which they have here. I have Nelson Beebe's dvialw postsript generator and have got it running fairly well BUT... I have a problem with the CMINCH font - it causes a LaserWriter sanfu, presumably because of the size of the font cache or something. There is a comment in his document that there is a known bug in the LaserWriters, and that 'dvialw file -s0' should avoid it. Well, it didn't do anything different for me. Has anyone else hit this problem? What is the solution please? I note that it works perfectly well if the CMINCH is generated at mag 0.25. By the way, Nelson's code is easy to port to non-unix systems, which makes a pleasant change for C code... Well done Mr Beebe. I also can reinforce Ian Young's comment that MAXDRIFT in the driver should be 0: strange as it may seem a pixel of extra space stands out enough to grate on the eyes. P.S. to Malcolm clark: I'll do a write-up of Archimedes TeX for texline once it is stable and through the trip test. (It hasn't failed - I just haven't tried it yet...) --------------------------------- Date: 3-MAR-1988 10:50:51 GMT From: CENSWM@UK.AC.HW.VAXB To: abbott@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: pktopx Peter, hope you can help, I am getting the following error when I run pktopx I have tried remaking PKTOPX from source and using the .exe version from ASTON, but i get the same error. What I am doing is this: i type PKTOPX and the error I get is as follows... This is PKtoPX, VAX/VMS Version 2.2.0 CLI-F-SYNTAX, error parsing 'pk_file' -CLI-E-ENTNF, specified entity not found in command tables %TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows module name routine name line rel PC abs PC 7FF8BEF5 7FF8BEF5 7FF8BCFB 7FF8BCFB 7FF8B81C 7FF8B81C 00002C22 00002C22 PKTOPX GETARG 33 00000078 00001B9C PKTOPX OPENPKFILE 67 00000029 00001FD5 PKTOPX PKTOPX 123 0000010F 00000FAF The error CLI-E-ENTNF is happening at the CLI$PRESENT and it is being passed PK_FILE as an argument, so I assume this means that PK_FILE has to be supplied somehow, I thought this program is interactive any ideas? Stuart. --------------------------------- Received: from by Jenny.CL.Cam.AC.UK with SMTP/TCP/IP over Ethernet id a014497; 29 Feb 88 12:29 GMT Date: Mon, 29 Feb 88 12:22:10 GMT From: Paul Karger To: Subject: New BiBTeX Message-Id: Do you have a UNIX change file for BIBTEX, or does the old change file still work? The VMS change file looks like the old one, unmodified. It even still has the old version number in it. Thanks for the help on getting it copied. It doesn't look usable yet, but I hope this info is at least a little help to you. Thank you! Paul Karger +++ EDitor - I have added the file aston.spock::[public.score.bibtex] from I hope that helps. +++ --------------------------------- +++Editor - I have included the following to give it wide circulation+++ Date: 23-FEB-1988 17:55:39 GMT -01:00 From: THOWARD@UK.AC.MAN.CS.CGU To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL Subject: New mailing list: GraphUK Sender: JANET"" Reply-to: X-name: Toby Howard X-address: Computer Graphics Unit, University of Manchester. With the proliferation of mailing lists, we can see no reason for computer graphics and associated topics to be exempt. There is (sporadically) INFO-GRAPHICS, but it's very heavily biased towards USA topics. We believe there is a need for a UK (and European) list to cover the kind of topics suggested below. These are not to be considered as definitive, rather a starting point. Please note that graphuk will be a *moderated* list in digest format. Computer Graphics Graphics Packages (Gino, NAG Graphics, UNIRAS ....) Image processing Windows User Interfaces Computational Geometry Curves and surfaces Projective Geometry Visual Realism Shading and lighting models Graphics Standards (GKS, GKS-3D, PHIGS, CGM, CGI ... CGM-3D ...) de-facto Standards PostScript PEX PHIGS+ Eurographics matters etc... We would welcome contributions in the following areas: (1) News items, announcements of meetings, courses etc. (2) Requests for help/advice. (3) Offers of help/information. (4) Questions for debate. like "Graphics Standards are a waste of time, because de-facto standards are better". (6) Gossip - no libel!!!!! Requests for membership to: Submissions to: (Internet: Terry Hewitt and Toby Howard Computer Graphics Unit Department of Computer Science University of Manchester Oxford Road Manchester M13 9PL United Kingdom +44 61-275-6094 --------------------------------- Date: 23-FEB-1988 09:30:55 GMT From: RJ_MARGOLIS@UK.AC.OPEN.ACS.VAX To: ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: WEB on PCs From Bob Margolis, OU (rj_margolis@UK.AC.OU.ACSVAX) To: Peter Abbott Subject: WEB on PCs Peter, I hope that you have some dedicated PC hackers out there among your readers. I have prepared CHANGE files for TANGLE and WEAVE, and a TANGLE.EXE file to enable WEB to be used on PCs with Borland's Turbo Pascal V4.0. (This compiler because the current educational price is good!) If you would like to make these available on an 'as seen' basis for exhaustive testing, then you can get them from our VAX. They reside in USER$DSK:[rj_margolis] . You can use username and password ftp. TRANSFER them with the FAST option, should correctly move the exe files as well. The files are TPWEAVE.*, TPTANGLE.* and NULL.CH . The basic WEB files are included since the change files are for those (v2.8). TeX is next on the list; the job is underway, but finish date is vague. TANGLE is full size, but WEAVE has one parameter smaller than the original. This will be fixed in the next version; TANGLE is most important for my aim of TeX in Pascal for the PC, so laziness dictates that the mods to WEAVE will wait until I'm totally frustrated by TeX. Bob M. --------------------------------- Date: Wed, 2 Mar 88 12:15:18 GMT From: Sparry To: Subject: CTeX upgrade Sorry for the delay. Here is a brief note about the format of the upgrade, which I suggest that you store. In a moment I will send the article from USENET which contains the upgrade. I suggest that you publish the first part of the article, which notes what it is supposed to do. Icarus +++Editor - The file of diffs is aston.spock::[public.ctex_2_1]update_2_1.diffs +++ _____________________________ A very brief explanation of what a patch file looks like. It will start with some junk. There will then be a series of patches. Each patch will start with two lines, the first will be '*** filename1 date', the second will be '--- filename2 date' One of these filenames should be the same as the file you want to patch. There will then be a series of 'hunks', each describing a small change. The first line will be '***************' The second line will be '*** linenumber1,linenumber2' these line numbers are for the original filename1. the lines will then be listed, preceeded by one of ' ' meaning that the line is unchanged '- ' meaning that the line is deleted '! ' meaning that the line has been changed. There will then be a line of the form '--- linenumber3,linenumber4' these line numbers are for the new filename2. the lines will then be listed, preceeded by one of ' ' meaning that the line is unchanged '+ ' meaning that the line is added '! ' meaning that the line has been changed. Any lines which do not start with one of ' ', '+ ', '- ', or '! ' are ignored. a line which starts with '***' is then either the start of the next hunk, for the same filenames, or the start of a patch for a new pair of filenames. Much the best way to apply these patches is with a program called 'patch' which was written by Larry Wall. It is written in 'C' for Unix, and may be freely copied. There is a copy on the info-server at ukc, or I am willing to mail copies if requested. I have not looked at the program in detail but my guess is that it should be fairly portable to non unix systems. Icarus (uucp path ...!ukc!bath63!cc_is) --------------------------------- Via:; 20 Feb 88 21:43 GMT Received: from snow by; Sat, 20 Feb 88 20:04:14 GMT To: Subject: Re: At last the file is there In-Reply-To: Your message of 20 Feb 88 11:38:45 GMT. Date: Sat, 20 Feb 88 20:04:13 GMT Message-Id: <> From: John Pavel CTEX.TAR_Z, Tim Morgan's Pascal to C-based TeX, with Chris Torek's self dump additions should allow anyone with Unix to generate a TeX. You will still need all the macros, fonts, etc, however. John --------------------------------- Date: 9-MAR-1988 17:55:22 GMT From: CA_ROWLEY@UK.AC.OPEN.ACS.VAX To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL Subject: From Chris Rowley, Open University % ** FROM: The \LaTeX Bug Library % % Another one for the collection: % % Try running this. % % I have not supplied a "fix" this time because % (a) The last time I supplied one, I promptly discovered that the % cure was as bug-ridden as the illness. % (b) This one has, I think, a simple but tedious cure: tedious % since there are, I suspect, several macros which require % medication. % Over to you---Leslie! % \documentstyle[11pt,fleqn,leqno]{article} \title{\leqno\ Bug} \author{Chris Rowley} \def\leqno{{\tt leqno}} \def\fleqn{{\tt fleqn}} \begin{document}\maketitle\thispagestyle{empty} This illustrates a bug which occurs when using \leqno\ with \fleqn. It may also occur when (mis)using other constructions with \leqno. \begin{equation} 2+2=4 \mbox{ with correct placement of the equation number.} \end{equation} However, \begin{equation} 2-2=0\mbox{ marks for placement of the number when the line is too long.} \end{equation} It happens because in this case the equation number is positioned with respect to the {\em right}-hand end of the actual line, rather than with the respect to the right margin (as in the regular situation). Note that \LaTeX\ produces neither Error Message nor Warning. \end{document} --------------------------------- Date: Thu, 18 Feb 88 16:28 GMT From: Peter Flynn UCC Subject: PCWRITEX conversion driver PC-WRITE==>TeX For those using (or with users using) the PC-WRITE editor/wordprocessor on PCs, I have developed an interface to TeX which retains most (not all) of their formatting and typeface attributes. This means people with documents written using PC-WRITE's wordprocessing facilities can export their document (assumed to be a .DOC file) into a .TEX file direct. The final cleanup is thus minimised and avoids tedious repeat-replaces and hunting for obscure characters. All the IBM PC character set is represented, excluding the line-drawing characters (I could add these, in \tt form, for use in \verbatim mode, I guess). The distribution file is a UUEncoded .ARC file of 108Kb containing: READ.ME instructions PR.DOC PC-WRITE print driver definitions PCWRITEX.DOC documentation file PCWSTY.TEX TeX file of redefinitions PCWRITEX.TEX documentation after running thru the driver PCWRITEX.DVI TeX output of documentation PCWRITEX.HP HPLJ printable documentation I cannot claim it is 100% bugfree, and I do not have the time to provide full support, but anyone is free to modify it how they wish. A copy has also been sent to Kevin White (kevinw@bytecosy) on BIX for the IBM.ARC area. Peter Flynn +++Editor - The file is available as aston.spock::[public.pc]pcwritex.arc +++ --------------------------------- From: Peter Abbott abbottp@aston Subject: mapped/unmapped fonts I use the arbortext dvips software and the built in fonts on my Apple Laserwriter. For helvetica there are two possibilities psmhlv - which is the mapped font and pshlv which is not mapped. When using psmhlv endash and emdash are printed correctly but I am unable to address the higher order characters so access to the pound sign etc is not possible. If I use the pshlv the the pound is accessed as char '243 but endash and emdash do not print correctly. If I set up the pound to use pshlv and the remainder psmhlv then I have problems with the size of the character if using \large etc or \bf. Is it possible to specify a mapping of '243 to appear in the bottom set or is there available anywhere code that takes care of fonts size changes. Peter Abbott --------------------------------- !! !! Replies/submissions to please !! distribution changes to please !! !! end of issue