UKTeX V89 #13       Friday 7  April 1989

                                Tex Drivers
                            PostScript metrics
                               UKTeX V89 #12
                             BibTeX for MS/DOS
                       Pound sign in maths. in LaTeX
                              Local \newdimen
                                Change bars
         RE: TEXTURES 1.01 on Macintosh II RAM 1MB  40MB Hard Disc
        LaTEX and SLITeX font list and some questions about VMS TeX
                            Laserwriter filters
                     Bugs in Chen's makeindex Program
                                 Re: SBTeX

Editor Peter Abbott

Yes I goofed, Issue 12 should have been Friday March 31 1989.
Issue 13 MAY be delayed from Friday until the following Monday morning as I 
out of the office for part of the week.

Latest TeXhax in the Archive is #21
Latest TeXmag in the Archive is V3N1


Date:           31-MAR-1989 13:07:25 GMT
Subject:        \newdimen

Sebastian asks:

> I was under the illusion that the command \newdimen was limited in its
> effect by the current block. I am wrong, it never goes away. So can 
> someone advise me on how to load two macro packages at once, both
> of which are littered with \newdimen s? The number of
> \count s %( I assume you mean \dimen s, but it is also true of \count s)
> is fixed
> at 255,  %(256 actually, but whose counting?---apart from TeX)
> I assume. How can I reclaim the space package A used so that B
> can use it?

There is no ``approved'' way to do this as \new... s are
specifically provided for ``global variables''.  But, if you are prepared to
ignore ``the guru's'' uncharacteristically explicit teachings on p. 346 of
``the gospel'', which declare the implementation of these allocations to
``hidden'' (so if plain.tex were written in ADA you would be
completely stuck), then something may be possible.

Without further information about how the packages in question allocate and use
the registers, I cannot say whether the following will work.  Indeed, I suspect
that any macro package which makes such profligate use of registers is probably
of such a standard that any such tinkering will probably have many unpleasant
side-effects.  However, here is the necessary tinkering.

1. FACT: Each package should write on the LOG file entries such as:
which should indicate that, of the 256 dimen registers, number 134 has been
given the name  \subsubsollabelwidth  (was it Sebastian who once complained 
about long csnames?).

2. You now need to identify (by, if necessary, putting suitable \message
commands in the package's macro file) which bit of the LOG file is written by
the first macro package's macro input file.  Assuming that it behaves
``according to the gospel'', then
the first such entry which it puts on the LOG file (ie the first one with
\dimen after the = sign) will tell you the lowest-numbered dimen-register
which it  assigned with \newdimen: call this number

3. Then, by consulting the bottom of the, by now, well thumbed p. 346, you may
discover that the number of the last-allocated dimen-register is stored in
count-register number 11, ie \count11.  Thus, if just before reading in
the macro file for the second package you set
        \count11 = reset_reg
        where  reset_reg = low_reg_1 - 1,
then you will make the second package start allocating \newdimen s at the same
register as did the first package.

4. The bad news is that this will not ``zero -out'' the values in the dimen
registers which are being reused.  This is a problem since, if the second
package does its allocations according to the rules, then it is perfectly
entitled to assume that the value in any register allocated by \newdimen is
- -indeed, this is one good reason for making the definitions global---
and many macro packages do make this assumption. Hence, you will also need to
reinitilaise to zero each of the dimen registers assigned by the first package
(again, just before reading in the second macro package).
NB: do NOT simply reinitialise all the dimen registers from low_reg_1 up to 255
since some of the ``high-memory'' is used for inscrutable TeXnicalities such as
insertions (an absorbing account of this usage can be found on pp. 122--125 of
... you know what...).


You have either been reading or just missed---
         ---Network Mail from: Chris Rowley,  Open University (Maths/R01), UK
             User Name:   ca_rowley
               Network:   Janet
         JANET Address:
From North America try:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr C A Rowley               | Bitnet/Netnorth/Earn/Uucp: 
Open University             |          
527 Finchley Road           | Internet/Arpa/Csnet: 
London NW3 7BG              |          
UK                          |
Telephone: (+44) 1 794 0575 |
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Character reference:

Lower case letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Digits: 0123456789
Punctuation: ? ! , : ; .
Square brackets, curly braces: [] {}
Angle brackets, round parentheses: <> ()
Backslash, slash, vertical bar: \ / |
Hyphen, underscore, equals, plus: - _ = +
Quotes right, left, double: ' ` "
Tilde, at-sign, dollar, percent: ~ @ $ % 
Hat(up-arrow), ampersand(and), asterisk(star): ^ & *
Hash(sharp, number, pounds!!!): #

From: Harvey Richardson <>
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 89 14:17:52 BST
Message-Id: <>
Subject: physics.btx

Is there anyone in the UK with a good copy of the file physics.btx from
the Clarkson server.  My copy came via EARN-RELAY and the resultant
munging would be a pain to fix.  I could not find a copy in the archive
at Aston.  

For those who are interested this file can be run through cpp to give
various .bst files.  The result is a configurable source for .bst files
which comes with defaults for many physics journals.

Harvey Richardson

      e-mail : JANET    -
               INTERNET -
               BITNET   -
        mail : Physics Department
               Heriot-Watt University
               Riccarton,  Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, UK.
       phone : (+44) 031-451-3047 


          from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 6942; Sat, 01
               Apr 89 09:47:39 BS
              from ASTRPD.INFN.IT by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id
               5836; Sat, 01 Apr 89 09:47:37
Message-id:    <2232>
Date:          Sat,  1 APR 89 10:13 N
Subject:       Tex Drivers
X-Original-To:, FISICA

In issue 12 is reported about the availability of tex drivers on DECNET.
Please note that DECNET is the italian name for SPAN, and now that also
England is entering SPAN, the deposit we have here in Italy can be easily
accessed. As it does not work like a "mail-server", anybody interested
is kindly asked to send a mail message for infos either to:
or to:
Max Calvani


Received: from by; Sun, 2 Apr 89 16:11:35 BST
Date: Sun, 2 Apr 89 16:08:57 BST
Message-Id: <>
Subject: PostScript metrics

I must apologize for the delay in sending this in; Ken Yap wrote to me
 ages ago about the knotty problem of how to integrate PostScript
fonts into TeX, and it lay doggo in my mailbox until today's spring clean.

Sebastian Rahtz

- ------

Date: Sat, 18 Feb 89 15:29:24 -0500
From: Ken Yap <ken@edu.rochester.cs>

I must put in a vote for Carr's scheme (put fi at 14):  I prefer the
TeX font map to the Adobe one. By putting ligatures known to TeX at TeX
positions, it is more likely that a DVI file generated with a non-TeX
font can be printed on a non-Adobe printer. Of course the spacing will
come out strange, but nowhere near the confusion missing fi's will
produce. This also applies to rough previewing of DVI files with
dvitty. Using the top half of the map in TeX pre-empts those positions
from later assignment in TeX macros. Another reason is that in most
cases only the bottom half of the map is needed and having only to
download 128 width entries to the PS engine can shorten the PS code.
Stephan's new driver has an option to allow this short cut when one
knows no characters > 127 are used with the PS fonts. A final reason is
that the TeX map is politically more acceptable for non-PS users.

That still leaves open the question of where to put those nifty PS
characters in the top half of the map.

Adobe occasionally updates the AFM files to add new charcters and
correct metrics. I have no idea if it is necessary to use an old AFM
file with an old printer.

I believe the reason for the difference between metrics from different
authors is that the AFM files do not provide all the fontdimens TeX
needs and some have to be estimated. This should provide a fertile area
for dispute---the formulae to be used.

- ------------


Received: from by; Sun, 2 Apr 89 16:47:49 BST
Date: Sun, 2 Apr 89 16:45:09 BST
Message-Id: <>
In-Reply-To:'s message of 31-MAR-1989 20:54:42 GMT <>
Subject: UKTeX V89 #12

Jerry Leichter throws useful light on the problem of how to re-use
\newdiment registers. I have in fact been experimenting with some
macros similar to his which Tim Bradshaw sent me (appended) which do
the job in question. I think its rather a specific one, though, and I
doubt if most people will get away with it so cleanly (or have the
need). I am trying to print a paper which contains demonstrations of
pictex and John Reynolds' category theory diagrams, so I can
reasonably start my pictex section, and include all the macros and all
my figures inside one big group without worrying. Whats strange is
that it all seems to work!

Sebastian Rahtz

% -*-LaTeX-*-
% hackalloc.sty: make allocation local for LaTeX.  
% This redefines the allocation primitive so _all_ allocation becomes 
% block-local after this is loaded; no idea what the side-effects of this
% may be.  If it breaks, change \alloc@ to \localloc@, and either redefine
% just what you need to use \alloc@, or define \locnew* for local
% allocation, as in the commented lines.
% NOTE: lying again... this doesn't work for inserts which are still
% global.

%\def\localloc@#1#2#3#4#5{\advance\count1#1 by 1
\def\alloc@#1#2#3#4#5{\advance\count1#1 by 1
  \ch@ck#1#4#2% Check room
  \wlog{Locally \string#5=\string#2\the\allocationnumber}}


Date:            3-APR-1989 12:15:07 GMT -01:00 (BST)
From:           CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXB
Subject:        BibTeX for MS/DOS
Reply-to:       Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <P.Taylor@Uk.Ac.Rhbnc.Vaxb>
Originally-to:  $UK-TEX,JANET%"TeX@Cranfield.Rmcs"
Mailer:         Janet_Mailshr V3.3a (02-Feb-1989)

Niel Kempton reminded us that he had asked about BiBTeX V0.99 for MS/DOS-
based systems, and said that he had received no response.  I must apologise,
for although I don't use *TeX [* <> {}], I do have a copy of BiBTeX V0.99
for MS/DOS.  It is part of the ArborText distribution, and therefore copy-
right, but at least it exists ...

                                        ** Phil.


Received: from poppy by; Mon, 3 Apr 89 12:15:58 +0059
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 89 12:16:08 +0100
From: J M Hicks <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Pound sign in maths. in LaTeX

(This may be an old chestnut.)

Although "LaTeX: A Document Preparation System" says that \pounds can
be used to make a pound sterling sign in any mode, I find that it
produces a dollar sign if it is used in mathematics.

Does anyone have any remarks to make on this?

We use:-

LaTeX Version 2.09 - Released 19 April 1986

- --
Jim Hicks (a.k.a. Hilary),
Computing Services, Warwick University, Coventry, England. CV4 7AL


Date:           Mon, 3 Apr 89  16:58 GMT
From:           TFB@UK.AC.UCL.PH.V1
Subject:        Local \newdimen

I wrote the following LaTeX style option to give block-local allocation of
anything except inserts (they could be made local easily).  All it does is
redefine the allocation `primitive', \alloc@.  I've used it and so has
Sebastian Rahtz & it seems to be fairly side-effect free.

Can anyone explain why the standard TeX formats do allocation globally?  It
makes writing TeX like using a language with no local variables -- difficult.

- --Tim Bradshaw.
- ---Cut here for hackalloc.sty
% Hack allocation stuff to work locally.  This is highly unguaranteed...
% Basically remove all the \globals in there.
\def\alloc@#1#2#3#4#5{\advance\count1#1 by 1
  \ch@ck#1#4#2% Check room
  \wlog{Locally \string#5=\string#2\the\allocationnumber}}


Received: from by kestrel.Ukc.AC.UK   via PSS (UKC CAMEL FTP)
           id aa10867; 3 Apr 89 17:13 BST
Original-Via:   SUNFS;  Mon, 3 Apr 89 17:12     (V30 at UK.CO.GEC-EPL)
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 89 17:12:12 BST
Subject: Change bars

Does anyone have a nifty way of automatically generating change bars
to indicate the revisions made to a LaTeX document? Failing that, does
anyone have some opinions on the difficulty of doing it and known

The Marginal notes facility of LaTeX didn't seem suitable at first
sight. A brief look in the TeXbook suggested two possibilities to me:
Something based on \marginalstar (Ex 14.28 p105) or messing with the
output routine.  But I don't want to re-invent the wheel - especially
if it can't be done!

Don Ward
Systems Design Division
GEC Electrical Projects Ltd             Email:
Boughton Road, Rugby, CV21 1BU UK.      Tel:   (+44 788  or 0788) 542144


Date: 29 Mar 89  11:57:52 bst
From: R.J.Hare @
Subject: TeX
Message-ID: <29 Mar 89  11:57:52 bst  340108@EMAS-A>

Hello. I'm trying to get hold of:

a) The most up-to-date version of SBTeX which is available

b) device drivers for same

Looking at the names on the UKTeX bboard, I guess you are one of the men to
contact. Can you help me here please. I would particularly like to know how to
'drive' the Aston archive (ie: how to decode files - I am an ARC/DEBOO man,
and UUENCODE/DECODE don't mean much to me).

Many thanks.

Roger Hare.


From: M N Ullah
151 Gladstone Park Gardens

Tel 01 450 2989


RE: TEXTURES 1.01 on Macintosh II RAM 1MB  40MB Hard Disc

TEXTURES 1.01 crashes whenever I correct my error in an input file. "Run 
out of memory" even if it is only a one page letter.  What is the reason?  
Bug in the software?  Remedy?  I have removed all input files from Textures.  
Still it crashes!  Help!  Help!

Yours faithfully

M N Ullah


Date:            3-APR-1989 20:16:06
From:           KEITH@UK.AC.LIV.CS.MVA
Subject:        LaTEX and SLITeX font list and some questions about VMS TeX
Message-Id:     <00000374_00064104.00922BD637000660$25_1@UK.AC.LIV.CS.MVA>
Originally-to:  JANET%ASTON::INFO-TEX
Mailer:         Janet_Mailshr V3.2 (27-Oct-1988)

In case others are interested, I recently decided to clean-out our TeX
directories (particularly the fonts). As we use only LaTEX (and now SliTEX)
many of the fonts and their magnifications were not needed - some were even
missing. I've constructed a table of fontnames and their magnifications as
required in LFONTS.TEX and SSPLAIN.TEX which may be of use to others
contemplating a similar rationalisation process and a command procedures to
rebuild the entire fontlist and PK info from .MF files using this list (for
300dpi printers LaserJetII and Laserwriter). This took over 24 hours CPU
time! For small systems, the space saving is worth it.

BTW, I now seem to have a complete set of invisible fonts (.MFs) for SSPLAIN
if anybody wants them.

Now a few questions:

Does anybody have copies of the INITEX.CH (used for building INITEX.PAS from
TEX.WEB with TANGLE) and TEX.CH (used for building VIRTEX.PAS from TEX.WEB)
which are referenced in [PUBLIC.TEXVMS.TEX.TEX]BUILD.COM. I am also interested
in the sources for the SVIINIT et alia used by VIRTEX and VIRMF, particularly
in view of that fact that we may soon move to VMS 5. This leads to the next

Has anybody had any experience building new preloaded images of TEX and
MF under VMS5 using this SVI code? Does it work?

Thanks in advance,
Keith Halewood


Via:; Thu, 06 Apr 89 15:11:44 BST (UMPA/20.300b)
Message-Id: <1538.8904061407@merak>
Subject: Laserwriter filters
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 89 15:07:29 BST
X-Mailer: Elm [version 2.1 PL1]

We have just installed the new version of the X previewer texx for TeX.
Very impressive it is too. It even allows you to print part of a document
that you are previewing *providing* you have a device driver that will
run as a filter. Does anyone know if such a thing exists for Apple 
Laserwriters, running under Unix of course!

- --
                        Colin Walls

Janet:               _______________________________
DARPA:               | There is nothing, absolutely |
Uucp:   ukc!!Colin           |   nothing, quite so nice as  |
                                        |     messing about, simply    |
Tel: 061-236-3311 x 2626                |     messing about in boats   |
International: +44-61-236-3311 x 2626   -------------------------------


Date:           Thu,  6 APR 89 14:31:29 BST
Subject:        Bugs in Chen's makeindex Program
Message-Id:     <00000216_0025C538.00922E0191940E00$11_2@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS>
Originally-to:  UKTEX
Originally-from:TEX          "RMCS TeX Account"
Mailer:         Janet_Mailshr V3.2 (27-Oct-1988)

    At RMCS, we have been making extensive use of Chen's makeindex program 
ever since a version ported to VMS became available last year.  However, we 
have discovered two unrelated bugs in it.  The version we are running is 
defined in mkind.h as follows:

    #define     VERSION "portable version 2.5 [4-14-88]"

This has been checked today (6th April 1989) as being the version still 
available at Aston (in 

    Directory $1$DUA14:[PUBLIC.VMS.MAKEINDEX]

).  At Aston, there is also an EARLIER implementation of makeindex, 
defined in IT'S mkind.h as follows:

    #define     VERSION "portable version 2.4 [20-Mar-88]"

--- the sources of this version reside in 


but also exhibit the same bugs.

The two bugs, with their fixes, are as follows:

1) [This has been reported in TeXhax as being mended, but the version at Aston
is still faulty.  The message in TeXhax didn't say how to fix it!  Pehong Chen
has also reported back that this is fixed --- if so, in which version?]

   Module GENIND is concerned with actually creating the .IND file.  The file
GENIND.H defines macros used therein, amongst which was:

#define PUT(S) { \
        fprintf(ind_fp, S); \

Since this doesn't include an explicit format string for the C fprintf
procedure, the actual string to be printed is used as the format.  Ordinarily,
this will not cause any problems, but if the string for printing includes a
percent symbol, it is assumed to introduce a C format specifier (like %d, for
example), so the percent itself doesn't get printed.

On 3rd Feb 1989, Brian HAMILTON KELLY corrected this as under, and reported it
to Pehong Chen, who, as stated above, said that it had already been fixed.  But
the distributed version of makeindex on this side of the Atlantic is still
wrong, as of today's date!

#define PUT(S) { \
        fprintf(ind_fp, "%s", S); \

2) On 15th March 1989, BHK discovered that makeindex couldn't handle unbalanced
braces, even when they were quoted with the program's current quote char.  He
corrected SCANID.C as follows:\footnote{This is the output of VMS's DIFFERENCES
utility, with the new version given first in each case.  Changed sections are
separated by double rows of asterisks.}

  512                   if ((a == idx_aopen) && 
  513                       ((i == 0) || (key[i-1] != (char)idx_quote))
  514                      ) {
  515                           /* opening delimiters within the argument list */
  512                   if (a == idx_aopen) {
  513                           /* opening delimiters within the argument list */
  518                   } else if ((a == idx_aclose) && 
  519                              (key[i-1] != (char)idx_quote)) {
  520                           if (n == 0) {
  516                   } else if (a == idx_aclose) {
  517                           if (n == 0) {
  567                   if ((a == idx_aclose) && 
  568                              (no[i-1] != (char)idx_quote)) {
  569                           no[i] = NULL;
  564                   if (a == idx_aclose) {
  565                           no[i] = NULL;

This problem was notified to Pehong Chen at that time, but I've heard nothing
from him.  Unfortunately, I'd lost his previous reply to me, so had to try to
find his e-mail address from an old TeXhax, and may have got it wrong.  
However, the mail hasn't been bounced back to me.
Still, if he's reading this, would he please contact me!!

                               Brian HAMILTON KELLY

| JANET:                                     |
| BITNET:                               |
| INTERNET:                    |
| Smail:     School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military   |
|            College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K.        |
| Phone:     Swindon (0793) 785252 (UK), +44-793-785252 (International)   |
P.S.          BITNET Users: Please note that our site has had difficulty in 
              receiving mail directly from the UK BITNET gateway. If you 
              suspect that your messages aren't getting through, you could


          from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 9671; Thu, 06
             Apr 89 21:55:50 BS
            from UICVM by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 4294; Thu,
             06 Apr 89 21:55:50
Received:    by UICVM (Mailer R2.02) id 3074; Thu, 06 Apr 89 15:43:57 CDT
Date:        Thu, 06 Apr 89 13:53:11 CDT
From:        Don Hosek <U33297@EDU.UIC.UICVM>
Subject:     Re: SBTeX
In-Reply-To: Your message of 24 Mar 89 09:53:18 gmt

Here's the remaining info on IBM PC drivers which I promised.
 Epson MX/FX/JX
    DVIEPS (by Gavin Melville and Gordon Findlay from the Beebe driver)
     Uses GF, PK, or PXL files at 240hx216v resolution. Written in
     Microsoft C, no executables. The page bitmap is not held in RAM.
 Epson LQ
  (IBM PC)
   Channel 1 BBS, Ling, Radel
    DVINECLQ (by Fuyun Ling from the Beebe DVITOS program)
     Uses GF, PK or PXL files at 360dpi. The page bitmap is swapped to
     ramdisk or hard disk, or sent directly to LPT1: Distributed as
     executables only.
 Contact: Jon Radel
 Postal Address: P.O. Box 2276
                 Reston, VA 22090
 Notes: Software is distributed on 5.25" 360K floppy disks. For floppies
        sent with a return mailer, there is a charge of $1.50/floppy
        U.S. orders, $2/floppy elsewhere. For orders where floppies
        are supplied by Jon Radel, there is a charge of $5/floppy
        for U.S., Mexican and Canadian orders, $6/floppy elsewhere.
         Don Hosek           Internet: U33297@UICVM.UIC.EDU
         3916 Elmwood        Bitnet: U33297@UICVM
         Stickney, IL 60402          DHOSEK@YMIR
         Work: 312-996-0658  UUNet:
!!   Files of interest [public]000aston.readme
!!                     [public]000directory.list
!!                     [public]000directory_dates.list
!!                     [public]000directory.size
!!                     [public]000last30days.files
!! Editor - I have a tape labelled TeX 2.95 LaTeX 2.09 Metafont 1.7
!! Unix 4.2/3BSD & System V. Tar 1600 bpi blocked 
!! 20 1 file dated 30 January 1989 (from 
!!  FTP access site     
!!             username           public
!!             password           public
!! I have the facility to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following
!! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. (2.50 pounds sterling 
!! for UK users, payable to `Aston University') Outside UK please ask me.
!! Send to
!! P Abbott
!! Computing Service
!! Aston University
!! Aston Triangle
!! Birmingham B4 7ET
!! A VMS backup of the archive requires 2 (two ) 2400' tapes at 6250bpi.
!! Remaining details as above.
!! Other tape options in the pipeline.
!!  Replies/submissions to     please
!!  distribution changes to   please 
!!   end of issue