UKTeX V88 #09 Compress on VMS Metafont on an Apollo psfig mods for dvi2ps available Binary files, uuencode & btoa Compress problems SPRITE.STY anyone? AMSfonts with DVILASER/HP again --------------------------------- Editor Peter Abbott I am sorry but we are having an audit of the cluster system to check revision levels etc (we have been having minor disc problems) and the archive will not be available until later this week. I have also been away from the office for the last two weeks leaving a fair amount of mail to process so apologise for the delay with this issue. I have a small problem which I have aired before but as yet been unable to get a successful answer. I am using the Apple Laserwriter built in fonts and the driver software has mapped and unmapped fonts. If I use the mapped fonts I can only access those with values below 128. If I use the unmapped fonts I can address up to 256. I want to use the pound character which has value '243 and not the normal italic pound from the cm range. I also wish to retain the fonts size facilities (\large \small etc) when using LaTeX. If I change lfonts.tex to use unmapped fonts it works except that -- is printed as -- and not the endash symbol and similarly --- emdash. If I use the mapped fonts the endash and emdash are Ok but the pound symbol is unavailable. Any offers on how to solve it? --------------------------------- Received: from by; Mon, 28 Mar 88 12:31:25 BST From: Mario Wolczko Message-Id: <> Date: Mon,28 Mar 12:27:10 1988 To: Subject: psfig mods for dvi2ps available I have a modified version of psfig that works with the public-domain DVI to PostScript translator, dvi2ps. If anyone would like the new parts (please get the bulk from the Aston archive), drop me a line. Note: to get the full functionality of psfig you need a version of dvi2ps that handles multiple psfile commands in one special; again, if you don't have this, I can send you the mods. Mario Wolczko ______ Dept. of Computer Science Internet: /~ ~\ The University USENET: mcvax!ukc!man.cs.r5!mario ( __ ) Manchester M13 9PL JANET: `-': :`-' U.K. Tel: +44-61-275 2000 extn 6146 ___; ;_____________the mushroom project____________________________________ --------------------------------- Date: 28-MAR-1988 13:32:57 GMT From: SHW_F@UK.AC.LEICESTER.VAX To: info-tex@UK.AC.ASTON Subject : Metafont on an Apollo Does anyone out there use TeX on an Apollo and if so do they have a copy of Metafont for it. Grateful for any information. Hugo Korwaser SHW_F@UK.AC.LEICESTER --------------------------------- Date: Mon, 28 Mar 88 17:42:32 BST From: Ian Moor To: Subject: Compress on VMS Message-ID: <> I have the sources of a port of the PD compress program to VAX/VMS by Martin Minow from DEC. He added two useful features, compress will optionally encode VMS file format in the compressed file and also can produce a non-binary output file that can be mailed. These two output formats have different `magic numbers' at the top, so decompress recognises them and restores the original file attributes. The compressed file is fixed format rather than streamlf. I can mail these to the archive if you need them. On a related topic, decompressing (on Unix) some of the files from the archive produces an extra garbage character at the end, has anybody else experienced this ? I wonder if the files were padded with nulls somewhere during transfer. Ian W .Moor +++Editor - Please send me the compress so I can compare with what I already have at Aston +++ --------------------------------- Received: from memex by; Mon, 28 Mar 88 19:17:21 BST Received: by (5.52/memex_10) id AA09230; Mon, 28 Mar 88 14:38:34 BST Date: Mon, 28 Mar 88 14:38:34 BST From: (Peter Ilieve) Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Binary files, uuencode & btoa Following Graham Toal's suggestion to eliminate binary files I would suggest using btoa and atob instead of uuencode and uudecode. Btoa does the same thing as uuencode, but more efficiently, turning 4 bytes into 5 rather than 3 into 4. It is included in the compress subdirectory of the Unix TeX tape so it should be available to anyone. I also think I remember various Usenet news articles about various versions of uuencode, not all compatible. Atob/btoa have not been around long enough to have this problem. Peter Ilieve +++Editor - I do not think I have atob/btoa can someone oblige. I can then see which is the simplest to make available for VMS and non VMS sites+++ --------------------------------- From: I M Stroud Message-Id: <> To: Date: Fri, 25 Mar 88 13:24:11 WET Subject: Compress problems X-Mailer: Elm [version 1.5] Hello Peter, Following the appearance in uktex of the note on my compress/uncompress problems, I was contacted by Nick North at NPL. He supplied the uncompressed version of [PUBLIC.PAVEL.TEX.DVISUN]MAKEFILE.Z and his help has been most welcome. A second attempt to compare the files in compressed form has shown that the problem appears to be in the ftp program (again). When I pull a file from Aston any byte having a hex value of '0A' is thrown away. This leaves the pulled file short of a few bytes and renders the file useless. That is the problem, the solution is unknown. It is also worth repeating that the files were pulled in 8 bit binary and that no other bytes were affected. Secondly, pulling a binary file from another machine showed that our version of ftp does preserve hex '0A' bytes. It would be worthwhile checking if your version of ftp will allow successful (i.e. complete) binary transfers even to VAX/VMS machines and particularly to ANY UNIX machine. (Has anyone on a UNIX machine pulled stuff from J. Pavel's directory and successfully uncompressed it?) I also received some mail from G. Toal that suggested various ways of making access to binary files easier. My opinion is that any changes to the compressed files would be a lot of hard work for you and since the files are not in themselves corrupted (unless VMS accidentally strips '0A' bytes when storing the files) I can't see the point. Uuencode/uudecode is not a good idea as far as I am concerned. (The 'uu' by the way stands for unix-to-unix and this might spell problems for VAX/VMS sites). Now I come to think about it, VMS stripping '0A' bytes may be worth looking into, VMS and UNIX differ in the way they use linefeed and carriage return and the original files came from Pavel who uses UNIX (I think). I have since obtained the files that I required from this directory, so whatever you decide is probably going to be irrelevant to me. But, I will help in any way I can, since I believe that if you are going to keep such a potentially useful archive then it should be available to as many people as possible (even UNIX hackers). That's all folks .,. ian ( --------------------------------- Date: 31 Mar 88 18:04:50 bst From: G.Toal @ Subject: SPRITE.STY anyone? To: Message-ID: <31 Mar 88 18:04:50 bst 050915@EMAS-A> I remember from long ago (last November?) that someone published a Latex macro called sprite.sty, which would let you set simple raster characters in TeX documents. I'm not so sure that I remember someone else re-posting this as a plain TeX macro... If anyone has a non-latex copy of sprite.sty, could they post it to me please? Thanks in advance, Graham Toal. ( --------------------------------- Date: Mon, 11 Apr 88 13:33:12 GMT From: PMT6FRD @ UK.AC.LEEDS.UCS.CMS1 To: info-tex @ UK.AC.ASTON Subject: AMSfonts with DVILASER/HP again My apologies for my last query about this; it turned out that I had not done all that I thought I had done, and I had omitted to change one filename. Correcting that appears to be all that was needed, and the fonts are now working. But there still seems to be some mystery about the Euler Fraktur fonts which are not well documented: there appear to be several fonts in the Archive which have no numbers in the AMS documentation, EUFB,EURB,EURM, and EUSB. Is there a document I've missed which tells what these are? Again, I'd be grateful for information. Frank Drake, Leeds. --------------------------------- !! !! Replies/submissions to please !! distribution changes to please !! !! end of issue