UKTeX V89 #06 Friday 10 February 1989 PD BibTeX 0.99c for VMS TeX on Apollo Collecting driver information Metafontery, RNOTOTEX Availability of MSDOS versions of TEX More on verbatim file listings Editor Peter Abbott The washington tape has been updated see the trailer for details. It has been loaded into the archive into [public.unix_30_01_89]. For obvious reasons I have removed the november set. This maybe the second copy of this weeks issue, the system folded in the middle of the distribution and I cannot tell what was lost. Latest TeXhax in the Archive is #07 Latest TeXmag in the Archive is V2N6 --------------------------------- Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 0711; Fri, 03 Feb 89 20:47:24 GM Received: from YMIR.BITNET (DHOSEK) by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 2965; Fri, 03 Feb 89 20:47:23 Date: Fri, 3 Feb 89 12:04 PST Message-id: <0091FD34CD73F32020400842@YMIR.BITNET> From: Don Hosek <DHOSEK@EARN.YMIR> Subject: PD BibTeX 0.99c for VMS X-VMS-To: IN%"Info-TeX@Aston.Ac.Uk" I sent a copy of the files for my change file (derived from work by Nelson Beebe derived from work by Jerry Leichter) for BibTeX to someone at RMCS who said that they would put it up on the archive. Features include o CLD interface. o stat and trace options available via DCL switches o miscellaneous problems with earlier implementations fixed. This is the beginning of the "HMCTeX" project, which will eventually result in a complete set of change files for all TeX- and MF-ware (and TeX & MF too, of course :-)) driven through the CLI. Contributions of code are welcome... please send them to me at U33297@Uicvm.Uic.Edu (internet) or U33297@Uicvm (bitnet). The BibTeX change file (date 12/8/88) is the only publicly released HMCTeX program currently available. -dh --------------------------------- Received: from sot-cm.uucp by; Fri, 3 Feb 89 21:14:07 GMT Date: Fri, 3 Feb 89 20:53:49 GMT From: Sebastian Rahtz <> Subject: TeX on Apollo TeX and Metafont compile normally on an Apollo, if one uses the 'web2c' TeX translation into C, according to the README. So all the personwho wanted a setup for his Apollo need do is acquire a recent Unix TeX Tape and proceed as normal. There is a X previewer in the standard distribution, and mention of a special 'dviapollo' but i am not sure if this is in the directories or not. so far as I am aware, the C translation of TeX which is the standard Unix distribution method works on all normal Unix machines. It compiles on our Masscomp and David Osborne's Clan, for instance, neither of which are mainstream. It also likes System V, unlike the Pascal versions (well, likes is perhaps the wrong, who 'likes' System V?, but it tolerates the beast). sebastian rahtz, computer science, southampton --------------------------------- Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 1443; Sun, 05 Feb 89 07:48:38 GM Received: from UICVM by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 3704; Sun, 05 Feb 89 07:48:38 G Received: by UICVM (Mailer R2.02) id 3295; Sun, 05 Feb 89 01:47:54 CST Date: Sun, 05 Feb 89 01:35:36 CST From: Don Hosek <U33297@EARN.UICVM> Subject: Collecting driver information cc: DHOSEK@EARN.YMIR Looks like it's about that time again... If you're using TeX, you most likely are using it with a device driver of some sort (unless you're very strange). If you can identify the source of any of your device drivers/previewers please send me a note listing 1) The computer it runs on 2) the printer/display it drives 3) where it came from. 4) frequently I'm asked to comment on the utility of various drivers, so if you could supply me with some of your *opinions* on the driver I'd appreciate it. If you distribute drivers, I would appreciate the following information: 1) a list of drivers that you distribute with the information listed above. I will send you a follow-up note asking for more detail, plus a listing of what I currently have. 2) all the ways to contact you that are acceptable (viz e-mail, postal mail, phone, telex, etc.) 3) information on obtaining the programs (from FTP, file servers, on tape or disk etc.) and costs. 4) support for anything you sell/give away 5) other sources for obtaining your drivers (commercial vendors, etc.) 6) anything else that may be of interest. If you have access to TUGboat, I would appreciate it if you could look at the device driver listings in the most recent issue of TUGboat you can get and let me know about any errors/omissions. Addresses for replying to me are: Internet: U33297@Uicvm.Uic.Edu Bitnet: U33297@Uicvm.Bitnet Dhosek@Ymir.Bitnet Uucp: dhosek@jarthur.UUCP USMail: 3916 Elmwood Stickney, IL 60402 -dh --------------------------------- Received: from by scaup.Cl.Cam.AC.UK id aa23013; 8 Feb 89 13:38 GMT Date: Wed, 8 Feb 89 13:32:21 GMT From: R Fairbairns <> Subject: Metafontery, RNOTOTEX Message-ID: <8902081338.aa23013@scaup.Cl.Cam.AC.UK> First, about a discussion that went on the recent past about logos in Metafont: I have also programmed my firm's logo (pretty geometrical-looking, but not terribly easy in practice), and there is, indeed, no Meta-ness about the definition. However, as I came into the factory the other day, I noticed that the logo etched into the glass of the front door (about 5' high!) has a subtly different design to that used on letterheads, etc! Oh dearie me: should I Meta-icise my design? Second, I've seen reference to work that's been done on implementing `proper' Metafont versions of the CMR fonts at the intermediate \magstep s (thus providing a CMR11, etc.). I believe the work was documented in TUGboat, so that in principle I could go and find the copy; however, this seems a bit daft, as there must be electronic copies somewhere. Are they in the archive (and I've failed to recognise them), or does anyone know where they can be got? Finally, about the DECUS `RNOTOTEX' (or some such name) program. Since this is a PD program, is there a chance that someone who has it from a DECUS tape could stick it in the archive (Peter permitting, of course!). For the likes of me, that'ld be much preferable to acquiring the entire DECUS TeX tape for this one program.... Robin Fairbairns Tel: 0223 420414 Laser Scan Laboratories Fax: 0223 420044 Science Park Email: (Janet) Milton Road (courtesy of Cambridge Cambridge, CB4 4FY University Computer Laboratory) --------------------------------- Date: 8 Feb 1989 17:19:17-GMT From: <> Subject: Availability of MSDOS versions of TEX Can you give me any information on DOS TEX (Electronetics, Inc, 119 Jackrabbit Run, Round Rock, TX 78664 or on any other available version of tex running on MSDOS. I have also heard mention of TURBOTEX and MICROTEX. Can you give any advise on running tex on AT PCs) within an academic department. Any information on getting TEX and its updates would be appreciated. Thanks. --------------------------------- Date: 9-FEB-1989 18:36:06 GMT From: CA_ROWLEY@UK.AC.OPEN.ACS.VAX Subject: More on verbatim file listings Sender: JANET"CA_ROWLEY@UK.AC.OPEN.ACS.VAX" <CA_ROWLEY@UK.AC.OPEN.ACS.VAX> % Here is a version of Adrian's VERBATIM.STY, for inputting whole files % verbatim, which is "more LaTeX-like" in that it uses the actual LaTeX % macros which set up the `verbatim' environment. % % As a matter of interest, it is much nicer for TeX if you input large % quantities of "verbatim material" from an "external file" rather than by use % of the `verbatim' environment (i.e. putting the material in the main input % file. This is because this environment, in common with most (but not all) % other "verbatim macros", makes the whole of the "vebatim material" a macro % argument and therefore eats up TeTeX's internal memory. % % Chris Rowley % % --- V E R B A T I M F I L E S . S T Y % % --- This LaTeX style-file defines two user-callable macros: % --- \verbatimfile{<filename>} for verbatim inclusion of a file % --- \verbatimlisting{<filename>} for verbatim inclusion with line numbers % % --- The macros are based on those distributed with Sunil Podar's % --- `EPIC.STY' macro package, attributed to Tim Morgan, % --- modified to keep internal macros internal by Adrian F. Clark, % --- % --- ---and further latexification by Chris Rowley, % --- % % --- Note that the precise layout of line breaks in this file is important! % \def\verbatimfile#1{\begingroup \@verbatim \frenchspacing \@vobeyspaces \input#1 \endgroup } \newcounter{lineno} \def\verbatimlisting#1{\setcounter{lineno}{0}% \begingroup \@verbatim \frenchspacing \@vobeyspaces \parindent=20pt \everypar{\stepcounter{lineno}\llap{\thelineno\ \ }}\input#1 \endgroup } --------------------------------- !! !! Files of interest [public]000aston.readme !! [public]000directory.list !! [public]000directory_dates.list !! [public]000directory.size !! [public]000last30days.files !! !! Editor - I have a tape labelled TeX 2.95 LaTeX 2.09 Metafont 1.7 !! Unix 4.2/3BSD & System V. Tar 1600 bpi blocked !! 20 1 file dated 30 January 1989 (from !! !! I have the facility to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following !! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. !! !! Send to !! !! P Abbott !! Computing Service !! Aston University !! Aston Triangle !! Birmingham B4 7ET !! !! A VMS backup of the archive requires 2 (two ) 2400' tapes at 6250bpi. !! Remaining details as above. !! Other tape options in the pipeline. !! !! Replies/submissions to please !! distribution changes to please !! !! end of issue