UKTeX V88 #21 Friday 8 July 1988 Re: TeX v. LaTeX re: DEBOO (on VMS, oops) Re: TeX v. LaTeX Centralised UK archive server Downloading TEX files FONTMEMO.TEX crashing laser writer GNU Emacs manuals UNIX TeX in the Archive Aston Unix mail server Postscript print symbiont needed for Vax/VMS UNIX FTP generating script --------------------------------- Editor Peter Abbott Does anyone know of a site with a sequent system running TeX/LaTeX? A number of problems have been reported when accessing the archive via mail and Adrian Clarke is eliminating them as fast as possible. Some errors are created by incompatible file types and sometimes incorrect addresses are specified. If you do not receive mail from texserver@aston.spock send me a mail message and I will try and set up for you the correct return address. The message I send will be to texserver@aston.spock with a copy to you and you should then receive sometime later the help file from the archive. TeXhax V88 $58 is now avialable in the archive. Latest TeXhax in the Archive is #61 Latest TeXmag in the Archive is V2N4 --------------------------------- Date: 1-JUL-1988 17:25:59 GMT From: CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXB To: info-tex@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: Re: TeX v. LaTeX Sender: JANET"CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXB" Message-Id: <21A0133A_000B1564.009152DCB92D94A0$27_3@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXB> Originally-to: JANET%"info-tex@Aston" Mailer: Janet_Mailshr V3.0a (07-Jun-1988) First, let me state my biases: I dislike LaTeX, and think TeX superb. Now, facts: LaTeX is a `higher-level' language which sites on top of TeX; it is, in fact, a `format', in Knuth's sense of the word. I am told that it is much simpler for naive users to use. In practise, it sits not only on top of TeX {\it qua} TeX, but also on top of a (modified version of) Plain.TeX, which is Knuth's own medium-level `format'. Because Plain has been modified to make Lplain, one can never assume that something which works in plain TeX will also work unchanged in LaTeX; it is better to think of LaTeX as a separate language, and never mix the two. Style-file designers are not allowed this luxury; they really do have to be gurus, conversant with both TeX and LaTeX. Leslie L. makes it plain that anyone thinking of writing (or modifying) a style-file should be prepared to wade through realms of LaTeX source. In practice, I do not believe that there is anything one can do in LaTeX which cannot also be done in TeX (with the exception of the pictures which LaTeX permits through its extended graphics fonts); the converse I believe to be probably true: that one can do some things in TeX which one cannot do in LaTeX (or perhaps, which one can do in TeX easily, and only with extreme difficulty in LaTeX). I also feel that in using LaTeX, one cedes to much control over the layout to the style-file designer; because I believe that layout is {\it very\/} important, I also insist on retaining total control over it (subject to the limitations and resolution of the output device). Hope this helps. ** Phil. --------------------------------- Date: 1-JUL-1988 18:16:25 GMT From: CHARLES@UK.AC.OXFORD.VAX To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: re: DEBOO (on VMS, oops) Sender: JANET"Charles@OX.VAX" (Charles Curran) >From: MARIA@UK.AC.PCL.MOLE 1-JUL-1988 11:10 >This one puzzles me, I have never used deboo on a VAX, only on PCs. >Does that make any sense? Oops! Upon digging-out 111READ.ME, I can see that I failed to read the dox carefully. Apologies to those who wasted their time being puzzled. --Charles. --------------------------------- Date: 1-JUL-1988 19:13:53 GMT From: CCZDGR@UK.AC.NOTT.VAXH To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON A description of the relationship between TeX and LaTeX can be found in the following book: "LaTeX: A Document Preparation System" by Leslie Lamport. Addison Wesley, 1986. (About 20 pounds.) David Rhead --------------------------------- Date: 2-Jul-1988 19:41 GMT From: VMS MAIL user Sender: VMS MAIL user Reply-To: Dept: Tel No: Subject: Duplicate style files TO: INFO-TEX Date: Sat, 2 Jul 88 19:39:48 BST From: Ian Moor To: Subject: Duplicate style files Message-ID: <> There are style files in [PUBLIC.LATEXSTYLE] and [PUBLIC.UNIX.TEX82.LATEXMACROS] with the same names, but internal comments indicate the files in the latter directory are more recent (article.sty art10,art11... book.sty, bk10,bk11,bk12 are the ones that I can remember). I doubt that the differences are major, but its as well to know ... Ian Moor +++Editor - I am grateful to Ian for pointing this out. UNIX is the later set and the duplicate files have been removed from public.latexstyle]. This means that it does not contain a true copy of the files at Rochester. The value of the archive is in the fact that the information is uptodate and preferably not duplicated. +++ --------------------------------- Message-Id: <> Resend-To: saj@socrates X-Via: ivax (chan-janet); 30 Jun 88 17:55 WET DST Sender: Delivery-Date: 30 Jun 88 17:40+0100 Delivery-By: MartinRR.UCCM@UK.AC.CARDIFF Date: Thu, 30 Jun 88 13:45+0100 From: Colin Grant Subject: Centralised UK archive server To: Cc:, This is a discussion about reducing the amount of source requests sent to the states. I am cross sending this to the UK TeX group, and the UK Sun users group as I believe that it concerns both communities. For the TeX people who might be wondering, Chris Brown (chairperson of the UK Sun User Group) was considering if we could produce a case for Sun to help with financing a central UK archive server for Sun sources. I believe that this is required for both communities. --------------------------------- Date: 4 Jul 1988 14:49:11-WET DST Subject: Downloading TEX files From: I.M.Allen To: abbottp@aston.mail To: Peter Abbott From: Ian Allen, City University I have only recently found out about your TEX database at Aston and I am very interested in using your service. Downloading text files to our machine is no problem but I have had no success in downloading binary files. I have tried it both from our Gould (Unix) and from the NRS machine at UMRCC. Do you know if it's possible to get the binaries using FTP and if not, do you provide a distribution service on magnetic tape? +++Editor - please ensure you use SPOCK and not kirk +++ I hope you can help, Thanks, Ian +++Editor - I have a tape labelled TeX 2.9 LaTeX 2.09 Metafont 1.3 Unix 4.2/3BSD VAX SUN 2/3 Pyramid Seqeunt SYS V: 3B2 Tar 1600 bpi blocked 20 1 file dated 26 may 1988 (from I have the facilty to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. Send to P Abbott Computing Service Aston University Aston Triangle Birmingham B4 7ET (It might be that Adrian Clark's TEXSERVER may also help with this problem) +++ --------------------------------- Received: from by NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK via Satnet with SMTP id aa01779; 4 Jul 88 7:09 BST Received: by; Mon, 4 Jul 88 00:49:01 EDT Date: Mon, 4 Jul 88 00:49:01 EDT From: Dominik Wujastyk To: SO405000@bitnet.brownvm, abbott ,, dhosek@bitnet.hmcvax, dlatex@edu.berkeley.cmsa, emma@edu.stanford.csli, fps , justin , lakshmi@edu.iastate.cs.atanasoff, mackay@edu.washington.cs.june, minman@edu.stanford.csli, nu043109@bitnet.ndsuvm1, osborne@bitnet.unb, pgil@edu.uchicago.sphinx, sob@edu.harvard.wjh12, stampe@edu.hawaii.uhcc.uhccux, texhax@edu.stanford.score, texies , th@bitnet.oclcrsun, velthuis@bitnet.hgrrug5 Subject: FONTMEMO.TEX \documentstyle[twocolumn,fontmemo]{article} % Draft of July 3, 1988 % \title{ The Many Faces of \TeX \\ \normalsize A Survey of Digital \METAfont s } \author{ Dominik Wujastyk } \date{July 3, 1988} % \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents % You'll probably want to get rid of this. % %========================== AND ... WE'RE OFF! ======================= % \section{Introduction} This article seeks to give a reasonably complete survey of the fonts and \METAfont s that are currently available for use with \TeX. Although I have been primarily interested in cataloguing fonts designed with \MF, I also wanted to include information about any other fonts that have been successfully used with \TeX, i.e., fonts with \TeX\ Font Metric files, and a mechanism for the creation of the appropriate ligatures and kerning pairs, be it within the {\tt TFM} file, or by means of a preprocessor. I first started compiling this article late in 1987, as a note to myself and my immediate Indological colleagues. But it seemed little extra work to include more information in it about other fonts that I had heard of, and doing this greatly widened its usefulness to \TeX\ users in general. But you may still detect a slight Indic leaning. +++Editor - The complete file includes fontmemo.sty and fontmemo.tex and can be obtained from [public.score.latex]wujastyk.txh +++ --------------------------------- From: Luke Whitaker Date: Tue, 5 Jul 88 14:56:49 +0100 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: crashing laser writer We have an Apple laser-writer that we use for printing TeX and LaTeX output. When given several (usually more than two) jobs to print one after the other, without a rest in between, it almost invariably crashes. This problem seems to have started since getting dvi2ps version 2.31 for use with 'fig' \special's. My idea is that perhaps the preamble doesn't reset the printer and so it runs out of memory after a couple of jobs. If left to itself the laser writer times out and resets after 30 seconds which could explain why its OK to print the same jobs spaced out. Any ideas, fixes, similar experiences? Luke Whitaker, Dept of Computer Science, City University. JANET: Uucp: ...!ukc!citycs!luke (or luke@citycs.uucp) --------------------------------- Date: 05 Jul 88 18:21:03 Tuesday From: ELESSSIMON@UK.AC.LEEDS-POLY.PRIMEB To: info-tex@aston Subject: GNU Emacs manuals Hello, I got this address from (0000 5000 5002) and I was hopeing You could tell me where I could get a copy of TeX for a UNIX machine, (I beleive it is public domain) - My need is very simple, I use nroff as a rule though a vague interest in in somthing a little less terse has passed by me.... mainly I have recently taken dilivery of GNU EMACS, the manuals of which are ALL in TeX form (or is it LaTeX, I never have known the difference). I am getting infruated by thease manuals and want to "laser" them so, if anyone can let me have TeX, or has a copy of the ready formatted manuals I would be ever so grateful Thanks very much Steve Simon [elesssimon@lsply.primeb] [Leeds Poly Dep Elec Eng] --------------------------------- From: Peter King Date: Wed, 6 Jul 88 10:32:25 BST Message-Id: <> To: Subject: UNIX TeX in the Archive I succesfully retrieved all of the PUBLIC.UNIX directory and sub-directories over the last 2 days, and I have encountered two problems. 1) The case distinctions in the file names used in the UNIX make files have been lost in the conversion into and out of VMS. There is not really much that can be done, except to grit ones teeth and rename them back to the mixed case originals. If I feel strong, I'll make a shell script to do it, and post it to the newsletter/archive. 2) There are a few zero length files in the archive. This may not be important, and I think that most were probably UNIX links which were destroyed in saving as VMS files. (That is almost certainly the case for the .WEB files below. There are appropriate looking files of the smae name in closely related directories) The ones that do concern me slightly are the two ".H" files below. Would someone with a version 2.9 UNIX TeX tape confirm that they should be empty? Directory $1$DUA14:[PUBLIC.UNIX.MF84] MF.WEB;1 0 21-JUN-1988 09:51 Directory $1$DUA14:[PUBLIC.UNIX.TEX82] TEX.WEB;1 0 21-JUN-1988 09:37 WHOAMI.H;1 0 21-JUN-1988 09:38 Directory $1$DUA14:[PUBLIC.UNIX.TEX82.TEXWEAVETEST] POOLTYPE.WEB;1 0 21-JUN-1988 09:18 Directory $1$DUA14:[PUBLIC.UNIX.TEX82.WEB2CDIR] COERCE.H;1 0 21-JUN-1988 09:39 Peter King, Computer Science Department JANET: Heriot-Watt University ARPA: 79 Grassmarket, Edinburgh EH1 2HJ or Phone: (+44) 31 225 6465 Ext. 555 UUCP: ..!ukc!!pjbk --------------------------------- Received: from logcam.uucp by kestrel.Ukc.AC.UK with UUCP id aa21691; 5 Jul 88 19:49 BST From: Tim Hoverd Date: Tue, 5 Jul 88 12:52:09 BST Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Aston Unix mail server Help! Why do I get no response from the Aston Unix mail server? Is it working for everyone else? What do I put in the message? What is my return address from Aston? Is it Am I being paranoid? What are these people wearing white coats for? Why .......... Tim +++Editor - I think that the return address should be +++ --------------------------------- Date: 7-JUL-1988 19:11:14 GMT From: SUPPORT@UK.AC.LEEDS.ICF.LEVA To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: Postscript print symbiont needed for Vax/VMS X-Info: Interactive Computing Facility, Leeds University LS2 9JT Our site runs Vax/VMS 4.7 with LaTeX, generating postscript output to an Apple Laserwriter. We need a way of generating accounting data to log the number of pages printed by each user, preferably via the VMS accounting utility. Does anyone know if a Public Domain print symbiont exists for postscript? Alternatively, can anyone offer any feedback on the 'Script/Q' product marketed by Arc Data Systems, please. As a secondary issue, I'm also interested in knowing if/how other academic sites charge their user community for laser printer output. Regards, Ted Allwood Interactive Computing Facility Leeds University 0532-332167 --------------------------------- From: Peter King Date: Fri, 8 Jul 88 15:24:39 BST Message-Id: <> To: Subject: UNIX FTP generating script I have made a few alterations to the shell script that generates Unix 'cpf' commands from an Aston directory listing, or the 000directory.size file. The differences from the one posted earlier are 1) the binary flag is specified for files which might be binary i.e. those ending gf, tfm, pk, pxl, or z. I presume that specifying -b needlessly is harmless, but also that it is expensive, so that one would'nt want -b on every transfer. 2) The trailing . that was generated when a VMS filename had no suffix is deleted, so long as it is not the only character. If the filename would be a single . then its translated to DOT. This occurrs once in the current archive, and might cause UNIX problems. Here it is #!/bin/sh # converts 000index.list into UNIX file transfer requests # the input file is specified as the only argument # the output is in the file inputfile.cpf # this output file can then be fed to sh # # assumes that file transfer can be effected by # cpf filename@site filename # This involves setting the SAVEFTP environment variable in UNIX, # and retrieving one file manually first, so that the user id and password # of PUBLIC at aston.spock can be set. # # # An input file looking like the following (with the # removed) # ----------------- # Directory $1$DUA14:[PUBLIC.TEXDVI210.DOC] # # 00DIR.CMD;1 2 22-DEC-1987 15:49 # 00DIR.LST;1 3 22-DEC-1987 15:49 # 00TDIR.CMD;1 2 22-DEC-1987 15:49 # 00TDIR.LST;1 3 22-DEC-1987 15:49 #----------------- # becomes #----------------- # mkdir texdvi210/doc # cpf "[public.texdvi210.doc]" texdvi210/doc/00dir.cmd # cpf "[public.texdvi210.doc]" texdvi210/doc/00dir.lst # cpf "[public.texdvi210.doc]" texdvi210/doc/00tdir.cmd # cpf "[public.texdvi210.doc]" texdvi210/doc/00tdir.lst #----------------- # # first convert upper to lower case tr A-Z a-z < $1 | sed ' # the lines starting # are sed comments (this is an undocumented feature) # this section of code deals with directory $1$DUA14:[public.score] /^directory /{ # first reduce to 'public.score' s/.*\[// s/].*$// # delete the public. s/public\.// # hold that h # convert . to / for UNIX and append to the hold space s/\./\//g H # and add a mkdir command to the front s/^/mkdir / # add to the output and go for the next line b } # all other lines come here # remove VMS specific binary files and directories /\.exe;/d /\.obj;/d /\.dvi;/d /\.dir;/d /\.jou;/d # remove the summary line /total of [0-9]* file/d # remove blank lines /^$/d # # Here we are left with the filename.sfx;versno date etc. # strip the version no, size and date information /;.*$/s/// # append the directory information # the line is now filename.sfx\nscore.subdir\nscore/subdir G # now convert that to the file transfer command s/^\(.*\)\n\(.*\)\n\(.*\)$/cpf "[public.\2]\" \3\/\1/ # delete any trailing . (provided its not the only character) s;/\.$;/DOT; s;\.$;; #now add the binary flag for gf, tfm, pk, pxl, and compressed files /gf$/s/cpf/cpf -b/ /tfm$/s/cpf/cpf -b/ /pk$/s/cpf/cpf -b/ /pxl$/s/cpf/cpf -b/ /z$/s/cpf/cpf -b/' > $1.cpf Peter King, Computer Science Department JANET: Heriot-Watt University ARPA: 79 Grassmarket, Edinburgh EH1 2HJ or Phone: (+44) 31 225 6465 Ext. 555 UUCP: ..!ukc!!pjbk --------------------------------- !! !! !! !! Editor - I have a tape labelled TeX 2.9 LaTeX 2.09 Metafont 1.3 !! Unix 4.2/3BSD VAX SUN 2/3 Pyramid Seqeunt SYS V: 3B2 Tar 1600 bpi blocked !! 20 1 file dated 26 may 1988 (from !! !! I have the facilty to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following !! !! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. !! !! Send to !! !! P Abbott !! Computing Service !! Aston University !! Aston Triangle !! Birmingham B4 7ET !! !! !! Replies/submissions to please !! distribution changes to please !! !! end of issue