UKTeX V88 #7 Re: PC implementations of TeX DVIDIS previewer for VAXstation BibTeX change file Diconix Driver Problem Re: PC implementations of TeX (2) compress problems Request for help with documentation Multilingual wordprocessing (45) Fig --------------------------------- Editor Peter Abbott I am pleased to report that the problems of the disc containing the archive have been cured and everything was safely restored from mag tape. We still have problems with two other discs and this will mean a complete loss of the system for a day (sometime in the future). I have just received the latest TeXline from Malcolm Clark and recommend that if you are not on his mailing list to send him your `snail' mail address (send to In TeXline there are a number of references to the Archive including one that material is duplicated. I agree that this has happened and as soon as time permits the duplicated items will be removed. Peter Flynn's Pcwritex.arc file can only be ftp'ed with code=fast at present. --------------------------------- Date: 15-MAR-1988 17:42:58 GMT From: CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXB To: info-tex@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: Re: PC implementations of TeX Mailer: Janet_Mailshr V2.8(b) Sender: Janet"Chaa006@Uk.Ac.Rhbnc.Vaxb" Reply-to: Philip Taylor (RHBNC, Univ of London) P.J.. Brown of Liverpool asked about PC implementations of TeX. So far as I know, there are at least three implementations: MicroTeX (which was, until March 4th, sold by Addison Wesley, but is now on hold until a new distributor is agreed), PC-TeX, from UniTeX, and a private implementation, the details of which I have somewhere, and will forward as soon as I can find them. I use MicroTeX, and am very satisfied with it. Using ArborText's DVILASER/PS, it can drive any PostScript-speaking printer. ** Phil. --------------------------------- Date: 15-MAR-1988 18:38:22 GMT From: SYSMGR@UK.AC.KCL.PH.IPG To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: DVIDIS previewer for VAXstation Sender: JANET"SYSMGR@UK.AC.KCL.PH.IPG" (Nigel Arnot) Peter, I have now got this product (courtesy of Max Calvani who kindly sent me a tape). It works pretty well, although there are a few bugs still. I have also written a program to 'VAXinate' it so that one uses DCL-like command syntax not U**X-like gobbledygook (no flames please). If you want this stuff for the archive, let me know. Otherwise, anyone who would like it via JANET please contact me. Nigel Arnot. +++Editor - I also have the material on a tape but would appreciate the amendments +++ --------------------------------- Received: from by Jenny.CL.Cam.AC.UK with SMTP/TCP/IP over Ethernet id a005664; 15 Mar 88 18:57 GMT Date: Tue, 15 Mar 88 18:52:26 GMT From: Paul Karger To: Subject: BibTeX change file Message-Id: I copied the new BibTeX.WEB file, and it all seems to be there now. Thank you! However, when I tried to run it through tangle on VMS, it complained about the BIBTEX.VMS_CHANGES file. Looking at the change file, it appears to be for a different version of BibTeX, namely 0.99a, rather than 0.99c. Have you been able to run it through tangle at aston? Paul +++Editor - there is a file aston.spock::[public.score.bibtex]bibtex.vms_changes is this the one that is required +++ --------------------------------- Date: Wed, 16 Mar 88 11:51:38 GMT From: CS1CWM@UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA To: ABBOTT@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL Subject: Diconix Driver Problem Peter: I am trying to make a driver for the Diconix 150 inkjet printer, at Peter Flynn's instigation, using Nelson Beebe's public domain programs and I have hit a problem. In the output, most of the characters in a line are placed in a pile at the beginning of the line, the remainder seem to be in the right place. I have tracked it down to the coordinates XCP & YCP (using the debugging built in to the drivers) which show that for some characters, XCP is the lefthand end of the line. The input file works OK with ArborText's screen and LaserJet drivers and, in case I had made a mistake in converting DVIOKI to DVIDIC, I compiled the LaserJet driver (without any changes) to find that it did the same thing. I am using the Microsoft V5.0 compiler and the version 2.08 of the software ... can anybody help? Chris --------------------------------- From : Simon Chappell [The Masked Rat Fink] E.mail : S61304@UK.AC.PLYMOUTH.PRIME-B Mail : 11 Fellowes Place, Millbridge, Plymouth, Devon, PL1 5NB. Phone : (0752) 567045 Course : B.Sc(Hons) Computing and Informatics [Undergraduate] Subject: Membership of TeX/LaTeX Mailing List. Dear Sir, Having been browsing through I noticed your mailing list entry and wondered if you could include me on it. We have only just aquired LaTeX down here in Plymouth and so I must admit to being an enthusiastic but novice user. If you have any documentation that you could distribute by e.mail then I would also appreciate any copies that you could send my way (or put me in contact with any users who might have the documentation that I need. The reason for this is that we have only one copy of the LaTeX guide and two slim handouts. Despite this, I have been impressed by the results that I have managed to achieve so far, enough to persevere with the package. Many Thanks Simon. --------------------------------- Date: 17-MAR-1988 11:48:49 GMT From: CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXB To: info-tex@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: Re: PC implementations of TeX (2) Mailer: Janet_Mailshr V2.8(b) Sender: Janet"Chaa006@Uk.Ac.Rhbnc.Vaxb" Reply-to: Philip Taylor (RHBNC, Univ of London) [This is the `private' implementation of TeX for a PC to which I referred in my earlier message - ** Phil] Date: Thu, 31 Dec 87 17:15 CST From: Gary Beihl Subject: New TeX implementation for MSDOS: DosTeX I have recently completed a port of TeX 2.7 to MSDOS using Datalight's C compiler. `DosTeX' has passed the TRIP test and may be freely redistributed with the following restrictions: (1) Copies must be complete and unmodified, (2) No fee may be charged for redistribution. System requirements are 640k of memory and 4.5Mb of hard disk space. A modified version of Nelson Beebe's Epson .dvi driver is included. Output is 240h x 216v dots per inch. Pre-loaded executables for plain, latex and amstex have 45000 mem[] and 21000 font_info[] words. No overlays are involved. For big jobs, initex and virtex executables swap mem[] and font_info[] out to (RAM)disk for effective sizes of 65530 and 25000 respectively. Speed is about 15s/page for the TeXbook on a 6Mhz 1ws AT-clone. The .dvi driver is pretty slow, since it also swaps the bitmap array (5 min to print story.dvi). A fairly complete TEXINPUTS directory and the following fonts are included: Magnification of (sqrt(1.2))**i (i = 0,1,2,3,4,5): CMR5, CMR7, CMR10, CMBX5, CMBX7, CMBX10, CMEX10, CMMI5, CMMI7, CMMI10, CMSY5, CMSY7, CMSY10, CMTI10, CMTT10, CMSL10 Magnification of (sqrt(1.2))**i (i = 0,2): CIRCLE10, CIRCLEW1, CMCSC10, CMR6, CMR8, CMR9, CMTEX10, CMTI9, CMTT8, CMTT9, LASY10, LINE10, LINEW10 It's probably no match for commercially available implementations, but should be alright for people who do not use TeX that often or are just learning the system. DosTeX comes on 7 360k floppy disks with installation instructions. This is a binary-only distribution (no C source code). Source for the modified version of the .dvi driver will be available from Nelson Beebe's distribution should he wish to incorporate it. My PC is not on the Internet, so FTP is not an option. There is no warranty of any kind for DosTeX and no guaranteed support. To receive DosTeX, send (check/money order to Electronetics) US$75 (US$85 outside USA) with your name and address to: Electronetics, Incorporated c/o Gary Beihl 119 Jackrabbit Run Round Rock, TX 78664 -- Gary Beihl --------------------------------- From: I M Stroud Message-Id: <> To: Date: Thu, 17 Mar 88 21:01:23 WET Subject: compress problems X-Mailer: Elm [version 1.5] Hello, The following problem has arisen. We have eagerly awaited the changes that would allow us to retrieve stuff from the PUBLIC.PAVEL directory onto our UNIX machine (a Sun 3/160). I have successfully retrieved some parts of the COMPRESS facility. These are obviously not compressed and the C-source was pulled from spock. It compiled OK and I have since tested it. The Sun itself has it's own version of the compress/uncompress facility and I have compared it with pavel's version. It appears that if I take any old file and compress it using any of the two compress programs then the results are identical. Also I can uncompress the file with either version and the original file is restored perfectly as you would expect. Therefore since I can compress a file with pavel's compress and uncompress the result with Sun's uncompress I have concluded that the versions of compress are functionally identical. Now for the problem... I have also pulled from spock a file in [PUBLIC.PAVEL.TEX.DVISUN] called MAKEFILE.Z using 8 bit binary transfer. This is approx. 414 bytes long and should not take long to uncompress to about 1Kbyte. But when I try to uncompress the file a new file is opened for the output (0 bytes in length) and the CPU usage goes to 100% for what appears to be forever. Hexdump of the compressed file indicates that the magic number and the number of bits used in compression have not been corrupted (16-bits, Magic Number 1f9d), BUT I have not been able to get an uncompressed file. N.B. careful use of other utilities has shown that actually the first characters of output are intact when uncompressed. Other people have tried uncompressing other larger files (amstex) and end up with rubbish beyond the second line. The consultants in the Computer Services, here at Warwick, have assured me that I have transferred the files properly, but recommend that to sort out the problem a test file (uncompressed) be obtained and subsequently compressed/hex-dumped at Warwick to ascertain whether the ftp transfer is corrupting the files or perhaps the block length/padding is causing problems. Any ideas and possibly an uncompressed version of [PUBLIC.PAVEL.TEX.DVISUN]MAKEFILE.Z would be most gratefully received. Thanks in advance .,. ian +++Editor - I do not have compress/uncompress facilities under VMS or under DECshell - can anyone supply these +++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ian M. Stroud | Department of Physics | JANET: University of Warwick | UUCP: ...!mcvax!ukc!warwick!phrkf Coventry CV4 7AL | ARPA: Great Britain | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- Date: 19 Mar 88 01:06:34 gmt From: G.Toal @ Subject: Multilingual wordprocessing (45) To: Reply-to: Willard McCarty Message-ID: <19 Mar 88 01:06:34 gmt 050333@EMAS-A> --- Forwarded message: Subject: Multilingual wordprocessing (45) From: Willard McCarty Date: Thu, 17 Mar 88 20:31:34 EST Sender: HUMANIST Discussion Reply to: Willard McCarty To: Humanist Group Via: UK.AC.RUTHERFORD.EARN ; (to 18 Mar 88 02:21:52 gmt Via: UK.AC.RL.EARN; Fri, 18 Mar 88 02:21:59 GMT Msg ID: Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 1153; Fri, 18 Mar 88 02:21:59 GM Received: by UKACRL (Mailer X1.25) id 1121; Fri, 18 Mar 88 02:06:12 GMT Date: Thu, 17 Mar 88 12:50:22 IST From: David Sitman Right-to-left word processing (Hebrew, Arabic, Persian, etc.) is, of course, a hot topic here in Israel. I don't write Arabic, so the inform- ation I have on Arabic word-processing specifically is rather limited. As Dominik Wujastyk mentioned, there is a package for TeX users available from LISTSERV@TAUNIVM (as Dominik wrote, send the command: GET IVRITEX PACKAGE). While the procedures can be used for Arabic as well as Hebrew, only Hebrew fonts are available at this time. I was given a copy of version 2 of Multilingual Scholar (mentioned by Sam Cioran) to try out a few months ago. One could easily move from one language to another, even on the same line. As I recall, I found it rather lacking in "advanced" word-processing options: indexing, footnoting, etc., and the fonts weren't very nice. The thing that bothered me most was the protection scheme: you have to plug something into the parallel port in order to use the software. Anyway, we decided not to buy it. There are a number of Hebrew-English word processors which are in widespread use here, but in general, they can't hold a candle to the monolingual mainstays. One which is available in North America is EinsteinWriter, which I am told was among the 50 word processors recently reviewed in PC Magazine. Einstein is my favorite among the simple bilingual word processors. It's relatively fast, easy to learn and bug-free. Microsoft is in the process of developing Arabic (and Hebrew) versions of its main products: DOS, WINDOWS, WORD. I don't know which of these are already on the market, but anyone who is interested can send me a note and I'll dig out the electronic mail address of the fellow at Microsoft who is in charge of this project. And then, there is Nota Bene. Version 3 has just come out. I'll make sure that a report on this new version gets to the list soon. David --- End of forwarded message --------------------------------- Via:; Mon, 21 Mar 88 10:03:48 GMT (UMPA/20.200a) Via:; Mon, 21 Mar 88 09:58:37 GMT Date: Mon, 21 Mar 88 09:58:37 GMT From: Colin Walls Message-Id: <> To: info-tex@aston Subject: Fig I have recently obtained a copy of the figure drawing program Fig for the Suns. It comes complete with a filter to generate input files for the documentors workbench tool pic. Does anyone know of a filter to generate suitable input for TeX or LaTeX. Colin Walls (Colin@Umist) --------------------------------- !! !! Replies/submissions to please !! distribution changes to please !! !! end of issue