UKTeX V89 #12       Friday 8  April 1989

                        Re: VM/CMS format for tapes
                             Tapes for VM/CMS
                               re: \newdimen
                            Summary of drivers
                     BibTeX v0.99c for MS-DOS machines
                        Re: DVI drivers for VAX/VMS
                            Re: VAX/VMS drivers

Editor Peter Abbott

Barbara has sent [public.texstatus]message_014.17_mar_1989 tex 2.96 to 

Latest TeXhax in the Archive is #19
Latest TeXmag in the Archive is V3N1 (received February 28 1989)


From:    Wujastyk (on GEC 4190 Rim-C at UCL) <UCGADKW@UK.AC.UCL.EUCLID>
Date:    Thu, 23 Mar 89 22:25
Subject: 000directory.list
Message-Id: <23 MAR 1989 22:25:38 UCGADKW@UK.AC.UCL.EUCLID>

The directory listing of the Aston archive is \Huge.  It is also 
essential for anyone retrieving files.  Would it be possible, Peter,
to provide an ARCed version of it as well as the full length thing.  Or
better still a ZIPped version?  Even a Unix style COMPRESSed one.  
ANYTHING, but small! 
This presupposes that the problems we are all having with FTPing 
binaries from Aston get solved (as you say they will).  It also
presupposes that you have an archive/compress tool of some species
on the Aston system, and can fit it into your automated updating system.

+++Editor - As you know I dislike announcing new facilities before they are 
ready for general use but this problem is in the process of being fixed. A 
group who are looking after the archive have devised a method of coping 
with the FTP problems and binary files. As soon as it is available I will 
arrange for arc/compress versions of the larger files of interest to be 
created. We do however wish to ensure that if they are packed up then they 
can be unpacked successfully on a variety of systems. +++

Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 6111; Fri, 24
          Mar 89 02:50:34 GM
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          24 Mar 89 02:50:33 G
Received: by UICVM (Mailer R2.02) id 4676; Thu, 23 Mar 89 20:50:18 CST
Date:     Thu, 23 Mar 89 20:32:36 CST
From:     Don Hosek <U33297@EDU.UIC.UICVM>
Subject:  Re: VM/CMS format for tapes
cc:       Dean Guenther <GUENTHER@EARN.WSUVM1>

[This note was originally intended to be some information which I was
sending to Peter Abbott to forward to whoever would be making a CMS
version of the Aston Archive, but I've decided to send it to the
TeXhax and UKTeX mailing lists since it contains some generally useful
information on organinzing TeX on CMS]
There are a couple things to be aware of in transferring files from
the VMS environment to CMS which could cause some problems: the first
and most important is that CMS has a flat file structure, i.e., no
subdirectories. The implications of this are that for on-line storage,
everything needs to be in a limited number of minidisks with as few
duplications of names as possible... also all redundancies should be
removed (e.g., multiple copies of TEX WEB etc.) On our system, we have
a minidisk with TeX and its related files, another with MF, and a third
for unsupported extras (e.g., a chess font and miscellaneous macros from
TeXMaG, TeXhax, and the like). Each font set (e.g., 300dpi ww, 300dpi wb,
1270dpi etc.) has its own minidisk as does each device driver... Device
drivers are then called using a front-end exec resident on the disk with
TeX. To use TeX, all that is _necessary_ is to link to the TeX disk (MF
requires linking to that disk and the TeX disk, but only for access to
device drivers and TFM's for GFtoDVI). Most users also link to the disk
with the unsupported macros because of all the neat stuff there.
For the archive tape, I would recommend using CMS TAPE (simply because its
fairly straightforward and has help, unlike VMFPLC2 (what's the point of that
program anyway?) a tape mark should be placed between each group of related
files, in the case of the Aston archive, this would generally correspond to
divisions into subdirectories.
I hope this information is useful to any and all who receive it.
- -dh
         Don Hosek           Internet: U33297@UICVM.UIC.EDU
         3916 Elmwood        Bitnet: U33297@UICVM
         Stickney, IL 60402          DHOSEK@YMIR
         Work: 312-996-0658  UUNet:

Message-id: <24 Mar 89 12:59:00 GMT SUQSUMNR@UK.AC.RDG.AM.CMS>
Date:     Friday 24th March 1989 12:59:00 GMT
From:     "Tony Sumner (0734) 318436" <SUQSUMNR@UK.AC.RDG.AM.CMS>
Subject:  Tapes for VM/CMS

I have VM/CMS at Reading and I would be happy to help with writing tapes.
May I just comment, though, that this conversion is usually unnecessary;
I have a program ASCITAPE that reads an ascii tape written with fixed-
length records (any length) with a whole number of records per block and
I find this a convenient way of transferring data from non-IBM sites.
Perhaps your querent could provide some background?
Tony Sumner           (A.Sumner@Reading)


Received: from by NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK   via Satnet with SMTP
           id aa05986; 24 Mar 89 20:58 GMT
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 89 18:02 EST
From: "Jerry Leichter (LEICHTER-JERRY@CS.YALE.EDU)" <LEICHTER@arpa.yale-eng-venus>
Subject: re: \newdimen
X-VMS-To: IN%""

In a recent UKTeX, Sebastian Rahtz asks how to "cancel" \newdimen's so that
he can simultaneously load two large macro packages.

There is no simple answer to the question, since it depends on (a) how the
two packages use the dimension registers and (b) how you intend to use the
two packages.  Typical packages allocate only a small number of temporary
dimension registers; all the rest are used as "named constants" or contain
various global parameters.  You generally must leave such registers alone if
you expect to call the package.

If you know that you'll only call either one package or the other, or if you
switch back and forth but are willing to re-initialize each time, you could
cobble something together.  \newdimen is not a TeX primitive - it is a macro
defined in Plain (and used unchanged in LaTeX).  A quick check of the
definition - see page 346 of the TeXbook - reveals that the next dimension
register to be allocated is 1+\count11.  So if you are willing to go through
the two macro packages and separate out all the initialization, you could
cobble together an "initialize package" macro which reset \count11 to some
known value, then set up the package.  Of course, you'd have to be careful
about any external calls to \newdimen - the register allocation mechanism
is unable to handle interleaved allocated and unallocated registers.

In the case of every large package I've ever seen, with the possible exception
of PiCTeX, doing this kind of thing is likely to be quite difficult, since
the allocation and initialization of various registers is scattered through
the code.

If you are in a position to make extensive changes to the package, or if you
are designing it, you may find the following macros, posted to TeXhax a
couple of months back, useful.  They allow you to allocate objects which are
local to the containing group.
                                                        -- Jerry

% File:       TeX Inputs declare.tex
% Author:     J E Pittman
% Bitnet:     JEPTeX@TAMVenus
% Internet:   JEPTeX@Venus.TAMU.EDU
% Date:       September 29, 1988
% These macros provide a method of locally allocating registers 
% without interference with previously allocated registers.  The 
% method is the same as on pages 346--347 of the \TeX book, however, 
% the declare macros are intended for local use only.  It is a logical 
% error to use a "new" macro between a declare macro and the end of the 
% appropriate enclosing group. 
% Extended by Jerry Leichter, 29-Nov-88, to include \declareif.
\def\declarecount {\allocate0\countdef}%
\def\declaredimen {\allocate1\dimendef}%
\def\declareskip  {\allocate2\skipdef}%
\def\declarebox   {\allocate4\chardef}%
\def\declaretoks  {\allocate5\toksdef}%
  \advance\count1#1 by 1
     \errmessage{No room for \string#3!}%
{\let\newif\relax \gdef\declareif{\newif}}


Date: 27 Mar 89  18:07:22 bst
From: G.Toal @
Subject: Summary of drivers
Message-ID: <27 Mar 89  18:07:22 bst  050265@EMAS-A>

Don Hosek posted this to R.J.Hare at Edinburgh recently -- I thought
it might warrant a wider distribution. Don says he'll mail updates
directly to uktex if he changes it.
(It was in reply to a question about drivers for SBTEX - so I assume
they are all primarily PC versions.)
--- Forwarded from

Below is the information that you requested. Another non-listed source
(I'm going to fix that this week) is Jon Radel, who is
mentioned as a source for the Beebe drivers on PC floppies... he has
a wide variety of PC stuff available for duplicating costs. He has a
few PC TeX drivers available from no other source. I'll send his address
Monday or Tuesday, since I lent out the information sheet with it
and I don't have another copy handy.
 Epson MX/FX/JX
  (IBM PC)
   Personal TeX
    PC DOT Epson FX/RX
     Cost: $95
   Universit\`a Degli Studi Milan [1]
   University of Sheffield
   University of Utah
    DVIE72, EVIEPS (by Marcus Moehrman)
     Uses GF, PK, or PXL files. DVIE72 prints at 60h x 72v resolution, DVIEPS
     prints at 240h x 216v resolution. Written in C. Source is included.
 HP Laserjet Plus
  (IBM PC)
   ArborText Inc.
     Uses GF, PK, and PXL fonts. Allows inclusion of graphics, landscape
     printing and use of printer resident and HP soft fonts.
     Cost: $225. Site licenses available. Academic discounts available.
   Micro Publishing Systems, Incorporated
     Uses GF, PK, and PXL fonts. Allows inclusion of graphics, landscape
     printing, collating, odd or even page selection, reverse order printing,
     and direct printing to the printer. Also included is a translation utility
     for HP soft fonts.
     Cost: $189. $150 for governmental and educational institutions.
    DVI2XX (by Gustav Neumann)
     Uses PK or PXL files. Written in C. Source is included. Supports
     odd and even-only page printing (for two-run duplex). Graphics
     inclusions is also supported.
   Personal TeX
    PTI Laser/HP
     Allows automatic font substitution, landscape printing, and inclusion of
     Cost: $195.
   University of Utah
    DVIJEP (by Nelson H.F. Beebe)
     Uses GF, PK or PXL files. Written in C. Source is included. Graphics
     inclusion specials are available are available on request.
 PostScript printers
  (IBM PC)
   Arbortext, Inc.
     Uses GF, PK, and PXL files. Allows inclusion of graphics, use of printer
     resident fonts, font substitution, font scaling, landscape printing and
     magnifies or shrinks images.
     Cost: $225. Site licenses available. Academic discounts available.
   Micro Publishing Systems, Incorporated
     Uses GF, PK, and PXL fonts. Allows inclusion of graphics, landscape
     printing, collating, odd or even page selection, reverse order printing,
     and direct printing to the printer. Also included are font metric files
     for PostScript fonts and a utility that translates AFM files into TFM
     Cost: $189. $150 for governmental and educational institutions.
   Personal TeX
    PTI Laser/PS
     Allows landscape printing, use of PostScript fonts, and inclusion of
     PostScript graphics.
     Cost: $195.
   University of Utah
    DVIALW (by Nelson H.F. Beebe and Neal Holtz)
     Uses GF, PK or PXL files. Graphics inclusion is supported. Written in C.
     Source is included.
 Xerox 2700II, 3700, 4045
  (CDC Cyber)
   Xerox, Ohio State University
    DVIX27 (by John Gourlay)
     Uses Xerox 2700 special fonts (the cm* fonts are supplied up to magstep
     5 in this format). Written in WEB. Source included.
   Ecole Normale Superieure
    DVI2700 (by Maurice Vallino and Chantal Durand)
     Uses Xerox 2700 special fonts. Inclusion of Xerox bitmap files is made
     possible by the \special command. An auxiliary program, PXLXEROX, is
     provided to allow conversion of PXL files to Xerox 2700 format. Written in
     Pascal. Source included.
     Available free of charge.
    DVIX27 (by John Gourlay)
     Uses Xerox 2700 special fonts (the cm* fonts are supplied up to magstep
     5 in this format). Written in WEB. Source included.
Arbortext, Inc.
 Contact: Sales Department
 Postal Address: 535 W. William Street
                 Suite 300
                 Ann Arbor, MI 48103
 Phone: (313) 996-3566
 Postal Address: P.O. Box 35,
                 D-6101 Fr\"ankisch Crumbach, Federal Republic of Germany
 Phone: +49 6164 4044
Micro Publishing Systems, Incorporated
 Postal Address: Suite 300
                 1120 Hamilton Street
                 Vancouver, B.C. Canada, V6B 2S2
 Phone: (604) 687-0354
Ohio State University
 Contact: Ms. Marty Marlatt
 Postal Address: Ohio State University
                 Department of Computer and Information Science
                 2036 Neil Avenue
                 Columbus, OH 43210
 Availability: The drivers are distributed on either ANSI or TOPS-20 DUMPER
               tapes, with hardcopy documentation. There is a $125 service
               charge (payable to Ohio State University) to cover postage,
               handling, photocopying, etc.
Personal TeX
 Contact: Lance Carnes
 Postal Address: 12 Madrona Street
                 Mill Valley, CA 94941
 Phone: (415) 388-8853
 Telex: 510-601-0672
Universit\`a Degli Studi Milan [1]
 Contact: Dario Lucarella
 Phone: 02/23.62.441
University of Sheffield
 Contact: Ewart North
 Postal Address: Data Processing Unit
                 University of Sheffield
                 Western Bank
                 Sheffield S10 2TN. England
 Phone: (0742)-78555 ext.4307
University of Utah
 Contact: Nelson H.F. Beebe
 Postal Address: Center for Scientific Computing
                 220 South Physics
                 University of Utah
                 Salt Lake City, UT 84112
 Phone: (801) 581-5254
 Internet: Beebe@Science.Utah.EDU
 Availability: All of the Beebe drivers are distributed together. They are
               available on 1600bpi 9-track tape in TOPS-10/20 BACKUP/DUMPER
               format, VAX/VMS BACKUP format, Unix tar format, and ANSI
               D-format. Send a tape plus $100 for a copy. IBM PC floppies
               are available from Personal TeX or Jon Radel.
FTP: The programs are available for anonymous FTP from SCIENCE.UTAH.EDU on the
     internet; information is in the file PS:<ANONYMOUS>00README.TXT. A
     VAX/VMS binary distribution is available for anonymous FTP (password
     guest) from CTRSCI.UTAH.EDU. 00README.TXT in the login directory gives
     details. On JANET, the programs may be obtained from the directory
     aston.kirk::[public.texdvi210]. On DECnet, they are available from the
     DECnet file repository, for more information send mail to the DECnet
     address <39937::luvisetto>.
 Bitnet servers: The drivers are available from Listserv on EARN to European
                 Bitnet users. Sending the command GET DRIVER FILELIST (in an
                 interactive message, or as the first line of a mail message)
                 to LISTSERV@DHDURZ1. Files are obtained with the command GET
                 filename filetype.
 Contact: Margot Nelligan
 Postal Address: Xerox Printing Systems Division
                 880 Apollo Street
                 El Segundo, CA 90245
 Phone: (213) 333-6058
 Postal Address: P.O. Box 1345
                 D-8172 Lenggries
                 Federal Republic of Germany
 Phone: +49 8042 8081
Ecole Normale Superieure
 Contact: Chantal Durand
 Postal Address: Centre de Calcul, Ecole Normale Superieure
                 45 rue d'Ulm
                 75005 Paris, France
         Don Hosek           Internet: U33297@UICVM.UIC.EDU
         3916 Elmwood        Bitnet: U33297@UICVM
         Stickney, IL 60402          DHOSEK@YMIR
         Work: 312-996-0658  UUNet:

- --- End of forwarded message


Date:           28-MAR-1989 13:20:14
Subject:        BibTeX v0.99c for MS-DOS machines
Message-Id:     <00001497_0009E67C.009226E51FD56200$9_2@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS>
Originally-to:  UKTEX,TEX
Originally-from:TEX          "RMCS TeX Account"
Mailer:         Janet_Mailshr V3.2 (27-Oct-1988)

Some weeks ago, I asked TeXhax and UKTeX readers for a version of BibTeX v0.99 
that would run on an IBM PC under MS/PC-DOS. After being deafened by the 
silence, I decided to try to translate the Unix WEB into Turbo C. 

Originally, I tried to use the excellent WEB2C system, but the IBM PC C 
compilers (Microsoft and Turbo) can't cope with all of the static/global data
that BibTeX uses. Using the output of WEB2C as a starting point, after a great
deal of change, I ended up with a working version of BibTeX v0.99c. 

The IBM PC version of BibTeX isn't as capable as the Unix version since that
version declares well over 640kBytes of array variables, but it can cope with
350 citations and 2000 database entry fields. A 512kB IBM PC without lots of
memory resident software can just about run it, while a 640kB machine copes

Would anyone be prepared to help me by acting as a "Beta test site" for this
software - I would like to have it tested first by a few people before
offering it to the world. 
                        Niel Kempson

| JANET:                                     |
| BITNET:                               |
| INTERNET:                    |
| Smail:     School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military   |
|            College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K.        |
| Phone:     Swindon (0793) 785687 (UK), +44-793-785687 (International)   |
P.S.          BITNET Users: Please note that our site has had difficulty in 
              receiving mail directly from the UK BITNET gateway. If you 
              suspect that your messages aren't getting through, you could


          from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 5924; Wed, 29
             Mar 89 20:12:05 BS
            from UICVM by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 8441; Wed,
             29 Mar 89 20:12:04
Received:    by UICVM (Mailer R2.02) id 6072; Wed, 29 Mar 89 13:11:20 CST
Date:        Wed, 29 Mar 1989 13:10:48 CST
From:        Don Hosek <U33297@EDU.UIC.UICVM>
Subject:     Re: DVI drivers for VAX/VMS
In-Reply-To: Message of 29-MAR-1989 18:20:21 GMT -01:00 (BST) from

Here is the information I have on VAX/VMS drivers; I have only listed
laser printer drivers. If you want information on dot matrix, screen,
or typesetter drivers, let me know.
[To UKTeX readers: Please send me any additional information, corrections,
etc. for the TUG records]
- -dh
 Agfa P400 (406dpi; LED engine)
   Systemhaus f\"ur Elektronisches Publizieren
    DVIP400 (by Bernd Schulze)
     Uses PXL files. Allows landscape printing and inclusion of P400 bitmap
     graphics. Written in WEB. Source available on request.
     Cost: 300-1848DM
 Canon LBP Series Laser Printers: Canon LBP-A2, Canon LPB-8.
   University of Utah
    DVICAN (by Nelson H.F. Beebe)
     Uses GF, PK or PXL files. Written in C. Source is included.
 DEC LN03, DEC LN03+ (300dpi; Ricoh 4081 engine)
   Digital Equipment Corporation
    DVI2LN3, DVI2LNG (by Flavio Rose)
     Two versions of the driver are provided (these are on the Stanford VMS
     TeX tape). DVI2LN3 in C is a newer version that allows inclusion of
     LN03 plotfiles as well as simple line drawing commands through the
     \special command. DVI2LNG is an older version written in WEB that uses
     DEC font file format fonts (A utility is provided for converting PXL fonts
     to the DEC font file format). Source for both is included.
   Kellerman & Smith
     Uses GF, PK or DEC font file format fonts. Can use DEC ROM Cartridge fonts.
     Allows page orientation and scaling to be performed, as well as merging
     of sixel graphics and LN03 escape sequences. A GFtoFNT program is
     included for creating DEC font file format fonts.
     Cost: $600.00 Single copy price. 600' magtape 1600bpi
   Procyon Informatics
   University of Kansas
    DVI2LN3 (by Flavio Rose; modified by Edwin Bell)
     Uses PXL fonts. Allows inclusion of Sixel graphics in two formats. Written
     in C. Distributed in source format.
   University of Utah
    DVIL3P (by John Sauter)
     Uses GF, PK, and PXL files.
 Golden Dawn Golden Laser 100
   University of Utah
    DVIGD (by Nelson Beebe)
     Uses GF, PK, or PXL fonts.
 HP Laserjet Plus
   ArborText Inc.
     Uses GF, PK, or PXL fonts. Allows inclusion of graphics, use of printer
     resident fonts, font substitution, font scaling, and magnifies or shrinks
     Cost: $500 workstations; $750 mainframes. Site licenses available.
           Academic discounts available.
   University of Utah
    DVIJEP (by Nelson H.F. Beebe)
     Uses GF, PK or PXL files. Written in C. Source is included. Graphics
     inclusion specials are available are available on request.
   Kellerman & Smith
     Uses GF and PK fonts. Can use printer resident fonts and print in
     landscape orientation.
     Cost: $1200. 600' magtape, 1600bpi
   University of Utah
    DVIIMP (by Lon Willett)
     Uses GF, PK or PXL files. Written in C. Source is included.
 Kyocera F-10xx, F-20xx
   Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Aeronomie
     Written in C
 PostScript printers
   Arbortext, Inc.
     Uses GF, PK, and PXL files. Allows inclusion of graphics, use of printer
     resident fonts, font substitution, font scaling, landscape printing and
     magnifies or shrinks images.
     Cost: $500 workstations; $750 mainframes. Site licenses available.
           Academic discounts available.
    DVIOUT (By Scott Campbell)
     Uses GF, PK, and PXL files. Allows landscape printing, inclusion of
     MacDraw bitmaps, inclusion of Tektronix plot files, drawing of line, arc,
     point, and filled polygons through \special commands, and TeX-XeT support.
     Written in C and Macro-32. The program comes with a well-featured
     PostScript symbiont.
     Cost: There is a charge of $35 for DECUS members, $40 for non-members to
     obtain this program. It is distributed on a 600' 6250 bpi magnetic tape.
   University of Sydney
    Dvi/PS (by Alec Dunn)
     Uses GF, and both word- and byte-packed PXL files. Allows landscape
     printing, inclusion of PostScript graphics (described in TUGboat 8#2), and
     use of PostScript fonts. A PostScript-from-Mac program is available on
     request. The program communicates with the printer to determine what
     resolution/set of fonts to use. Written in Pascal. Source not included.
     Cost: $500
   University of Utah
    DVIALW (by Nelson H.F. Beebe and Neal Holtz)
     Uses GF, PK or PXL files. Graphics inclusion is supported. Written in C.
     Source is included.
 QMS Lasergrafix
   Arbortext, Inc.
     Uses GF, PK, and PXL files. Allows inclusion of graphics, use of printer
     resident fonts, font substitution, font scaling, landscape printing,
     and magnifies or shrinks images.
     Cost: $500 workstations; $750 mainframes. Site licenses available.
     Academic discounts available.
   GA Technologies
   n~2 Consultants
 Symbolics LGP-1
   University of Massachusetts
 Talaris (See also QMS LaserGrafix)
 Xerox 8700, 8790, 9700, 9790, 4050
   Advanced Computer Communications
   Arbortext, Inc.
    DVIXER (by Paul Grosso)
     Written in WEB. Source included. Uses fonts preloaded onto the printer.
     Allows duplex printing.
     Cost: $1500 mainframes, $1000 workstations. Site licenses available.
           Academic discounts available.
   Texas A&M [3]
    TeXrox (by Thomas J. Reid)
     Written in C Source included. Uses fonts preloaded onto the printer. Allows
     duplex printing and four basic page orientations plus special formats for
     booklets and reference cards. Multiple DVI files may be merged using the
     driver. Includes utilities for creating Xerox fonts from GF or PXL files
     and for creating TFM files for Xerox internal fonts.
     Price: $100 Commercial and foreign. Free for domestic government,
            educational, and non-profit institutions.
Arbortext, Inc.
 Contact: Sales Department
 Postal Address: 535 W. William Street
                 Suite 300
                 Ann Arbor, MI 48103
 Phone: (313) 996-3566
 Postal Address: Library Order Processing
                 219 Boton Post Road, BPO2
                 Marlboro, MA 01752
 Phone: (508) 480-3418
        (508) 480-3659
        (508) 480-3446
Digital Equipment Corporation
 Contact: John Sauter
 Postal Address: 801128 Bates Road
                 Merrimack, NH 03054
 Internet: Sauter%Dssdev.DEC@Decwrl.DEC.COM
 Phone: (603) 881-2301
GA Technologies
 Note: David Caruso is possibly the contact person--see TUG membership list.
Kellerman & Smith
 Contact: Barry Smith
 Postal Address: Kellerman & Smith
                 534 SW Third Avenue
                 Portland, OR 97204
 Phone: (503) 222-4234
 Telex: 910-240-4397
 Usenet: tektronix!reed!barry
 Postal Address: P.O. Box 35,
                 D-6101 Fr\"ankisch Crumbach, Federal Republic of Germany
 Phone: +49 6164 4044
Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Aeronomie
 Contact: Helmut Kopka
 Postal Address: Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Aeronomie
                 D3411, Federal Republic of Germany
 Phone: (47) 556-41451
 Bitnet: Mio40L@Dgogwd01
n~2 Consultants
 Contact: Norman Naugle
 Postal Address: P.O.Box 2736
                 College Station, TX 77841
 Phone: (409) 845-3104
 Internet: Naugle@Ee.Tamu.Edu
Procyon Informatics
 Contact: John F. Roden
 Postal Address: Glendenning House
                 7-8 Wicklow St.
                 Dublin 2
 Phone: 353-1-791323
Systemhaus f\"ur Elektronisches Publizieren
 Contact: Robert Sch\"oninger
 Postal Address: Arndtstrasse 12
                 5000 K\"oln, Federal Republic of Germany
 Contact: Sam Hassabo
 Phone: (619) 587-0787
Texas A&M [3]
 Contact: Thomas Reid
 Postal Address: Computing Services Center
                 Texas A&M University
                 College Station, TX 77843
 Phone: (409) 845-8459
 Bitnet: X066TR@TAMVM1
University of Kansas
 Contact: Edwin Bell
 Bitnet: BeLL@Ukanvax
 Span: BeLL@Kuphsx
 Internet: BeLL%Kuphsk.Span@Star.Stanford.EDU
 Postal Address: Department of Physics and Astronomy
                 University of Kansas
                 Lawrence, KS 66045
 Phone: (913) 864-3610
University of Sydney
 Contact: Alec Dunn
 Postal Address: School of Electrical Engineering
                 University of Sydney
                 NSW 2006, Australia
 Phone: (02) 692-2014
University of Utah
 Contact: Nelson H.F. Beebe
 Postal Address: Center for Scientific Computing
                 220 South Physics
                 University of Utah
                 Salt Lake City, UT 84112
 Phone: (801) 581-5254
 Internet: Beebe@Science.Utah.EDU
 Availability: All of the Beebe drivers are distributed together. They are
               available on 1600bpi 9-track tape in TOPS-10/20 BACKUP/DUMPER
               format, VAX/VMS BACKUP format, Unix tar format, and ANSI
               D-format. Send a tape plus $100 for a copy. IBM PC floppies
               are available from Personal TeX or Jon Radel.
FTP: The programs are available for anonymous FTP from SCIENCE.UTAH.EDU on the
     internet; information is in the file PS:<ANONYMOUS>00README.TXT. A
     VAX/VMS binary distribution is available for anonymous FTP (password
     guest) from CTRSCI.UTAH.EDU. 00README.TXT in the login directory gives
     details. On JANET, the programs may be obtained from the directory
     aston.kirk::[public.texdvi210]. On DECnet, they are available from the
     DECnet file repository, for more information send mail to the DECnet
     address <39937::luvisetto>.
 Bitnet servers: The drivers are available from Listserv on EARN to European
                 Bitnet users. Sending the command GET DRIVER FILELIST (in an
                 interactive message, or as the first line of a mail message)
                 to LISTSERV@DHDURZ1. Files are obtained with the command GET
                 filename filetype.
         Don Hosek           Internet: U33297@UICVM.UIC.EDU
         3916 Elmwood        Bitnet: U33297@UICVM
         Stickney, IL 60402          DHOSEK@YMIR
         Work: 312-996-0658  UUNet:

          from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 7443; Thu, 30
             Mar 89 19:01:12 BS
            from UICVM by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 5255; Thu,
             30 Mar 89 19:01:12
Received:    by UICVM (Mailer R2.02) id 2020; Thu, 30 Mar 89 11:43:21 CST
Date:        Thu, 30 Mar 1989 11:43:11 CST
From:        Don Hosek <U33297@EDU.UIC.UICVM>
Subject:     Re: VAX/VMS drivers
In-Reply-To: Message of 30-MAR-1989 11:39:51 GMT -01:00 (BST) from

A correction: All VAX/VMS software formerly sold by Kellerman and Smith
is now available from NorthLake Software, address:
NorthLake Software
 Contact: David Kellerman
 Postal Address: 812 SW Washington
                 Portland, OR 97205
 Phone: (503) 228-3383
 UUCP: imagen!negami!davek
- -dh
         Don Hosek           Internet: U33297@UICVM.UIC.EDU
         3916 Elmwood        Bitnet: U33297@UICVM
         Stickney, IL 60402          DHOSEK@YMIR
         Work: 312-996-0658  UUNet:
!!   Files of interest [public]000aston.readme
!!                     [public]000directory.list
!!                     [public]000directory_dates.list
!!                     [public]000directory.size
!!                     [public]000last30days.files
!! Editor - I have a tape labelled TeX 2.95 LaTeX 2.09 Metafont 1.7
!! Unix 4.2/3BSD & System V. Tar 1600 bpi blocked 
!! 20 1 file dated 30 January 1989 (from 
!!  FTP access site     
!!             username           public
!!             password           public
!! I have the facility to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following
!! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage.
!! Send to
!! P Abbott
!! Computing Service
!! Aston University
!! Aston Triangle
!! Birmingham B4 7ET
!! A VMS backup of the archive requires 2 (two ) 2400' tapes at 6250bpi.
!! Remaining details as above.
!! Other tape options in the pipeline.
!!  Replies/submissions to     please
!!  distribution changes to   please 
!!   end of issue