UKTeX V89 #11       Friday 24 March 1989

                              DEC LN03R + Sun
                    PUBLIC account at Aston University
                             RE: UKTeX V89 #10
                \enumerate and \itemize within \newtheorems
                  help needed on WP systems (etc) in use
                        does anyone have texx2.4 ?
                   Re: to be a bug or not to be a  bug?
                          DVI drivers for VAX/VMS
                      TeX / LaTeX Introductory Guides
                                 TeX tapes

Editor Peter Abbott

I have received a request to create a tape with files from the Archive in 
VM/CMS format. Is there anyone willing to undertake the creation of tapes 
in this format?

I have created a new group [public.documents.latex] and inserted the file 
from Jon Warbrick (Plymouth) (essential LaTeX). The file is 


Latest TeXhax in the Archive is #16
Latest TeXmag in the Archive is V3N1 (received February 28 1989)


From: Sebastian Rahtz <>
Received: from by; Fri, 17 Mar 89 15:22:35 GMT
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 89 15:19:49 GMT
Message-Id: <>
Subject: \newdimen

I was under the illusion that the command \newdimen was limited in its
effect by the current block. I am wrong, it never goes away. So can 
someone advise me on how to load two macro packages at once, both
of which are littered with \newdimen s? The number of \count s is fixed
at 255, I assume. How can I reclaim the space package A used so that B
can use it?

Sebastian Rahtz, Computer Science, Southampton


Received: from brwa by kestrel.Ukc.AC.UK   with UUCP  id aa11416;
          17 Mar 89 16:11 GMT
Received: from by; Fri, 17 Mar 89 16:10:34 GMT
From: David Shepherd <>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 89 16:14:29 GMT
Message-Id: <>
Subject: DEC LN03R + Sun

Not really a TeX question, but has anyone connect a DEC LN03R PostScript
printer to a Sun 3 without problems. Our one here often stops half way
through a job with a PostScript ioerror. Any hints welcome. Please 
e-mail anything to me and I'll summarise any results

david shepherd
INMOS ltd.


Received: from rsunj by; Fri, 3 Mar 89 10:52:57 GMT
From: Philip Taylor <>
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 89 10:50:04 GMT
Message-Id: <>
Subject: PUBLIC account at Aston University

I am having trouble getting certain files from the TeX server.

Trying to get PSLaTeX, I can copy down (via hhcp) the pslatex.shar with no 
problem. However the .TFM files in [PUBLIC.PSLATEX.PSFONTS.TFM] refuse
to transfer. Over the last week I have had the transfers hanging up
for days on end and getting nowhere. Is there a problem with those files?

Philip Taylor

* Philip Taylor            |            Systems Programmer                    *
* COGS,                    | Tel:   (+44)- (0)273 606755  Ext 4284            *
* Arts Building E,         |                                                  *
* University Of Sussex,    | JANET:                 *
* Falmer,                  | UUCP:  ...mcvax!ukc!cvaxa!philipt                *
* Brighton, BN1 9QN        | ARPA:                                            *
* UNITED KINGDOM.          |       *
*                          |                                                  *

+++Editor - My apologies, this item was missed from last weeks issue. The 
only known problems at present after files in stream_lf format and this 
problem may be resolved in the near future. +++


Date:           17-MAR-1989 20:05:35 GMT
From:           CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXB
Subject:        RE: UKTeX V89 #10
Reply-to:       Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <P.Taylor@Uk.Ac.Rhbnc.Vaxb>
Mailer:         Janet_Mailshr V3.3a (02-Feb-1989)

Mark Charter asked:

>>>1.  What is the difference between the contents of SBTEX.ARC and

SBTEX.ARC is corrupt; SB08TEX.ARC is OK.

>>>2.  How can I retrieve and unpack SBTEX.ARC successfully?

You can't.  SB08TEX is the production version; SBTEX could safely be deleted.

                                        ** Phil.

+++Editor - SBTEX.ARC has been deleted +++


Date:     Sun, 19 Mar 89 14:40:15 GMT
From:     Dr R M Damerell (RHBNC) <>
Subject:  UNDUMP

Please could anybody supply me with a copy of UNDUMP suitable for a SUN
(3/60, OS 3.5)? I got some files of that name from the archives, but there 
is at least one file missing( scanargs.c ) and I cannot tell if the rest
will work. Thank you.
(I will be away for about a fortmight after Easter) Mark


Date:           20-MAR-1989 17:52:02 GMT
Subject:        \enumerate and \itemize within \newtheorems

In UKTeX 1989 #10 Mike Piff asks why \enumerate and \itemize get corrupted
in LaTeX's \newtheorem environments. In my experience they are not
corrupted, but they behave a little differently from how you might expect
because \newtheorems are list environments. This means that if your
Theorem or Proof or whatever starts with \enumerate or \itemize then the
first item runs straight on from the ``Theorem 2.2'' or whatever. As far as
I am concerned this is a good thing---it is exactly what I expect multi-part
theorems and proofs to do. If you want to start the first item on a new
line you have to fool LaTeX into thinking that some input goes before it.
from memory


seems to work.

Rosemary Bailey, Rothamsted Experimental Station


Date:           20-MAR-1989 18:07:04 GMT
Subject:        help needed on WP systems (etc) in use

From:   R. A. Bailey                            Phone: 05827 63133 
        Statistics Department                   (from overseas:
        Rothamsted Experimental Station                +44 5827 63133)
        Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2 JQ, U.K.        extension 2408

Email:  username: rbailey
        address:       (from within U.K. via JANET)
             or:       (from overseas via EARN)

To all UKTeXies:   I need your help.

My institution is currently reconsidering its word-processing/
text-processing provision, and is aware that other institutions
with predominantly scientific documents must have had to consider
the same issues. I have made no secret of my preference for LaTeX,
but, in spite of the evidence of my own secretary, received opinion
here is that it is too hard for secretaries. If you are at a
university or research council institute or similar and know the
answers to any of question 3 below, I should be very grateful if
you could take the time to fill in the questionnaire and return
it to me by either email or snail mail.

1.  Name of Institution:

2.  Your name:

3.  What do the following categories of people use for 
    word- or text-processing?

(a) Secretaries in Mathematical departments:

(b) Mathematicians themselves:

(c) Secretaries in other scientific departments:

(d) Scientists themselves:

(e) Secretaries in administration:

4. Any comments on the suitablity or ease-of-use of any of the 
   systems mentioned in answer to question 3?

5. If you would be prepared to answer more specific questions about any 
   of the above systems, please give one of the following:

(a) email address and username:

(b) snail mail address:

(c) telephone number:

Thankyou in advance,
Rosemary Bailey


Date: Tue, 21 Mar 89 8:04 GMT
From: Piete Brooks <>
Cc: Martyn Johnson <>, Graham Titmus <>
Message-Id: <pb.>
Newsgroups: uk.general, mail.uktex
Subject: does anyone have texx2.4 ?
Reply-To: Piete Brooks <>
Followup-To: uk.followup
Distribution: uk
Organization: U of Cambridge Comp Lab, UK

Has anyone got / is anyone getting this ?  Please reply by email. Ta.

> texx2.4 is available for anonymous FTP from
> pub/TeX/texx2.4.tar.Z
> or contrib/texx2.4.tar.Z
> texx2, currently at revision 4, is a second generation TeX previewer for
> X11 windowing systems. Unlike texx or xdvi, texx2 uses X11 fonts to display
> TeX output. A companion program, `mftobdf', is used to convert TeX fonts
> (i.e., PXL/GF/PK) fonts to the the formats required for X11.
> Consequentially, texx2 is significantly faster than the first release of
> texx or the venerable xdvi. Page display occurs at roughly the same speed
> of displays in `xman'. It's really even faster than texsun.

+++ Editor - I have fetched texx2.8.tar.Z and it is available in the 
archive +++ 


Received: by (5.54/memex_12)
        id AA16102; Tue, 21 Mar 89 14:04:55 GMT
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 89 14:04:55 GMT
From: (Peter Ilieve)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: to be a bug or not to be a  bug?

Sebastian Rahtz rightly criticizes the onward march of progress when it
does this to him:

  b) doing an EOF when TeX is asking for something from the keyboard
sends the TeX into an infinite loop

The answer is in this bit of a message from Barbara Beeton (in Peter's
treasure trove as [public.texstatus]message_013.03_mar_1989) quoting DEK.
- -------

   In TEX.WEB, there are one too many instances of:
        @.End of file on the terminal@>

   ... when I created version 2.95 in December, I made a bunch of changes
   to ERRATA.TEX etc but I left out the most important change to TEX.WEB
   itself! Namely, consider the following excerpt from TEX82.BUG[tex,dek]:

349. By popular request, undo #347 and fix the bug a more complex way.
@x module 71 [this undoes change #347]
if not input_ln(term_in,true) then t_open_in;
if not input_ln(term_in,true) then fatal_error("End of file on the terminal!");
@x [and there's a lot more]

   Well, I forgot to install that. So the index was right, but not the
   program... At SAIL, I'm unable to test EOF on the terminal.

   *** Folks, please excuse this dreadful oversight. The maintainers of TeX
   must think I'm completely off my rocker. I have now fixed TEX.WEB at
   SAIL, but not at SCORE or anywhere else. I've changed the version number
   to 2.97 simply because there exist versions 2.95--2.96 in which this typo
   is present. Version 2.97 is version 2.96 the way I thought 2.96 was.
   (I also changed the version numbers in INITEX.CH and TRIP*.)
- -------

The single line of tex.web to change is line 1636, in procedure term_input.

        Peter Ilieve  


Date: Wed, 22 Mar 89 1:25:49 WET
From: Lee McLoughlin <>
Subject: tex2.8
Message-ID:  <>

2.4 was replaced the net day by 2.5 and the day after by 2.6 ....
Its now (I've not looked in the last couple of days) by 2.8
I'll stick it in the UNOFF-OTHER area of the X archive on the gould.

Mail with an empty subject line and a message
body of:
request catalogue
topic xv11r3-unoff
request end

for details.
- --
- --
Lee McLoughlin                  01 589 5111 X 5028
Department of Computing,Imperial College,180 Queens Gate,London SW7 2BZ, UK
Janet:        Uucp:  lmjm@icdoc.UUCP, ukc!icdoc!lmjm
DARPA: (or

+++ Editor - Texx2.8 is also available from the archive in the temporary 
area [public.temp]texx2_8.tar_Z  +++


Date:           22-MAR-1989 13:23:45 GMT
Subject:        Overheard

A gem from TeXhax (makes it all seem worthwhile somehow):

 "But, now I don't even understand why the verbatim environment works at
  all, and I don't feel like figuring it out."
                              Leslie Lamport (in a reply to David Rhead)


Date:           22-MAR-1989 15:37:11 GMT
From:           CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXA
Subject:        DVI drivers for VAX/VMS
Message-Id:     <20800232_000931A4.009222413FB37560$22_1@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXA>
Originally-to:  $UK-TEX
Originally-from:CHAA006      "Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <P.Taylor@Uk.Ac.Rhbnc.Vaxb>"
Mailer:         Janet_Mailshr V3.3a (02-Feb-1989)

I have been asked to investigate the availability of DVI drivers for VAX/VMS.
I already have extremely satisfactory drivers for the LN03S (Brian Hamilton-
Kelly's DVItoLN03), LN03R/PostScript (ArborText's DVILASER/PS) and assorted 
VDUs (Andy Trevorrow's DVItoVDU), all of which (with perhaps a little tweaking)
provide a uniform VMS interface ($ DVI/<device> <file>/<options>).  I would
be extremely reluctant to move away from this syntax, and therefore the Beebe
family of drivers is not ideal (it uses a Un*x-style interface, with the
qualifier delimiter "-").  

I would be very grateful if anyone who has a reliable DVI driver for VAX/VMS
which supports output devices other than the above, and which uses (or could
easily be modified to use) the VMS qualifier syntax, could let me know the 
details.  Support for PK fonts is an essential component of the requirement.

                                        Philip Taylor
                                Royal Holloway and Bedford New College.


Date: 22 Mar 89  15:27:50 gmt
From: R.J.Hare @
Subject: SBTeX
Message-ID: <22 Mar 89  15:27:50 gmt  340505@EMAS-A>


Someone told me that Aston might be the place to ask about device drivers and
font files for SBTeX on PCs and clones, so as your name appears at the top of
the UKTeX messages, I guess you are the right person to ask.

If you do have any information about these drivers and font files, I'd be very


Roger Hare.


Date:       22 Mar 1989 17:35:46-GMT
Subject:    TeX / LaTeX Introductory Guides
From:       D.H.Sheryn   <>

         TeX / LaTeX Introductory Guides

In a recent UKTeX (V89 #09) you said that Sheffield had
documentation suitable for beginners with TeX/LaTeX -
could you give further details.


Dave Sheryn                    Detpt of Information Science
dhs@city                                    City University
                                         Northampton Square
                                           London  EC1V 0HB

Date:  3-MAR-1989 09:14:21.92
From: Wolfgang Moll <MOLL@DBNINF5>
Subj: TeX tapes
Dear Mr. Abbott,
recently, I've found your announcement that you are willing to distribute
tape copies from the TeX repository at Aston University.
We would like to use this service.
As you have pointed out you will need beside the tapes also return labels
and return postage.
Unfortunately, we don't know what kind of return postage will be needed
(stamps, money ?).
It would be very nice if you could tell us which mode of payment you
would prefer:
- - international reply-coupons
- - check
- - cash
- - or anything else.
Furthermore, please indicate how much it will presumably cost to send the
tapes back.
Many thanks in advance
Wolfgang Moll
Computer Science Department
University of Bonn
- - international reply-coupons (20 coupons)
- - check                       5 pounds sterling
- - cash                        Not recommended
- - or anything else.           Cheque in DM (but add equivalent of 3 
                                pounds sterling for bank charges)
The preferred method is check for 5 pounds (sterling).

!!   Files of interest [public]000aston.readme
!!                     [public]000directory.list
!!                     [public]000directory_dates.list
!!                     [public]000directory.size
!!                     [public]000last30days.files
!! Editor - I have a tape labelled TeX 2.95 LaTeX 2.09 Metafont 1.7
!! Unix 4.2/3BSD & System V. Tar 1600 bpi blocked 
!! 20 1 file dated 30 January 1989 (from 
!!  FTP access site     
!!             username           public
!!             password           public
!! I have the facility to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following
!! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage.
!! Send to
!! P Abbott
!! Computing Service
!! Aston University
!! Aston Triangle
!! Birmingham B4 7ET
!! A VMS backup of the archive requires 2 (two ) 2400' tapes at 6250bpi.
!! Remaining details as above.
!! Other tape options in the pipeline.
!!  Replies/submissions to     please
!!  distribution changes to   please 
!!   end of issue